Top 646 Case Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Case Quotes from famous people such as Marcia Clark, Bill Gates, Mike Trout, Javier Mascherano, Tarana Burke, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

After the verdict was read in the Simpson case, as the

After the verdict was read in the Simpson case, as the jury was leaving, one of them, I was later told, said, ‘We think he probably did it. We just didn’t think they proved it beyond a reasonable doubt.’
Marcia Clark
In almost every area of human endeavor, the practice improves over time. That hasn’t been the case for teaching.
Bill Gates
I think people keep baseballs in their cars, just to be prepared in case they see me. It’s cool to get recognized in public; it’s an incredible feeling.
Mike Trout
Being the Barca coach is different to being the coach at another club because you have to adapt to the philosophy of the club. At other clubs, maybe you have the freedom to adapt the team to your way of thinking. Here, that’s not the case.
Javier Mascherano
The first thing I organized around was the Central Park Five case for the young men who were accused. We talked about the unfair misrepresentation of these young teenagers in the media. I’ve been fighting back against Donald Trump for a long time.
Tarana Burke
It’s important to know that there’s a reason why I won the federal case. It’s important to know there’s a reason why I got reinstated to play. I’ll just leave it at that, but the biggest thing is that my relationship with the Pacers has not wavered.
Jermaine O’Neal
Greece is an extreme case: a country where both the level of spending and the level of taxation were unsustainable!
Malcolm Turnbull
In one case out of a hundred a point is excessively discussed because it is obscure; in the ninety-nine remaining it is obscure because it is excessively discussed.
Edgar Allan Poe
When you’re a self-made man, you start very early in life. In my case it was at 9 years old when I started bringing income into the family. You get a drive that’s a little different, maybe a little stronger, than somebody who inherited.
Kirk Kerkorian
You can, if you wish, think of it like the universe: Each case is a sun, and all the judges, lawyers and administrative personnel represent planets revolving around the case in fixed orbit, never getting closer.
Sol Wachtler
I always have my lucky gavel in case I have to do an auction on short notice.
Alexander Gilkes
I very much treat my stage persona of Jinkx as a character I’ve created. Some drag artists do a look-based glamour act, and when they talk they’re mostly just being themselves. In my case it’s not Jinkx the drag queen, it’s Jerrick Hoffer as Jinkx Monsoon.
Jinkx Monsoon
In the case of Five-O, I believe it was a combination of many ingredients – timing, chemistry, Hawaii.
James MacArthur
The tragic case of Terri Schiavo in Florida highlights the importance of making our health-care wishes known.
Bill Nelson
Age is a case of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it don’t matter.
Satchel Paige
If in the script there is an argument about gun control, the most precious document you could produce at ‘The West Wing’ that week is a passionate, intelligent case against gun control. We know how to do the other one.
Lawrence O’Donnell
The real challenge to upholding India’s freedoms is how patchy and individual-driven it is when it comes to the judiciary. The system is so arranged that instead of legal precedent and case law setting the template for the court’s interventions, the idea of justice is guided by what Judge A or Judge B may think.
Barkha Dutt
In an ideal world, an individual’s institutional power would be correlated perfectly with his or her value-add. In practice, this is seldom the case.
Gary Hamel
I have about 4 million Lego bricks. And then a few million in storage in case something comes up. I still pay for them. I buy my bricks just like everyone else. It’s by far my biggest capital expense.
Nathan Sawaya
You could make a case that women addicted men to their sexuality and then withdrew their sexuality until we provided them with a source of income.
Warren Farrell
It’s not going to help the country to be subsidizing uneconomical forms of energy – whether you call them ‘green,’ ‘renewable’ or whatever. In that case, the cure is worse than the disease.
Charles Koch
In London, people can be so… well, it’s not even a case of people being unkind or unfriendly. You just don’t make any contact in London. You go from A to B with your eyes on the pavement.
Carey Mulligan
This wealth of experiences, personal and professional, have helped me appreciate the variety of perspectives that present themselves in every case that I hear.
Sonia Sotomayor
I became startled by the extraordinary difference between something whose surface is completely invisible which only makes itself present by virtue of what it reflects, and a window, which doesn’t make itself apparent at all, in the ideal case.
Jonathan Miller
I think you can expect Sony, in the case of PSP specifically, to deliver a technology that is going to reinvent and change handheld entertainment, and take it to a brand new level.
Ian Jackson
Wonder if there is life on another planet? Let’s suppose there is. Suppose further, that only one star in a trillion has a planet that could support life. If that were the case, then there would be at least 100 million planets that harbored life.
Ben Sweetland
Sometimes, as is the case of peach and plum trees, which are often dwarfed, the plants are thrown into a flowering states, and then, as they flower freely year after year, they have little inclination to make vigorous growth.
Robert Fortune
I wrote somewhere during the Cold War that I sometimes wish the Iron Curtain were much taller than it is, so that you could see whether the development of science with no communication was parallel on the two sides. In this case it certainly wasn’t.
Thomas Gold
One reason some people are long-winded is because they’re trying to impress their conversational counterpart with how smart they are, often because they don’t actually feel that way underneath. If this is the case for you, realize that continuing to talk will only cause the other person to be less impressed.
Mark Goulston
The love of Christ reaches to the very depths of earthly misery and woe, or it would not meet the case of the veriest sinner. It also reaches to the throne of the eternal, or man could not he lifted from his degraded condition, and our necessities would not be met, our desires would be unsatisfied.
Ellen G. White
There may be some backward countries where the mass of the people are on a subsistence level and where, as an aftermath of wars or partial crop failures, the standard of living has to be drastically reduced, but this certainly is not the case in our prosperous nations.
Charles E. Wilson
How or by what magic is it, that we convey our thoughts

How or by what magic is it, that we convey our thoughts to one another with such case and accuracy?
Henry Martyn
When men take pleasure in feeling their minds elevated with strong drink, and so indulge their appetite as to disorder their understandings, neglect their duty as members of a family or civil society, and cast off all regard to religion, their case is much to be pitied.
John Woolman
The pressure suit helps if something goes wrong during launch or re-entry – astronauts have a way to parachute off the shuttle. The suits protect you from loss of pressure in case of emergency.
Sally Ride
Scent is very important to me but it is the case that my colleagues think it is hilarious that I simply cannot smell, ever, the smell of cannabis.
Cressida Dick
It will be quite satisfactory if you open them gradually, as the circumstances may require; but the President assures you that this will not be the case if you make a treaty with England first.
Townsend Harris
I knew that I could be more creative onstage, to state my own case and deliver my own interpretation of the role much more aggressively than in the recording studio.
Kiri Te Kanawa
In my own case, the most inflammatory statements I have ever made are ones that I have written and remain willing to defend.
Sam Harris
If confirmed by the Senate to serve on the Supreme Court, I will keep an open mind in every case and always strive to preserve the Constitution of the United States and the American rule of law.
Brett Kavanaugh
It is changing the face of terrorism. It is basically bringing it to the United States, to our great citizens. We know the terrorists are barbaric and murderers that attack innocent civilians, as they did in this case.
Hugh Shelton
In case anyone needs reminding, it was the relentless drive of the tourism industry and kowtowing State Department bureaucrats that led to the Bush-era Visa Express Program, which relaxed visa policies, eliminated in-person consulate interviews and opened the door to the 9/11 hijackers.
Michelle Malkin
You try to get the feel of any role, but it’s much more difficult in the case of Christ because everyone has their own personal image of Him. It’s a role you take on, knowing that no matter how you play it, you are going to disappoint many.
Jeffrey Hunter
Compensation needs to be predominately performance-driven. If CEO compensation was performance-driven, which I believe it was in IBM’s case, nobody would ever argue. If the shareholders didn’t make billions and billions of dollars, I wouldn’t make millions of dollars.
Louis V. Gerstner, Jr.
For some reason, our culture is one that preaches that furthering your education is something that is always worth the price tag, and the truth is, that simply isn’t the case.
Kat Timpf
One can make a case that says that since 85% of children being brought up in single family homes are being brought up by women that about 85% of elementary school teachers should be males to balance out the feminization that the boys and girls receive.
Warren Farrell
I always thought Jon Stewart was an extremely good surgeon with his scalpel. He would have Republicans on who, I guess, were unclear about what Stewart was up to, and while Jon Stewart was being nice, he was building a case for drowning them.
Greg Gutfeld
I don’t think many people have ever read the report. Who has read 26 volumes of this case? How many read the summary? If you read the summary, it takes a long time.
John Sherman Cooper
The EU and the U.S. often work together to develop international standards. This is the case in fighting terrorism and transnational crime, advancing trade liberalization, and combating piracy and intellectual property violations.
John Bruton
There’s always a reaction based on fear. People assume if you’re criticizing a decision to go to war, then you’re saying something against the soldiers-which is not the case.
Ed Harris
During a game, it comes down to your mind – the pressure. There are loads of other aspects, too. Many people say taking penalties is easy, but when you’re stood over one, that’s not the case. It’s in no way easy. The goal really does become a lot smaller.
Francesco Totti
On the tour we get a case of beer on the bus every day from Ozzfest.
Zakk Wylde
In the case of Apple, they did originally do production internally, but then along came unbelievably good outsourced manufacturing from companies like Foxconn. We don’t have that in the rocket business. There’s no Foxconn in the rocket business.
Elon Musk
I don’t find it hard to direct myself. I can easily think of me as a horrible performer or a good performer. I work with actors who cannot stand watching or looking at themselves, which is not my case. I can have an eye and perspective on whether I’m terrible or good enough for me.
Xavier Dolan
I say you must not win an unjust case by oaths.
Swing hard, in case they throw the ball where you’re swinging.
Duke Snider
Certainly the Australians were buried in Korea. But I think that from Vietnam on, all the killed were brought home to America or to Australia, in our case.
Peter Scott
During the 2000 election, the current administration told our military, help is on the way. That is clearly not the case. The administration has failed to request the funds needed for the defense of this Nation. We must give the Army what it needs.
Ike Skelton
In the case of the armies at Fredericksburg it would have been, to say the least, very hazardous to give counter-attack, the Federal position being about as strong as ours from which we had driven them back.
James Longstreet
In my case, I got hit a lot by bullies when I was a child, and so I naturally bristle against anybody who abuses power. And that seems to make me rather persistent when it comes to exposing the abuse of power.
Nick Davies
Obviously, after ‘The Matrix,’ it was a case of, ‘OK, I did that. What’s next?’ I mean, it’s always like that, but more so this time. How do I change it up? How do I keep it interesting for myself?
Laurence Fishburne
I think we do better as a country when we go step by step toward a goal, and the goal in this case should be reducing health care costs.
Lamar Alexander
Always carry a flagon of whiskey in case of snakebite and furthermore always carry a small snake.
W. C. Fields
Can you sue yourself for plagiarism? If so, then 'Old S

Can you sue yourself for plagiarism? If so, then ‘Old School’ has presented Ivan Reitman with a case.
Elvis Mitchell
Being an actor, in my case, any failure or success is extremely visible to a whole nation of movie-watchers.
Akshaye Khanna
If you do not use a muscle or any part of the body, it tends to become atrophic. So is the case with the brain. The more you use it, the better it becomes.
Shakuntala Devi
It is healthier, in any case, to write for the adults one’s children will become than for the children one’s ‘mature’ critics often are.
Alice Walker
And I believe in the 13 years Judge Roberts was there, he never turned down a request to give some assistance on a pro-bono case, and this was no different.
Fred Thompson
In the case of the environment, there’s no one to bail it out.
Noam Chomsky
In such a case, it would be almost sure of success, if the active members of a society established for that purpose, were inclined to meet the poor as men, as brethren, and as Christians.
Joseph Lancaster
I got the chance to argue my first case in Supreme Court, a criminal case arising in Alabama that involved the right of a defendant to counsel at a critical stage in a capital case before a trial.
Constance Baker Motley
For me, I kind of just follow my passions and follow what I love to do and use my free time to kind of answer those questions and go through my bad moods and maybe a little light case of depression.
Chris Bosh
Show me a genuine case of platonic friendship, and I shall show you two old or homely faces.
Austin O’Malley
Awards do get you ‘that profile,’ but then you have to do the rest of the work – it’s not just a case of ‘now you don’t have to do anything.’
Georgina Campbell
What convinces is conviction. Believe in the argument you’re advancing. If you don’t you’re as good as dead. The other person will sense that something isn’t there, and no chain of reasoning, no matter how logical or elegant or brilliant, will win your case for you.
Lyndon B. Johnson
In rendering its decision in our case, the Supreme Court equated money with speech because these days it takes the first to make yourself heard.
James L. Buckley
150 shooting days is quite normal, which is not the case in Hollywood, as I am told. Most of the big films there are done in 70 or 80 days.
S. S. Rajamouli
They may have turned this up, whether you had the Paula Jones case or not. But again maybe not, but again that’s like if a frog had side pockets he’d probably wear a handgun.
Dan Rather
When I became the chair of the British Film Institute, I didn’t understand how much of my time would be taken up with trying to make a case for the British Film Institute: what it’s for, why it exists, why it needs its money.
Anthony Minghella
It is the duty of every thoughtful Indian not to marry. In case he is helpless in regard to marriage, he should abstain from sexual intercourse with his wife.
Mahatma Gandhi
A visionary is someone who can see the future, or thinks he sees the future. In my case, I use it and it comes out right. That doesn’t come from daydreams or dreams, but it comes from knowing the market and knowing the world and knowing people really well and knowing where they’re going to be tomorrow.
Leonard Lauder
And I think within the pages of The Betrayal of America I think I present an overwhelming case that these five justices were up to no good, and they deliberately set out to hand the election to George Bush.
Vincent Bugliosi
I’m actually quite self-sufficient, so it might look as if there isn’t room for anyone in my life. That isn’t entirely the case.
Graham Norton
But for their right to judge of the law, and the justice of the law, juries would be no protection to an accused person, even as to matters of fact; for, if the government can dictate to a jury any law whatever, in a criminal case, it can certainly dictate to them the laws of evidence.
Lysander Spooner
I have a superstition about saying too much about what I want to happen, just in case it all disappears, or someone else comes along and beats me to it.
Gil Gerard
That is the best case for Bush; that, among other things, he liberated Iraq. It is good enough for me.
Boris Johnson
You know, my daughters have been through their entire lives and knowing about my case.
Patty Hearst
These critics organize and practice in my case a sort of obsessive personality cult which philosophers should know how to question and above all, to moderate.
Jacques Derrida
Now for my own case, I bless the Lord that, for all that hath been said of me, my conscience doth not condemn me. I do not say I am free of sin, but I am at peace with God through a slain Mediator; and I believe that there is no salvation but only in Christ.
Donald Cargill
Powerful women intimidate men. If she’s a really well-known woman, she has a career, she’s famous – in that case, men are really afraid.
Donatella Versace
I see songs not as a commodity used up when the album goes off the charts, which is often the case with pop songs. I see them as a body of work. Life should be breathed into them.
Smallpox, which spreads by respiration and kills roughly one in three of those infected, took hundreds of millions of lives during a recorded history dating to Pharaonic Egypt. The last case was in 1978, and the disease was declared eradicated on May 8, 1980.
Barton Gellman
I was a militant smoker, and in my case, I think I particularly used smoking because what I felt was a kind of politically correct big brother assault on smoking.
Joe Eszterhas
Now being upon the haunches (as he necessarily must be in this case) is it impossible but he must be light in hand, because no horse can be rightly upon his haunches without being so.
William Cavendish
It is certain, in any case, that ignorance, allied with

