Top 655 Debt Quotes

And being in the EU has given Britain a stronger voice in the world. Britain leads in Europe, from trade to climate change, from good governance to debt relief for the poorest nations, and in turn Europe helps to lead the world.
Hilary Benn
When I wrote ‘The Assistants,’ I knew very much that I wanted to write about income inequality and student loan debt and the gender wage gap, but I wanted to put it in a really slick, fun package. That book ended up being described as a socially conscious novel in chick-lit clothing.
Camille Perri
Too often, we make budget cuts – then blow the savings. Instead, think about your financial picture. Do you have high-interest rate debt? Paying it off faster will save you a bundle.
Jean Chatzky
It is a debt we owe to the purity of our religion to show that it is at variance with that law which warrants slavery.
Patrick Henry
The eyes of the world are fixed on the U.S. to see if w

The eyes of the world are fixed on the U.S. to see if we have the political courage and moral sense to solve our debt crisis.
Dan Coats
Washington’s insatiable desire to spend our children’s inheritance on failed stimulus plans and other misguided economic theories have given record debt and left us with far too many unemployed.
Rick Perry
We have determined as a society, as a country, as a people, that the incarceration and the supervision and the specific fines for a particular crime are that person’s debt to society.
Loretta Lynch
Global warming, the ongoing destruction of the planet, Third World debt, the uselessness of the railways, the takeover by the corporations, the scary George Bush person: all these things are important and should be animating me into outrage. Yet somehow they do not.
Arthur Smith
You know, we’ve got to be responsible about our debt. We don’t want the United States to ever be a dead beat, and not be able to pay its bills, either to our soldiers who are fighting or to Social Security recipients.
Claire McCaskill
I feel like as a writer, I owe a huge debt of gratitude to ‘Game of Thrones’, because it really blew open the doors for fantasy on television.
Lauren Schmidt Hissrich
I consider myself a product of Alaska. The love and the debt that I feel to my home state, you always want your hometown to be the proudest of you.
Government spending is being restrained, the economy is making progress and moving forward, and the pro-growth, tax cutting policies put in place have allowed businesses to grow, which has brought in additional tax revenue to help pay off the debt.
Bill Shuster
Mr. Obama plans to boost federal spending 25 percent while nearly tripling the national debt over 10 years. Americans know that this kind of spending will have economic consequences, including new taxes being imposed by the new progressives.
Karl Rove
The things to watch are whether the country’s borrowing costs are rising, whether its budgetary allotment for payments on the debt is increasing, and whether it is spending on good priorities. Those big, scary debt numbers are not as big and scary as they used to be.
Annie Lowrey
Rising student-loan debt is an economic emergency.
Elizabeth Warren
LFC is not servicing debt other than stadium debt.
John W. Henry
In our society, if an individual commits a crime, he or she is sent to prison and they’re supposed to repay their debt to society by serving their time. But, more and more, our institutions are taking away educational programs; they’re taking away the Pell Grants so that people can take college courses.
Montel Vontavious Porter
I have been working for Africans since I was 18, when I got involved with the Nelson Mandela concerts. I got involved with debt cancellation because Desmond Tutu demanded that the world respond to that situation.
People get into debt head over heels because banks make it so easy to do so. Then the banks come along and act like these people who can’t or won’t pay their bills are the dregs of society.
Jonathan Raymond
You watch television and see what’s going on on this debt ceiling issue. And what I consider to be a total lack of leadership from the President and nothing’s going to get fixed until the President himself steps up and wrangles both parties in Congress.
Steve Wynn
I run a campaign where we do not take on debt.
Darryl Glenn
The biggest change we have to tackle that’s out there is that we’re digging the hole deeper and deeper and spending is totally out of control. And that’s something that, quite frankly, is affecting future generations. You’re giving a lot of debt to them and you can’t keep doing it. It’s not helping anybody.
Jon Runyan
Millennials are concerned with national debt and the deficits.
Margaret Hoover
Don’t react with fear and panic in the face of debt collector threats. Talk to them and explain your situation. See if you can work out a compromise.
Dave Ramsey
Historically, the minority party in Congress votes against raising the debt limit, forcing the majority party to whip its members into casting politically painful votes in favor.
Peter Welch
I’m suggesting that, until America takes care of its debt, untangles the housing mess and gets unemployment under control, we all commit to working six days a week. Yep, move the standard 35-40 hour work week right up to 48 hours.
Jason Calacanis
The amount of U.S. debt held by countries such as China and Japan is at a historic high, with foreign investors holding half of America’s publicly held debt. This dependence raises the specter that other nations will be able to influence our policies in ways antithetical to American interests.
Evan Bayh
The debt limits have to come down. The whole world of debt has to be changed as far as this country is concerned. We have to create jobs and we have to create them rapidly because if we don’t things are just going to head in a direction that’s going to be almost impossible to recover from.
Donald Trump
As borrowers, we may feel guilty about running up debt, anxious about making payments, and resentful of the constraints that old obligations (and old credit records) impose on our current choices. We may find it too easy to buy things we may later regret.
Virginia Postrel
The U.K.’s debt belongs legally to Westminster, so Scotland, by definition, can’t default on it.
Nicola Sturgeon
All the central banks are doing is substituting one form of debt with another form of debt. They’re issuing short term debt and using it to buy long term debt. In finance, we tend to think that’s a neutral activity, even though those stimulus programs are huge.
Eugene Fama
Housing wealth – the net equity held by households, consisting of the value of their homes minus their mortgage debt – is the most important source of wealth for all but those at the very top.
Janet Yellen
Student loan debt is the reason I don’t advise students who want to become entrepreneurs to apply to elite, expensive colleges. They can be as successful if they go to a relatively inexpensive public college.
Vivek Wadhwa
I fight for the things that I care about, which are jobs and the economy. I fight for the things I think are important, which are reducing the debt and getting more companies to come to South Carolina.
Nikki Haley
To be clear, aiming to reduce the national debt in the long term and running small surpluses when the economy is operating close to full capacity is what I mean when I talk about seeking to ‘balance the books’ – a sensible approach.
Chuka Umunna
We cannot continue to blow up the federal deficit and p

