Words matter. These are the best Animals Quotes from famous people such as Elizabeth Hurley, Diane von Furstenberg, P. J. O’Rourke, James A. Michener, Daniel Pinkwater, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.
I think, if you were being cruel to animals, then the thought of eating them would be horrific.
Animals come from nature. They were not designed. All my inspiration comes from nature, whether it’s an animal or the layout of bark or of a leaf. Sometimes my patterns are very bold, and you can barely see where they come from, but all the textures and all the prints come out of nature.
Humans are the only animals that have children on purpose with the exception of guppies, who like to eat theirs.
Whenever I start a book, I swear it’s going to be a short one. But then it’s, ‘Who was his grandfather? And how did he get there in the first place? And what kind of animals is he chasing?’
Werewolves are much more common animals than you might think.
Materialist philosophies that treat human beings as machines or animals possess the high ground in our culture – academia, the most powerful media and many of our courts.
People always say that, like, you’re a dog person or a cat person. I just love animals. I’m not a dog person or a cat person.
Man, of all the animals, is probably the only one to regard himself as a great delicacy.
It’s been my dream to have four babies by 30. I look after animals, so I’d have a lot to give my kids.
Lots of people talk to animals… Not very many listen, though… That’s the problem.
In Tennessee where I grew up, there were animals, farms, wagons, mules.
I’m not perfect and I know it. I’ve done all sorts of things that are frowned upon these days – big-game hunting, fishing. I still enjoy fishing but I don’t kill warm-blooded animals any more – I make an exception with birds sometimes.
It’s commonly said that if slaughterhouses had clear glass walls, nobody would eat meat. I think people go out of their way to remain ignorant about how factory farm animals are treated.
We are in a far better position to observe instincts in animals or in primitives than in ourselves. This is due to the fact that we have grown accustomed to scrutinizing our own actions and to seeking rational explanations for them.
Cruelty to men and to the lower animals as well, which would have passed unnoticed a century ago, now shocks the sensibilities and is regarded as wicked and degrading.
By exercising your stomach muscles, you wring out the body, you don’t catch colds, you don’t get cancer, you don’t get hernias. Do animals get hernias? Do animals go on diets?
I have found that, in the composition of the human body as compared with the bodies of animals, the organs of sense are duller and coarser. Thus, it is composed of less ingenious instruments, and of spaces less capacious for receiving the faculties of sense.
If God did not intend for us to eat animals, then why did he make them out of meat?
As far as the Animals breaking up – it was my fault. I wanted out. We took it to the max, as far as we could take it. Our reunion tour in 1983 went pretty good until we left America. Then we pushed it too hard and it fell apart.
They took their meals together; and it was remarked on such occasions, when the friendship of animals is put to a hard test, that they never quarrelled or disputed the possession of a favourite fruit with each other.
I couldn’t watch Tom and Jerry. The cruelty was too much. I had all these strange images, of tiny animals, all mixed up.
Animals weren’t put on this earth to entertain us.
Animals, or at least those who are conscious and capable of suffering or enjoying their lives, are not things for us to use in whatever way we find convenient.
The domesticated chicken is probably the most widespread bird in the annals of planet Earth. If you measure success in terms of numbers, chickens, cows and pigs are the most successful animals ever.
Early AI was mainly based on logic. You’re trying to make computers that reason like people. The second route is from biology: You’re trying to make computers that can perceive and act and adapt like animals.
Far too often animals are put to sleep when they could be saved through proper care and nursing.
I think that there are many aspects to the relationship between humans and animals. But briefly, humans appear to have always been fascinated by them from the time of cave paintings and before.
I’m not your expert on Africa or animals or whatever. I’m not a travel writer or maker of documentaries. I was someone who doesn’t know very much, trying to communicate.
Ninety-five percent of the eggs produced in America come from factory-farmed birds. Even if free-range farms were hugely more humane, the sheer number of animals raised to satisfy people’s desire for eggs, meat, and milk makes it impossible for us to raise them all on small, free-range farms.
Whales are killed today to supply the limited demand for whale meat or to be used in pet foods or as fodder for fur-bearing animals used in the fur trade.
‘Tiger King.’ They are absolutely gone with the fairies, they’re all absolutely raving out of the box, the lot of them. All those people with animals like tigers, who’ve got their own zoos in America, and one guy’s got something like 2,000 tigers in his back garden. It’s absolutely mad.
I don’t wear fur and I understand their cause. I am the biggest animal lover in the world. I have four dogs and two horses, and I have rescued animals all my life.
If a horse doesn’t want to do something, you’re not going to make him do it. They’re incredibly powerful animals.
Animals, they are one of the most beautiful gifts we have and, you know, if there are people that have compassion, there are very few people that put their money into animal rescue organizations. And if there is someone that has that passion, animals need all the help they can get.
Everybody thinks people who promote PETA don’t eat meat, but I think animals were made to be eaten.
I probably shouldn’t say this about all animals, but at least the farm animals that I’ve hung out with, and even when I go to the zoo usually, they’re like a blank slate. I guess that’s why I like them. They’re puppets, and you can imagine them being anything you want.
We eat animals because they taste good. And if that’s O.K., what’s wrong with wearing fur? We need as a society to think seriously about our institutionalized animal use.
I’m very caring with animals. I think patience is a big deal, because animals are always jumping around. I love to take care of people, so I think I’d be a good vet. I always wanted to be a vet when I was little.
Before I had my child, animals were my life. I slept with four dogs in my bed.
I needed a place to put the dogs. The prisoners ruined the jail, so I put the prisoners in the tents and I had a nice place to put the dogs. We treat the cats nice too, and horses. I have the inmates take care of the animals. It’s therapy too, you see.
I’ve always loved animals and I always thought that they were, if not better, then the absolute equal of any two legged creature that God ever created.
Our family always had animals, but they became more important to me as the years passed because they helped me deal with the absence of love.
Brute animals have the vowel sounds; man only can utter consonants.
There is an overabundance of rational reasons to say no to factory-farmed meat: It is the No. 1 cause of global warming, it systematically forces tens of billions of animals to suffer in ways that would be illegal if they were dogs, it is a decisive factor in the development of swine and avian flus, and so on.
Animals have genes for altruism, and those genes have been selected in the evolution of many creatures because of the advantage they confer for the continuing survival of the species.
There the wild animals wandered and fed as though they were in a pasture that stretched much farther than a man could see, and there were no settlers. Only Indians lived there.
The ways in which people treat animals will be reflected in how people relate to one another.
I like all these little animals that run and eat and hide all the time. I like their faces, They seem to be scared and curious at the same time.
My object will be, first, to show by what connections the history of the fossil bones of land animals is linked to the theory of the earth and why they have a particular importance in this respect.
Everyone has a different opinion; every country has a different way of doing things. But I do believe that we need a regulatory body so that everyone who owns or manages wildlife is subject to inspection and rated on how well they look after the animals and how the communities benefit.
I became a vegetarian after I became aware of factory farming and slaughterhouses and the torture and inhumane handling of all these animals.
No animal on the face of the earth could conceive of taxation. You and I work roughly six months a year to pay our local, state and federal taxes. If nothing else, this should convince you that animals are smarter than people.
I like animals because they are not consciously cruel and don’t betray each other.
Working with animals forces an actor to work harder because you have to be quick when it comes to improvisation, and you can’t break character – at all.
Nature makes only dumb animals. We owe the fools to society.
I’ve just always loved animals.
There’s a long tradition in Western thought that humans are not shackled by biology, whereas animals are pure instinct machines.
The countenances of children, like those of animals, are masks, not faces, for they have not yet developed a significant profile of their own.
The fashion industry has a responsibility to represent a healthy image of women, but to start weighing them and putting them against a wall and making them feel like animals? No.
I saw a bank of white light, and then I saw all my beloved animals. For a moment I stepped out of my body.
Keeping animals, I have learned, is all about water. Who even knew chickens drank water? I didn’t, but they do, and a lot.
People are not going to care about animal conservation unless they think that animals are worthwhile.
In Britain, the great hidden secret of talking animals and children’s literature is how political it was in its bones, beneath the obvious cuteness.
Ever occur to you why some of us can be this much concerned with animals suffering? Because government is not. Why not? Animals don’t vote.
Like all animals, human beings have always taken what they want from nature. But we are the rogue species. We are unique in our ability to use resources on a scale and at a speed that our fellow species can’t.
Fifty percent of the weight of the soybean is protein. And what a protein! No other protein that we’ve known comes so nearly to the basic protein of animals and humans as soybean protein.
We can move water easily with plastic pipes. We can move shade around with nursery cloth like a tinker toy for animals and plants. Yet we have developed this necessity to grow food with chemical fertiliser because we have forgotten the magic of manure.
Man is the most intelligent of the animals – and the most silly.
The important thing is that we now have the tools to sequence all kinds of animals and plants and microbes – as well as humans. It is not important that we didn’t actually finish the human sequence yet.
I do love one-upmanship sometimes, like when you see kids breakdancing and who can do the best tricks. It’s common, it’s in our nature as animals, like the birds of paradise who’ve got the best feathers and that sort of stuff. But it’s fun when it’s impulsive and it’s about fun.
