Top 616 France Quotes

So many of Spielberg’s films inspired my imagination growing up. And then there are British films like ‘The Full Monty’ and ‘Waking Ned Devine’ that took me to places I really loved, with characters I just thought were amazing. But the films of Luc Besson showed me France – a really cool side of France.
Doug Liman
For years, the place I really lived – the world I watched, the one I thought and wrote about – was 15th-century France.
Kathryn Harrison
Believe me, I’ve done my time travelling the world in cramped conditions and carrying my own luggage. Now my leisure is summers in the south of France or the Hamptons, walking in Connemara, and year-round shopping in Manhattan and Paris.
Anne Robinson
In France you cannot not have lunch. If you stopped the French from having lunch, you will have a second revolution, I can tell you this. Not going to work – it is part of the French privilege.
Christian Louboutin
In France, I’m not going to say the audience will laugh for nothing, but you could compare the response I get to the response Louis CK or Chris Rock would get if they go up in a club in Denver tonight.
Gad Elmaleh
I’m stuck somewhere a small island in the middle of the Atlantic where I’m alone. Because in France, they’re like, ‘No, you’re not like us, you’re not a French guy.’ And in America, they’re like, ‘You’re not like us.’ I’m really alone in my little thing.
Louis Leterrier
In France, in Europe, the young artists of any generation always act as grandsons of some great man – Poussin, for example, or Victor Hugo. They can’t help it. Even if they don’t believe in that, it gets in their system. And so when they come to produce something of their own, the tradition is nearly indestructible.
Marcel Duchamp