We cannot continue to blow up the federal deficit and place our children and grandchildren in greater debt to countries like China.
Tommy Tuberville
The budget should be balanced, the treasury should be refilled, the public debt should be reduced and the arrogance of public officials should be controlled.
Ross Perot
As the founder and former chief executive of two publicly traded companies, I have had a great deal of exposure to how debt markets work.
John Delaney
I think America is strong enough to fix the problems, grace and honor to D.C. I think energy independence and control spending. We have to go to a balanced budget. Quite frankly, as far as our debt goes, I don’t think you can tax your way out of it. I think people are taxed enough.
Ryan Zinke
President Obama has offered a plan with 4 trillion dollars in debt reduction over a decade, with two and a half dollars of spending reductions for every one dollar of revenue increases, and tight controls on future spending. It’s the kind of balanced approach proposed by the bipartisan Simpson-Bowles commission.
William J. Clinton
A man in debt is so far a slave.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
As the American people have discovered, soaring rhetoric is no substitute for effective leadership on the key issues facing our nation: jobs, runaway spending, and an exploding government debt.
Kevin Brady
What we should be doing is responsibly addressing the primary drivers of our debt and deficit issues.
Ron Johnson
America needs education reform on all levels to expand quality schools, build on past successes, and lower college debt.
Kevin McCarthy
When George W. Bush entered office, the national debt was $5 trillion. When he left, it was $10 trillion. I think the administration spent too much money.
Ted Cruz
And the trajectory that our debt is taking now beyond $14 trillion is going to have an impact on our currency. It goes south, and our currency’s going to have an impact on our standard of living and affect every family in this country, and over time, our international competitiveness.
Jon Huntsman, Jr.
Debt collectors should not be able to call, email, or text you to the point of harassment.
Cori Bush
After everyone has had a chance to bluster, posture, and pontificate, we are left with one basic question: under any foreseeable circumstance, would it be in our national interest to default on our debt? The answer is unequivocally no.
John Sununu
There’s an argument that private debt, in some way, is creating indentured servants in our country. But public debt does not do that. In fact, public debt does the exact opposite – it relieves private debt.
Sam Seder
Defaulting on the nation’s debt would be cataclysmic. The U.S. Treasury’s Aaa rating is the one constant in the world’s financial system. When times are bad anywhere on the planet, global investors flock to Treasury bonds because they know they will get their money back.
Mark Zandi