It is certain, in any case, that ignorance, allied with power, is the most ferocious enemy justice can have.
James Baldwin
I think it’s child abuse to have someone in the public eye too young. Society basically values wealth and fame and power at the cost of well-being. In the case of a child, it’s at the cost of someone’s natural development. It’s already hard enough to develop.
Alanis Morissette
If you followed the media you’d think that everybody in Africa was starving to death, and that’s not the case; so it’s important to engage with the other Africa.
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Lying is not only saying what isn’t true. It is also, in fact especially, saying more than is true and, in the case of the human heart, saying more than one feels. We all do it, every day, to make life simpler.
Albert Camus
One often thinks that using 2 different things like visual and sound lead to 2 different conclusions – to a different content – but in in my case it is all one.
Alva Noto
I’ve been in the legislative branch and now the executive branch and in each case I felt it was important we use our constitutional responsibilities to the fullest.
John Engler
I think that was the case here. We just wanted it to be good for everybody.
Adam Arkin
We were in all four men with eight animals; for besides the spare horses led by Shaw and myself, an additional mule was driven along with us as a reserve in case of accident.
Francis Parkman
It’s not like a corporate job where the more you accumulate on your resume and the more hours you put in, the higher up you get; it’s simply not the case. That being said, if I had known that and known what kind of career I’d get into, I still would have pursued it.
Jason Marsden
Sadly, I have found that even evolution’s most staunch believers are afraid to debate, because they know that their case for atheism and evolution is less than extremely weak.
Ray Comfort
In all unmerciful actions, the worst of men pay this compliment at least to humanity, as to endeavour to wear as much of the appearance of it, as the case will well let them.
Laurence Sterne
It’s the first time I’ve ever done anything like that. It took longer than I expected. I’ve gotten a lot of E-mail since I got back, saying they thought I did a good job and presented the case well.
Jim Barksdale
If the leading Negro classes cannot assume and bear the uplift of their own proletariat, they are doomed for all time. It is not a case of ethics; it is a plain case of necessity. The method by which this may be done is, first, for the American Negro to achieve a new economic solidarity.
W. E. B. Du Bois
I write for somebody who has my own limitations. My reader has a certain difficulty with concentrating, which in my case comes from being a film viewer.
Manuel Puig
I think a lot of young kids at school are very conscious of trying to keep credibility in case they kind of stand out in a crowd and get bullied by trying to stay cool and stuff. And my whole thing, all the way through school, was I was just a goof… I didn’t care.
Dominic Monaghan
It is a common enough case, that of a man being suddenly captivated by a woman nearly the opposite of his ideal.
George Eliot
My mother was pretty much on my case all the time.
Wesley Snipes
Haiti is 10.4-million people, of whom 35 per cent are children under 15. The country has always had great potential – and this is still the case. Our ill fortune has long been a matter of bad governance. And now things have changed.
Laurent Lamothe
The 1984 European Championships were held in France and that was something important. I felt on form then, even though I was practically always injured at all the World Cups. It’s a great memory. But in any case, the past is past.
Michel Patini
All partisan movements add to the fullness of our understanding of society as a whole. They never detract; or, in any case, one must not allow them to do so. Experience adds to experience.
Alice Walker
They’re all focusing on how John Roberts is going to decide Roe v. Wade. That isn’t even the right question. I don’t even know of a case in the (court) system that addresses it.
Jay Alan Sekulow
The boarding-school experience in Paris was very hard, I didn’t put up with it very well. I was sick all the time, or in any case frail, on the edge of a nervous breakdown.
Jacques Derrida
Most firms are hierarchical in nature, with everyone getting different slices of the economic pie. The problem is those slices are negotiated every time a firm raises a new fund, so in between funds, which is most of the time, the partners are trying to outgun one another to make a stronger case for themselves.
Bill Gurley
In my case, I learned that although God loves us, he doesn’t grant us immunity from the consequences of our choices.
Donna Rice
Membership of the United Nations gives every member the right to make a fool of himself, and that is a right of which the Soviet Union in this case has taken full advantage.
Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr.
The fact is that my mother is a cop and generally kids of cops are a little different from their parents – they tend to be quiet. In my case, I was never interested in joining the police force, because right from my childhood I have seen the challenges in a cop’s life.
Vignesh Shivan
Some Indians will come up and say that a story reminded them of something very specific to their experience. Which may or may not be the case for non-Indians.
Jhumpa Lahiri
I love my city and I feel like the majority of the people that are in the city are people from other cities. So I think that L.A. sometimes might get a bad rap because it’s known to be so Hollywood-oriented and then underneath that you have crime. But that’s really the case in pretty much any major city that you go to.
Regina King
Mr. Speaker, in seeking to return to the United Nations, the Republic of China on Taiwan will once again ask diplomatic allies to present its case before the United Nations this fall.
Nick Lampson
Usually, people in the Islamic world set aside one-third or one-fourth of their wealth for endowment, and that will be effective only after their death. But in my case, I decided to implement this decision in my lifetime itself.
Sulaiman Abdul Aziz Al Rajhi
I was coming back from Tel Aviv recently, and we had forty minutes of bumps. I got so scared I grabbed a paper and pen and put them in my pocket, just in case we crashed and I needed to write a letter from wherever we landed.
Daniela Pestova
This is certainly not the first case in which a merger

This is certainly not the first case in which a merger approved in one place hasn’t gone through in the other. There was a case last year where the merger between two EU companies was approved here and blocked in the U.S.
Mario Monti
I’m a nut case, but that is what I believe.
Mike Tyson
If I’m not moved by what happens at the end of this play, then I’ve completely failed, and so has the play, and so has our production. And if that’s the case then there really isn’t any reason to want to do it.
Judd Hirsch
Great political leaders risk unpopularity, patiently explain their case and confront prejudice, bigotry and vested interests.
Ann Widdecombe
I think it was lucky that during most of the work on the Odyssey I lived on Homer’s sea in houses that were, in one case, shaken by the impact of the Mediterranean winter storms on the rocks below.
Robert Fitzgerald
In case you haven’t caught the commercials, I’m in the new SpongeBob SquarePants Movie.
David Hasselhoff
In my case, I can sincerely say that nothing is impossible… When I was saying I want to be No. 1 of the world, and I was seven or eight years old, most of the people were laughing at me because it seems like I have one percent of chances to do that, and I’ve done it.
Novak Djokovic
There is no stronger case for the motivational power of real science than the discoveries that come from the Hubble Space Telescope as it unravels the mysteries of the universe.
John M. Grunsfeld
I know the pundits and the news media have carried a lot of commentary about cameras in the courtroom, and there’s a lot of controversy about it as a result of the Simpson case. But I have not had enough time to step back and enough time to evaluate that.
Lance Ito
When I was 13 years old, I was obsessed with horror films. I even had, like, a binder that I filled with badly copied images from the Internet of, like, ‘Pinhead and Basket Case.’
Ari Aster
There is a misconception that young Muslim women are oppressed. That simply isn’t the case. I choose to dress modestly and choose to cover my hair with a hijab; not all Muslim women make that choice, and that’s okay. We are all different!
Halima Aden
In the case of abortion, one pits the life of the fetus against the interests of the pregnant woman.
Leon Kass
Canon law itself says for one case of guilt, a priest can be dismissed from the clerical state. One.
Roger Mahony
People are treating the Stewart case as seriously as Enron when it’s really over trivia.
Allan Sloan
Life treats me very well, as has always been the case, no matter where I have been.
Varg Vikernes
I know people who go back and check themselves, but it drives me crazy. Everybody wants to look in the mirror and see Cary Grant looking back at them, but that’s just not the case.
Dennis Farina
Socialists make the mistake of confusing individual worth with success. They believe you cannot allow people to succeed in case those who fail feel worthless.
Kenneth Baker
Everyone knows life throws you curve balls, in my case it’s like life throws me giant boulders.
Lizzie Velasquez
The whole campaign was a tragic case of mistaken identity.
George McGovern
Identity is becoming more dependent on what people are willing subscribe to and less dependent on objective criteria such as skin colour or where they’re born. Ways of identifying blackness are no longer black or white. It’s not a case of us or them, you can now be us and them; like them but different.
Stuart Hall
This is a case if the President is permitted to be above the law, then we no longer have a republic.
James Bovard
I mean, The New York Times actually had an interesting case recently where they described a detainee who was afraid of the dark, and so he was purposely kept very much in the dark.
Jane Mayer
I think most artists find it difficult to part with their work but it’s the parting that keeps us alive and keeps us working. In the case of the chariot, although it’s been sold I actually still have it, just in another form.
Kit Williams
Because of its phantom nature, and despite elaborate defense mechanisms, the ego is very vulnerable and insecure, and it sees itself as constantly under threat. This, by the way, is the case even if the ego is outwardly very confident.
Eckhart Tolle
Well, I guess I needed this tough first round to really put me into that tournament, to really erase what happened at Indian Wells, which is now the case, you know.
Amelie Mauresmo
Every citizen should be a soldier. This was the case with the Greeks and Romans, and must be that of every free state.
Thomas Jefferson
Book writing is a little different because, in my case, my editor is a year younger than me and basically has the same sensibility as me.
Chuck Klosterman
One needs but to say that, in the case of an unfamiliar sequence of syllables, only about seven can be grasped in one act, but that with frequent repetition and gradually increasing familiarity with the series this capacity of consciousness may be increased.
Hermann Ebbinghaus
Just before she died she asked, What is the answer? No answer came. She laughed and said, In that case, what is the question? Then she died.
Gertrude Stein
One would think that in writing about literary men and matters there would be no difficulty in finding a title for one’s essay, or that any embarrassment which might arise would be from excess of material. I find this, however, far from being the case.
James Payn
Phoenix Nights’ was really starting to take off. But I was scared to leave my job in case things didn’t work out.
Paddy McGuinness
I would say that the Pentagon Papers case of 1971 - in