Everything that I’ve done in my life was to lead me to my work with the animals.
I had a ton of animals; I had a goat growing up, a bunch of rabbits, a vegetable garden.
We’re in ‘Jurassic Park’ territory. If we go to the zoo in the future, we’ll have zoos for extinct animals.
I suppose I am one: an activist – for animals and a vegan lifestyle. I hear that word, however, and look around to see if someone is indeed referring to me.
Humans are amphibians – half spirit and half animal. As spirits they belong to the eternal world, but as animals they inhabit time.
I personally cannot tell you how many times we rescuers put our names on animals to come to us as soon as they are eligible for release, only to find they have been senselessly killed by overzealous pound workers.
Animals are the main victims of history, and the treatment of domesticated animals in industrial farms is perhaps the worst crime in history.
As social animals, we need to exchange juicy tales about someone – to connect with one another. For millions of years our forebears must have sat around the campfire, whispering about everyone they knew.
I’ve had a love of animals from birth. I love getting to know other species. We should all be aware that there is not one thing we can give a wild animal in captivity that they need.
People are powerfully moved by imagination, belief, and knowledge. They can consider the past and future. They can make changes in their behavior out of reason in a way that animals can’t do.
The animals of the world exist for their own reasons. They were not made for humans any more than black people were made for white, or women created for men.
I could really use a corporate sponsor. People think that because you’re in the movies, you’re rich. I have allocated all my resources to Shambala so the animals will always be safe.
If having a soul means being able to feel love and loyalty and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans.
Maybe one day the world will change, that we’ll be in a luxurious position of being able to debate whether or not it’s inherently wrong to eat animals, but the question doesn’t matter right now.
The Indians could not undertake any widespread cultivation of the plains not only because they lacked iron tools but also because they had no draft animals.
Experiments with animals have long been handicapped by our anthropocentric attitude: We often test them in ways that work fine with humans but not so well with other species.
For at the same time many people seem eager to extend the circle of our moral consideration to animals, in our factory farms and laboratories we are inflicting more suffering on more animals than at any time in history.
If we lose bees, we may be looking at losing apples and oranges. We may be looking at losing a great deal of other crops, as well, and other animals that depend on those crops.
I’ve been a rescue dog mom several times and occasionally found comfort in scrolling through pictures of animals on various adoption center websites, just to fantasize about adding to the family.
I think of animals more as spirits that come and go. They enter our lives at a particular time and they leave at a particular time. The whole glorious history of animals with people is about joy and connection. It’s about loving this creature and letting this creature love you.
I think some women try to make you feel you’re not all female because you haven’t given birth. There are a lot of prejudices. Some women think women who have animals are deeply sad, because what they really want is a child. Mind you, there’s probably an element of truth in that.
Consciousness surely does not depend on language. Babies, many animals, and patients robbed of speech by brain damage are not insensate robots; they have reactions like ours that indicate that someone’s home.
In my life, I have dreamt of seeing the great herds of wild animals, jungles and rainforests full of birds and butterflies, but now I wonder if they will even exist for my children to see.
I dressed up as a veterinarian for a Halloween costume party. I had the lab coat. I got a couple of stuffed animals for patients and put bandages on them.
I want to be an entrepreneur too; I like the business side of things. When I was younger I wanted to be a vet or a tightrope walker. But I have no sense of balance and I can’t bear animals dying, so I abandoned both ideas.
It is up to the public to stop attending these theatrical, and aquatic shows, and circuses with wild animals. The rhetoric about how the animals are happy and well cared for are lies. Don’t be swayed by them. The money behind these shows is huge; there is nothing good about them.
Successive generations of middle-class parents used to foist their own favourite books on their children. But some time in the late Eighties it began to wane – not because children had lost interest in adorable animals but because most of it was available on useful, pacifying video.
If we are concerned about the exploitation of human workers in countries with low standards of worker protection, we should also be concerned about the treatment of even more defenceless non-human animals.
I had rather be an oyster than a man, the most stupid and senseless of animals.
I know lots and lots and lots of vegetarians who think it’s perfectly all right to kill animals for food to eat, but don’t do it because they think all the ways in which it’s done are wrong.
People on death row, the treatment of animals, women’s right to choose. So much in America is based on religious fundamentalist Christianity. Grow up! This is the modern world!
I remember as a little girl I could tell you the name of the dog next door, but I couldn’t tell you the names of the kids. The dog was my best friend. I love animals. They give so much to you and demand so little.
I am opposed to the military use of animals. I am also opposed to the military use of men.
The beliefs I was raised with – to respect animals and to be aware of nature, to understand that we share this planet with other creatures – have had a huge impact on me.
Animals don’t deserve to be abused. They deserve to be friends with us and they deserve to be appreciated for the beautiful beings they are.
God made a mistake when he gave to humans, infected as they are with evil, jurisdiction over Earth. He should have given jurisdiction to animals.
I’m lucky because I have a job I love. I really miss being away from home, being in my own bed, seeing my animals and siblings, having my moms cookies. I have a couple cats. I got a kitten about a year ago and now Im going on the road so I wont see him for a while. I feel bad.
Doctors are human animals. They want to be loved, they are tribal, they instinctually favor stories over scientific evidence, they make mistakes, and even small gifts make them susceptible to being biased. If we took doctors seriously as human animals, we might hurt them – and they might hurt us – a lot less.
Fanatics end by subverting their own argument. For instance, animal rights activists have some point, and many people feel sympathy with them. But animal rights fanatics do not have a point. They are the sort of people who threaten human beings in their effort to ‘defend’ animals.
The only animals I’m not comfortable with are parrots, but I’m learning as I go. I’m getting better and better at ’em. I really am.
The nature of human beings is to eat meat and fruits and vegetables, and therefore we have to kill animals. I don’t have a problem with that. But it’s a sacred moment. It’s a gift of life.
My husband says I like animals more than I like people. I take that as the compliment he means it as.
I love them very much. All animals big and small. You can name an ant for instance.
Animals interest me more than anything else.
I have a passion for animals and spend a lot of my spare time working with various organizations here in Toronto.
It’s been argued that of all the animals humans have domesticated, the horse is the most important to our history. For thousands of years, horses were our most reliable mode of transportation.
Animals praise a good day, a good hunt. They praise rain if they’re thirsty. That’s prayer. They don’t live an unconscious life, they simply have no language to talk about these things. But they are grateful for the good things that come along.
The harming of animals for any reason is shameful, but torturing them for mere vanity is senseless. Slaughtering animals for their fur or harming them for cosmetic purposes is disgusting and not worth the perfect shade of lipstick.
Like most animals, we’re wired to associate height with power.
We shall not be happy unless we live like good animals, unless we enjoy the exercise of the ordinary functions of life: eating, sleeping, loving, walking, running, swimming, riding, sailing.
My mother and dad were big animal lovers, too. I just don’t know how I would have lived without animals around me. I’m fascinated by them – both domestic pets and the wild community. They just are the most interesting things in the world to me, and it’s made such a difference in my lifetime.
I am not a vegetarian because I love animals; I am a vegetarian because I hate plants.
For me, it always has to be about health. That’s why I’m a vegan. Well, I don’t even do that for my health entirely, I do it for animals.
I laughed when Steven Spielberg said that cloning extinct animals was inevitable. But I’m not laughing anymore, at least about mammoths. This is going to happen. It’s just a matter of working out the details.
I couldn’t imagine a home without animals.
Secondly, the nature of the revolutions which have altered the surface of the earth must have had a more decisive effect on the terrestrial quadrupeds than on the marine animals.
If it is indeed impossible – or at least very difficult – to inhabit the consciousness of an animal, then in writing about animals there is a temptation to project upon them feelings and thoughts that may belong only to our own human mind and heart.
I remember that. I was talking to him and I said how great it would be if actors had a tail because I have animals and a tail is so expressive. On a cat you can tell everything. You can tell if they’re annoyed. You can tell whether they’re scared.
I’ve been bitten by a python. Not a very big one. I was being silly, saying: ‘Oh, it’s not poisonous…’ Then, wallop! But you have fear around animals.
Stuffed animals are sad and scary; they have humorous and tragic qualities.
I have such a passion because I adore animals so much.
I am a fosterer of animals.
Animals in the wild are lean, and I think we should be too.
Books have the same enemies as people: fire, humidity, animals, weather, and their own content.
We have two dogs, Mabel and Wolf, and three cats at home, Charlie, George and Chairman. We have two cats on our farm, Tom and Little Sister, two horses, and two mini horses, Hannah and Tricky. We also have two cows, Holy and Madonna. And those are only the animals we let sleep in our bed.
Working on behalf of companion animals is so important. We start to realize how healing they are.
When I was a kid, I used to imagine animals running under my bed. I told my dad, and he solved the problem quickly. He cut the legs off the bed.
In my movies, there has been little to do in the way of animal rights. I have never worked in a movie with animals. No horse-riding, no trained dogs, lions, bears. A few actors, but what could I do? We had to have them.
As a biologist, I can’t think of myself as anything but an animal among animals and plant.
Sticking wires into the brain is obviously rather crude. It’s hard to do in animals that run around, and there is a physical limit to the number of wires that can be inserted simultaneously.
