Top 66 Cori Bush Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Cori Bush Quotes, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

St. Louis and communities across the nation need the Gr

St. Louis and communities across the nation need the Green New Deal for Cities.
Cori Bush
We must invest in affordable housing, quality education, safe parks and green space, good paying jobs, comprehensive mental health and trauma services, and other supports that will help all of our people.
Cori Bush
When I was living out of my car, I did not know where we were going to eat, use the bathroom, rest or enjoy a quiet moment. I used McDonald’s bathrooms to mix baby formula and wash my body because I had no other options.
Cori Bush
I’m running for Congress to represent Missouri’s 1st because we need leadership that is truly invested in helping us become stronger and safer. I’m running because I have a commitment to every member of my community.
Cori Bush
We must work to build a criminal-legal system that is deeply rooted in a love for humanity, which begins with ending the federal death penalty in our country.
Cori Bush
The CFPB has an obligation to protect our seniors, protect our frontline workers, protect our service workers, and protect our families by developing tools to combat predatory debt collection practices.
Cori Bush
Being unhoused in America must no longer be viewed as an individual shortcoming, but rather as an unacceptable, life-threatening policy failure.
Cori Bush
Our libraries are pillars in the neighborhood – providing vital services, safe spaces to gather, and connections to essential resources.
Cori Bush
Our communities deserve a just response to years of disinvestment in our communities that have led to poor health outcomes and crime.
Cori Bush
We need to end voter suppression and protect access to the ballot. We need to teach the truth about white supremacy in our classrooms. And we must prioritize Black liberation in its totality. Only then will we be truly free.
Cori Bush
Politicians aren’t leading us. Nurses are. Doctors are. Teachers are. Activists are.
Cori Bush
Every time that I speak on the House Floor or in one of our committee hearings, I begin with the words, ‘St. Louis and I.’ Every time. That is no accident.
Cori Bush
We faced police dogs when we fought for justice for Mike Brown in Ferguson in 2014.
Cori Bush
White nationalist groups have infiltrated federal and local law enforcement agencies.
Cori Bush
I know what it’s like to work 40, 50 or 60 hours a week and still not have enough to live.
Cori Bush
We must address the real threats of climate change in communities of color and across the Global South, the forced expulsion of Black people in Europe and the Americas, and the socioeconomic demands of young people throughout the world.
Cori Bush
Our broken immigration system has left too many people uncertain of whether they could be torn away from their homes, forced to leave their families, their communities, and their dreams behind.
Cori Bush
Freedom cannot be a responsibility that only belongs to some of us.
Cori Bush
I’m so proud of each and every student who shared their artistic talents with us as part of the 2021 Congressional Art Competition.
Cori Bush
Black and brown people in communities like mine, when arrested are more likely to be convicted and receive harsher sentences than our white counterparts. A justice system that actually hands out justice isn’t as cruel, violent and racially biased as the one we’ve got.
Cori Bush
Juneteenth has always been a symbol of freedom deferred.
Cori Bush
When our community is under-represented, its people don’t receive the resources and attention they need to thrive.
Cori Bush
I have had patients die because of lack of insurance.
Cori Bush
The Violence Against Women Act is personal to me because I know the programs and services it funds are lifesaving.
Cori Bush
The People’s Response Act will create grant funding for the grassroots and community organizations that are doing the work to address housing, health care, economic injustice, and other inequities in our society.
Cori Bush
An act of Congress could abolish the federal death penalty once and for all, and my sister in service, Representative Ayanna Pressley, has introduced a bill that would do just that.
Cori Bush
As public officials, we have a duty to protect all of our communities and our number one priority must be saving lives.
Cori Bush
White supremacy is deeply entrenched in our nation’s DNA.
Cori Bush
St. Louis sent me to Congress to save lives.
Cori Bush
A descendant of enslaved people, George Floyd was born with generational trauma in his DNA and denied the generational wealth that belonged to his family.
Cori Bush
George Floyd had a rich and loving life that was taken from him.
Cori Bush
Guaranteeing the success of our local colleges and univ

