Top 66 Bubba Wallace Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Bubba Wallace Quotes, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

People want to dethrone you from the pedestal that you'

People want to dethrone you from the pedestal that you’re on when you have a platform, when you have a voice.
Bubba Wallace
You try to be the best you can and sometimes it ain’t damn good enough.
Bubba Wallace
For me, it’s always been to be on your toes about everything no matter what you do – my mom and dad always stressed that to me.
Bubba Wallace
The Ahmaud Arbery video was the final straw for me in being silent. That shook me to the core like nothing has in the past. Something flipped inside of me to be more vocal and stand up for racial equality and make sure we get a hold on that and change the face of this world and get it to a better place.
Bubba Wallace
No one should feel uncomfortable when they come to a NASCAR race, so it starts with Confederate flags. Get them out of here. They have no place for them.
Bubba Wallace
It’s like Richard Petty always said, ‘Racing isn’t the job. That’s where we get away from our job.’ That’s where we go out and have fun and get away from the madness. No one can bother you in there. There’s no phones, no interviews – it’s just you, driving.
Bubba Wallace
Black lives matter just as much as White lives matter, just as much as Hispanic lives matter.
Bubba Wallace
It’s something we’re trying to change and NASCAR is as a whole trying to bring in a younger fan base, a different-looking fan base, we’re trying to change the whole demographic of the sport. Me going out to do that is something I’ll take responsibility for.
Bubba Wallace
It’s short-track racing. You’re going to get that and it’s going to happen. I don’t know why everybody thought it was the end of the world when wrecks were going to happen. Like I said, with close-quarter racing like that it’s going to get heated.
Bubba Wallace
I definitely feel like I’m carrying on the legacy of the Scott family. What Wendell had to go through was extremely difficult, but he kept racing, kept fighting. Part of him will be with me when I’m out on the track.
Bubba Wallace
I’ve stood for the national anthem ever since grade school. It’s a patriotic thing for me. I understand what Colin Kaepernick and others are doing, but it’s not for me.
Bubba Wallace
I want to be a champion, and win races as much as I can and elevate my platforms and become an icon in the sport. It’s going to take a lot of hard work and determination from my camp and for myself to get to where we need to be. I’m excited about the journey.
Bubba Wallace
I just kind of go by the theory of, ‘Don’t knock it until you try it.’
Bubba Wallace
I try to represent myself and my team the best that I can.
Bubba Wallace
I am looked at as an African American guy because of the color of my skin. I am darker.
Bubba Wallace
We’re definitely going to get some flak each and every day, whether it’s social-media keyboard warriors, or people in person.
Bubba Wallace
My mother said, ‘Did you ever believe you would be an activist?’ I said, ‘No, not really.’ But I just felt in my heart that I needed to step up and be a leader in the forefront.
Bubba Wallace
People are entitled to their own opinion to make them feel good, to make them sleep at night.
Bubba Wallace
The encounters I had were very few, but they were powerful. The negative encounters I’ve had with law enforcement were very few, but they stood out.
Bubba Wallace
I have all of my firesuits and helmets, and my parents collect all the newspaper articles and pictures and stuff like that.
Bubba Wallace
When you sign up to become something, you’re signing up to become something larger than yourself. Represent something more than yourself.
Bubba Wallace
I’m African-American. There are more eyes on me than anybody. They’re going to take the negative before the positive.
Bubba Wallace
I shoot with a Canon 5D Mark III.
Bubba Wallace
I was so young when I started that I didn’t really understand all of it. We’d show up and have the slurs being thrown out there, but my parents always dealt with that. They just told me to go out there, do my best, and try to win. Go out there and race well and they’ll shut right up.
Bubba Wallace
For me, I just want to be a role model, put a positive impact on the kids that are watching the sport, that want to be a part of the sport, and leave a good everlasting impact on the sport, continue my legacy down the road.
Bubba Wallace
There’s no need for me to go out there and try to set the world on fire, try to win races and put myself in a tough spot, not be able to capitalize on it. If the opportunity presents itself, yeah, we’ll jump on it. There’s no need for me to force a hole, end up tearing up a racecar.
Bubba Wallace
We all bleed the same color. It hurts when we bleed.
Bubba Wallace
We have a lot of guys from different backgrounds in pit crews and even in the front offices of NASCAR and race teams.
Bubba Wallace
I’ve had my fair share of incidents with law enforcement, whether they’re saying smart remarks, condescending remarks to downplay who I am and what I can afford… It’s something that made me stronger on the back end of it, and learned from those instances.
Bubba Wallace
This sport is changing.
Bubba Wallace
Once we got to the race track, everybody called me Bubba – we created a brand around it. Now it’s become a household name.
Bubba Wallace
We are much more than just drivers who drive a race car

