Top 66 Mike Huckabee Quotes

Divorce is one of the key predictors of poverty for a child growing up in a home that’s broken.
Mike Huckabee
The United States of America was originally an experiment. But it was an experiment in recognizing God-given individual liberty and creating a government in which we no one is deemed better than another. And in which all of us are equal. Not equal in abilities, but equal in intrinsic worth and value.
Mike Huckabee
I’ve said that, that I’ve felt like as Christians and particularly even as Republicans, we needed to address issues that touched the broader perspective, and that included disease, hunger, poverty, homelessness, the environment.
Mike Huckabee
Jesus said, ‘Blessed are the peacemakers.’ And I think a lot of people don’t understand that there’s a difference between a peace lover and a peacemaker. Everybody loves peace, but wearing jewelry around your neck and saying ‘I love peace’ doesn’t bring it.
Mike Huckabee
I have a little pocket Bible that I have with me all the time in my briefcase, and so usually in the mornings, sometimes on the campaign bus or plane, I always try to catch some time to do that regularly.
Mike Huckabee
Libido is a normal part of being human. Nothing scandalous about it. But without it, in either women or men, would there be a demand for birth control?
Mike Huckabee
The military is not a social experiment. The purpose of the military is kill people and break things. It’s not to transform the culture by trying out some ideas that some people think would make us a different country and more diverse. The purpose is to protect America.
Mike Huckabee
The health care system is really designed to reward you for being unhealthy. If you are a healthy person and work hard to be healthy, there are no benefits.
Mike Huckabee
I think a lot of people in America do not understand that the basis of true liberty can’t happen without an objective moral standard by which we live our lives.
Mike Huckabee
I continue to do something I’ve done since I was 18, and that is read a chapter of Proverbs every day as part of my daily devotion. I still maintain that.
Mike Huckabee
For me, running for office is never about trying to des

For me, running for office is never about trying to destroy an opponent, be it Democratic or Republican. It really ought to be about how can we solve some problems that we’re facing.
Mike Huckabee
Americans different in some maybe thoughts or emphasis still have the same ideas. They want a government that lets them be free, that leaves them alone, that doesn’t interrupt and interfere with every aspect of their life, that lets them go to work and keep more of what they’ve worked hard to have.
Mike Huckabee
Well, for me the pro-life issue has been something I’ve been very passionate about since the ’70s, and I have been very involved in the pro-life community since long before politics.
Mike Huckabee
I think that whether someone is a Christian or not, the idea that a human life has dignity and intrinsic worth should be clear enough.
Mike Huckabee