I would say that the Pentagon Papers case of 1971 – in which the government tried to block the The New York Times and The Washington Post that they obtained from a secret study of how we got involved in the war in Vietnam – that is probably the most important case.
Floyd Abrams
Now, bipolar disorder, it goes on a spectrum. There’s very severe conditions of it and there are milder ones. I’m lucky enough that it’s reasonably mild in my case.
Stephen Fry
In any case, fighting will not settle whether the claims were just or unjust. It will only settle which nation can mobilize and handle its fighting forces and its economic forces the better.
Rufus Jones
I’ve never taken vocal lessons. My early trumpet training and a fortunate talent for singing has always been enough for me. In the case of rock singing, I’ve always felt it was better to remain a bit untrained to maintain your individuality.
Ronnie James Dio
I don’t think that the Supreme Court really takes cases with kind of a theme in mind. They get about 10,000 requests a year, and what are called ‘petitions for certiorari,’ which are essentially 30 page documents which say, ‘Hey, Court, hear my case.’ And they don’t take very many of them.
Neal Katyal
So it’s a much more difficult issue to organize around, because you can’t get media at all to make your case. And that’s where cases tend to be made politically.
Robert McChesney
This radical transformation of world power relationships reflects primarily in the case of both the USA and the USSR the growth of the productive forces.
Earl Browder
The case for exploiting animals for food, clothing and entertainment often relies on our superior intelligence, language and self-awareness: the rights of the superior being trump those of the inferior.
Michael Shermer
I never forget a face, but in your case I’ll be glad to make an exception.
Groucho Marx
Certainly it is wrong to be cruel to animals and the destruction of a whole species can be a great evil. The capacity for feelings of pleasure and pain and for the form of life of which animals are capable clearly impose duties of compassion and humanity in their case.
John Rawls
I am decidedly of the opinion that in very many instances we can trace such a necessary connexion, especially among birds, and often with more complete success than in the case which I have here attempted to explain.
Alfred Russel Wallace
There’s been a lot of talk of me being a one-man show but that’s simply not the case. We win games when I score 40 points and we’ve won when I score 10.
Kobe Bryant
Personally, I do movies the way I cook: I put in what I like in case nobody else likes it and I have to eat it for the rest of the week.
Melvin Van Peebles
In the latter case life rests upon a thousand presuppositions which the individual can never trace back to their origins, and verify; but which he must accept upon faith and belief.
Georg Simmel
A case can be made that Boehner’s skills as a House leader are underappreciated.
Steve Kornacki
No movement finding itself in this stage of struggle can operate by getting authority from the leading body of the political organs for even minor action that is taken and we don’t even know in the case of the actions which have publicize whether they are in fact our people.
Joe Slovo
It used to be, everyone was entitled to their own opinion, but not their own facts. But that’s not the case anymore. Facts matter not at all. Perception is everything.
Stephen Colbert
In the case of Yugoslavia v. NATO, one of the charges was genocide. The U.S. appealed to the court, saying that, by law, the United States is immune to the charge of genocide, self-immunized, and the court accepted that, so the case proceeded against the other NATO powers, but not against the United States.
Noam Chomsky
The ocean is the lifeblood of our world. If we were to lose our fish that we appreciate so much by overfishing; or if we were to lose some of our favorite beaches to overbuilding and pollution, then how would we feel? It’s become a case of not knowing what you’ve got until it’s gone.
Aaron Peirsol
The Cold War was a boring thing. Nobody gets better for it. Tremendous money is wasted. Our lives get more difficult. We look at each other as enemies. What’s good in that? In any case, I will do anything in my power in order to stop another Cold War, with the U.S. or any other country in the world.
Dmitry Medvedev
Then again, my case was all about the misappropriation of source code because I wanted to become the best hacker in the world and I enjoyed beating the security mechanisms.
Kevin Mitnick
What I’m going to be given I gather is not the key to the city, which in many cities is the case. It’s the freedom medal, and for me freedom has always been associated traditionally within the city.
George Woodcock
I am bound to tell what I am told, but not in every case to believe it.
It does make it very clear, you know, what can happen if you do have… the right people, the right skill mix, that are trained and they’re assembled in this team and they work together under the right leadership. You know, what a miracle can happen. And that’s what was the case of Apollo 13.
Fred Haise
They look at me and I kind of back up in case they go for my throat.
Terry Goodkind
I’m confident in my own ability. If that wasn’t the case you might as well pack it in now. If you think too much, you start doubting yourself, doubting your quality, so you have to train yourself in a certain way.
Michael Owen
In income tax, there is no case for amnesty.
P. Chidambaram
Since the Puffy Combs case in New York, I will not try any more criminal cases.
Johnnie Cochran
The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise with the occasion. As our case is new, so we must think anew and act anew.
Abraham Lincoln
I’ve spent so many years talking about lame ducks in the White House and Congress, and it’s never occurred to me to find out what the heck it means. It turns out it’s an old English hunting term – something about firing at a duck without quite killing it. In any case, the hobbled duck limps on, at a distinct disadvantage.
Gwen Ifill
In my case Pilgrim’s Progress consisted in my having to climb down a thousand ladders until I could reach out my hand to the little clod of earth that I am.
Carl Jung
The space shuttle was often used as an example of why y

The space shuttle was often used as an example of why you shouldn’t even attempt to make something reusable. But one failed experiment does not invalidate the greater goal. If that was the case, we’d never have had the light bulb.
Elon Musk
I brought this case because I am an atheist and this offends me, and I have the right to bring up my daughter without God being imposed into her life by her schoolteachers.
Michael Newdow
From your confessor, lawyer and physician, hide not your case on no condition.
John Harington
When I hear of an ‘equity’ in a case like this, I am reminded of a blind man in a dark room – looking for a black hat – which isn’t there.
Charles Bowen
In any case, in so far as our knowledge of the universe carries us, the advent of civilization for the first time on our globe represents the highest ascent of the life processes to which evolution had anywhere attained.
James Henry Breasted
I felt like I had a really bad case of writer’s block… Music is so therapeutic for me that if I can’t get it out, I start feeling bad about myself – a lot of self-loathing.
In my own personal life, God plays a great role in the risk, because I pray before I go into the operating room for every case, and I ask him to give me wisdom, to help me to know what to do – and not only for operating, but for everything.
Ben Carson
Throughout African-American literature, the writer has, in a sense, been burdened by the necessity of pleading the case for the whole race. For example, writers of slave narratives tend to lose their individual voices, as they were expected to stand in for all other voices, which were absent.
Glenn Ligon
I don’t believe we’re seeing the beginning of a divergence. We have seen a partial divergence on this case.
Mario Monti
I mean, what would I be doing if I couldn’t write? But that fortunately hasn’t proved to be the case and I can read any day. I still read a lot, and I can write any day, but much more slowly and fewer words.
Christopher Hitchens
Nobody is above the law. Imagine if there allegations against Modi and he is the Prime Minister. Should the case not be pursued just because he has become the PM. It should not be so that it should be stopped. I am not above the law.
Narendra Modi
When we see a strong correlation, and the matter at-hand is something with major health or safety or security implications, then we are behooved to at least begin taking preliminary precautions in case the correlation proves to be causative.
David Brin
Will is nothing more than a particular case of the general doctrine of association of ideas, and therefore a perfectly mechanical thing.
Joseph Priestley
People think it’s a terrible tragedy when somebody has Alzheimer’s. But in my mother’s case, it’s different. My mother has been unhappy all her life. For the first time in her life, she’s happy.
Amy Tan
I think the cartoons that they’re children are watching, particularly ‘The Simpsons,’ they’re OK. I think that the adult audience is making much too much of the danger that they imply. That’s not the case. The danger for children today, honey, is the news. Keep them away from news on television.
Jerry Lewis
People on the outside see a Neymar on the pitch, but that’s not him. People see him doing tricks and dribbles and think that he is only trying to enjoy himself, that he’s selfish and only thinks about himself. But when you share a dressing room with him you realise that it’s not the case.
Kylian Mbappe
In a case like Iraq the UN has again shown what important role it plays as the guarantor for protecting international peace and stability in the global political structure.
Anna Lindh
‘The Good Wife’ was definitely the biggest surprise and gift that I’ve had in a long time, and that did come out of some other work that I had done. That whole adage of ‘work begets work’ actually worked in that case – it was at the very end of their first season that my character was first introduced.
Carrie Preston
A Lawyer will do anything to win a case, sometimes he will even tell the truth.
Patrick Murray
The strange thing is that since I’ve been offered lots of films I think that maybe they think that I’ve sold out to Hollywood. Which is not the case if anybody’s listening.
Brenda Blethyn
The aging and decreasing population is a serious problem in many developed countries today. In Japan’s case, these demographic changes are taking place at a more rapid pace than any other country has ever experienced.
Toshihiko Fukui
A potlatch is similar to a court case in that both are prohibitively expensive; both involve lengthy speeches and the vigorous examination and debate of the actions, rights and legal responsibilities of the participants. One has food, singing and spiritual rites; the other, not so much.
Eden Robinson
I view Al Jazeera as a very serious journalistic outfit. They have proven to observers around the world that they are serious and objective. They will have to, at a P.R. level, prove to the American public that that is the case. And I think that over time they will succeed at doing that.
Eliot Spitzer
I even knew some of the dialogue but it was definitely cool to look at. We always argue that the movies should be loyal but in this case I could argue that it might have been too loyal.
Todd McFarlane
In almost every case, whenever a tariff or quota is imposed on imports, that tax is strongly supported by the domestic industry getting the protective shield from lower-priced foreign competition. The sugar industry supports sugar tariffs; textile mills lobby for tariffs on foreign clothing.
Stephen Moore
Making comic adaptations means making a lot of choices – you need to adjust the pacing, the dialogue, and in this case, a lot of the cultural references.
Raina Telgemeier
I don’t like a too-perfect cake. You want people to know it came from your kitchen and not the cake case in the bakery aisle.
Claire Saffitz
The case of the Seminoles constitutes at present the only exception to the successful efforts of the Government to remove the Indians to the homes assigned them west of the Mississippi.
Martin Van Buren
In reading the scriptures of truth, we often put wrong constructions upon them, and apply them improperly; and I apprehend it has often been the case in relation to this portion, particularly that part in relation to man’s seeking out many inventions.
Elias Hicks
It would be great if firefighters across the country had the guarantee that they would be making enough money to support their family right from the get-go, but that’s not the case.
Denis Leary
On a personal note: I have contracted an outstanding case of breast cancer, from which I intend to recover. I don’t need get-well cards, but I would like the beloved women readers to do something for me: Go. Get. The. Damn. Mammogram. Done.
Molly Ivins
The reason there's a question mark on my front door is

The reason there’s a question mark on my front door is just in case I forget my address.
Leslie Nielsen
As a former prosecutor, I never presented a case in front of the grand jury that didn’t result in an indictment. Bottom line: If a prosecutor wants to indict a case, the case gets indicted.
Sunny Hostin
Yes; we have a specific procedure which we follow in all cases where the Agency is in contact, for the purposes of acquiring intelligence or whatever the case may be, with an individual.
Richard Helms
I’m not trying to get back on a team, but I have tried to stay in shape just in case a team needs a point guard. A championship team. I wouldn’t go to any other team.
Tim Hardaway
In fact, it is my case that POFMA can easily become a proverbial Damocles sword that would hang over members of the public who do not support the government’s narrative or toe the government’s line.
Pritam Singh
I’ve talked to law enforcement officials at the state and local level who say that violence against women is going up. In any case, we think that it’s an important issue whether it’s going up or not. And we are determined to stop it.
Patricia Ireland
To be honest, I am very worried about the possibility of the U.K. leaving the E.U. But of course, like in the case of Catalonia, we have to respect the right to decide of the British people on a relationship that part of the Brits consider is not satisfying enough.
Carles Puigdemont
When a thing is said to be not worth refuting you may be sure that either it is flagrantly stupid – in which case all comment is superfluous – or it is something formidable, the very crux of the problem.
Percy Bysshe Shelley
The judge decided in this case that both the state and the defense would have the opportunity to respond to certain kinds of press. This is one such instance.
Catherine Crier
I have often heard it said that the United States is isolated and is not interested in European affairs. I assure you that this is not the case.
Frank B. Kellogg
Learn to know every man under you, get under his skin, know his faults. Then cater to him – with kindness or roughness as his case may demand.
John McGraw
A professional player is smarter than a college man. He uses his noodle. He knows what to do and when to do it. He rarely goes up in the air as is the case with most of our college players when they get in a tight place.
Red Grange
I won’t say I didn’t like it at the time, the sex, that is, because I wouldn’t have let him do it at all if that had been the case.
Christine Keeler
My friends were amazed that I became a TV presenter. I was not a big talker at school – I never liked people seeing my braces, so I walked around with my sleeves pulled over my hands and my hands over my mouth in case anybody saw me smiling.
Holly Willoughby
I owed Lewis one thing, at least. Once you had suffered the experience of presenting a case at one of his Monday morning conferences, no other public appearance, whether on radio, TV or the lecture platform, could hold any terrors for you.
Anthony Storr
And it is practically the same in the case of the four or five million poor peasants in France, and also for Switzerland, Belgium, Holland, and two of the Scandinavian countries. Everywhere small and medium sized industry prevails.
Herman Gorter
I like to bring some hydrating face oils and de-puffing eye patches in case I get puffy on the flight. I also always am sure to travel with my own silk eye mask; it’s so necessary when trying to sleep on flights.
Devon Windsor
Believe me, although I really like the show, the reality of Philly Homicide is nothing like CBS’s ‘Cold Case.’
Richard Montanari
I’ve tried many times to set out the case against the wicked fantasy of ‘ADHD,’ which usually earns me nothing but ignorant rage in return.
Peter Hitchens
Nature is impersonal, awe-inspiring, elegant, eternal. It’s geometrically perfect. It’s tiny and gigantic. You can travel far to be in a beautiful natural setting, or you can observe it in your backyard – or, in my case, in the trees lining New York City sidewalks, or in the clouds above skyscrapers.
Gretchen Rubin
My father who in this case was an obsessive life-long storyteller, and by a very peculiar trick of my father’s. My father would tell a very, very long story, and the punch line would be in Yiddish.
Stephen Greenblatt
Sequels are very rarely a good idea, and in any case, the success of the book changed my relationship with the club in some ways.
Nick Hornby
Technique is noticed most markedly in the case of those who have not mastered it.
Leon Trotsky
As a matter of fact, a national language which spreads beyond its own confines very quickly loses much of its original richness of content and is in no better case than a constructed language.
Edward Sapir
I wanted to change up the tempo and setting of my comics in the sense of giving them some variety, for one thing. So where, for ‘Slump,’ the art was very America-esque, in the case of ‘Dragon Ball,’ I made it as Chinese as could be.
Akira Toriyama
The same is the case with those opinions of man to which he has been accustomed from his youth; he likes them, defends them, and shuns the opposite views.
There is a huge business case for diversity. You will be making products for people you don’t understand, you don’t interact with. If you don’t have an inclusive, diverse workforce, it makes you myopic.
Renee James
I do think actually in this case the government does get credit for funding some of the basic research.
Steve Case
As has been the case throughout the history of terrorism, government anxiety centres on what to do about those against whom there may be intelligence but no usable evidence.
Dominic Grieve
New Yorkers are mostly interested in New York – in case you haven’t noticed.
Jim Harrison
Inventing sources is not a crime in and of itself, although it certainly violates every code of journalistic ethics known to man. A criminal fraud case would require that the reporter’s deceit had been malicious and resulted in financial gain.
Brendan I. Koerner
Many thought that the abolition of slavery, the end of

