Top 66 Andrew Yang Quotes

If I need a pick-me-up, I pull up a memo file on my phone and type in three things I’m grateful for. The things I’ve typed on other days are still there. It’s a long list. Always helps.
Andrew Yang
Technology companies tend to operate in winner-take-all spaces and thus adopt a very high-commitment culture.
Andrew Yang
The professors at Harvard are smarter and more world-renowned, and so your child will learn from a pre-eminent scholar who is a leader in his or her field. Some of Harvard’s professors are even famous.
Andrew Yang
When I was growing up, I’d study for days trying to get good grades. When I’d get an ‘A,’ I’d feel elation for about 30 seconds, and then a feeling of emptiness.
Andrew Yang
Millennials get a bad rap sometimes about their grit and perseverance.
Andrew Yang
The vast majority of companies don’t go public and mint dozens of millionaires. And most companies don’t go around doling out stock options; private companies tend to be very tight about ownership.
Andrew Yang
I’ve always believed that talking about something is not the same as doing something about it.
Andrew Yang
People love Twinkies, and everyone knows about them, ye

People love Twinkies, and everyone knows about them, yet Hostess went bankrupt. Attention and commercial success have an uncertain relationship in business.
Andrew Yang
Many of the scrappy young people I meet who are the first in their family to go to college feel that they have to bring home a steady paycheck to make their family’s sacrifices worthwhile.
Andrew Yang
I’m a capitalist, and I believe that universal basic income is necessary for capitalism to continue.
Andrew Yang
Every entrepreneur doesn’t need to be technical – there are plenty of opportunities out there for people who aren’t coders.
Andrew Yang