Top 66 Sean Evans Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Sean Evans Quotes, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

No future employer is going to comb your college transc

No future employer is going to comb your college transcript to see how you fared in Microeconomics 300. In fact, you won’t even be asked about where you went to school after your first entry level job.
Sean Evans
When I’m a little kid watching Chicago Bears games, hot salsa would be on the table and the first time I was like, ‘Ah, this is hot Dad, get mild salsa,’ and he was like: ‘Not in my house. We have real salsa. And if you can’t handle real salsa then you can just eat dry chips.’
Sean Evans
You can only be about that Chrysler Town & Country life if you are absolutely compatible with your partner.
Sean Evans
I don’t have a ton of talents. I’m not this conventionally attractive TV dude.
Sean Evans
With ‘Hot Ones: The Game Show,’ we’re excited to flip the script and give everyday people the chance to achieve hot sauce glory.
Sean Evans
It’s amazing how one introductory course in environmental science can turn a 20-year-old into an Biofuels expert.
Sean Evans
When you’re only source of income is a $20 allowance and you rely on a Razor scooter to get around, life’s not that serious.
Sean Evans
The problem with college kids is that they’re ignorant to the browbeaten realities of living life in a cubicle and they have nothing but free time to get jacked up on articles about oil companies.
Sean Evans
Gamers are horrible roommates because they monopolize the TV with something less watchable than ‘The Mob Doctor’ and, if that wasn’t irritating enough, have the audacity to scream combat commands through a head set.
Sean Evans
The NBA was once a league full of guys who topped out at 5-foot-9, wore belts in their shorts, and reeked of pomade. When it came to dishing the ball there was only one option: the bounce pass. The game’s changed a lot since then.
Sean Evans
White dude speed’ is the kind of quickness that you see from a guy who’s trying to beat the ‘Do Not Walk’ sign across the street. They’re moving but not fast enough to scuff their boat shoes.
Sean Evans
Taking mass transit is an uphill battle and one wrong move can put you on the latest Worldstarhiphop fight compilation.
Sean Evans
We’ve all had classes with a professor so bland and monotone that their lectures sound like Mitt Romney reading ‘Paradise Lost’ from a blown speaker.
Sean Evans
No athlete entered 2012 with more and left it with less than Lance Armstrong.
Sean Evans
If you’re curious how Lance Armstrong got away with cheating for 15 years or why Manti Te’o’s fake girlfriend went unnoticed for five months, it’s because sports reporters are really just starstruck fans, not hardcore journalists.
Sean Evans
Entering a club is an insufferable two-way street and the patrons are just as guilty as the doormen.
Sean Evans
I remember me and my brother would watch ‘Beavis and Butthead’ or ‘South Park,’ but we’d be all secret about it because we didn’t want our dad to know. And then before I know it, I’m in fourth grade and me, my brother, and my dad are watching ‘South Park’ together.
Sean Evans
I want ‘Hot Ones’ to give people that warm, fuzzy, TGIF ‘Family Matters’ Christmas-episode feeling after they watch it.
Sean Evans
As a general rule, girls at the gym are not interested in a free power clean lesson from some doofus in a form-fitting Under Armour ensemble.
Sean Evans
Bjorn Borg has the look of a Scandanavian rock star with the understated charm of a Wes Anderson movie.
Sean Evans
It’s always annoying to me when I see Nick Cannon on a press appearance and everyone’s asking about Mariah Carey. Give this guy a break. How many years and how many ways does he have to answer the stupid question.
Sean Evans
I always had dreams that I could be on television. I used to watch ‘The Late Show’ with my dad, and I’d make him pause the VHS whenever the audience laughed to explain jokes to me. But it’s hard to just ‘get into TV.’
Sean Evans
When humiliation begets heartbreak, your clothing permeates with a stench of desperation that only women can smell.
Sean Evans
In the late ’90s and early 2000s, basketball was more about making your defender look stupid than scoring. Seriously. You could miss every layup, so long as you turned an ankle or buckled a knee.
Sean Evans
Relative to the rest of your life, college isn’t all that hard.
Sean Evans
I often hear that those are people’s favorite episodes, the ones with people that they don’t know. That’s the magic of ‘Hot Ones.’
Sean Evans
Our ‘Hot Ones’ interview show is all about deconstructing celebrities and making them seem like normal people.
Sean Evans
When Complex hired me, originally I wasn’t at First We Feast, I was just like a hired hand for Complex. They’d send me out to different events or they’d have people visiting the office and I’d do interviews with athletes, musicians, whoever.
Sean Evans
When you consider the depths to which major college football coaches are willing to sink in order to protect their programs, Tyrann Mathieu’s dismissal from LSU is staggering.
Sean Evans
Proof of the ‘hysterical strength’ phenomenon is still hearsay, mostly because it’s impossible to recreate those conditions in a lab. That said, try turning a doorknob when the bass drops on ‘Skyfall’ without ripping that door clean off of its hinges.
Sean Evans
If you’re in public and standing still, don’t take a phone call. It’s that simple. All you’re doing is holding those around you hostage to a one-sided conversation.
Sean Evans
When 'Hot Ones' is done right, every wing is like a dif