Many thought that the abolition of slavery, the end of Jim Crow, and the legislative progress of the Civil Rights Era, among other watershed moments, would have fundamentally done away with the racist structures that have long oppressed black people. However, we know that has been far from the case.
Opal Tometi
But in my own particular case, there was something that happened when I became a mother. Whenever in the news I saw an example of a child being abused or mistreated, my response went from being appalled to being physically revolted.
Mercedes Ruehl
When people say, you know, ‘Good teacher,’ ‘Prophet,’ ‘Really nice guy’… this is not how Jesus thought of Himself. So you’re left with a challenge in that, which is either Jesus was who he said he was or a complete and utter nut case. You have to make a choice on that.
In those of us who have the mysterious ability to amuse others, it is usually the case that even before we were aware of our own abilities, we had become practiced at laughing more than other children in our social circle.
Steve Allen
As is the case with all good things in life – love, good manners, language, cooking – personal creativity is required only rarely.
Leon Krier
Political satire is a serious thing. In democratic newspapers throughout the world there are daily cartoons that often are not even funny, as is the case especially in many English-language newspapers. Instead, they contain a political message, and the artist takes full responsibility.
Umberto Eco
Am I perfect? No. Far from it. But that’s the same case for everybody.
Trevor Bauer
I was in prison with the assassins of the former president of Egypt, Anwar Sadat, who was killed in 1981. Those who weren’t executed in that case were given life sentences, and two of those were with me in prison.
Maajid Nawaz
If I settle a case out of court, it’s because I love the person.
Berry Gordy
I don’t think that every single case of sexual harassment has to result in someone being fired; the consequences should vary. But we need a shift in culture so that every single instance of sexual harassment is investigated and dealt with. That’s just basic common sense.
Tarana Burke
Certainly the O.J. Simpson case was a turning point in my career.
Dan Abrams
The person who grieves suffers his passion to grow upon him; he indulges it, he loves it; but this never happens in the case of actual pain, which no man ever willingly endured for any considerable time.
Edmund Burke
As an actor, you have many tools – your body, your voice, your emotions, mentally. In film, you have your eyes because they communicate your thought process. In fact, generally in film, what you don’t say is more important than what you say. That’s not so much the case for stage.
Hugh Jackman
I think ‘Family Guy’ and ‘American Dad’ have definitely staked out their own style and territory, and now the accusations are coming that ‘The Simpsons’ is taking jokes from ‘Family Guy.’ And I can tell you, that ain’t the case.
Matt Groening
I was so surprised because I’m not too sure whether I could win a Nobel Prize, you know, because basically, physics, it means that usually people was awarded for the invention of the basic theory. But in my case, not a basic theory, in my case just making the device, you know.
Shuji Nakamura
If you commit perjury in a so-called first-degree murder case, and you’re caught red-handed for the entire world to see, and you get only a $200 fine, what kind of message does that send about lying in our courts?
Johnnie Cochran
There’s only one reason to be crucified under the Roman Empire, and that is for treason or sedition. Crucifixion, we have to understand, was not actually a form of capital punishment for Rome. In fact, it was often the case that the criminal would be killed first and then crucified.
Reza Aslan
Everybody says before reviews come out, ‘Oh, reviews don’t matter,’ just in case they’re bad; everyone want to brace themselves.
Colin Quinn
What if everything is an illusion and nothing exists? In that case, I definitely overpaid for my carpet.
Woody Allen
The rules of wildlife are simple and clear, which is not the case for men.
Laurent Baheux
We all know the Navy is never wrong, but in this case it was a little weak on being right.
Wendell Mayes
In recurring episodes over the next couple of decades, the minority view gradually won. A profusion of factors differentiates each case from the others, including naked partisanship on both sides, but the trend has been clear.
Michael Kinsley
There’s almost a fear that if you understood too deeply the way you arrived at choices, you could become self-conscious. In any case, many ideas which are full of personal meaning seem rather banal when you put words to them.
Peter Weir
The fanatic is incorruptible: if he kills for an idea, he can just as well get himself killed for one; in either case, tyrant or martyr, he is a monster.
Emil Cioran
Nothing clears up a case so much as stating it to another person.
Arthur Conan Doyle
It is no coincidence that the growth of modern tyrants has in every case been heralded by the growth of prejudice.
Henry A. Wallace
With tech companies, whoever’s the leader is always questioned, you know. They say, ‘Is this the end of them?’ And – there’s more – more times people think that’s the case than it really is the case.
Bill Gates
The vast majority of people in academia, especially at the administrative level, have so little confidence in their ability to make an argument for their liberal cause, they choose to keep conservatives from making their own case at all. It’s pathetic, cowardly, unconstitutional and completely predictable.
Katie Pavlich
In my case, there are only two kinds of hope – Bob Hope and no hope.
Eddie the Eagle
The truth of the matter is, you lose a parent to murder when you’re 10 years old, and in fact at the time of the murder you hate your lost parent, my mother in my case.
James Ellroy
A people can prosper under a very bad government and suffer under a very good one, if in the first case the local administration is effective and in the second it is inefficient.
Annie Besant
People that are brilliant and successful, we think they

People that are brilliant and successful, we think they’ve just always been that way. That’s not the case. Most of them have had some tough adversity in their life. It’s prepared them. I’ve never felt like you could develop character without adversity.
Bobby Bowden
In my case it was a sustained effort. I was fortunate to have the backing of my parents to start off with and towards the Beijing Olympics the Mittal Champions Trust came into the picture and they helped me a lot.
Abhinav Bindra
Circumcision is obligatory for Jewish-born males – it must be performed on the eighth day after birth and is only postponed in the case of threat to the life or health of the child. Muslim parents also circumcise their male children.
Brad Sherman
If every person charged with a crime was allowed to claim money from the authorities when their case was dropped, our police would end up spending all their time defending claims for compensation.
Robert Rinder
Some people feel affronted when something they thought to be true doesn’t happen. If that’s the case, then your sense of risk is much higher, and that leads to risk aversion. You need to be able to be comfortable in uncertainty.
Jim Mattis
In my case, I give a lot to animal welfare because I think that’s pretty neglected in America.
Martha Nussbaum
There are some musicians who are talented and see themselves as some kind of natural geniuses or something because of a certain amount of natural ability. But that is often rarely the case over the long term.
Pat Metheny
In Shaquille’s mind, I think I’m always going to be his wife even though that’s not the case. The love is always there and he’s one of my best friends. We have a great time together and our kids love us just being a family.
Shaunie O’Neal
If an ad campaign is built around a weak idea – or as is so often the case, no idea at all – I don’t give a damn how good the execution is, it’s going to fail.
Morris Hite
I think in the case of my father, in terms of the things that influenced me, he never pressed me to go into academics or pressed me to go to a field, and indeed, my behavior was largely to move as far the other direction. I don’t think that’s uncommon with people with very successful parents.
Robert C. Merton
Concepts of justice must have hands and feet to carry out justice in every case in the shortest possible time and the lowest possible cost. This is the challenge to every lawyer and judge in America.
Warren E. Burger
In the case of the classic Western helicopter parent, it starts with Baby Einstein and reward charts for toilet training, and it never really ends, which is why colleges have to devote so many resources to teaching parents how to leave their kids alone.
Nancy Gibbs
The O.J. Simpson case, they had no understanding of that DNA evidence, and didn’t want to.
Joseph Wambaugh
They say it can all change with one song, and in my case, that rings very true, I was shocked that it happened this quickly.
Maren Morris
Traditionally, songwriters can’t sing. And that holds true in my case, also.
John Phillips
In 1972 I married again, to Elisabeth Case; she continues to be wife, companion, critic and editor: a partner in the projects and programs that we undertake.
Douglass North
While the form of treachery varies slightly from case to case, liberals always manage to take the position that most undermines American security.
Ann Coulter
I always try hard to arrange all media in a way so that it expresses what I want – this is not limited to one medium alone and varies from case to case.
Alva Noto
Those are just some of the people whom we interviewed in the documentary, but that should provide you with a good sense of the credibility of the individuals who bolster the case that this administration lied us into a war.
Robert Greenwald
In my case, I used the elements of these simple forms – square, cube, line and color – to produce logical systems. Most of these systems were finite; that is, they were complete using all possible variations. This kept them simple.
Sol LeWitt
As goofy as it sounds, I try to sing in the morning. It’s hard both to sing and to maintain a grouchy mood, and it sets a happy tone for everyone – particularly in my case, because I’m tone deaf, and my audience finds my singing a source of great hilarity.
Gretchen Rubin
Whatever flaws or personal failings afflict them, it remains the case that the overwhelming majority of priests and politicians are honourable and honest – seeking to live out their beliefs and serve society.
Keith O’Brien
The origins of violence against women by men are not biological. If that were the case, it would exist in every culture. And it doesn’t exist in every culture.
Gloria Steinem
Now we are showing to the world that this fighting against two terrorist groups was feasible and now we have an isolated case which doesn’t mean that terrorism is alive, as it was before.
Alberto Fujimori
Policing was developed, created, and implemented for the elite, and – in the case of the United States – the elites were and almost entirely remain white, upper middle class, cisgender straight men.
Patrisse Cullors
If someone was making a movie about F1 in the last six months, they wouldn’t need to add a Hollywood ending. If they do make that movie, it’s got to be ‘The Curious Case Of Jenson Button,’ where I’ve lived my life backwards. I’d like Johnny Depp to play me but he wouldn’t be quite right.
Jenson Button
Not to discontinue our allegiance, in this case, would be to join with the sovereign in promoting the slavery and misery of that society, the welfare of which, we ourselves, as well as our sovereign, are indispensably obliged to secure and promote, as far as in us lies.
Jonathan Mayhew
Know how and how much to tip people who expect gratuities, even in the case of poor service.
Marilyn vos Savant
Whitney wanted to eradicate the idea that in the case of a language we are dealing with a natural faculty; in fact, social institutions stand opposed to natural institutions.
Ferdinand de Saussure
In many traditions, hawks are sacred: Apollo’s messengers for the Greeks, sun symbols for the ancient Egyptians and, in the case of the Lakota Sioux, embodiments of clear vision, speed and single-minded dedication.
John Burnside
Very obviously, the electorate as a mass has not imbibed the philosophy of ‘think national, act local’ or even ‘think big and beyond’ – it is a case, more, of ‘think local, act local, and let the national equation take care of itself.’
N. Bhaskara Rao
However, further research has shown that it is the norm

