Top 66 Whale Quotes

The real threat to whales is whaling, which has endangered many whale species.
Dave Barry
I love ‘Whale Rider.’ That’s one of my favorite films of all time.
Julian Dennison
I live on the beautiful Northern California coast. I have always loved hiking, whale watching and being outdoors.
Christine Feehan
To this day, I have people I might meet who will make assumptions about my life based on fictional elements of ‘The Squid And The Whale.’ But I think that’s par for the course if you make something that feels kind of real.
Noah Baumbach
I really am part whale. I want to do a movie like ‘The Incredible Mr. Limpet’ and join a family of whales.
John Pinette
There's no question that Whale's movies are classics. T

There’s no question that Whale’s movies are classics. They were wonderful, and successful.
Bill Condon
I wanted to do something creatively, having been a beached whale for many months and nursing my daughter.
Tori Amos
I bought a midnight blue Porsch with a whale tail when I was winning big one time in L.A. That car was fast, fast, fast!
Phil Hellmuth
In 2004, one of my books, ‘Whale Talk,’ was chosen as an all-school read in Fowlerville, Michigan, a rural town not far from Detroit. They had done what I thought was a brilliant and innovative thing: decided to teach the book in every discipline, sophomores through seniors.
Chris Crutcher