Words matter. These are the best Halls Quotes from famous people such as Dave Haywood, Anubhav Sinha, Hugh Masekela, Amy Klobuchar, Paul Tsongas, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.
At the Grammys, you walk down the halls and everyone’s got five security guards. You can’t talk to anybody. You always feel out of place, like, ‘Hey, the rednecks are in town!’
Cinema halls aren’t just about movie watching. It’s like watching a live match in a stadium with the crowd where you collectively share moments of joy and sorrow.
To tell you the truth, man, we spend most of the time travelling in hotels, in festivals, in concert halls, clubs, airports. The most unenjoyable part is all the security at airports.
As elected officials, we were sent to the halls of government by our neighbors to do their work – and much work needs to be done. Remembering our shared experiences with the people we represent makes us better and more accountable civil servants.
It was a myth that’s often perpetuated at commencement that holds that only hope and promise lie beyond the halls of academe. Don’t worry, be happy. Everything is fine.
I was really shy and kept to the theater department. I was keeping my eyes down when I walked through the halls. So, no nemesis. Not in high school, anyway.
If you can’t stop singing as you walk through the halls of your house, or you love performing in your local talent show, YouTube is such a good platform to share that side of you. It’s a place for people who have passions, and the audience is people who appreciate those passions.
I’ve had some of my best matches in front of 50 people in bingo halls and VFW halls and things like that.
I feel all Indians just love going to the cinema halls.
I’m a big fan of American vaudeville and Hollywood silent film-era slapstick and the music halls full of ridiculous, eccentric characters.
There is no physical activity. All entertainment is happening in phone. Films can also be seen in laptop, so no one is visiting cinema halls.
It’s still amazing to me to walk down the halls of ‘SNL.’ You see pictures of the greatest comedians we grew up worshiping, basically. It’s crazy to be able to still work there.
Anti-Semitism has no business infiltrating American politics, it has no business infiltrating our college campuses, and it has no business in the halls of Congress.
Films go into vaults, art into museums, and music into halls of fame. Most fashion is worn for a few seasons and off-loaded into the recycling bin or, worse, some landfill.
I have voted against only one of President Obama’s nominees: Michael Froman, a Citigroup alumnus who is currently storming the halls of Congress as U.S. Trade Representative pushing trade deals that threaten to undermine financial regulation, workers’ rights, and environmental protections.
Nothing can replace cinema halls.
I have seen in the Halls of Congress more idealism, more humanness, more compassion, more profiles of courage than in any other institution that I have ever known.
Cinema halls must be preserved by us and by the government. That business is in trouble today with monumental maintenance costs of idle machines and empty seats. When the crisis of the pandemic gets over and it is safe for all of us to go back to that experience we must, in hordes.
We see many posters and standees at cinema halls, and some catch attention. But these posters are soon forgotten. Taking a picture with the actors, enabled by AR, helps record a memory.
America does not need gorgeous halls and concert rooms for its musical development, but music schools with competent teachers, and many, very many, free scholarships for talented young disciples who are unable to pay the expense of study.
We have the greatest Hall of all the Halls. And to be able to join these men, on this stage, in football heaven is the greatest day of my life.
However, the Medicare prescription drug benefit has changed, and if the nearly 3,000 seniors I have met through 12 town halls can represent a sample of opinion, many seniors do not yet understand the prescription drug program and do not plan to sign up for coverage.
The truth is, I initially became a singer-songwriter while still in my teens because it was the only way to guarantee that somebody on earth would sing the songs I was writing. Since then, I’ve performed just about everywhere: rock clubs, concerts halls, arenas, TV.
In the Halls of Justice the only justice is in the halls.
I started – well, in England it works a little bit differently. You have to do Fringe theatre, which is basically free theatre. You do it in pubs and small theaters and village halls across the country, and you work for a theatre company. You’re part of a troupe.
I think there is a new awareness in this 21st century that design is as important to where and how we live as it is for museums, concert halls and civic buildings.
If the Union is once severed, the line of separation will grow wider and wider, and the controversies which are now debated and settled in the halls of legislation will then be tried in fields of battle and determined by the sword.
I’ve had every kind of humiliation, from playing in Gala Bingo halls to doing a PA in a Glaswegian nightclub and having cans of lager thrown at me.
I grew up watching ‘Grease,’ and ‘Grease 2.’ I fantasized about walking through school halls and busting out in a song. At that time, I was too much of a chicken to do so. I’d love the challenge now.
I not only play at the prestigious classical concert halls like Carnegie Hall and Kennedy Center, but also hospitals, churches, prisons, and restricted facilities for leprosy patients, just to mention a few.
The time has come for justice at the ballot box, and justice in the courts, and justice in the legislative halls, and justice in the governor’s office.
For years, I had a Christmas ornament I had bought at a Cracker Barrel that read ‘Deck Them Halls, Y’all.’ It always tickled me.
One thing I’ve always loved about the culture at Microsoft is there is nobody who is tougher on us, in terms of what we need to learn and do better, than the people in the company itself. You can walk down these halls, and they’ll tell you, ‘We need to do usability better, push this or that frontier.’