However, further research has shown that it is the normal condition for humans and for most other mammals. It seems pretty clear why this is the case for most mammals and for most human beings.
Marvin Harris
They’ve got him – credible witnesses, documents, heaven knows what else. In all my years as a prosecutor I have never seen such an open-and-shut case.
Elliot Richardson
My father, I think he played percussion in high school. My mother played piano when she was very young, but only for a brief while. I don’t think she had a great teacher. In any case, neither of them were really into music at a young age.
Aaron Diehl
We need to fight violence and ignorance. It is true: when one strolls out, one sees women with scarves and men with beards. This has always been the case in Morocco. Morocco is built on tolerance.
Mohammed VI of Morocco
Dogs feel very strongly that they should always go with you in the car, in case the need should arise for them to bark violently at nothing right in your ear.
Dave Barry
Life is about having a good time, and it was a good time. We did some things well and some things poorly, but that was always the case.
Norman Lear
If modernist naturalism were true, there would be no objective truth outside of science. In that case right and wrong would be a matter of cultural preference, or political power, and the power already available to modernists ideologies would be overwhelming.
Phillip E. Johnson
The U.N. is much more than the case of Iraq.
Hans Blix
Look, I think by the time my case was over and other ones, everybody on both sides of the aisle in Congress said we can’t run a government by this kind of process and they repealed the law and that’s good.
Bruce Babbitt
You need to understand how you lead, and in my case it is through my actions and the way I bring others into the game and also how I am able to form relationships. I am somebody who can earn people’s trust, and that’s crucial to how I try to lead the team.
Adam Goodes
I wish that I was one of those kids who grew up saying I always wanted to be an astronaut and was really good at science and math. But that wasn’t really the case. I always liked it, but I never believed I was one of the smart kids.
Emily Calandrelli
Heat can also be produced by the impact of imperfectly elastic bodies as well as by friction. This is the case, for instance, when we produce fire by striking flint against steel, or when an iron bar is worked for some time by powerful blows of the hammer.
Hermann von Helmholtz
Animals can adapt to problems and make inventions, but often no faster than natural selection can do its work – the world acts as its own simulator in the case of natural selection.
Vernor Vinge
Do awards change careers? Well, I haven’t heard of many stories where that’s the case. It’s a fun excuse to meet colleagues and celebrate people who’ve done well that year in certain people’s eyes, and it’s nothing more than that.
Benedict Cumberbatch
Nowadays, however, we recognize that simultaneously with the typical case of a chemical reaction a typical case of catalytic effect had been studied which constitutes a limiting case.
Wilhelm Ostwald
There are works of literature whose influence is strong but indirect because it is mediated through the whole of the culture rather than immediately through imitation. Wordsworth is the case that comes to mind.
J. M. Coetzee
From the Old Testament, containing the Atlantean Mystery teaching, we learn that mankind was created male-female, bi-sexual, and that each one was capable of propagating his species without the co-operation of another, as is the case with some plants today.
Max Heindel
A smaller-size party and parliamentary membership does not necessarily equate to lesser demands; if anything, the opposite can be the case.
Charles Kennedy
Banks are slowly but surely lending again, and never again will taxpayers foot the bill for Wall Street’s excesses. In case we forgot, that was the change we believed in. That was the change we fought for. That was the change President Obama delivered.
Rahm Emanuel
I think one can easily make a case for taking out Saddam Hussein. In fact, one could probably be made on humanitarian grounds alone. But just as there’s a downside risk to doing nothing about this man, there is a very serious downside risk to invading the country.
Molly Ivins
The Electoral College was necessary when communications were poor, literacy was low, and voters lacked information about out-of-state figures, which is clearly no longer the case.
Gene Green
To those who call me a mercenary I say that I also had interest from abroad, where I would have earned more. I have chosen Milan because, in my head, there is the idea of repeating the course I had at Juventus, where we had started rebuilding, as in this case, and we came to the top.
Leonardo Bonucci
You know why there’s a Second Amendment? In case the government fails to follow the first one.
Rush Limbaugh
Olivier was another case of a genius, who couldn’t understand why anybody would have any trouble doing this, because for him it came so easily.
James Lipton
The fight for justice against corruption is never easy. It never has been and never will be. It exacts a toll on our self, our families, our friends, and especially our children. In the end, I believe, as in my case, the price we pay is well worth holding on to our dignity.
Frank Serpico
America is the big subject of the second half of the 20th century, tackled in one form or another by all the great American male writers. You could make a case for saying that it was the only game in town – from Bellow to Roth to Updike to Richard Ford – America was more or less explicitly the leitmotif.
Justin Cartwright
First of all it has never been the case that I have threatened people with expulsion or that I’ve threatened to throw people out of the Parliamentary Labour Party.
Ron Davies
The case is I talk for a living, so I should be able to say anything I want to say regardless of how you feel. What we’re starting to deal with now is your opinion matters, but to be quite honest, your opinion means nothing.
Patrice O’Neal
Thought is an infection. In the case of certain thoughts, it becomes an epidemic.
Wallace Stevens
As an attorney, I could be rather flamboyant in court. I did not act as though I were a black man in a white man’s court, but as if everyone else – white and black – was a guest in my court. When trying a case, I often made sweeping gestures and used high-flown language.
Nelson Mandela
This familiarity with a respected physician and my appreciation of his work, or the tragedy I experienced with the long, tormented agony and death of my mother might have influenced me in wanting to study medicine. It was not the case.
Albert Claude
I really do believe that was what I was put on this pla

I really do believe that was what I was put on this planet to do: to give to people and, through my performances, show them another world – in the case of ’24,’ to show them what a politician, black or white, should be. Basically, I wanted to be a service to others.
Dennis Haysbert
One problem was that my direct testimony was in writing, so a lot of people didn’t get to see it. I hope they see it, because I think it built a very strong case.
Jim Barksdale
Foreign aid, though less than 1% of the annual federal budget, is often a hard case to make to constituents who are rightfully worried about domestic and economic issues.
Richard Grenell
In my case, I pay a standard premium to participate in the Federal Employees’ Health Benefits Plan for my wife and myself out of each month’s paycheck.
Virgil Goode
There was the misconception out there that I retired after the 2008 season, but that was never the case. I wasn’t done with basketball yet, and I’m still not done.
Sheryl Swoopes
It’s a discovery of a story when I write a book, a case of inching ahead on each page and discovering what’s beyond in the darkness, beyond where you’re writing.
Michael Ondaatje
People presume my disability has to do with being an amputee, but that’s not the case; our insecurities are our disabilities, and I struggle with those as does everyone.
Aimee Mullins
When one person makes an accusation, check to be sure he himself is not the guilty one. Sometimes it is those whose case is weak who make the most clamour.
Piers Anthony
The night of Floyd Mayweather vs Manny Pacquiao. I woke up that morning with a very, very bad case of laryngitis and couldn’t speak at all. I had no voice. And I was able, just by having chicken soup and barley and salt water, to have just enough for that one fight.
Michael Buffer
The great joy of being a prosecutor is that you don’t take whatever case walks in the door. You evaluate the case; you make your best judgement. You only go forward if you believe that the defendant is guilty.
Merrick Garland
In my case, I make it clear to the brand that I’m not a salesman. I can show your product as if I use it every day in my daily life but I won’t tell people to buy it.
Bhuvan Bam
Dataism is a new ethical system that says, yes, humans were special and important because up until now they were the most sophisticated data processing system in the universe, but this is no longer the case.
Yuval Noah Harari
In 1984, George Orwell wrote of a world where the only colour to be found was in the propaganda posters. Such is the case in North Korea. Images of Kim Il-sung are depicted in vivid colours. Rays of yellow and orange emanate from his face: he is the sun.
Barbara Demick
I get a little jealous of these actor boys. They walk into a club, and in two seconds flat there are swarms of girls who are wanting so badly to touch them or just say hello. That’s not the case with me, or any other girl I know.
Claire Danes
We keep putting on programmes about famine in Ethiopia; that’s what’s happening. Too many people there. They can’t support themselves – and it’s not an inhuman thing to say. It’s the case. Until humanity manages to sort itself out and get a coordinated view about the planet it’s going to get worse and worse.
David Attenborough
South Vietnam had to be built from scratch and, from the very beginning, depended far too much on the Western superpowers. As in the case of a person on public welfare, this dependency, which became greater with each day, was quite difficult to shake.
Nguyen Cao Ky
If there is no Ukrainian strong army, there will be no Ukraine, and that will be the case when everyone will understand… it’s not the war in Ukraine, it’s the war in Europe. We are defending our country, our land. We are not attacking anyone, because that is immoral.
Volodymyr Zelensky
Now that a cappella is sort of coming to the forefront of the music world, I think people are starting to realize that it’s a well-crafted art form, and not just a cheeseball novelty. That being the case, my hope is that a cappella groups, new and old, will get the recognition they deserve.
Mitch Grassi
I will defend anyone as long as the client gives me total control of the case and pays up front.
Edward Bennett Williams
Why, in such a case, should the performer essay any sort of considered approach at all?
Brian Ferneyhough
With the success of the TNA Knockouts, that’s when they started having their girls wrestle a lot more in WWE. I thought, ‘This is a perfect time for me to come in. They care about women’s wrestling.’ Sadly it was just not the case.
Gail Kim
I think there’s probably a perception that I did try to mislead people, that I tried to not be forthright about everything I knew about Zach Smith, Courtney Smith situation, which was not the case at all.
Urban Meyer
Cagey trial lawyers have figured out there’s a pretty good likelihood their case – no matter what its merit – will literally get its day in court because of favorable judges.
Dennis Hastert
When certain branches of the economy become obsolete, as in the case of the steel industry, not only do jobs disappear, which is obviously a terrible social hardship, but certain cultures also disappear.
Peter L. Berger
I collect travel alarm clocks. I was in a flea market in France once, in 1994, and I opened up this beautiful Jaeger-LeCoultre folding eight-day winding clock folded into a beautiful case, and I went, ‘Wow, man.’ And I’ve been collecting travel alarm clocks since 1994.
Alec Baldwin
Why does there exist a global American entertainment industry, but there isn’t an equivalent coming from France or Italy? This is the case simply because the English language opens the whole world to the American cinema.
Andrzej Wajda
One can make the case that the New York venture capital industry is rooted in the 21st century, not the 20th.
Steve Blank
Wisdom is a gift but has nothing to do with age. That was probably the case with me.
Ruby Bridges
Some people feel, you make your case, if they listen to you, fine, if they don’t, that’s it. That’s not what leadership is. Leadership is trying to continue to make a case.
Anthony Fauci
The case for freedom, the case for our constitutional principles the case for our heritage has to be made anew in each generation. The work of freedom is never done.
Anthony Kennedy
I know when I was here prosecuting homicides in the District of Columbia, one of the most effective units here was the cold case squad, which had on it FBI agents, as well as Metropolitan Police Department homicide detectives working together.
Robert Mueller
As a former CIA case officer, I recognize that the rapi

As a former CIA case officer, I recognize that the rapid rise of firms like Huawei and ZTE presents a significant national security threat to the telecom infrastructure of the United States and our allies.
Abigail Spanberger
I love to put on lotion. Sometimes I’ll watch TV and go into a lotion trance for an hour. I try to find brands that don’t taste bad in case anyone wants to taste me.
Angelina Jolie
I think I present an overwhelming case that these five justices were up to no good, and they deliberately set out to hand the election to George Bush.
Vincent Bugliosi
In any case, the fewer boundaries that exist hindering free movement between all forms of articulate human cognition, the better.
Brian Ferneyhough
In my case, things have pretty much been handed to me.
Ethel Merman
Lawyers know how to take isolated complaints in a divorce case and build them into one big one.
Hedy Lamarr
To tell you the truth, I used an Instagram filter called Ginza to share a snippet of the song – I simply left the name in the caption in case anyone wanted to use the same filter. But everyone started calling the song ‘Ginza.’
J Balvin
The brain is behind the really big questions we have. Who am I, what is my identity? What is that based on? If memories are encoded in connectomes, your personality might be in your connectome. If that’s the case, that’s the basis of your uniqueness as a person.
Sebastian Seung
But if too many countries, as has been the case, interfere too much in the internal affairs, the political situation of Afghanistan, then of course we can’t hope satisfactory results.
Bulent Ecevit
I burned out my drawing hand by using it too much. The common word for it is writer’s cramp. The fancy words for it are focal dystonia. The symptom in my case was a pinky finger that went spastic when I tried to draw.
Scott Adams
But Dr. Smith says, and I believe it to be a true state of the case, that he himself gave a course of Lectures in Natural Philosophy, during the same winter, and that the money raised by them was also applied towards paying for the Orrery.
David Rittenhouse
I would passionately make the case that the harder the times, the more we need things that aren’t just about keeping our job and making a buck – important though those things are. Arts programming isn’t some sort of add-on or ornamental luxury.
Simon Schama
Attempt easy tasks as if they were difficult, and difficult as if they were easy; in the one case that confidence may not fall asleep, in the other that it may not be dismayed.
Baltasar Gracian
To say that you now trust the Russian military command and control system because some Russian general told you from the bottom of his heart that’s the case, strikes me as most unrealistic.
William Odom
I don’t want Burma to be a basket case forever.
Aung San Suu Kyi
In the case of Enron, we balance our positions all the time.
Kenneth Lay
The first case I sat on… was Citizens United. Talk about being thrown in. Needless to say, if I was scared before, I was terrified.
Sonia Sotomayor
Out-of-step intellectuals like Noam Chomsky and the deceased Edward Said have often been dismissed as crazy extremists, ‘anti-American,’ and in Mr. Said’s case even, absurdly, as apologists for Palestinian ‘terrorism.’
Salman Rushdie
In the case of good books, the point is not to see how many of them you can get through, but how many can get through to you.
Mortimer Adler
You know, I’ve got experiences going back to the wage price controls in the Nixon administration where, in effect, we had what I think was a terrible mistake, in that case a Republican administration, where moved in and tried to control the wages, prices and profits of every enterprise in America. It was a huge mistake.
Dick Cheney
The case of Iran, a nuclear program that the Iranians admit was 18 years on, that we underestimated. And, in fact, we didn’t discover it. It was discovered by a group of Iranian dissidents outside the country who pointed the international community at the location.
David Kay
In my case, vertical food was less about standing things up than layering things: more an attempt to gain texture by weaving things together.
Charlie Trotter
I’ve never canceled a subscription to a newspaper because of bad cartoons or editorials. If that were the case, I wouldn’t have any newspapers or magazines to read.
Richard M. Nixon
Well in the end the world can crank itself up to sanctions, as it has with Zimbabwe, another sad case.
Helen Clark
I think either Robert Blake wither pulled the trigger or hired someone to do it, but it will be a tough case to prove. I think there’s a very good chance he may take the stand, and that’s what I’m waiting for.
Catherine Crier
When you do films after films, you don’t let life happen. At least, in my case, I end up relying too much on emotions, which aren’t raw enough. Travel helps me to get a renewed approach towards things.
Abhay Deol
I don’t know that we do. I had thought ours worked well, but I had never examined it too closely. A lot of media people will be looking for a case that might make Texas Governor George Bush think twice about what he’s doing.
George Ryan
We’re not building a nuclear reactor here. We’re not drilling a mile beneath the surface of the ocean with no plan in case something goes wrong. This is making music, this is melodious air and people can hear what goes into it.
Gord Downie
After twelve years of living in Hawaii, I’d gotten a serious case of ‘rock fever.’ I just couldn’t live on an island any longer.
Tess Gerritsen
I think most people read and re-read the things that they have liked. That’s certainly true in my case. I re-read Pound a great deal, I re-read Williams, I re-read Thomas, I re-read the people whom I cam to love when I was at what you might call a formative stage.
James Laughlin
A ‘social media fast’ is a fast, I suppose like any other. In this case, you’re simply giving up whether it be a device or a particular type of social media site. And I do this at least once weekly.
Tim Ferriss
Perhaps the most striking assault on the foundations of