We are much more than just drivers who drive a race car.
Bubba Wallace
I see all these professional photographers out at the racetrack, and there’s all these people across the world, taking really cool pictures and you’re like, ‘Man, I want to create that!’ I had that mindset when I first grabbed a camera.
Bubba Wallace
No one should feel uncomfortable when they come to a NASCAR race.
Bubba Wallace
I’ve always been a person that has said what’s on my mind and stand behind it with a lot of heart and passion.
Bubba Wallace
If you know me, I don’t hold back. I take what I can get, and whatever falls.
Bubba Wallace
I chase checkered flags.
Bubba Wallace
I believe in what Richard Petty Motorsports is doing and their desire to win races.
Bubba Wallace
I’ll go out there and prove to everybody that I belong to the Cup Series.
Bubba Wallace
I’m looking forward to it, to be able to represent the black culture… but I’m doing my best at managing it, keeping it behind me, and that’s the best thing I can do.
Bubba Wallace
A typical off day for me, I’m hanging out at the house.
Bubba Wallace
The people that don’t want change, the ones that don’t see how removing Confederate flag creates so much more opportunities for our sport to grow – they don’t want our sport to grow.
Bubba Wallace
It’s simple-minded people like that, the ones that are afraid of change, they use everything in their power to defend what they stand up for instead of trying to listen and understand what’s going on.
Bubba Wallace
I used to go out there and think I’ve got to do this to help better the sport – I’ve got to go out there and run top five and try to win a race. Now I just go out there and do my best, and hopefully it settles it.
Bubba Wallace
I’ve hit a couple barriers out there on the racetrack growing up. There’s definitely been some flak in the way. I’ve been able to handle that the best I could, ignore it, use that as motivation.
Bubba Wallace
I don’t really watch much TV. I’m usually into movies.
Bubba Wallace
We were fortunate enough to have our own business to keep us moving up through the ranks – go-karts, Bandoleros, Legend cars, Late Models. That’s where we stalled out, but luckily we caught a break with Joe Gibbs Racing and the diversity program.
Bubba Wallace
I’ve seen too many comments, too many stories from a fan, or first-time fans that have come to a race in years past and the first thing they say is, ‘I seen the Confederate flag flying, it made me feel uncomfortable.’
Bubba Wallace
It’s an honor to be driving the 43.
Bubba Wallace
Everybody should live their lives to the fullest with no hassles, no hold-backs, no matter what age, what color you are… I don’t have an issue talking about it, taking the forefront of it.
Bubba Wallace
At the end of the day, it doesn’t really matter what other people think. You’re out there running your own race and you want to run everybody as clean as possible.
Bubba Wallace
I watch too many scary movies.
Bubba Wallace
That’s a goal of mine and the sport. To become more diverse and change the demographic, bring in a new face.
Bubba Wallace
I do laundry, but my bags from the last race will sit there until the very last minute that I have to do laundry again.
Bubba Wallace
Systemic racism is a problem from every aspect of life.
Bubba Wallace
There should be no individual that is uncomfortable showing up to our events to have a good time with their family that feels some type of way about something they have seen, an object they have seen flying.
Bubba Wallace
I’m just a race car driver.
Bubba Wallace
Once we started racing, my dad had his own industrial cleaning business about twenty minutes from the house, so we kept our race cars there.
Bubba Wallace
I feel for everybody that goes through it because depression is real, and it doesn’t take much to put you in that state of mind to where you think everybody’s against you, you’re up against the world and that’s not true.
Bubba Wallace
It all relies on teamwork. We could be running fifth all day, and we come down pit road for the last stop and the pit crew messes up, then we all go down and not just them.
Bubba Wallace
Times get tough sometimes, you lose cool. At the end of the day it is one of the most demanding and grueling sports.
Bubba Wallace
I’ve already got 10,000 more eyes on me because I am of color and they’re going to see what I can do in the top series. That’s enough pressure in itself, so I don’t need to add extra pressure.
Bubba Wallace
No matter what faces you in life, always look up to God

No matter what faces you in life, always look up to God, and he will guide the way. You just have to walk that path very stern, and very proud.
Bubba Wallace
We have that platform to tell something and that voice to tell people we have got to stop and change our ways. That’s just how I think about it.
Bubba Wallace
We’ve all got to make sure we’re all pulling in the same direction. That’s what’s going to keep us ahead of the ball. As soon as we start getting in the opposite direction, that’s when we start getting behind, and the results will start to show.
Bubba Wallace
From Richard Petty to Andy Murstein, everybody at RPM is standing behind me and believing in me on track and also following me through this journey off track and letting me find my way and find my voice in standing up for what’s right.
Bubba Wallace