Horseracing and ranch horses are two different animals. You’re getting race horses out and running and running them. It can be really problematic. A thoroughbred’s very delicate.
What makes us human is that we ask questions. All the animals have interests, instincts and conceptions. All the animals frame for themselves an idea of the world in which they live. But we alone question our surroundings.
Morality, as has often been pointed out, is antecedent to religion-it even exists in a rudimentary form among animals.
Animals play a big part in my life, on tour or at home.
It was wrong to capture wild animals and confine them in captivity for people to go and gawk at them. And that’s basically how zoos got started. But once you do that, and once you have animals that have been bred in captivity, you’re really stuck with them in some sense. You can’t return them to the wild.
As a kid, I loved doing puzzles, solving riddles, and reading mystery books. I also loved animals and always had pets.
I love animals and they’re very easy to look after when they’re dead.
If you’re buying animal products and can go to the farm and actually see how the animals are looked after, yes, that’s an important point. That’s definitely the best way of assuring yourself that the animals are being well treated.
I have no neighbours other than animals and Joshua Trees.
The most important of all rights is the right to life, and I cannot foresee a day when domesticated animals will be granted that right in law.
When you meet the farmers and go to the farms, you see that they treat their animals like they’re family. It makes a big difference.
When I look back over my life it’s almost as if there was a plan laid out for me – from the little girl who was so passionate about animals who longed to go to Africa and whose family couldn’t afford to put her through college. Everyone laughed at my dreams. I was supposed to be a secretary in Bournemouth.
Some people are uncomfortable with the idea that humans belong to the same class of animals as cats and cows and raccoons. They’re like the people who become successful and then don’t want to be reminded of the old neighborhood.
The greatest form of expression – or, at least, the most common that we have as human beings, what separates us from the animals – is speaking: the ability to communicate.
Art owes its origin to Nature herself… this beautiful creation, the world, supplied the first model, while the original teacher was that divine intelligence which has not only made us superior to the other animals, but like God Himself, if I may venture to say it.
Every literary culture has among its first bearings the ‘blether’ of animals who seek to make sense of human existence.
My mother early on taught us to respect all animals, and I mean all animals – not just cats and dogs but rats and snakes and spiders and fish and wildlife, so I really grew up believing they are just like us and just as deserving of consideration.
Grain that is used to feed animals that end up on our tables as turkeys and hams could have gone to feed starving people.
You shouldn’t say ‘animals’ to distinguish between humans and non-humans. We are all animals.
These are the animals that are the reason why you don’t see old animals in the wild. You don’t see sick animals in the wild. You don’t see lame animals in the wild, and its all because of the predator: the lion, the tiger, the leopard, all the cats.
Human folk are as a matter of fact eager to find intelligence in animals.
As children, we did not have toys. We invented characters and animals; we invented stories.
In ‘We Were the Mulvaneys,’ animals are almost as important as people. I wanted to show the tenderness in our relationships with cats, dogs, and horses. Especially cats.
Men feel that cruelty to the poor is a kind of cruelty to animals. They never feel that it is an injustice to equals; nay it is treachery to comrades.
Towns are suffering from all these things, we should unite until we are all satisfied, man cannot be killing each other as if we were animals, as if we had no culture; that is a lack of culture.
In all works on Natural History, we constantly find details of the marvellous adaptation of animals to their food, their habits, and the localities in which they are found.
I don’t have a favorite author; I have favorite books. ‘Moby Dick’ is a favorite book, but Melville was a drunk who beat his wife. ‘Moveable Feast’ by Hemingway, but I would not like him personally. He was a stupid macho person who believed in shooting animals for fun, but that book was incredible!
I think all animals have souls. I feel certain that if we have souls, octopuses have souls, too. If you grant something a soul, it demands a certain level of sacredness. Look around us. The world is holy. It is full of souls.
Being socially responsible is one of Gucci’s core values, and we will continue to strive to do better for the environment and animals.
Humanity evolves when we realise that animals have the same rights to the Earth as we do.
I have held healthy respects of bears along with assorted crocodiles, snakes and lots of other animals. You know, bears are dangerous, you have to be super careful.
So for me, anything that has to do with animals, and I’m a happy camper.
I have no problem with people eating meat. I would just like it, for the people who do eat meat, for the animals to be treated better. To be treated humanely. Cows in pastures living the life that they’re supposed to live. I have no problem with that.
Like many animals, wild ponies can sense a drop in barometric pressure. When a storm threatens, they know to seek shelter in hilly areas and huddle together with their rumps facing the oncoming wind.
The main peculiarity which distinguishes man from other animals is the means of his support-the power which he possesses of very greatly increasing these means.
Well I do find the beauty in animals. I find beauty everywhere. I find beauty in my garden.
RNA interference has proven to be a quite reliable mechanism for turning genes off in a whole variety of different plants and animals.
Pet stores just sell their animals.
Genesis 9 is where the animals went wild, and God gave them wildness. After the flood, that’s when he made animals wild. Up until that time, everybody was vegetarian.
In conditions of uncertainty, humans, like other animals, herd together for protection.
Animals aren’t any better equipped to survive an emergency than humans are. Few people missed the fact that after Hurricane Katrina, people died because buses and emergency shelters wouldn’t allow their animals.
To the factory farmer, in contrast to the traditional farmer with his sense of honor and obligation, the animals are ‘production units,’ and accorded all the sympathy that term suggests.
I’ve always written about animals. I’m still trying to process why that is.
I looked about me once again, and suddenly the dancing horses without number changed into animals of every kind and into all the fowls that are, and these fled back to the four quarters of the world from whence the horses came, and vanished.
One who is kind is sympathetic and gentle with others. He is considerate of others’ feelings and courteous in his behavior. He has a helpful nature. Kindness pardons others’ weaknesses and faults. Kindness is extended to all – to the aged and the young, to animals, to those low of station as well as the high.
Living animals are too eccentric in their movements, and the law of gravitation usually draws me from my seat upon them to a lower level; therefore, I am not an inveterate lover of horseback.
I don’t want food that comes from animals that are caged up and fed antibiotics. I am really suspicious of that kind of production of meat and poultry.
My own field, the prevention of genetic disorders in babies, has been possible only because of humane work on animals.
God looks after children, animals and idiots.
Without a notion of the transcendental, human beings would, indeed, be animals; however, only fools can be convinced of it, and only degenerates need such a conviction.
I hate to witness animals in captivity – or see circus elephants paraded down the streets. When animals are caged, it’s a loss of what they are.
Being a mountain boy, I have always understood the importance of trees, animals and nature for a human being.
Always wanted to be an actress or work with animals and now I get to do both.
Grissom comes from a place where we know he had a deaf mother, he was raised in a silent household, on some level, had a father who potentially was not around and he learned what he knew by himself in the back yard, with bugs and animals. He’s not comfortable being a supervisor and that’s his problem.
All of my friends are animal people. To me, cats are people, too. Animals are people, too. I travel a lot and when I go overseas, it’s really hard on me because the animals are treated much differently, especially in developing countries.
Dogs and other animals – goats, donkeys, cows, a grumpy rooster – continue to change my writing life.
Native Americans had only stone and wooden weapons and no animals that could be ridden. Those military advantages repeatedly enabled troops of a few dozen mounted Spaniards to defeat Indian armies numbering in the thousands.
Nevertheless most of the evergreen forests of the north must always remain the home of wild animals and trappers, a backward region in which it is easy for a great fur company to maintain a practical monopoly.
As I say, the Animals had a particular concept of themselves as a band. There was an anarchic spirit in it, which was being flattened by commercial designs, attitudes, and needs.
How much will you give for the lives of your childrens children, which is yourself? How much are people willing to give up for air, earth, water, animals, and the coming generations? I think the answer to that is pretty clear.
Through PETA, we rescue animals in roadside zoos and circuses. They are some of the most abused animals in the country.
There is an old show business saying which warns never to work with animals or children, but nobody prepared me for Molly Meldrum.
I love puppies, and I love animals in general. Besides that, I do martial arts: extreme martial arts. I also play real guitar and drums, and sing. And I’m taking some college classes, hoping to major in English and creative writing.
We were in all four men with eight animals; for besides the spare horses led by Shaw and myself, an additional mule was driven along with us as a reserve in case of accident.
As you may know, some of the stereotyped behaviors exhibited by autistic children are also found in zoo animals who are raised in a barren environment.
God, that all-powerful Creator of nature and architect of the world, has impressed man with no character so proper to distinguish him from other animals, as by the faculty of speech.
I just don’t think animals should be slaughtered for their fur.
I found myself compelled – like this weird, shameful compulsion – to draw cute animals.
Strictly speaking, my interest is not in legal rights for animals but in a change of heart towards animals.
Moreover, it thus follows that not a great deal of time was needed for the large animals of the three major parts of the world to become known to the people who spent time on the coasts of those regions.
All animals, except man, know that the principal business of life is to enjoy it.
Hence the same instant which killed the animals froze the country where they lived. This event was sudden, instantaneous, without any gradual development.
I love animals, and I feel more of a connection to animals than people.
As long as man continues to be the ruthless destroyer of lower living beings he will never know health or peace. For as long as men massacre animals, they will kill each other.