Perhaps the most striking assault on the foundations of traditional liberties is a little-known case brought to the Supreme Court by the Obama administration, Holder v. Humanitarian Law Project.
Noam Chomsky
No, but you’ve got to be here in case something does happen.
Bob Paisley
I thought I was going to be killed. The casualties were so heavy, it was just a given. I learned to take each day, each mission, as it came. That’s an attitude I’ve carried into my professional life. I take each case, each job, as it comes.
Elliot Richardson
When you teach black people that they are less beautiful, less moral, less intelligent, and as a result you defer to the white supremacist status quo, you rationalize your accommodation to the status quo, you lose your fire, you become much more tied to producing foliage, what appears to be the case.
Cornel West
I don’t want to get typecast and I’ve been doing a lot of stuff to make that happen and not be the case.
Finn Wolfhard
You never sit on your laurels. It is always a case of trying to work on your deficiencies as much as working on your strengths.
Brian O’Driscoll
There’s more to life than passing exams, and paper qualifications can only take you so far. A lot depends on luck, and on being in the right place at the right time, which was certainly true in my case.
Terry Wogan
I admit to occasionally sharing the financial hysteria of the rest of the country, the urgency to save more for the family in case you can’t write any more.
Jim Harrison
The rain forest has Sting. Now Siberia has Jack Dee. Someone had to draw the short straw. In this case it was the rain forest.
Jack Dee
So long as peace is not attained by law (so argue the advocates of armaments) the military protection of a country must not be undermined, and until such is the case disarmament is impossible.
Ludwig Quidde
In case of war, a treaty would have to be made at the end of the war.
Townsend Harris
In a lot of cases, as in Tom and Nicole’s case, the tabloids were about to break the story, so they said just let the news out. And they called organizations such as ours.
Mary Hart
He who has felt his own ruin will not imagine the case of any to be hopeless; nor will he think them too fallen to be worthy his regard.
Charles Spurgeon
At Concerned Veterans for America, we’ve made the case that the defense budget could be targeted for spending reform, but in a targeted fashion that genuinely changes unsustainable spending trajectories while preserving U.S. defense capacity.
Pete Hegseth
It is literally the case that learning languages makes you smarter. The neural networks in the brain strengthen as a result of language learning.
Michael Gove
I was a tomboy right from the time I was a kid and loved to be like that. I’d hate all the girlie things. Well my best friends as a kid have been boys. I get along best with the opposite sex. I guess that’s the case with most people though!
Natasha Henstridge
Well, for me it really wasn’t a case of deciding to be an astronaut.
Duane G. Carey
So an autobiography about death should include, in my case, an account of European Jewry and of Russian and Jewish events – pogroms and flights and murders and the revolution that drove my mother to come here.
Harold Brodkey
A person may cause evil to others not only by his actions but by his inaction, and in either case he is justly accountable to them for the injury.
John Stuart Mill
In this case, the particle formed has correspondingly less energy, whereas the product nucleus passes into the ground state with emission of the quantity of energy saved as gamma radiation.
Walther Bothe
They credited us with the birth of that sort of heavy metal thing. Well, if that’s the case, there should be an immediate abortion.
Ginger Baker
The truth is, one of the best things about being 15 years old is that things like candy are still exciting. Once you get older, once you’ve been knocked down enough by this cruel thing we call life, that just won’t be the case anymore. Eventually, you’ll become jaded.
Kat Timpf
My lord, I will tell you what the case was. I was coming up within a league of the Dutchman, and some of my men were making a mutiny about taking her, and my gunner told the people he could put the captain in a way to take the ship, and be safe.
William Kidd
I mean, I’m a conservative. I believe that, you know, if you borrow too much, you just build up debts for your children to pay off. You put pressure on interest rates. You put at risk your economy. That’s the case in Britain. We’re not a reserve currency, so we need to get on and deal with this issue.
David Cameron
It is almost always the case that when someone self-radicalizes, someone close to them sees the sign, which is why we continue to encourage public awareness, public vigilance.
Jeh Johnson
My ma wanted to go and have a wee look at where all the Scottish kings had been buried. So we traipsed over Mull, in the pishing rain, with the parents desperately trying to find things to do as is the case with a holiday in Scotland, then on to Iona.
Douglas Henshall
Alzheimer’s disease is never an ‘accident’ in a marriage. It falls under the purview of God’s sovereignty. In the case of someone with Alzheimer’s, this means God’s unconditional and sacrificial love has an opportunity to be even more gloriously displayed in a life together.
Joni Eareckson Tada
We always assume that what we do is the way it should be done – that’s not always the case.
Oliver Luck
Half of the equation is men, and right now, unfortunately, men are running the majority of corporations, so we have to make sure that if that is the case, that they are respectful and honor women for their true accomplishments.
Gretchen Carlson
Our brains are seventy-year clocks. The Angel of Life winds them up once for all, then closes the case, and gives the key into the hand of the Angel of the Resurrection.
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.
A strong case can be made for religious leaders to speak out on political issues.
Tony Campolo
I have no sense of myself as a sex symbol at all. But t

I have no sense of myself as a sex symbol at all. But the meaning of sex symbol might be a little different in Japan to elsewhere. The Japanese version seems to come with a stronger emphasis on a sort of grownup or mature male charm. And if that’s the case, then I guess I’m happy to hear it.
Ken Watanabe
Business owners have made a strong case to me that they need guest workers. But none has suggested that these workers should be placed on a path to citizenship.
John Shadegg
With my government, we engaged in bringing our help to fights for national freedom. At that precise moment, several countries were still colonised or had barely overcome colonisation. This was the case in practically all of Africa. We supported them.
Ahmed Ben Bella
After 40, your chances of getting pregnant are between two and eight percent, and in my particular case, they were less than five percent.
Aisha Tyler
We’ve announced an Oracle Virtual Compute Appliance, a bunch of low-cost commodity servers running Linux, integrated in our case, with InfiniBand – connected with InfiniBand vs. the traditional Ethernet.
Larry Ellison
When I was in Barcelona, people thought I would join them, but that’s not the case. Everyone knows that I think Barcelona is a beautiful club, but I don’t know if I should see my career as a city trip.
Frenkie de Jong
I cannot in any case permit myself to be brought before the people, exclusively, by any of the political parties that now so unfortunately divide our country, as their candidate for office.
Zachary Taylor
I am appreciative of the Bush administration’s commitment to fair trade by looking at the facts in this case and ruling affirmatively for the implementation of quotas in this specific category.
Howard Coble
Markets are, in the end, man-made devices for utilitarian purposes, not a force of nature that we should not try to resist. If they end up serving the interests of only a tiny minority, as is increasingly the case, we have the right – and indeed the duty – to regulate them in the interest of greater social good.
Ha-Joon Chang
You can’t stay married in a situation where you are afraid to go to sleep in case your wife might cut your throat.
Mike Tyson
We tend in this country to talk about Democrats and Republicans, and think there’s little group over there called Independents that’s maybe 2%. That is not the case, and it has not been the case for most of modern American history.
Adam Davidson
Also, it is interesting that developing countries, with China and India perhaps in the lead, where the future of the global environment will be decided are now on board with the case for sustainable development.
Maurice Strong
It isn’t generally the case that liberals dominate entire hierarchies. That isn’t generally how it works, because the hierarchies are usually set up so that conservatives fill up the hierarchies; it’s in the nature of hierarchy.
Jordan Peterson
Must we wait for selection to solve the problems of overpopulation, exhaustion of resources, pollution of the environment and a nuclear holocaust, or can we take explicit steps to make our future more secure? In the latter case, must we not transcend selection?
B. F. Skinner
We need people who dream impossible things, who maybe fail, sometimes succeed, but in any case who have that ambition.
Emmanuel Macron
And never – not in a single case – was the explanation, ‘I was pressured to do this.’ The explanation was very often, ‘The limited data we had led one to reasonably conclude this. I now see that there’s another explanation for it.’
David Kay
Really, I like the future. I appreciate my automatic alarm-call necklace in case I get lost and confused in a mall. I appreciate the watch that tells the hospital my blood pressure’s gone ballistic. I like my computer, just as long as it doesn’t get ideas above its workstation.
A. A. Gill
The Court made an exception, however, in the case of candidates contributing to their own campaigns because of the rather reasonable presumption that a candidate is incapable of corrupting himself.
James L. Buckley
If it’s fast, no I don’t have enough piano technique. In that case, it’s probably been done on some kind of synthesizer or sequencer. Then the score can then be printed out and so forth.
Bill Bruford
Before, we may have taken part in it without even thinking it was American Jewish, but in this case, I think, you have now perhaps pointed us in a direction of a new interest in this repertoire.
Neville Marriner
In the past, children learned their values at home, reinforced by organizations such as the Boy Scouts and, of course, their church or synagogue, but in all too many families that is no longer the case.
Paul Weyrich
I am not opposed to the limited use of polygraphs in a case where a person is suspected of wrongdoing. But widespread use of the polygraph as a screening tool goes far beyond what is acceptable.
Jeff Bingaman
People take pictures of the Summer, just in case someone thought they had missed it, and to proved that it really existed.
Ray Davies
The State Film Authority will be there for film as industry only, as is the case in all the other states, except Victoria. Victoria is moving more now into supporting non-commercial films.
Ann Macbeth
My definition, the definition that I’ve always believed in, is that esprit de corps means love for one’s own military legion – in my case, the United States Marine Corps. It means more than self-preservation, religion, or patriotism. I’ve also learned that this loyalty to one’s corps travels both ways: up and down.
Chesty Puller
While writing ‘City Boy,’ I relied mainly on my own memories. In particular, I was able to describe the effect of gay liberation on an individual life (mine) as events paralleled my own growing self-acceptance; in this case, the political truly was the personal.
Edmund White
The nice thing about gag manga is how it has this aspect where, at the very least, you’re permitted to come out with anything. In my case, anything can talk. Like the mountains.
Akira Toriyama
So that what you tend to see is someone like a Rush Limbaugh, he’s the classic case because he’s the most successful, he didn’t sort of like come out of his mother’s womb with the highest ratings in the country.
Robert McChesney
I’m a hopeless mother; a hopeless wife; I have to try harder. I’m just a pathetic case history, really.
Siobhan Fahey
Opinion polls often suffer on account of unexpected developments once the electoral process starts, such as the death of a political leader (as in the case of the late Rajiv Gandhi).
N. Bhaskara Rao
That’s the way I look at things – if you focus on the worst case scenario and it happens, you’ve lived it twice. It sounds like Pollyanna-ish tripe but I’m telling you – it works for me.
Michael J. Fox
It is always the case that when something emerges - whi