When ‘Hot Ones’ is done right, every wing is like a different part of that person’s personality.
Sean Evans
The prevailing subtext of every dating book is that beautiful women are surpassingly obtainable, so long as you get over the intimidation that keeps you from approaching them. That’s maybe the dumbest advice ever.
Sean Evans
As the flagrant foul’s official mascot, Anthony Mason had the genteel refinement of an intentional elbow to the eye socket.
Sean Evans
Prodigal sons like Barack Obama, Kanye West, and Michael Jordan only come back to Chicago to sell their homes.
Sean Evans
Women who are paid to look hot get hit on all the time, so don’t roll up on a restaurant hostess with your non-iron Trump Collection shirt and expect anything to pop off.
Sean Evans
I never feel more famous than at the hot sauce expo.
Sean Evans
Boston is one of the country’s more insecure cities and see you it in Celtics fans.
Sean Evans
It’s not easy to be stylish as a linebacker.
Sean Evans
I was a broadcast journalism major at the University of Illinois, so there’s always part of you that thinks you could, or hopes you could, but it’s not like you can just walk in and get a TV job.
Sean Evans
It’s weird, but I’m so empathetic; when I see people dying on hot sauce, I do feel for them. And I’m a Midwestern guy, so I think I’m just naturally nice and polite.
Sean Evans
Everybody always wants to make the show ‘What’s it like to have a beer with that person?’ And everyone sucks at making it.
Sean Evans
Tim Tebow is the kind of unsung hero we can all root for, an underdog who is all too often ignored by the fans and media.
Sean Evans
Preparing America’s student loan crippled grads to enter a hopeless and crowded job market is no easy task, which is why we should show more love to our nation’s professors.
Sean Evans
It doesn’t matter how much game you think you have, no nightclub bartender wants to talk to you.
Sean Evans
The pool table, like bathroom graffiti and horrible lighting, is a dive bar staple.
Sean Evans
Hot Ones’ is a show that takes a celebrity, which by definition is a person whose lifestyle is unattainable, and then ‘Hot Ones’ takes that celebrity and knocks them down a peg – a level that everyone can relate to.
Sean Evans
It’s not easy to embarrass the University of Arkansas. The place is basically a truck stop with a quad.
Sean Evans
In an age of political correctness, even the most apparent gender assertions are dismissed as ignorance.
Sean Evans
Once you’re past the age of, say, 11, you should stop idolizing athletes. You look ridiculous wearing the jersey of a guy who is younger and wealthier than you are.
Sean Evans
Title IX is important. Women have made incredible gains in athletics, but does Brittney Griner have a chance in the post against Julius Randle? No.
Sean Evans
Bobby Petrino slinks through coaching jobs with the stench and trustworthiness of expired mayonnaise.
Sean Evans
We don’t really want to be the ‘Late Night’ of the Internet. We want to have one foot in the mainstream, one foot in the underground.
Sean Evans
I used to love wings. People come up to me and say, ‘Hey, you have to try this hot sauce, let’s go get wings.’ I don’t even want to do that for Key and Peele. This is not a hobby.
Sean Evans
I never really see entertainment as a noble pursuit necessarily, but people really want a sense of normalcy, even if it’s being delivered to them in a ‘Hot Ones’ episode.
Sean Evans
Contending that top-level, male high school basketball players are better than WNBA all-stars, while blatantly obvious, makes us feel uncomfortable to write.
Sean Evans
If I’m talking about like the evolution of ‘Hot Ones,’ when we first started it was not a big hit at all. It was on the verge of being cancelled. The thing that kept us going is that the cult fan base was so intense and nobody was leaving the tent.
Sean Evans
It’s amazing how quickly a defined jawline can turn your luck around.
Sean Evans
If you think scrawling your Twitter handle on a bus window with a Sharpie is a worthwhile way to gain followers, your social media strategy is headed in a pretty pathetic direction.
Sean Evans
I want to retire in Chicago.
Sean Evans
Heartbreak can be so pathetic.
Sean Evans
If everybody were to eat the ‘Wings of Death,’ you’d have a better understanding of them.
Sean Evans
The suburban dad is the worst dressed subset in America

The suburban dad is the worst dressed subset in America, which is especially disheartening when you consider the country club’s many great style icons.
Sean Evans
Bill Walton’s on-court style is immortal.
Sean Evans
I’m not Ryan Seacrest. If I want people to pay attention to me, I have to just eat scorching-hot food.
Sean Evans
At 18-years-old, you have no money. You have no game. Your life experience is limited to getting fired from a part-time gig at the driving range and totaling your mom’s Saturn Ion junior year.
Sean Evans