Shelters, conservationists, those concerned about unnecessary cruelty toward the animals we eat, and people working against species extinction fight to preserve the true riches of our planet, our real inheritance. These are big, critical goals.
Some animals utter a loud cry. Some are silent, and others have a voice, which in some cases may be expressed by a word; in others, it cannot. There are also noisy animals and silent animals, musical and unmusical kinds, but they are mostly noisy about the breeding season.
Heartless though it may seem to some, among the least harmful things to eat are sustainably culled wild animals. In the absence of natural predators, deer populations in parts of Britain have reached such dense numbers that the woodlands they browse fail to regenerate.
Teach your children how to behave with animals. Adopt a pet. Don’t go buy one. Please. That’s a sin. Let’s get these puppy mills out of business.
If I hammer my own thumb while doing some DIY, it’s not nice, but it’s not the end of the world. To care obsessively about similar levels of discomfort in animals seems to be a case of mistaken moral priorities.
I can find God in nature, in animals, in birds and the environment.
Kids leave us and go off on their own lives. Family members tell us what they think of us. Animals can’t do that. They really are blank canvases, and we can project anything we want onto them. So the relationship is very pure and simple.
At his best, man is the noblest of all animals; separated from law and justice he is the worst.
We have wild animals in zoos, yet people rarely meet their ‘food’ face to face.
I look upon The Animals, they were a great band initially, we left our mark, but thing was it was a band that couldn’t live up to its name so I soldiered on. On one level, it was devastating for a while. On another level, maybe I should thank them for helping me make my own way in my own career.
We moved to a place where we felt the children could have as normal an upbringing as possible. Los Angeles was not it. We live in a place with clean air and animals.
I was very independent growing up, but there were things that were bothering me that I never told anybody. I would talk to our animals at home.
Spare a thought for the poor introverts among us. In a world of party animals and glad-handers, they’re the ones who stand by the punch bowl. In a world of mixers and pub crawls, they prefer to stay home with a book. Everywhere around them, cell phones ring and e-mails chime and they just want a little quiet.
In 2008, I was in a London park when I came across a fledgling crow that had fallen from the top of an oak tree. A woman happened to be passing, and she said that she rescued animals, so she invited me back to her house. It turned out she was the wife of Jeff Beck. Jeff was there, and we ended up jamming together.
I’m definitely an animal lover, and I stand up for all animals’ rights.
Biology will relate every human gene to the genes of other animals and bacteria, to this great chain of being.
Sea World’s killer whale collection needs constant replenishing. The average life span of the animals in captivity is less than half the average for killer whales in the ocean.
We’re the only species who follow unstable leaders. This is true – it has little to do with America – around the world, pack leaders are unstable. Animals don’t follow that.
Too often, animal-rights supporters seem to care about animals to the exclusion of people.
Cows are gentle, interesting animals.
I could do terrible things to people who dump unwanted animals by the roadside.
Comedians and impressionists used to be two different showbiz animals entirely, but now there’s no such thing as a comedian who doesn’t do impressions.
I love animals and feel very strongly that people should not be allowed to buy a pet if they are not able to look after it.
Animals mean everything to me. We have to be their voice and protectors.
Having travelled to some 20 African countries, I find myself, like so many other visitors to Africa before me, intoxicated with the continent. And I am not referring to the animals, as much as I have been enthralled by them during safaris in Kenya, Tanzania and Zimbabwe. Rather, I am referring to the African peoples.
I’m a vegetarian – I think there’s a strong possibility, had I not become a vegetarian, I would not be working now. I became a vegetarian about 25 years ago, and I did it out of concern for animals. But I immediately began having more energy and feeling better.
People are always the start for me… animals, when I can get into their heads, gods, supernatural beings, immortals, the dead… these are all people to me.
We need to separate the process of evolution – which is, indeed, a self-serving process – and the actual motivations of animals.
Studying cows, pigs and chickens can help an actor develop his character. There are a lot of things I learned from animals. One was that they couldn’t hiss or boo me.
I love animals and I love working with them because they don’t lie.
Swine flu is not an anomaly. We know that swine flu – like the vast majority of new outbreaks – comes from animals. We should be monitoring those animals and the humans that come into contact with them, so we can catch these viruses early, before they infect major cities and spread throughout the world.
The history of agriculture is the history of humans breeding seeds and animals to produce traits we want in our crops and livestock.
It isn’t true that convicts live like animals: animals have more room to move around.
I love looking after animals. I find it very enjoyable.
When you write about animals, of course, you are really writing about the people who love and live with them. Animals mirror and reveal us. Dogs in particular are often reflections of us, and what we need them to be.
From the physical point of view, a man is nothing more than a system of cells, or from the mental point of view, than a system of representations; in either case, he differs only in degree from animals.
I love very much to draw animals.
Humans are vulnerable, messy little animals and that’s normal. And all I want to do is make a space for that in my films.
Our success was mainly due to the fact that we stimulated the nerves of animals that easily stood on their own feet and were not subjected to any painful stimulus either during or immediately before stimulation of their nerves.
China once again disgusts the world, portraying the image of a cruel, perverted people devoid of any feelings towards animals.
Artemis women often have difficult childhoods. She’s the kid who seeks comfort in the woods, or animals, or books. If trapped in an authoritarian family, she blends in to get by – but keeps a fierce autonomy inside her head and heart, looking to the day she breaks free.
We created a line of pet food called Nutrish that’s made to human standards, and 100 percent of the proceeds go to animal rescue. One of our top-tier donors is the ASPCA, and they help us challenge animal shelters all across the country to get more animals placed in homes.
I like some animals more than some people, some people more than some animals.
The propensity to truck, barter and exchange one thing for another is common to all men, and to be found in no other race of animals.
People’s hearts are like wild animals. They attach their selves to those that love and train them.
My whole background is character acting: weird costumes, fat suits, playing men, playing animals – I’ve never played anyone with whom there’s any overlapping Venn diagram.
Animals are sentient, intelligent, perceptive, funny and entertaining. We owe them a duty of care as we do to children.
Animals feel pain and love and joy, just as humans. But in the industrialised meat, dairy, and egg industries, animals are denied everything that’s natural and important to them. Some of them don’t even feel the fresh air. They don’t see the light.
Mainly I’m a vegan because I like animals, and I don’t want to be involved in their suffering. Also, it’s better for my health and for the environment.
We see the moon, don’t we? So it’s our eye. Animals see us, don’t they? So we’re their animals.
We lavish on animals the love we are afraid to show to people. They might not return it; or worse, they might.
Human beings are social animals; we devote a significant portion of our brain just to dealing with interactions with other humans.
I’m always pushing for human responsibility. Given that chimpanzees and many other animals are sentient and sapient, then we should treat them with respect.
I love shooting guns. Not at people or animals, but I love shooting blanks!
I’ve always been fascinated by the way that children and animals suffer stoically in a way that I don’t think adults do.
Nothing can be more obvious than that all animals were created solely and exclusively for the use of man.
Animals are not cute. They are disturbing. Pigs do eat their young. Actually, I hate pigs. I just happen to have some who are friends of mine.
I think we have a real obligation when we do have animals in captivity to understand their needs and to care for them as well as we can.
If you call a cat, he may not come. Which doesn’t happen with dogs. They’re different types of animals. Cats are very sexy I think too in the way they move.
Man’s unique reward, however, is that while animals survive by adjusting themselves to their background, man survives by adjusting his background to himself.
As I listened, it occurred to me that interest in and affection for the animals that share the planet with us may be a more unifying force than any other.
My main issue is sustainability of the Earth, and protection of those animals and people who dwell here.
Just as predatory animals follow a similar general design and behave in similar ways, so organizations, especially those in competition with one another, must follow certain design principles if they are to succeed and prevail.
I love animals, especially dogs, as I can have them as pets too.
We are animals, born from the land with the other species. Since we’ve been living in cities, we’ve become more and more stupid, not smarter. What made us survive all these hundreds of thousands of years is our spirituality; the link to our land.
The problem with experiments has always been that human beings make the decisions on whether or not the animals have benefitted from the treatment.
Most animals are built to withstand one bad year.
I hope to make people realize how totally helpless animals are, how dependent on us, trusting as a child must that we will be kind and take care of their needs.
Our expression and our words never coincide, which is why the animals don’t understand us.
The fate of animals is of greater importance to me than the fear of appearing ridiculous; it is indissolubly connected with the fate of men.
Look at the Seattle Seahawks. They talk it, they walk it and they play like wild animals. Sometimes you need that to win.
Before being humans with morals, people are mostly animals, fighting for domination and survival.
I just realized that if it’s really compassion that drives you, maybe it’s not enough just to stop eating animals but you maybe should boycott the whole animal industry, because… it’s not what you as a compassionate being would want. So actually you should go one step further and become vegan.
Becoming a grandmother brought me back to the things I forgot to love. Nature. Playing. Seeing animals. A new way of looking. A rejuvenation. A cycle of life – things come back to you. The details.
From the lowest animals of which we can affirm intelligence up to man this type of intellect is found.
I came to join the Experience by going for an audition for Eric Burdon who was just forming the New Animals at that point, after the original Animals had broken up.
There is something basic about protecting land by taking it off the market. People should be able to enjoy where they live while at the same time protect the plants and animals around them.