It is always the case that when something emerges – which, of course, from the perspective of the former West Germany looks very different – then people say, ‘She hasn’t told us this yet’ and ‘She hasn’t told us that yet.’ I don’t know – maybe there are other things I didn’t talk about because no one ever asked me.
Angela Merkel
It’s a tough case and the first time Reacher needs to recruit somebody to help him out. He uses a woman he knew in the army she’s a fascinating character.
Lee Child
Ambition is a very dangerous thing because either you achieve it and your life ends prematurely, or you don’t, in which case your life is a constant source of disappointment. You must never have ambition.
Jeremy Clarkson
‘Senior Citizen’ and ‘Silver Surfer’ are the new euphemisms. Unless you’re a female presenter on TV, in which case you’re ready for the knacker’s yard at 35.
Terry Wogan
When you say to Israelis, ‘European boycott,’ they think it means that this year they won’t get Camembert cheese on time… That is not the case.
Yair Lapid
I’ve stopped making plans a long time back because they never work in my case. Now, I just take each day as it comes.
Abhimanyu Singh
The case decided on Thursday, though, seemed promising to takings fans because it wasn’t about compensation. It was about the requirement that any government taking must have a ‘public purpose.’
Michael Kinsley
Sometimes I think we’re alone. Sometimes I think we’re not. In either case, the thought is staggering.
R. Buckminster Fuller
I no longer teach law. But when I did I advised my students that they should never accept a case if it meant that by doing so you couldn’t sleep at night.
Christopher Darden
It is better that some should be unhappy rather than that none should be happy, which would be the case in a general state of equality.
Samuel Johnson
My daughters have grown up knowing all about my kidnapping and the case and what happened.
Patty Hearst
I realize that I’m generalizing here, but as is often the case when I generalize, I don’t care.
Dave Barry
Who better to help formulate and to lead debate on fighting ISIS and Islamic extremists than an Arabic-speaking former CIA case officer who has been fighting the war on terrorism?
Todd Wilcox
Judy Miller is the most innocent person in this case. I really thought that was outrageous that she was jailed and we needed as journalists to draw a line in the sand in a strong but thoughtful way.
Tom Brokaw
The executive has no right, in any case, to decide the question, whether there is or is not cause for declaring war.
James Madison
Write as if you were dying. At the same time, assume you write for an audience consisting solely of terminal patients. That is, after all, the case. What would you begin writing if you knew you would die soon? What could you say to a dying person that would not enrage by its triviality?
Annie Dillard
In the case of ‘Ocean at the End of the Lane,’ it’s a book about helplessness. It’s a book about family, it’s a book about being 7 in a world of people who are bigger than you, and more dangerous, and stepping into territory that you don’t entirely understand.
Neil Gaiman
Teachers are expected to be teachers, psychiatrists, nurses, sociologists, psychologists, surrogate moms or dads, as the case may be.
John Kennedy
The Tort Tax adds to the cost of everything we buy because businesses and manufacturers have to cover themselves and their employees – just in case they get sued by a greedy personal injury lawyer.
Dennis Hastert
Of course I love being in love – but it is marriage that really fulfills me. But not in every case.
Zsa Zsa Gabor
It’s always a mistake for writers to key their submissions to world events, because they move so quickly and unpredictably, as has certainly proven the case in Afghanistan.
Richard Curtis
There will be very few occasions when you are absolutely certain about anything. You will consistently be called upon to make decisions with limited information. That being the case, your goal should not be to eliminate uncertainty. Instead, you must develop the art of being clear in the face of uncertainty.
Andy Stanley
I’m trying to make a case for those people who don’t have a sense of belonging that they should have, that there is something really worthwhile in having a sense of belonging, and recasting and looking at our modern history.
Billy Bragg
In my case, the body of work stands for itself… I think my work has been representative of me as a man.
Sidney Poitier
It is to be remedied that the false traitors will suffer no man to come into the king’s presence for no cause without bribes where none ought to be had. Any man might have his coming to him to ask him grace or judgment in such case as the king may give.
Jack Cade
Brexit was not a coup. Far from it. In the eyes of most analysts, it was a clear sign that people are frustrated and fed up with the status quo; this is particularly the case with independent voters.
Fabrizio Moreira
I always say if music can’t make you cry, you’re a hopeless case. I don’t cry very much myself, but it’s my job to make you cry.
Linda Ronstadt
I’ve been doing extremely dangerous activities for a long time, but I’ve been lucky enough to have survived so far. However, sooner or later we all die… and, if that’s the case, I want to die doing what I love to do the most. That’s how I view death.
Yuichiro Miura
It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all, in which case you have failed by default.
J. K. Rowling
All the children had to wear a gas mask in case of a gas attack by the Germans. They tried to make the masks like Mickey Mouse faces so the children would like them. But I didn’t. They had big ears on them.
Gerald Scarfe
I first decided to file a defamation case of Rs 50 Crore against Tanushree Dutta, but then I realized her value is nothing in the country so I chose 25 paisa as the defamation amount. That’s all is her worth.
Rakhi Sawant
I'm an expert witness in a case that's in appeal about

I’m an expert witness in a case that’s in appeal about a guy who allegedly misappropriated source code from a major, major company – he actually worked there and then apparently they found it on his laptop later.
Kevin Mitnick
Wherever information gathers and flows, two predators follow closely behind it: censorship and surveillance. The case of digital money is no exception. Where money becomes a series of signals, it can be censored; where money becomes information, it will inform on you.
Sarah Jeong
I’ve been told I sold 110m albums and singles. If that’s the case, I should’ve come here in a space rocket.
Adam Ant
The function of muscle is to pull and not to push, except in the case of the genitals and the tongue.
Leonardo da Vinci
There are some circumstances in which the First Amendment interest comes up against another interest that is really important and in which we have to make a decision in a particular case as to which is more important.
Floyd Abrams
HAG Records, is a company that I’ve owned. I’ve had a couple of gospel releases on it. We developed a pretty good distribution setup there and we do have something to use in case they don’t want to sign us.
Merle Haggard
I want just to be happy and peaceful. And that’s not always the case when you’re married.
Olivier Martinez
It shocks me, the rumors people start: that I have the title because of my boyfriend. If that was the case, I would have gotten the title when I came back years ago and still had the title. He has nothing to do with it.
Nikki Bella
Dylan Thomas is now as much a case history as a chapter in the history of poetry.
Seamus Heaney
In this case they’re doctors. But having passion for your work and to take risks in order to better human kind. That’s a pretty big theme. It’s pretty inspiring.
Mary Stuart Masterson
The Sims is kind of an interesting case because we had all these expansion packs. We were able to incrementally add on and explore without invading the core dynamic or the core game play.
Will Wright
In the case of the Democrats’ 2009 budget request, the statement of need could not have been articulated any clearer: We need more spending, historic new tax hikes, and greater control over the way American families live their lives.
Roy Blunt
I knew that for this movie to work it had to be very hot and very real, and it wasn’t going to be a case of doing it Hollywood all covered with a nice little sheet.
Natasha Richardson
Nature builds things that are antifragile. In the case of evolution, nature uses disorder to grow stronger. Occasional starvation or going to the gym also makes you stronger, because you subject your body to stressors and gain from them.
Nassim Nicholas Taleb
In the old days, talent owned their costumes, their intellectual property, their gimmicks. They were not employees and could wrestle anywhere they wanted to, and that just is not case in today’s WWE.
Jim Cornette
I’ve done everything I wanted to do, even if I have had to pay a very high price – which has been the case most of the time.
Paulo Coelho
So I plan to prepare thoroughly and have several outfits waiting in the wings in case of inclement weather.
Lisa Guerrero
It is inappropriate for the Bush administration to trump up a case in which we are ballyhooed into war.
Mike Farrell
A lot of young guys coming up in this league, they’re given the spotlight right away, depending on draft stature or whatever the case may be.
DeSean Jackson
Winter makes a bridge between one year and another and, in this case, one century and the next.
Andy Goldsworthy
Being here allows me to make the case that not all aging, narcissistic movie actors whose children could be mistaken for their grandchildren necessarily act with the same motivation.
Warren Beatty
The Justices are currently considering a case, argued last month, which seeks to extend the writ of habeas corpus to al Qaeda and Taliban detainees at Guantanamo.
John Yoo
I think most people see drawing as subservient to the subject, a sort of meditation, a studying, a searching observation, in my case, for its own sake.
Peter Wright
As however the ancients say that in case of necessity any Christian lay person can administer the sacrament of Baptism, so Luther says the same thing about absolution in case of necessity, where no priest is present.
Martin Chemnitz
For black Americans, we know that gun control… sprouts from racist soil – be it after the or during the infamous Dred Scott case where black man’s humanity was not recognized.
Niger Innis
In the case of composite colour, an infinity of systems must be obtained for maxima infinitely slight and with an infinity of interval values separating them – that is to say, the whole thickness of the sensitive layer is occupied in continuous manner by these maxima.
Gabriel Lippmann
There is an element of autobiography in all fiction in that pain or distress, or pleasure, is based on the author’s own. But in my case that is as far as it goes.
William Trevor
Almost all my middle-aged and elderly acquaintances, including me, feel about 25, unless we haven’t had our coffee, in which case we feel 107.
Martha Beck
You would think I’m mad or depressed all the time, but that’s not the case at all.
Metro Boomin
People think they have a perfect idea of who you are from a four-second Snapchat video… and fake blogs, stories, magazine covers. In reality, that’s not the case. Nobody knows who I am except family and my close friends.
Kylie Jenner
This horror of pain is a rather low instinct and… if I think of human beings I’ve known and of my own life, such as it is, I can’t recall any case of pain which didn’t, on the whole, enrich life.
Malcolm Muggeridge
As someone who has seen war first hand, and as a father

As someone who has seen war first hand, and as a father of three young adults, it was my hope that we could have resolved this conflict and disarmed Saddam Hussein without war. However, this was not the case.
Allen Boyd
He who knows only his own side of the case knows little of that.
John Stuart Mill
Impatience translates itself into a desire to have something immediate done about it all, and, as is generally the case with impatience, resolves itself in the easiest way that lies ready to hand.
Edward Sapir
I am persuaded that in the case of elected officials, the overwhelming temptation is to conclude that it is more important for your constituents that you be reelected than that you deal honestly with them.
James L. Buckley
The system becomes more coherent as it is further extended. The elements which we require for explaining a new class of facts are already contained in our system. In false theories, the contrary is the case.
William Whewell
And so, in case we have contingencies and things that we cannot accomplish within the duration of the space walk, we have a buffer, I mean, in order to be able to complete the… what we want to accomplish.
Umberto Guidoni
I pray before I go into the operating room for every case, and I ask him to give me wisdom, to help me to know what to do – and not only for operating, but for everything.
Ben Carson
I think it’s also the case that I’m not as widely travelled, or as well-educated in history, as most of the other novelists I meet: so I have to write about my own country, at the present time, because it’s more or less all I know about!
Jonathan Coe
In real life, it is the hare who wins. Every time. Look around you. And in any case it is my contention that Aesop was writing for the tortoise market. Hares have no time to read. They are too busy winning the game.
Anita Brookner
In 1973, the Supreme Court ruled that individual communities should set obscenity standards. Whenever a case is tried, it will be based on a community standard for that particular place.
Larry Flynt
If you didn’t like somebody, you just let ’em know it, and hopefully that would square ’em away. Not only would they critique me, get on my case, but basically it was that kind of relationship. It was always a learning, team-building relationship.
Gene Kranz
I have never thought about my sexuality being right or wrong. To me it has always been a case of finding the right person.
George Michael
In the case of news, we should always wait for the sacrament of confirmation.
We were disliked by the press in the early days because they couldn’t put their finger on us, and that was the case with Zeppelin as well.
Freddie Mercury
Christianity has not conquered nationalism; the opposite has been the case nationalism has made Christianity its footstool.
Arthur Keith
The jury could get the case as early as next week, but the defense says they just want to introduce one last-minute load of crap.
Bill Maher
I do take pride in saying that in spite of being in public life for so long, there is not a single case against me, not even for wrongly parking a scooter or driving on the wrong side.
Narendra Modi
A judge can’t have any preferred outcome in any particular case. The judge’s only obligation – and it’s a solemn obligation – is to the rule of law.
Samuel Alito
I mean in the South African case, many of those who were part of death squads would have been respectable members of their white community, people who went to church on Sunday, every Sunday.
Desmond Tutu
It’s an incredible dilemma to be an artist of color and to always be in denial about that, saying, ‘I’m a choreographer first and then I’m black,’ when in fact, that’s not the case. I’m black first and then I’m also a choreographer.
Donald Byrd
Before we condemn the jurors who acquitted George Zimmerman, we should remember that they were asked to do something extraordinary. They were asked to listen to the facts and apply the law to the best of their ability in a case the world was watching.
Alafair Burke
The international community can’t trust such a government. If the government of Iran wants the international community to believe in what it says, it should try to bring true, pure democracy into the country. The political solution to the energy issue or the nuclear case is democracy in Iran.
Shirin Ebadi
Claims of right and insistence upon obligations may depend upon treaty stipulations, or upon the rules of international law, or upon the sense of natural justice applied to the circumstances of a particular case, or upon disputed facts.
Elihu Root
To punish a man because we infer from the nature of some doctrine which he holds, or from the conduct of other persons who hold the same doctrines with him, that he will commit a crime, is persecution, and is, in every case, foolish and wicked.
Thomas Babington Macaulay
I haven’t got the slightest idea how to change people, but still I keep a long list of prospective candidates just in case I should ever figure it out.
David Sedaris
Remember that in every single case in history the process of adaptation has been one of exceeding slowness. Do not look for the impossible, but do not let your path deviate from the quiet and steadfast insistence on full opportunities for your powers.
Franz Boas
The point is, when you have a chance to have a big adventure, especially if, like in your case, it doesn’t hurt anyone, it’s just plain foolish not to take it.
Mink Stole
If we can modernise the workforce, make them better qualified, have this framework of qualifications, then I think they have a very good case for more money.
Estelle Morris
On rare occasions one does hear of a miraculous case of a married couple falling in love after marriage, but on close examination it will be found that it is a mere adjustment to the inevitable.
Emma Goldman
As an artist your first loyalty is to your art. Unless this is the case, you’re going to be a second-rate artist.
Margaret Atwood
In my case, the listener is often in an automobile driving to work. You can concentrate on the road while still getting an audio message that can be riveting.
Bob Edwards
Writing is a lonely job unless you're a drinker, in whi

