Top 670 Aware Quotes

We’re all living blinkered lives, and we’re not seeing what’s going on and looking to change it. I’m not saying that everyone has to make a political statement, but we need to be more aware of what’s happening and why.
Samantha Morton
Science fiction made me aware of how big and strange the universe was, leaving aside the whole question of aliens.
Ken MacLeod
They say you can do honest, sincere work for decades, but you’re given in general a 10-year period when what you do touches the zeitgeist – when you’re relevant. And I’m aware of that, and I don’t want my time to go by.
Alexander Payne
We are all aware that corruption is pervasive. It operates at every level. The poor may carry its greatest burden, but it is an affliction that every Indian is desperate to be rid of.
Rahul Gandhi
Doing makeup, especially for drag, is all about being aware of the geography and angles of your face.
When law and duty are one, united by religion, you never become fully conscious, fully aware of yourself. You are always a little less than an individual.
Frank Herbert
Identity is part of drama to me. Who am I, why am I behaving this way, and am I aware of it?
Matthew Weiner
I try to tell a lot of stories to make my students aware that the world is a very cool place with many problems that need solving, and that they all can help solve them.
Sarah Parcak
I focus on the elements of a movie that are meant to invisibly affect me as a viewer. The edges. As an author, I’m aware of how the subconscious things can pluck at a reader’s emotions, and I love it when filmmakers do the same.
Maggie Stiefvater
You get in before sunrise and you get out after sunset and you go home, eat and collapse. While you’re aware of the ratings, you aren’t prepared for the response of the fans.
Parker Stevenson
We are aware of the strategic location of Kuwait, besides the stable region.
Emma Bonino
I have nothing but the best memories of growing up in New Jersey. Of course, I grew up in a nice town, a suburb. But Tenafly was right next to Englewood, which had a tremendous amount of racial tension in the ’60s. So I was aware of the real world.
Lesley Gore
No one can become fully aware of the very essence of another human being unless he loves him.
Viktor E. Frankl
The myth of redemptive violence – Caesar, peace, and victory – is in people’s bones so deeply, we aren’t even aware of it. You crush the opposition; that’s how we bring peace.
Rob Bell
The Carnegie Foundation is well aware of the fact that their reports frequently find their way to dusty archives in academic institutions, but occasionally people pick up a segment of a report and act upon it.
C. Everett Koop
Why does your mind conform? Have you ever asked? Are you aware that you are conforming to a pattern? It doesn’t matter what that pattern is, whether you have established a pattern for yourself or it has been established for you.
Jiddu Krishnamurti
I am aware of the usefulness of science to society and of the benefits society derives from it.
Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar
If you know how rich you are, you are not rich. But me, I am not aware of the extent of my wealth. That’s how rich we are.
Imelda Marcos
When we have financial struggles, kids are so much more aware of things than we want them to be.
K. A. Applegate
I am very aware that playwrights, particularly good ones, have a intention for everything they write. Language and punctuation is used specifically, and most of the time actors can find wonderful clues about character in the rhythm and cadence of the language used.
Laura Linney
Simply put, we have to take charge and take responsibility and support what’s in the marketplace. Because, quiet as it’s kept, the powers that be are cognizant of what our spending dollar means. And it is kept a little quiet, and we have to become aware of what we mean in the marketplace and take advantage of it.
Richard Roundtree
I was not really aware of the dystopian genre before I read ‘The Handmaid’s Tale.’ Many poets as well, like John Donne and Emily Dickinson, would be the influences; I specialized in Emily Dickinson at university. Both of those poets have really interesting ways of looking at life and death.
Samantha Shannon
The dog is the perfect portrait subject. He doesn’t pose. He isn’t aware of the camera.
Patrick Demarchelier
I thought being in the wheelchair might be kind of limiting for me as an actor. It turned out cool in a lot of ways. Of course, at the end of the day, I can get up out of the chair and go home, but I’m very acutely aware that most people can’t, so I try to give the situation that depth.
Jim Beaver
Being aware of your fear is smart. Overcoming it is the mark of a successful person.
Seth Godin
I’ve been lucky to learn by playing all kinds of roles and watching all kinds of really good cinematographers, actors, and directors for many years before people were even aware of me in terms of audience.