Guaranteeing the success of our local colleges and universities is vital to the St. Louis’ region, our country, and our world.
Cori Bush
Our country must transform its power system to be just, equitable, anti-racist, and climate- and disaster-resilient.
Cori Bush
My children almost died during my pregnancy because doctors wouldn’t take my concerns seriously, dismissing me as just another black woman on Medicaid.
Cori Bush
Honoring George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Michael Brown Jr., and too many other Black people taken from our communities by state violence is at the heart of why we legislate in defense of Black lives – and it’s why we lead with an agenda rooted in saving lives.
Cori Bush
Public safety is a public health issue.
Cori Bush
As a nurse, I’ve seen firsthand the harmful effects of patients not being able to afford their lifesaving medications.
Cori Bush
I am humbled to be welcomed onto the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission.
Cori Bush
There is no place for the death penalty in a just, humane society.
Cori Bush
This stereotype that Black and brown boys and girls are dangerous or threatening has normalized systems of trauma: the cradle to prison pipeline, foster care, youth detention, and being tried and sentenced as adults. We treat trauma with more trauma.
Cori Bush
It is past time for the federal government to establish an Unhoused Bill of Rights and make the desperately needed investments to guarantee housing, health care, and a robust social safety net for our unhoused neighbors.
Cori Bush
I was evicted because of the violence a former partner committed against me and believe no person should lose housing due to crimes committed against them by abusers.
Cori Bush
Every day Black women are subjected to harsh and racist treatment during pregnancy and childbirth. Every day Black women die because the system denies our humanity. It denies us patient care.
Cori Bush
I decided to run for office because I’ve seen that elected officials would rather let us suffer than put in the work to actually fight for us.
Cori Bush
It is our duty as representatives in Congress to do the most for everyone we represent, beginning with those who have the least.
Cori Bush
As a nurse, I earned around 60% of what my white male counterparts in the same position earned.
Cori Bush
I dreamed of being a nurse because I wanted to tangibly help the people I saw every day.
Cori Bush
I’ve lived out of my car for months with my two babies. I’ve seen my belongings in trash bags along my backseat.
Cori Bush
For too many families in St. Louis and across the country, the high cost of energy means having to choose between keeping the heat on in the winter or buying groceries. I, myself, have had to make that choice.
Cori Bush
There’s some experiences you can’t get in Congress. You don’t learn what it’s like to turn patients away because they’re uninsured, or be passed over in the waiting room because you’re on Medicaid.
Cori Bush
We must dedicate ourselves to the fundamental principles of liberty and justice that animate our laws and our governance.
Cori Bush
Housing is a human right, not a bargaining chip to let fall between bureaucratic cracks.
Cori Bush
We have a deeply rooted misconception in our country that unhoused people have done something to deserve their conditions – when the reality is that unhoused people are living the consequences of our government’s failure to secure the basic necessities people need to survive.
Cori Bush
My commitment to human rights has always been the core of my work in Congress, as I am legislating for those unhoused, for those protesters often criminalized for their beliefs, and for those patients in need of universal care.
Cori Bush
Many unhoused people work full time but earn starvation, unlivable wages. Some struggle to access mental health services or substance use treatment, making earning a consistent and stable wage nearly impossible.
Cori Bush
Eradicating violence of every kind in this country is a fight that requires a commitment from every single person.
Cori Bush
The unhoused crisis in our country is a public health emergency, and a moral and policy failure at every level of our government.
Cori Bush
While I cannot speak on behalf of the AAPI community, I do want to say that I stand in solidarity with you.
Cori Bush
I know the crucial role community health centers play in keeping our most vulnerable neighbors healthy from both sides. When I was uninsured, I relied on a community health center to provide my health care.
Cori Bush
Despite the adversity that George Floyd endured, he was full of life and love for his family, friends, and loved ones. It was in honor of his life that millions took to the streets in struggle for a world where George Floyd would never have been taken from us.
Cori Bush
Leading from a place of hate only fuels hateful and violent acts across our country.
Cori Bush
Words can build up communities or break them down.
Cori Bush
I firmly believe we have the power to transform our com

I firmly believe we have the power to transform our communities with intentional and deliberate policies that encourage the overall health and the well-being of those who have the least.
Cori Bush
We are committed to ensuring that immigration is not further criminalized and that all immigrants are treated with dignity and provided with a path to citizenship.
Cori Bush
Too many of our immigrant communities have been forced to live in fear, uncertain about their futures.
Cori Bush
The people of Missouri’s First District elected a Ferguson-made activist to the House and I have brought the same energy from the frontlines of Ferguson to the halls of Congress.
Cori Bush