Top 686 Building Quotes

When a house is being built which is to be made as strong as possible, the building takes place in fine weather and in calm, so that nothing may hinder the structure from acquiring the needed solidity.
There is also a marked global trend towards sustainable agriculture, building on traditional methods which use fewer chemical inputs, carefully manage soil and water resources, and work hand-in-hand with nature.
Helen Clark
It was very unusual to employ prettiness as part of a building.
Robert Venturi
You cannot save wonderful towns. You can only save wonderful towns by building new ones.
Ludwig Mies van der Rohe
The good news about building a company during times like this is that the companies that do succeed are going to be extremely strong and resilient.
Marc Andreessen
You win by working hard, making tough decisions and building coalitions.
John Engler
Scouting ought to be about building character, not abou

Scouting ought to be about building character, not about sex. Period. Precious few parents enroll their boys in the Scouts to get a crash course in sexual orientation.
Rick Perry
We’re actually building onto the house to make it bigger because we want to start a family.
Traci Bingham
There’s something called CEQA in California – NEPA at the federal level. There’s indigenous lands and autonomies relating to governance on those lands. There are all kinds of obstructions as it relates to just getting zoning approval and getting building permits.
Gavin Newsom
Something new has happened: For the first time in German history our fatherland is guided by a plan that considers only the needs of the people, and aims at building prosperity and reconstructing of our fatherland.
Walter Ulbricht
Europe has always represented a major strategic opportunity to achieve our goal of creating and building an enduring global brand.
Howard Schultz
In other words, I have no truck for anyone who goes out and does an eclectic building.
Minoru Yamasaki
In fact, it will be very easy to climb the building because of its shape and architecture.
Alain Robert
In the building I live in on Park Avenue there are ten people who could buy the Yankees, but none of them could hit the ball out of Yankee Stadium.
Reggie Jackson
Building capacities for the young generation is going to make a better generation and a better future tomorrow for Africa.
Corneille Ewango
I could have made money this way, and perhaps amused myself writing code. But I knew that at the end of my career, I would look back on years of building walls to divide people, and feel I had spent my life making the world a worse place.
Richard Stallman
We have reached an important milestone and achieved a new momentum in reaching a goal all Americans should embrace – building a secure, peaceful, democratic Iraq that is no longer a threat to the United States or the international community.
Joe Lieberman
What we can borrow from Ronald Reagan… is that great sense of optimism. He led by building on the strengths of America, not running America down.
Rudy Giuliani
My parents were electrical engineers, immigrants from China, and we were always just in a state of struggle, building our life.
Simu Liu
Suspense is very important. Even though this is humor and they’re short stories, that theory of building suspense is still there.
Sergio Aragones
I collect clothes – they keep building and building. I buy them instead of having them washed.
Juliette Lewis
Well, we have two major goals. The most important one is to get the station arm on board the station, because that’s this really milestone in the space station building since from now on they will be using this arm to continue building the space station.
Umberto Guidoni
Teachers believe they have a gift for giving; it drives them with the same irrepressible drive that drives others to create a work of art or a market or a building.
A. Bartlett Giamatti
We must support initiatives that provide clear, concrete measures and milestones that our troops need for defeating the insurgency, building up Iraqi security forces, and handing over Iraq to the Iraqi people.
Sherrod Brown
You have to see a building to comprehend it. Photographs cannot convey the experience, nor film.
Arthur Erickson
The process of creation goes on all the time. When I get through, I feel I know what the character will do in every situation. But the building up of the part is not mechanical or deliberate. It grows out of the text.
Donald Pleasence
Brave people are the firemen who run into the burning building. That’s brave.
Elizabeth Edwards
The building of friendship, family, community and love is complicated. We are so isolated in this country, no longer supported by tribes and villages.
Jasmine Guy
When it was over my daughter said, ‘Oh, I felt so sorry for him – he didn’t want to hurt you, he liked you.’ That was Victoria. When you visualize him up there on top of the Empire State Building, you do feel sorry for him.
Fay Wray
In this time of budget cuts, we cannot forget that basic science is a building block for scientific innovation and economic growth in the information age.
Tim Bishop
There’s such a big buzz around boxing at the moment. Everything’s happening and there’s so much building up with a lot of young talent coming through.
Billy Joe Saunders
We’re the largest home improvement company today, and we did $30 billion last year, or less than 10 percent of the total amount of building materials sold in the U.S. So when people ask, how much runway left does Home Depot have, it’s an awful lot.
Arthur Blank
Much of the Netherlands lies considerably below sea level, as you well know. Through the process of building dikes to wall out the salty sea and through pumping the water into canals, the country of the ingenious, resourceful, and doughty Dutch has literally been born of the sea.
Joseph B. Wirthlin
I could hardly sit through ‘Frozen.’ There was an attempt to craft a moral message and to build the story around that, instead of building the story and letting the moral message emerge. It was the subjugation of art to propaganda, in my estimation.
Jordan Peterson
I am a huge Prince fan. It’s a very rare thing for him to have people open for him. It’s been the Time and Sheila E., and that’s about it. Building a relationship with him has been like a dream come true. I’ve been looking for a mentor, and I feel like I have that in him.
Jill Scott
I realized that theater was the perfect thing for me, in short bursts of intense community building.
John Cameron Mitchell
There was a strange atmosphere on the set because we were filming in this large house, which was used for troubled children. You’d go in and find walls had been burnt down. The building was charged with this history and it stayed with us throughout the filming.
Beatrice Dalle
I enjoy construction and the process of building things