Viggo Mortensen
I’m fully aware that things that resonate and become real hits are the exception to the rule, so much so that I’ve wired myself for failure.
Ron Perlman
Each person must ask what his relationship is to the scapegoat. I am not aware of my own, and I am persuaded that the same holds true for my readers. We only have legitimate enmities. And yet the entire universe swarms with scapegoats.
Rene Girard
I think on civilian casualties they could do more. It's

I think on civilian casualties they could do more. It’s actually something I’ve discussed with the editors involved. They’re aware of it, and I’m hopeful that there will be more reporting on that.
Daniel Okrent
I have two daughters and I have done everything in my power to prevent them from assimilating, even being aware of, my idiocy about my weight.
Ayelet Waldman
But today we become aware of other readings of the human experience very quickly because of the media and the speed with which people travel the planet.
Chaim Potok
I am not aware that any community has a right to force another to be civilized.
John Stuart Mill
All parents should be aware that when they mock or curse gay people, they may be mocking or cursing their own child.
Anna Quindlen
We are aware only of the empty space in the forest, which only yesterday was filled with trees.
Anna Freud
I’m confident that the terrorists are aware that from the curb to the cockpit we’ve got additional security measures that didn’t exist a couple of years ago.
Tom Ridge
I’m always aware that there are, broadly speaking, two different ways to act: there is acting, and then there’s being, and I’m always more interested in that.
Michael Sheen
I listened to all types of music, and obviously when I got to Seattle I was very much aware of the music scene there.
Randy Johnson
I think it just helps to be very aware that fundamentally, there are no adults. Everyone is making it up as they go along. You have to find your own path, picking, choosing, taking and discarding as you see fit.
Naval Ravikant
Once you enter the public’s eye, you have to be aware that you give up a huge part of your own life.
Brigitte Nielsen
Be aware of wonder. Live a balanced life – learn some and think some and draw and paint and sing and dance and play and work every day some.
Robert Fulghum
I was aware of it, but I grew up in a very a-religious family. My mother never went to church, she never had any religious training or background. It was never a part of our social interaction.
Donald Johanson
I’m aware that most people who meet me for the first time think of me in a certain way because of who my father is. That just comes with the territory. But that’s been that way ever since I was a little kid as long as I can remember. I grew up that way.
Ron Reagan
As young parents of three girls, living in California during the late Sixties and early Seventies, Meredith and I couldn’t help but be aware of the rising level of dialogue, debate, commentary, and proclamations about the place of women in society and about how to raise females in light of this raised consciousness.
Tom Brokaw
I read the papers, I surf the Web. At the beginning of the year, I try to see at least two episodes of every show on our network. Am I surfing? All the time. I’m aware of the landscape. I’m a competitor, so I have to know whom I’m competing with.
Leslie Moonves
Steve Irwin did wonderful conservation work but I was uncomfortable about some of his stunts. Even if animals aren’t aware that you are not treating them with respect, the viewers are.
David Attenborough
One of the ways we interact with other human beings and form social bonds is through touch, and probably most of us are not aware of the extreme importance of touch.
Leonard Mlodinow
It is not a dreamlike state, but the somehow insulated state, that a great musician achieves in a great performance. He’s aware of where he is and what he’s doing, but his mind is on the playing of the instrument with an internal sense of rightness.
Arnold Palmer
I’m aware that I can be annoying.
Sandra Bullock
What celebrities are useful for is bringing attention to the public and making them more aware. They can be unbelievably effective.
Diane Keaton
I’m no actor. And I wasn’t like George Lucas or Spielberg, making home movies as a teenager, either. But I would go back and watch certain movies again and again. By the time I saw ‘The Graduate’ I was aware of how these amazing stories could be told.
Nancy Meyers
Growing up in the place I did I never was aware of any other option but to question everything.
Noam Chomsky
After the bones mended, my left eye was smaller than my right, and my eyebrow never grew back. But you know what? Big deal. I think I became beautiful after the accident. I became kinder, more aware. I gained respect for other people.
I consciously decided not to be a ‘London’ actor. Those gangster movies made a lot of East End actors think they were movie stars. And I was very aware that they were going to go out of fashion.
Eddie Marsan
My employer was never at any time aware of anything in my past beyond the writing I did, because, frankly, it isn’t relevant to the job I was asked to do, which was to be a reporter.
Jeff Gannon