I love animals, always have, and it seemed natural to help the ASPCA. Animals have no voice of their own, so we have to be that voice.
My mom, my dad, my two brothers – we’re all animal lovers. I think we love animals more than most people.
Saving animals is as simple as choosing synthetic alternatives instead of real fur.
You’re a good example of why some animals eat their young.
Let’s get into talking about how autism is similar animal behavior. The thing is I don’t think in a language, and animals don’t think in a language. It’s sensory based thinking, thinking in pictures, thinking in smells, thinking in touches. It’s putting these sensory based memories into categories.
Animals are such agreeable friends – they ask no questions; they pass no criticisms.
There’s no particular evidence that any of the lower mammals or any of the other animals have any interest in aesthetics at all. But Homo sapiens does, always has and always will.
I’m trying to get across the message that don’t be afraid of animals, they’re just put on this earth to help the environment and everything like that.
Great Britain had a much different situation than we do and did here in the United States, in that they had literally thousands of infected animals with human health risks. Their infectivity in this disease happened before very much was known about it.
Animals often strike us as passionate machines.
When I was 8 years old, my brother was making the noises of the animals I was eating, so I decided to go vegetarian. Then I would give up because I was 8.
When I was 18 I worked with the Ringling Brothers circus, taking care of menagerie animals. I used to rather deliberately risk my life with the big cats.
Factory farming came about from a moral race to the bottom, with corporations vying against each other to produce more and bigger animals with less care at lower cost.
The way animals were and are abused appalls me to this very day.
Humans have always used animals to depict ideas about themselves: ideas about their status, about their position in life and society and the world.
I always thought of deer as solitary animals that weren’t very interesting. But my goodness, that was very wrong. The big eye-opener for me was that they’re social. They have family groups.
I’ve visited Lincoln Park Zoo more times than I can count because I believe the more the public learns about our animals, plants and environment, the better equipped we are to play a leading role in protecting our planet.
I try to keep a positive intention and use whatever resources I have to benefit others. I try to create businesses that I think are not hurtful. I try to do things that I think are helpful to the environment, to the animals, and to the planet.
What a lonely species we are, searching for signals of life from other galaxies, adopting companion animals, visiting parks and zoos to commune with other beasts. In the process, we discover our shared identity.
I grew up with lots of animals and I related more to them than I did to people. I feel a lot of empathy for them.
I have had strange animals as pets all my life. I was shy growing up, and shy people tend to interact better with animals than people. Animals are direct, not duplicitous.
The behavior of men to the lower animals, and their behavior to each other, bear a constant relationship.
Whether animals admit it or not, they and I communicate.
If a man lets all of my dogs sleep in the bed with us, then that is the most romantic thing. You must love my dogs in order to love me. A man who is nice to my animals and doesn’t shoo them away – well, that’s the height of romance.
People in general romanticize nature, and they make it out to be something that it isn’t because humans are so awful. And yes, we are absolutely screwing up this planet, but that is only because we have the capabilities to do so. Animals are not better than us. They are not nicer than us.
It’s perfectly obvious that there is some genetic factor that distinguishes humans from other animals and that it is language-specific. The theory of that genetic component, whatever it turns out to be, is what is called universal grammar.
I gave my beauty and my youth to men. I am going to give my wisdom and experience to animals.
One thing I think kids need to do is more chores, and take care of their own rooms. Responsibilities are really important to start them with. If they have animals, they have to feed them and care for them. That’s the only way I think I could do it.
I couldn’t date someone who didn’t like dogs. There are exceptions to the rule, but I find that if someone doesn’t like animals, I am a little suspicious of them.
I see a lot of damage to Mother Earth. I see water being taken from creeks where water belongs to animals, not to oil companies.
If we’re not supposed to eat animals, how come they’re made out of meat?
Walking in the mountains helps me unwind, but it also reminds me in a painful way that the real beauty in life is nature and animals, and that the human race, in all its arrogance, is intent on destroying it.
Fork: An instrument used chiefly for the purpose of putting dead animals into the mouth.
What differentiates us from animals is the fact that we can listen to other people’s dreams, fears, joys, sorrows, desires and defeats – and they in turn can listen to ours.
Scientists are supposed to study animals in a totally objective fashion, similar to the way we inspect a rock or measure the circumference of a tree trunk. Emotions are not to interfere with the assessment. The animal-rights movement capitalizes on this perception, depicting scientists as devoid of compassion.
I have always loved animals and groomed friends’ horses as a child. I think I may have even ridden the odd seaside donkey in my early years.
The happiest people I know as a nation are the Burmese; their brightness and cheeriness are proverbial. Kindness to animals is one of their greatest ‘weaknesses’; no Burmese will kill an animal, even if it is to put it out of pain.
I am not brutal or cruel to animals. My mission has always been to save dogs – especially troubled and abandoned dogs. I’ve dedicated my life to this.
My father… removed from Kentucky to… Indiana, in my eighth year… It was a wild region, with many bears and other wild animals still in the woods. There I grew up… Of course when I came of age, I did not know much. Still somehow, I could read, write, and cipher… but that was all.
I do remember how it was to be poor. I do remember that in my early years, we had to grow and raise all of our food, even our animals. And I remember in my early life, we didn’t even have electricity. So it was very, very hard times then.
I’ve seen people that don’t treat their animals well and yet their animals are still just as loving to them even though they’re not treated that well. It’s very hard to find that kind of loyalty and love and affection in human beings.
I am in the process of starting a nonprofit organization that gives rescued animals a home in a simulated wild environment and, for those who have been tested on, who are disabled, aggressive, etc., their own space to live out their days.
I think that animals aren’t less intelligent than humans, they’re just of a different intelligence. We have five million smell-sensitive cells in our nose, they have two hundred and fifty million – they can smell emotion. They can smell different types of emotion, they just have another type of intelligence.
Ever occur to you why some of us can be this much concerned with animals suffering? Because government is not. Why not? Animals don’t vote.
Animals… don’t have a sense of time. You just have to do things over and over with animals until they happen to do it right because they don’t really know what you want.
I don’t like to see animals in pain. That was very uncomfortable to me. I don’t like factory farming. I’m not an advocate for the meat industry.
I stopped making films to look after animals.
Burning carbon-based substances like oil, gas, and especially coal, produces billions of tons of extra carbon dioxide each year. Methane gas from cows and pigs and other animals on our large farms ends up in the atmosphere as well, trapping more of the sun’s energy as heat.
It is what makes us human, what distinguishes us from other animals. We can be aware of being aware.
As a child. I grew up on a small farm, so I did a lot of drawings of animals, chickens and people. At the bottom of every page, I’d put a strange scribble. I was emulating adult handwriting, though I didn’t actually know how to write.
In Yellowstone National Park, there are more ‘do not feed the animals’ signs than there are animals you might wish to feed.
Goats are the cable talk show panelists of the animal world, ready at a moment’s notice to interject, interrupt, and opine. They have something to say about everything, little of it complimentary. They are the most impertinent animals I have ever known.
We are civilized human beings, but we’re all animals deep down, and that creates a certain friction in all of us.
I like using animals because they help suspend my reader’s disbelief. We have certain ideas about dentists. We don’t have many ideas about rhinoceros dentists.
I’m a real pushover for animals.
I think growing up on a farm in a certain amount of isolation, with not a lot of friends nearby, makes you entertain yourself and kind of grows your imagination – being alone is quite good for all that. You make up stories, talk to the animals, let them be an audience, a bunch of cows.
I know that Daddy had an important job. He was working to change the world so everyone would love wildlife like he did. He built a hospital to help animals, and he bought lots of land to give animals a safe place to live.
Cats aren’t cooperative in the same way that other animals are. You can train a dog to act, but you can’t train a cat in the same way.
Animals are very easy to love and be friends with.
All of us in society are supposed to believe that cruelty to animals is wrong and that it is a good thing to prevent needless suffering. So if that is true, how can meat be acceptable under any but the most extraordinary circumstances, such as perhaps roasting the bird who died flying into a window?
Working with animals is always going to be tough because the animal doesn’t know it’s an actor.
If I could stomach the awful part of being a veterinarian, which involves sticking your hand up animals’ behinds, I would be a vet.
To err is human also in so far as animals seldom or never err, or at least only the cleverest of them do so.
I wish people would realize that animals are totally dependent on us, helpless, like children, a trust that is put upon us.
Animals do not admire each other. A horse does not admire its companion.
I look at trees, hunt mushrooms, and watch animals. Fishing is what gets me out into the woods so I can notice these things.
Those who actually hate animals to the point of being cruel to them are outcasts to the rest of us, no matter where in the world they live.
Anthropomorphic animals, when taken out of narrative into actual visibility, always turn into buffoonery or nightmare.
I studied what the Germans call the Naturwissenschaften, the natural sciences. Everything from biology to geology. How the clouds are formed, how the animals live, and what makes the rocks. So I know about nature. Period.
Most of the time, those who use animals in experiments justify that use by pointing to alleged benefits to human and animal health and the supposed necessity of using animals to obtain those benefits.
I mean, I really don’t want the federal government to be determining whether or not a person who feels certain ways about the environment or about animals or about certain religious issues should be considered an extremist. That to me is a type of thought control, mind control, which is very dangerous.