I enjoy construction and the process of building things, so maybe I’d be a developer of some kind – residential and commercial. Because I produce a lot of television now, I enjoy building things from the ground up, whether it’s a physical structure or a show, and seeing them and realizing them.
Sean Hayes
The future doesn’t just happen. We are building it, and we are building it all the time.
Hannah Fry
The importance of building relationships among colleagues, of trying to create coalitions behind the issues that you are championing, was not something I ever had much insight into until I was elected and started serving in the Senate.
Hillary Clinton
The Green Climate Fund is very much a strategic building block in the architecture for financing sustainable development.
Isabella Lovin
The bones of my architecture are very much related to the structure, to the physical fact of how a building can stand up; it’s also related to geometry and a certain understanding of the architecture in which there is a balance between expression and function.
Santiago Calatrava
No one can claim to be called Christian who gives money for the building of warships and arsenals.
Belva Lockwood
I had a wife and children. I was mostly working in painting and decorating and then taking the occasional acting job as they came along. At that stage in your life you have to think about your priorities. It looked like I was going to have to take the building more seriously and give up acting.
Charley Boorman
You can find academic and industrial groups doing some relevant work, but there isn’t a focus on building complex molecular systems. In that respect, Japan is first, Europe is second, and we’re third.
K. Eric Drexler
We can’t turn a blind eye to the importance of the well-being of our children, and we need to pay close attention to building the future leaders of tomorrow.
Goldie Hawn
I devoted my career to building an affinity with my fans who have supported me unflinchingly and no barbed wire fence or prison wall will stop that.
Foxy Brown
War drags human beings from their tasks of building and improving, and pushes them en masse into the category of destroyers and killers.
Scott Nearing
I pick up my pen. It flows. A building appears. There it is. There is nothing more to say.
Oscar Niemeyer
The library world is set up on this model where the library is a physical building and has a number of books and serves a geographical community.
Aaron Swartz
We’re building on an international network with many others for the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act. There are so many things we can do to carry forward policies.
Janet Reno
Roads are necessary, but the fact that we don’t fully recognize that when you build a road you’re doing more than building a road – you’re building the future development of your city. And, that’s what’s never dawned on people. It still doesn’t, in a way.
Richard Lamm
But apart from the military measures, security measures, of course, Afghanistan needs great help for building up its social life, its economic life. It has become a very poor country, neglected for many years.
Bulent Ecevit
Marxism is like a classical building that followed the Renaissance; beautiful in its way, but incapable of growth.
Harold MacMillan
You know what’s better than building things up in your imagination? Building things up in real life.
Ryan Holiday