Wherever I go – be it to school events, county fairs, town halls, or even the grocery store, my neighbors and constituents share the same serious concern. Prescription drug prices keep going up, and families across our district don’t know how they can afford them.
When TV came, people said who will go to theatres to watch movies? When the Internet came, they said the same. And now it’s the digital media… The doomsday predictions are always there but I don’t think people will stop going to cinema halls because that is one experience you can’t get at home.
High school at LaGuardia really was like ‘Fame.’ People would sing in the halls and look for ways to show off their talent.
I remember when I was a kid, if you had your name on a piece of vinyl, man, you were, like, in the halls of Valhalla; all of sudden, you were hanging out with Odin and being at the table of the gods. You were the real deal; you weren’t some guy struggling in a garage somewhere.
I’ve performed in concert halls thousands and thousands of times in my life.
Over the years, I managed to develop this comedy career, went from opening act to headliner at comedy clubs, to playing concert halls, and had an off-Broadway show with ‘Sleepwalk With Me.’
If you’re a student that likes to, you know – that wants to go into the trades and have an incredible job, and you’re a student that loves the electricity or whatever it may be, in all honesty, a lot of times when you walk the halls people may – other kids may look down on you a little bit. It’s not fair. It’s not right.
At school, I’d be the dude singing to the girls, always up in the auditorium, in the lunch room singing Christmas carols, in the halls between class. I was always singing, and same thing with my grandfather. The apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree; you know how that goes.
The well-stuffed slave masters currently gorging themselves in Cuba’s halls of power need to be held accountable.
Even the picturesque prehistoric settlements at Akrotiri on the Greek island of Santorini were an exercise in problem-solving; white-washed homes and town halls built with an anti-earthquake technology still employed today, 3,500 years on.
I did three club tours before I started playing concert halls, and the clubs were half full the first time around.
No one can insist me to wear skimpy costumes and to act in steamy scenes just for the sake of pulling more audience to cinema halls.
Everything about ‘UY’ is new and fresh, and we are extremely happy at the response from the audiences, as most people are walking out of cinema halls with a smile on their faces.
Liberty is never fully paid off, and to be deserving of it, one must be willing to fight for it on the battlefield, in the halls of Congress, by involving yourselves in your communities. Such a struggle is not a burden, it is a privilege.
Most philanthropists would still rather donate to elite schools, concert halls or religious groups than help the poor or sick.
In my vocal, I think you can hear something of my earlier times when I’d sing in subway halls for the echo and perform doo-wop on street corners. But I had a lot of influences, too – singers like Sam Cooke, Brook Benton and Roy Hamilton.
They had no right, as it seems to me, to prosecute me in these Halls; nor have you the right in law or under the Constitution, as I respectfully submit, to take jurisdiction over offenses committed against them.
I’ve done bingo halls and tents in front of 10 people with a cow mooing in the background. Doing that and then going to WrestleMania and the Superdome and wrestling in front of 80,000 people is night and day.
Why should we build very large spaces when they are not necessary? We can design halls spanning several kilometres and covering a whole city, but we have to ask, what does it really make? What does society really need?
My outspoken positions haven’t always been popular in the halls of Congress, but they have been rooted in what I believed was right and necessary.
I went to a Christian all-boys’ college one time to pick up my buddies so we could go play baseball, and I just remember walking through the halls, and there’s all these crucified Jesuses. It’s scary.
If someone doubts our right to exist – be it on the hills of Umm al-Fahem or in Munich’s beer halls, in Gaza’s crowded streets or in the thick woods of Babi Yar – it’s their problem. Proud states do not break into wails and crawl under the carpet when they discover someone doesn’t love them.
I grew up in south London and spent most of my adolescence in the snooker halls of the area, turning professional at 17.
I started ninth grade a week after everybody else had started, and I didn’t know anybody. I was in a chorus class, and they asked me to bring my guitar to school one day, which I did, and all of a sudden, people knew me… in the halls, people would start saying hello.
I look at myself as one of the silly, goofy kids that walks around the halls and has fun. I’m just like everybody else.
The people of Missouri’s First District elected a Ferguson-made activist to the House and I have brought the same energy from the frontlines of Ferguson to the halls of Congress.
Poor people have to pay high rents to marriage halls for conducting functions like wedding. Therefore, to benefit them, I have directed constructing ‘Amma Marriage Halls.’
Social media provides the modern-day version of mystery shopping and walking the halls.
So far, Senate Republicans are good at getting Facebook likes and town halls and not much else. Do something.
Portraits of other great ones look down on you in your college halls; but while you are young and sit at the brief feast, what avails their serene gaze if it do not lift up your hearts and movingly persuade you to match your manhood to its inheritance?
I was a musical theatre kid, which meant you could always find me singing or dancing in the halls with at least four other people.
The words of the prophets are written on the subway walls and tenements halls and whispered in the sounds of silence.
I’ve worked throughout California as a poet: in colleges, universities, worker camps, migrant education offices, continuation high schools, juvenile halls, prisons, and gifted classrooms.