Man is the only creature that consumes without producing. He does not give milk, he does not lay eggs, he is too weak to pull the plough, he cannot run fast enough to catch rabbits. Yet he is lord of all the animals.
Steve Irwin did wonderful conservation work but I was uncomfortable about some of his stunts. Even if animals aren’t aware that you are not treating them with respect, the viewers are.
A man is ethical only when life, as such, is sacred to him, that of plants and animals as that of his fellow men, and when he devotes himself helpfully to all life that is in need of help.
Normally I play dads, good guys, and little animals.
At PETA, we often say that the issue of how animals are treated isn’t just about them; it’s about us, how we behave.
When I was a kid if I was unhappy, I’d stroke my dog. I was into bringing injured birds into the house, RSPCA activities. And the relationship that you have with animals, you can get that from your children: that unquestioning love and adoration and equal need.
The difference between humans and wild animals is that humans pray before they commit murder.
I am very fussy; I am very detailed; I nag a lot. So in a sense, I am like Mr. Ping. I am temperamental, I am emotional, I’m fussy, and I’m very exact. And I want people to not fail; I want them to execute – all those things Mr. Ping wants in other people. Or animals.
For origin and development of human faculty we must look to these processes of association in lower animals.
Having animals in the city is entirely different from having animals out in the country. For one thing, it’s more social. When you live on lots of acres without neighbors within a stone’s throw, your dog-walks are usually solitary rambles over hill and dale.
It was always understood that plants and animals, though completely contrasted in their higher representatives, approached each other very closely in their lower and simpler forms. But they were believed not to blend.
I did have a life before the Animals, and I’m trying constantly to prove that I have a life after the Animals. People tend to forget that I was the frontman with War for two years. People sort of have compartmental memories.
There is that thing about not working with animals and children – I don’t think that’s true. Although you should never work with donkeys.
The cycle of life is death, decomposition and regeneration, and a person who wants to stop killing animals is actually anti-life because it’s only in death that life can be regenerated.
When you’re writing a book, with people in it as opposed to animals, it is no good having people who are ordinary, because they are not going to interest your readers at all. Every writer in the world has to use the characters that have something interesting about them, and this is even more true in children’s books.
I like animals. I like natural history. The travel bit is not the important bit. The travel bit is what you have to do in order to go and look at animals.
The eyes of some persons are large, others small, and others of a moderate size; the last-mentioned are the best. And some eyes are projecting, some deep-set, and some moderate, and those which are deep-set have the most acute vision in all animals; the middle position is a sign of the best disposition.
Turns out, I couldn’t catch them – or even get close to them. I realized that sharks are amazing, beautiful animals who have absolutely no interest in checking me out.
Even as a child, I felt very guilty about eating animals and never knew that there was something to do about it. And as I got older, it became clearer that there are things that I can do and choices I can make.
I love to think that animals and humans and plants and fishes and trees and stars and the moon are all connected.
Just about every children’s book in my local bookstore has an animal for its hero. But then, only a few feet away in the cookbook section, just about every cookbook includes recipes for cooking animals. Is there a more illuminating illustration of our paradoxical relationship with the nonhuman world?
We ogle plants and animals up close on television, the Internet and in the movies. We may not worship the animals we see, but we still regard them as necessary physical and spiritual companions. Technological nature can’t completely satisfy that yearning.
Just as our ancient ancestors drew animals on cave walls and carved animals from wood and bone, we decorate our homes with animal prints and motifs, give our children stuffed animals to clutch, cartoon animals to watch, animal stories to read.
The human young must learn to perceive these affordances, in some degree at least, but the young of some animals do not have time to learn the ones that are crucial for survival.
Because animals are property, we consider as ‘humane treatment’ that we would regard as torture if it were inflicted on humans.
I am just like my mother. She raised me to love and take care of animals, especially the ones that need it the most and so I started Eddie’s Rescue Ranch. We take in animals that need extra care and attention and the animals that get left behind.
But if you love animals for all the right reasons- and that’s just love and affection- then you’re going to go after animals who need you.
By the time I was six, I made an important discovery that I get along much better with animals than humans.
In most of the world, it is accepted that if animals are to be killed for food, they should be killed without suffering.
Simply by starting to cook again, you declare your independence from the culture of fast food. As soon as you cook, you start thinking about ingredients. You start thinking about plants and animals and not the microwave. And you will find that your diet, just by that one simple act, that is greatly improved.
We need a better way to talk about eating animals, a way that doesn’t ignore or even just shruggingly accept things like habits, cravings, family and history but rather incorporates them into the conversation. The more they are allowed in, the more able we will be to follow our best instincts.
Obstacles are like wild animals. They are cowards but they will bluff you if they can. If they see you are afraid of them… they are liable to spring upon you; but if you look them squarely in the eye, they will slink out of sight.
When I go home, I play with my baby dolls and strollers and stuffed animals, pretend like they’re real dogs.
You can tell all you need to about a society from how it treats animals and beaches.
But I’m very happy with my life the way it has been turning out. A little time in the country, a little time with the animals and working on behalf of them.
I really love animals and enjoy working with them.
We do not think clearly about our moral obligations to animals.
The theoretical understanding of the world, which is the aim of philosophy, is not a matter of great practical importance to animals, or to savages, or even to most civilised men.
Animals that we eat are raised for food in the most economical way possible, and the serious food producers do it in the most humane way possible. I think anyone who is a carnivore needs to understand that meat does not originally come in these neat little packages.
Back before I entered primary school, I liked to draw, even though I was a brat. I especially liked animals and vehicles, and I drew that sort of thing constantly.
The white man’s blood and bones have begotten this bronze race, and bequeathed to it in some degree qualities, tendencies, capabilities, such as are the inheritance of the highest order of human animals.
I always felt people should live with animals.
My father was a really sharp cartoonist and filmmaker. He used to tape-record the family surreptitiously, either while we were driving around or at dinner, and in 1963 he and I made up a story about a brother and a sister, Lisa and Matt, having an adventure out in the woods with animals.
The older I get, the more individuality I find in animals and the less I find in humans.
It’s natural canine behavior to chew on all sorts of things, roll in other animals’ droppings, hump and fight other dogs, menace anything that invades the home. All these behaviors can be curbed, but that takes a lot of work. Trainers say it requires nearly 2,000 repetitions of a behavior for a dog to completely absorb it.
Being able and willing to complain is what makes us rational and moral animals, capable of seeing and articulating the difference between how things are and how they should be.
Only the most acute and active animals are capable of boredom. – A theme for a great poet would be God’s boredom on the seventh day of creation.
Most sorts of diversion in men, children and other animals, are in imitation of fighting.
Unfortunately, I’m allergic to all animals and even some people.
I always had cats and animals, so children were never really in my thoughts.
I love animals, but I don’t really like riding animals. Like, I don’t love being on a horse – it’s just not my thing.
If we are to be good stewards of the ocean, we need to understand what lives there and how the animals interact with each other and with their environment, which means we need to be constantly seeking new and improved methods for exploration and observation.
I’m impressed with how professional they are and what they can get an animal to do. I mean, dogs and cats – that’s one thing. But when you get into the larger animals, that’s a different thing all together.
I have yet to see one completely unspoiled star, except for the animals – like Lassie.
Early experiences convinced me that animals can and do have quite distinct personalities.
I really love animals. My cat is my little soul mate. He’s not just a cat, he’s my friend.
I urge you to ask yourself just how honorable it is to preside over the abuse and suffering of animals.
Since I was a kid, I inherited my dad’s love for animals and wildlife, even for the ones we had around the house in the French countryside, a ‘smaller’ kind of nature. Then, as I grew up, I looked more deeply into the African continent and its wildlife.
We must plant the sea and herd its animals using the sea as farmers instead of hunters. That is what civilization is all about – farming replacing hunting.
If people want to go do some big outdoor thing for their ego, have them climb snowy mountains rather than shoot animals.
At the end of the day, humans are social animals and we are at our best when we get to do things with others who appreciate and enjoy what we enjoy. It’s what keeps us human.
Slowly, but with no doubt or hesitation whatever, and in something of a solemn expectancy, the two animals passed through the broken tumultuous water and moored their boat at the flowery margin of the island.
Whatever life may really be, it is to us an abstraction: for the word is a generalised term to signify that which is common to all animals and plants, and which is not directly operative in the inorganic world.
I can’t wait to have kids one day. I want to have kids and a farm with lots of animals on a lake.
I have always been against cruelty to animals and remain so.
There are many things I love in this world. Music, acting, and animals are at the top of that list.
We’re so much more likely to feel sympathy for an animal than another person; thus, the best fiction uses animals to define truly humane behavior.
I was sort of on a mission with ‘American Splendor.’ I wanted to try to prove that comics could do things. I wanted to expand them beyond superheroes and talking animals. And I knew that was going to take a long time. But I just started writing an autobiography about my quotidian life.
The industrial food system is so cruel and so horrific in its treatment of animals. It never asks the question: ‘Should a pig be allowed to express its pig-ness?’
The minute that you bring a unicorn into a story, you know that it’s a fairy tale or a fable, because unicorns don’t exist as animals. They exist as fantasy creatures.