Writing is a lonely job unless you’re a drinker, in which case you always have a friend within reach.
Emilio Estevez
One of the ingredients that made Cheers work so well was the great ensemble of actors we had. That’s the case with any good series.
Ted Danson
We lived in this ghetto during the worst excesses of the Seventies. When the tartan gangs came to wreck our estate, we had to defend it. We were barricaded in with diggers and earth-movers. It wasn’t a case of joining the Republican cause, or the IRA – we were fighting for our very existence.
Adrian Dunbar
It is reasonable that forces directed toward bodies depend on the nature and the quantity of matter of such bodies, as happens in the case of magnetic bodies.
Isaac Newton
We were fortunate to have the Russians as our childhood enemies. We practiced hiding under our desks in case they had the temerity to drop a nuclear weapon.
Kary Mullis
Back in 1983, the United States government approved the release of the first genetically modified organism. In this case, it was a bacteria that prevents frost on food crops.
Jeremy Rifkin
When I finished the juniors I felt, perhaps for about a year and a half, that everything was going to be the same and that I would be able to go out there and win any match. But it wasn’t the case. I struggled.
Amelie Mauresmo
I just feel incredibly lucky to be employed when there are so many actors and actresses who are not employed. That’s why, you know, I sometimes feel desperate, in case I’m not going to be cast again.
Judi Dench
A lawyer I once knew told me of a strange case, a suffragette who had never married. After her death, he opened her trunk and discovered 50 wedding gowns.
Marguerite Young
Gentlemen, I find the law very explicit on murdering your fellow man, but there’s nothing here about killing a Chinaman. Case dismissed.
Roy Bean
Think well before selecting your leader, and when you have selected him, follow him. But in case you find his policy detrimental to your interests, kick him out.
Muhammad Ali Jinnah
In fact, the element of play has an important role in my life, and I think that should be the case in the life of every artist. Our life is occupied with playing, whether we play an instrument or a role.
Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau
The early idealists and companies and governments have all assumed that the Internet will bring freedom. Yet China proves that this is not the case.
Rebecca MacKinnon
I think I just want to garden – or kill some plants, in my case.
Cate Blanchett
Two children of same cruel parent look at one another and see in each other the image of the cruel parent or the image of their past oppressor. This is very much the case between Jew and Arab: It’s a conflict between two victims.
Amos Oz
The river of time may fork into rivers, in which case you have a parallel reality and so then you can become a time traveler and not have to worry about causing a time paradox.
Michio Kaku
It must be born in mind that one does not see directly – as is the case in the exploration of the surface of the brain – where the electrodes are attacking.
Walter Rudolf Hess
The powers, aspirations, and mission of man are such as to raise the study of his origin and nature, inevitably and by the very necessity of the case, from the mere physiological to the psychological stage of scientific operations.
Richard Owen
He has no right to his life when his duty calls him to resign it. Other men are bound… to deprive him of life or liberty, if that should appear in any case to be indispensably necessary to prevent a greater evil.
William Godwin
The last three books are much more a case of a moment of history, what happened almost by accident or coincidence, like being in the same elevator or lifeboat.
Michael Ondaatje
I’m not exactly sure how many kids I have, but yes, I do miss them officially, for the record. In case any of them are listening, I love you.
Tre Cool
In my life, I have made the occasional catastrophic choice, and it’s just a case of moving on and learning from it.
James Nesbitt
Living in a jungle is not something easy; it’s not something that you just adapt yourself to. And I think that in my case, I didn’t want to adapt.
Ingrid Betancourt
I was an emotional basket case.
Jennifer Capriati
Our faith is faith in someone else’s faith, and in the greatest matters this is most the case.
William James
Certainly for some time, people used to think of my solo career as somehow a side project to Porcupine Tree. No. If anything, the opposite would now have to be the case.
Steven Wilson
Today, lawyers are attacking more; they’re attacking everything. A good example is the O.J. Simpson case.
Joseph Wambaugh
Laws are to be enforced justly but firmly, with an iron hand. This is the case anywhere, even in a family.
Abu Bakar Bashir
A judge sworn to decide impartially can offer no forecasts, no hints, for that would show not only disregard for the specifics of the particular case, it would display disdain for the entire judicial process.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg
People have to talk about something just to keep their voice boxes in working order so they’ll have good voice boxes in case there’s ever anything really meaningful to say.
Kurt Vonnegut
In the Pentagon Papers case, the government asserted in the Supreme Court that the publication of the material was a threat to national security. It turned out it was not a threat to U.S. security. But even if it had been, that doesn’t mean that it couldn’t be published.
Alan Dershowitz
We all want progress, but if you're on the wrong road,

We all want progress, but if you’re on the wrong road, progress means doing an about-turn and walking back to the right road; in that case, the man who turns back soonest is the most progressive.
C. S. Lewis
My great hope for my speck of time on this planet would be that I live and die, and that what I leave behind has made some kind of impression and has been for the better in terms of my family and friends and, in my case, public service.
Grant Shapps
People don’t want to think… I mean, they don’t! They just want to say, ‘Oh, okay, feminists are humorless man-haters,’ and that’s simply not the case. There are radical people and radical ideas in absolutely every movement, but that doesn’t mean they define the ideals.
Roxane Gay
For it is, and must remain, the case that we must obey God rather than man.
Martin Niemoller
We often assume that all teachers within a discipline address the same curriculum. This isn’t always the case. We frequently find gaps between goals and what is actually taught, and these gaps can have a lasting impact on a child’s learning.
Heidi Hayes Jacobs
Although the evidence at this trial shows that Charles Manson was the leader of the conspiracy to commit these murders, there is no evidence that he actually personally killed any of the seven victims in this case.
Vincent Bugliosi
There are, in the King case in particular, some names of confidential informants, persons to whom we promised confidentiality in return for their testimony. We have put their testimony in the public domain, but feel that their names should continue to be anonymous.
Louis Stokes
I like to be able to come and go as I please, and I don’t really like having my face and name plastered around. I think it’s a bit weird to have your name plastered on every page in a magazine, where in each case you’re using a different piece of equipment.
Geddy Lee
Anybody can decide if they have got the money to fight a case if they don’t like a particular thing, and they complain to the watch committee, local council or whatever.
Timothy West
Doubting what you see is a very odd experience. And doubting what you remember is a little less odd than doubting what you see. But it’s also a pretty odd experience, because some memories come with a very compelling sense of truth about them, and that happens to be the case even for memories that are not true.
Daniel Kahneman
In our gliding experiments we had had a number of experiences in which we had landed upon one wing, but the crushing of the wing had absorbed the shock, so that we were not uneasy about the motor in case of a landing of that kind.
Orville Wright
We can learn something from every single medical interaction. Every case, every patient has a lesson to teach us.
Jill Biden
Many filmmakers portray teenagers as immoral and ignorant, with pursuits that are pretty base… But I haven’t found that to be the case. I listen to kids. I respect them… Some of them are as bright as any of the adults I’ve met.
John Hughes
So it was just a case of getting a bunch of songs that I had been writing for years but hadn’t recorded together, and the result was My Own Best Enemy.
Richard Marx
I think that it is important for people to understand that whether a good-guy or a bad-guy wins a case is less important than what the law is that the case results in.
Floyd Abrams
I never said I wanted a ‘happy’ life but an interesting one. From separation and loss, I have learned a lot. I have become strong and resilient, as is the case of almost every human being exposed to life and to the world. We don’t even know how strong we are until we are forced to bring that hidden strength forward.
Isabel Allende
I’d always have grease in at least two places, in case the umpires would ask me to wipe one off. I never wanted to be caught out there with anything though, it wouldn’t be professional.
Gaylord Perry
The idea of an e-book has been around since the late 1970s, when researchers at Xerox PARC got on the case. Their prototype used millions of little magnetic particles, black on one side and white on the other, loosely embedded in the surface of a soft sheet of rubber.
Charles Platt
The reason we shot it was that the script was geared to Las Vegas and it was something commercial that we wanted to have in the can in case Butterfly was a success and we needed a follow-up.
Pia Zadora
In case of a thunderstorm, stand in the middle of the fairway and hold up a one iron. Not even God can hit a one iron.
Lee Trevino
You can have many different selection systems, but the bottom line has to be a system that, once the judge takes office that judge will feel that he or she is to decide the case without reference to the popular thing or the popular will of the moment.
Stephen Breyer
The richest people are those who have life arranged so they have food for the family and the rent or mortgage paid. After that, at least in my case, it can become a pretty boring existence if wealth is the only objective.
Gary Burghoff
Age is strictly a case of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.
Jack Benny
I think people had somehow gotten the sense that we have explored everything, when that isn’t the case. We so know so little about the ocean, and so much of it is being destroyed.
James Cameron
It’s as though all the terms of a family were present at one time rather than his dad and his mum. Not just a present authority, but the resident memory of what qualifies what else is the case.
Robert Creeley
Certainly in the case of ‘Kill Your Friends,’ a book I wrote more than 10 years ago, I routinely meet interviewers who appear to know the book better than I do. But still, you have to talk about it.
John Niven
I think in the case of horror, it’s a chance to confront a lot of your worse fears and those fears usually have to do, ironically, with powerlessness and isolation.
Adam Arkin
I think probably like seeing women fight because we’re generally not thought to be strong, especially in the case of this movie.
Chiaki Kuriyama
Imagination which comes into play in falling in love is different from any other. Certainly in my case, and I’ve fallen in love all my life, one imagines the person to be as you want them to be. They frequently turn out to be someone different, for better or worse.
Mary Wesley
Animals when in company walk in a proper and sensible manner, in single file, instead of sprawling all across the road and being of no use or support to each other in case of sudden trouble or danger.
Kenneth Grahame
People come up to me and say, ‘It’s too bad the space program got canceled.’ This is not the case, and yet that is what most of the public thinks has happened.
Buzz Aldrin
People think that what I see diving must drive what I p

People think that what I see diving must drive what I put into films, but that isn’t really the case. When I am making a Hollywood production, I am telling a different kind of story. Of course, if I see something interesting that works, we will look at it, but they are different things.
James Cameron
Just as we would have no need of the farmer’s labor and toil if we were living amid the delights of paradise, so also we would not require the medical art for relief if we were immune to disease, as was the case, by God’s gift, at the time of Creation before the Fall.
Saint Basil
There’s a lot of people out here faking a smile on their face like they got it together but inside actually suffering from some sort of traumatic experience, a loss, depressed, fearful, envious or whatever the case may be, but I can feel it.
Summer Walker
It used to be that almost all innovation came from the U.S. and a small number of other developed countries. That’s no longer the case, and as China and India grow, it’s changing even more. Expect a lot more Chinese and Indian Nobel prizes in the future.
Alex Tabarrok
Climate change and ozone depletion are two global issues that are different but have many connections. In the ozone depletion case, we managed to work with decision makers effectively so that an international agreement called the Montreal Protocol was achieved that essentially solved the ozone depletion problem.
Mario J. Molina
I refuse to go into a fast-food outlet – to use the toilet even – in case anyone got the wrong idea and thought I was sneaking in a quick burger.
Jonny Wilkinson
I was the weirdest kid: I wanted to see the police file – in grade school! I was convinced I could crack the case if I just had that file.
Alafair Burke
I never answer if someone knocks on my door and only the band and my manager have my phone number. In any case my phone doesn’t ring so I never notice it. I occasionally just walk past and pick it up to see if anyone’s there.
Robert Smith
When I am in the Scottish Parliament chamber, I often feel the need to sit for the entire debate. It’s only courteous to listen to what everyone has to say, although I often find myself desperate to say something but too scared to stand up in case I regret it.
Margo MacDonald
But in any case, I did poorly on the tests and so, in the first three years of school, I had teachers who thought I was stupid and when people think you’re stupid, they have low expectations for you.
Robert Sternberg
The beautiful heroine might be thinking, How long must I bury my face on this wretched man’s shoulder? Such is not the always the case, but quite often it is.
Ivor Novello
It’s often the case with directors that they don’t like to share credit, which is the case of Stanley. He would prefer just A Film By Stanley Kubrick including music and everything.
Terry Southern
Nontraditional students often have the misconception that aid is intended only for high school students entering college. Luckily, that’s not the case.
Jean Chatzky
Before I put another notch in my lipstick case, you better make sure you put me in my place.
Pat Benatar
I’m an actor and I’ve created a lasting and memorable character named Frasier, who is not me, but who most people think is. So when I have a chance to play something that’s different, I embrace it because it’s fun; also in this case, he’s a memorable character.
Kelsey Grammer
I was allowed to wander where I could. Here is a case in which you search for your independence and allow something creative to come out of that.
George Woodcock
Watergate provides a model case study of the interaction and powers of each of the branches of government. It also is a morality play with a sad and dramatic ending.
Bob Woodward
And, in the case of schools, or anything else, if you have something that is forcing you to do better than you did the day before, it makes you look forward and it makes you think in a way that’s going to make the product better, which is the students and the education.
Craig Benson
Well, I think that when you direct a movie or write it. And in the case of the two movies I did, I wrote and directed, they occupy a special place for you.
Sean Penn
At issue in the Hiss Case was the question whether this sick society, which we call Western civilization, could in its extremity still cast up a man whose faith in it was so great that he would voluntarily abandon those things which men hold good, including life, to defend it.
Whittaker Chambers
I like to keep a bottle of stimulant handy in case I see a snake, which I also keep handy.
W. C. Fields
We need to continue to make the case that Michigan is where you ought to be.
Jennifer Granholm
In the case of the stomach, however, the nerves of the glandular cells were always severed when constructing an artificially isolated pouch and this, naturally, affected the normal work of the stomach.
Ivan Pavlov
And our size: The company this year is going to be close to $50 billion, so if that’s the case and you can continue to grow that fast, I would rather put my energies to solving customer problems and growing our business than worrying about integrating and laying people off.
Kevin Rollins
A lot of TV people buy more than one of an item, in case they spot or stain it, but I don’t like buying duplicates – it’s wasteful.
Martha Stewart
In any case, if I grow hybrid maize or hybrid pearl mallet or any hybrid, I have to sow fresh seed every year. I cannot keep the seed of the same plant. If I keep the seed of the same plant, yield will be much less and there will be a wide variation in the field, like maturity period, quality and so on.
M. S. Swaminathan