I’m always active in trying to educate people when it comes to eating animal products, testing on animals, and the health benefits of being vegan, although I’m probably not the best person to be talking about the latter at the moment.
The holidays are also a time when people freak out about their finances. If you don’t want to spend the money, why not try some of the other options instead of killing a bunch of animals?
So, basically, my view is I don’t want to support the exploitation of animals, and within reason, I will do what I can to avoid it, but it’s not like it’s a religion for me. It’s not like I consider I’m polluted if somehow some bit of milk or cheese or something passes my lips.
The first day I walked into prison, and he slammed that door, I knew the magnitude of the decision that I made, and the poor judgment, and what I allowed to happen to the animals. And, you know, it’s no way of explaining the hurt and the guilt that I felt. And that was the reason I cried so many nights.
I love all animals. I have a fascination with fish, birds, whales – sentient life – insects, reptiles.
I’m vegan, though not completely religious about it. While writing ‘Sapiens,’ I became familiar with how we treat animals in the meat and dairy industries. I was so horrified that I didn’t want to be a part of it anymore.
We’re losing biodiversity globally at an alarming rate, and we need a cornucopia of different plants and animals, for the planet’s health and our own.
Do you know what I love about hunting? That I am no one in the woods, no one at all. I thought the animals might recognize me, but they didn’t. They did not even ask me for any autographs.
All comic books take place in built environments, and I was very good at drawing people and animals, and stuff like that, but I hadn’t spent much energy drawing buildings. So I thought, maybe I could, and then I became an architect.
Some kinds of animals burrow in the ground; others do not. Some animals are nocturnal, as the owl and the bat; others use the hours of daylight. There are tame animals and wild animals. Man and the mule are always tame; the leopard and the wolf are invariably wild, and others, as the elephant, are easily tamed.
I have been brought up in a house where animals are our friends and we treat them as equals.
I started Friends of Finn to raise money and awareness about the issue of puppy mills, which are illegal breeding facilities where animals are often bred to death and mistreated. It’s a prevalent problem and a million dollar industry in the United States.
It goes without saying that the desire to accomplish the task with more confidence, to avoid wasting time and labour, and to spare our experimental animals as much as possible, made us strictly observe all the precautions taken by surgeons in respect to their patients.
Now that I know how supermarket meat is made, I regard eating it as a somewhat risky proposition. I know how those animals live and what’s on their hides when they go to slaughter, so I don’t buy industrial meat.
A book and a movie are different animals. You need a cinematic perspective to be involved in the motion pictures. And this is something I lack.
I’m very passionate about animals.
I love sports. I love animals. I love kids. I want to save the world. So how do I combine all those things? I don’t know.
Acting was not on my agenda. It just happened by chance. I always wanted to be involved in wildlife protection or maybe surrounded by kids. I love animals and children.
I do not want to go into its physical reasons: the construction of the human body is different from that of carnivorous animals. But man’s intelligence is such that it can be utilised to defend any-thing he does, whether right or wrong.
Growing up human is uniquely a matter of social relations rather than biology. What we learn from connections within the family takes the place of instincts that program the behavior of animals; which raises the question, how good are these connections?
We’re highly social animals – I’m told by scientists that what makes us different from other animals is an acute social awareness, which is what has made us so successful.
I love that quiet time when nobody’s up and the animals are all happy to see me.
I became a vegetarian out of compassion for animals and to live as healthy as possible. I realized soon after that I was truly concerned with nonviolent consumption and my own health, a vegan diet was the best decision.
If all consciousness is subject to essential laws in a manner similar to that in which spatial reality is subject to mathematical laws, then these essential laws will be of most fertile significance in investigating facts of the conscious life of human and brute animals.
The only animals that we test on are the two of us and our kids.
We can stop the cycle of animal homelessness and save lives by opening our hearts and homes to a loving cat or dog from an animal shelter instead of buying animals from breeders or pet shops.
We, as a people, we have a strong need to categorize everything. We put labels on everything and it’s a totally understandable need because we are animals and we need to understand order and where to fit in.
I am personally not against keeping animals at zoos, as they serve a huge educational purpose, but treating them well and with respect seems the least we could do, and with ‘we’ I mean not just zoo staff, but most certainly also the public.
For my part, I have worked all my life with eggs and embryos of frogs. Compared to other small animals, these have figured prominently in the world of literature.
Animals of all classes, old and young, shrink with instinctive fear from any strange object approaching them.
Both my wife and I have a lot of compassion for animals in general.
People often say that humans have always eaten animals, as if this is a justification for continuing the practice. According to this logic, we should not try to prevent people from murdering other people, since this has also been done since the earliest of times.
I would say the big cat people see tigers as sort of a status symbol, as you would a Ferrari or fancy car collection. They have the animals to elevate their position. It makes them special.
For the animals, they came from the University in Uppsala and all different kinds of clinics here.
Our children think our world will end. It’s a tragic thing. Adults don’t think that. They don’t see that we are eating the planet. But we are. If you take all the biomass of vertebrates on the planet, 98% are men and their domestic animals. All the wild animals in the world make up only 2%.
It is inexcusable for scientists to torture animals; let them make their experiments on journalists and politicians.
Animals are companions on this planet, not necessarily our feedbags.
Any abuse of animals is the same as abuse of men, women, or children.
While we ourselves are the living graves of murdered animals, how can we expect any ideal living conditions on this earth?
I’m interested in raw land and trees and fresh air and rivers and lots of animals around them.
Your body’s made to run, to walk, to trek long distances and carry things, work in a forest, and hunt animals. You have to keep it alive to function.
The desire to take medicine is perhaps the greatest feature which distinguishes man from animals.
Years of cultural programming have taught us to love some animals while eating others, when in all reality, all animals are sentient beings with the capacity to feel, both physically and emotionally. Every day, I have the choice to live a life of compassion that not only saves animals but helps the environment.
It simply feels right to me to blend the glittery delights of New York City with a largely raw vegan diet – with the soul-deep conviction that animals are not ours to eat, wear, exploit or experiment on.
Having my animals or my children with me exorcises that feeling of not being wanted.
It has been generally the custom of writers on natural history to take the habits and instincts of animals as the fixed point, and to consider their structure and organization as specially adapted to be in accordance with them.
We ended up moving out to Texas. We live outside of Austin. We’ve got a couple horses, we’ve got three miniature donkeys, we’ve got four dogs. Miniature donkeys are very warm, loving animals.
I was less successful in my attempts to effect preventive vaccination against typhus by using the virus and in trying to produce large quantities of serum using large animals.
There are some songs that don’t belong to The Animals that I refuse to give in to and not do. I enjoy singing other people’s songs, you know. That’s why they’re written in the first place.
What’s the reality of being inside a zoo, for the animals and for the people who love and care for those animals? There’s a lot of joy, and there’s a lot of loss.
There’s nothing humane about the flesh of animals who have had one or two or even three improvements made in their singularly rotten lives on today’s factory farms.
There’s a long history of anthropomorphic animals in Japanese literature. The so-called ‘funny animal scrolls’ were the first narratives in Japanese history, and the heroes of many folk tales have animals as their companions.
I was so sad from losing two of my dogs and my mother. I had this vision of all these animals sitting behind bars. They had no control and were scared. That’s why I got into fostering and adopting animals out.
I’ll never stop eating animals, I’m sure, but I do think that for the benefit of everyone, the time has come to stop raising them industrially and stop eating them thoughtlessly.
I don’t look like a desert person because I stay indoors most of the day and fool around at night. That’s what the desert animals do – they don’t have a tan either.
It’s about keeping animals in our environment. They can’t be on somebody’s purse or shoes or something.
Animals are near and dear to my heart, and I’ve devoted my life to trying to improve their lives.
Some of the best things about being a vegetarian include, of course, contributing towards the welfare of animals. Being a vegetarian can also make you a healthier person, and it helps the environment. All of these things make vegetarianism worthwhile. It’s really a win-win situation.
Never work with kids or animals.
As long as man eats animals how can cruelty to animals be removed.
I feel blessed to have had such a background, where animals, food raising, harvesting and canning were a natural part of life.
Animal hoarding was a dirty secret until hoarders appeared on our TV screens and showed how they are compelled to collect so many dogs, cats or parrots that the animals end up in cages only inches bigger than their own bodies. For life.
The person who thinks I worship the devil and kill animals is just as important as someone who makes an interpretation that’s closer to what I intended.
There weren’t any schools in my village, so I learnt to read and write from my mother. I played in the fields, sowing seeds, working with animals, jumping in the river, climbing trees.
I had the best of both worlds when I was a kid. I’d spend a quiet week with my mum, then I’d go to my dad’s property in the Adelaide Hills, where there were all these kids and animals running around.
Zoos are becoming facsimiles – or perhaps caricatures – of how animals once were in their natural habitat. If the right policies toward nature were pursued, we would need no zoos at all.
I don’t need that much to live – we don’t need that much to have a wonderful life. I learned that from animals.
Without civilization, we would not turn into animals, but vegetables.
The only honest reaction and true loyalty we get is from our animals. Once they’re your friends, you can do no wrong.
The dog has got more fun out of Man than Man has got out of the dog, for the clearly demonstrable reason that Man is the more laughable of the two animals.
I have always been an animal lover. I had a hard time disassociating the animals I cuddled with – dogs and cats, for example – from the animals on my plate, and I never really cared for the taste of meat. I always loved my Brussels sprouts.
I hope to bring much more attention to important issues and change for issues and practices that are harming animals.
There’s so many issues tied to the meat industry. I mean, social, environmental, humanitarian – all of them. I know that when I’m eating that I’m not hurting the planet, I’m not hurting other people on this planet, I’m not hurting animals… and I’m not hurting nature.
In a few generations more, there will probably be no room at all allowed for animals on the earth: no need of them, no toleration of them.
Sharks are really serious animals. They’ve been around longer than dinosaurs. They’re basically prehistoric killing machines, and that’s terrifying and fascinating, at the same time.
Pet lovers know that animals sometimes understand us better than we do, and the annals of human sin and desire provide plenty of stories to drive the point home.
There’s the famous quote that if you want to understand how animals live, you don’t go to the zoo, you go to the jungle. The Future Lab has really pioneered that within Lego, and it hasn’t been a theoretical exercise. It’s been a real design-thinking approach to innovation, which we’ve learned an awful lot from.
The main point for me is moral; animals are sentient beings. I know for some this is a hard argument to accept, but we’re not built to eat a lot of meat.
I’m such a weirdo. I’m animal-mad, so my ideal date would probably be something involving going to see animals.
Men are rather reasoning than reasonable animals, for the most part governed by the impulse of passion.
I loved anything to do with animals from a very early age.
There is no doubt that there is a huge difference between human and nonhuman animals. But what we are overlooking is the fact that nonhuman animals are conscious beings, that they can suffer.
One of the reasons I like living in Bangkok is that, although it’s a megacity, it’s very saturated with nature – the vast and brooding skies, the sudden storms and rains, the vegetation and even the animals that abound.
We do not need to eat animals, wear animals, or use animals for entertainment purposes, and our only defense of these uses is our pleasure, amusement, and convenience.
Over 55% of all shots using animals in ‘The Hobbit’ are in fact computer generated; this includes horses, ponies, rabbits, hedgehogs, birds, deer, elk, mice, wild boars and wolves.
From afar, we know we have a great land, dominated by so many different forms of terrain, and we’ve got amazing and unique animals, and the climate, the beauty and the brutality of it. But I think the detail, and the intimate element of it, I think we’re kind of a little bit lost on it.
Nearly all of the major kinds of life, divisions of life, phyla of animals, occur in the sea. Only about half of them can make it to land or freshwater.
I love animals and I love to see movies with animals that are done respectfully, you know?
Animals are my friends… and I don’t eat my friends.
I might get some more animals or something, but I’m done with the kids. I got a boy, I got a girl, and I got an older boy. I’m straight.
Animals keep you company when you’re really lonely. It helps because when you have a friend around who always likes you no matter what – it’s harder to feel bad or down.
Part of my plan was not only to introduce all useful animals that I possibly could into this part of Australia, but also the most valuable plants of every description.
I liked animals better than people. That’s one of the reasons I wanted to be a vet – then I found out that every pet had a person that owned ’em.
I personally like the idea of shellfish aquaculture. These are animals that stay quiet, they stay where you put them, and they clean up the water.
I have resigned from the human race. Look at the way we treat animals.
I like animals. I like people who like animals. I hate people who love animals to the point they lose their sense of reason. I’m talking the ‘my computer wallpaper is my dog,’ ‘I hang a Christmas stocking for my cat’ crowd.
Future benefits rarely figure in the minds of animals.
I’m a radical environmentalist; I think the sooner we asphyxiate in our own filth, the better. The world will do better without us. Maybe some fuzzy animals will go with us, but there’ll be plenty of other animals, and they’ll be back.
There are so many ingredients that are contained in ‘The Wall’ that were not necessarily contained in other Pink Floyd records, particularly following on from ‘Animals,’ which was very spare and sparse. Production on it was much more massive, the complexity of the recording was much more intense.
Animals have a much better attitude to life and death than we do. They know when their time has come. We are the ones that suffer when they pass, but it’s a healing kind of grief that enables us to deal with other griefs that are not so easy to grab hold of.
If you watch animals objectively for any length of time, you’re driven to the conclusion that their main aim in life is to pass on their genes to the next generation.
Human beings are religious animals.
I absolutely adore cows. They’re the most fascinating, gentle and beautiful animals. Their eyes are so amazing. I have ten that live on the land around my house. I love to talk to them. There are few things better than falling asleep in a field and being woken up by an inquisitive cow.
I guess growing up I realized that there is really this huge epidemic in a city like Los Angeles, and many other cities, where they put down thousands upon thousands of animals every day.
We control the world basically because we are the only animals that can cooperate flexibly in very large numbers. And if you examine any large-scale human cooperation, you will always find that it is based on some fiction like the nation, like money, like human rights.
Anyone who hates children and animals can’t be all bad.
Animals when in company walk in a proper and sensible manner, in single file, instead of sprawling all across the road and being of no use or support to each other in case of sudden trouble or danger.
You cannot share your life with a dog, as I had done in Bournemouth, or a cat, and not know perfectly well that animals have personalities and minds and feelings.
Fear changes everything. We’re animals, and when we get afraid we act like animals. I’m not exempt from that.
We’re all just animals. That’s all we are, and everything else is just an elaborate justification of our instincts. That’s where music comes from. And romantic poetry. And bad novels.
Unlike the primate hand, the elephant’s grasping organ is also its nose. Elephants use their trunks not only to reach food but also to sniff and touch it. With their unparalleled sense of smell, the animals know exactly what they are going for. Vision is secondary.
The best thing about animals is that they don’t talk much.
I was very into animals and nature, and really obsessed with cats and monkeys. I used to play in the woods, wander off into the woods for hours. I’d bring a clipboard and think that I was doing some work out there, following the trails of raccoons or collecting bird feathers.
No, I’m not very productive at all. I’m probably like an animal. I mean, great animals in the ocean feed all the time. I’m someone who procrastinates, worries, for most of a month, and then I’ll have a flurry of manic productivity with a sense of great urgency and fear for, like, two days.
Eventually my goal is get a place in Ojai where I can have animals and a big garden. Just drink wine all day and hang in my garden.
All the arguments to prove man’s superiority cannot shatter this hard fact: in suffering the animals are our equals.
Our instinctual understanding of reality is the same as most other animals.
We should all love animals.
Respect and affection for animals, particularly those who share our homes, recognize no geographic borders.
Scientists suggest that the link between consuming poultry and cancer spread may be due to carcinogens in cooked meat. For unknown reasons, these carcinogens build up more in the muscles of chickens and turkeys than in those of other animals.
Even if people do wrong, we’re social animals, so what can we do about stopping them doing the same things in future? Saying people are ‘bad’ or ‘evil’ is just an unwillingness to engage; an unwillingness to try to empathise. That sanctimonious attitude doesn’t help anyone.
I think we need to be humane to all living beings and that includes our animals.
There is little evidence that other animals judge the appropriateness of actions that do not directly affect themselves.
I never do the cute thing with animals; they are interesting shapes. I just use their profile. Because German shepherds are so easily recognizable, they would fall outside my purview.
If you love animals, please don’t eat them.
First there was the theatre of people and animals, then of people and the devil. Now we need the theatre of people and people.
Animals in general have always been my passion, project, crusade – whatever you want to call it! The ocean is such a huge, beautiful thing that I feel like we all take for granted.
I don’t care how hot a girl is – if she doesn’t like animals, it would be a major, major problem.
Like the herd animals we are, we sniff warily at the strange one among us.
Closeness to animals creates the desire to understand them, and not just a little piece of them, but the whole animal. It makes us wonder what goes on in their heads even though we fully realize that the answer can only be approximated.
People who care about animals tend to care about people. They don’t care about animals to the exclusion of people. Caring is not a finite resource and, even more than that, it’s like a muscle: the more you exercise it, the stronger it gets.
True Scouts are the best friends of animals, for from living in the woods and wilds, and practising observation and tracking, they get to know more than other people about the ways and habits of birds and animals, and therefore they understand them and are more in sympathy with them.
Sometimes I read about someone saying with great authority that animals have no intentions and no feelings, and I wonder, ‘Doesn’t this guy have a dog?’
We humans are here because nothing can be perfect. There always have to be some living things that are unsatisfied, itchy, trying too hard. If it was all just animals and rocks and lettuce, the gods wouldn’t feel like they had enough to do.
He who is cruel to animals becomes hard also in his dealings with men. We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals.
I know at last what distinguishes man from animals; financial worries.
I’m not a propagandist, I’m not a polemicist; my primary interest is just looking at and trying to understand how animals work.
Animals are stylized characters in a kind of old saga – stylized because even the most acute of them have little leeway as they play out their parts.
It is much easier to show compassion to animals. They are never wicked.
Any time you’re working in the world of taming animals, you’re going to get hurt. But it’s a rush that we get.
Chinese civilisation is so systematic that wild animals have been abolished on principle.
Wild animals are just as confused as people are now. You’ve got toxins in the water, oil, sewage, all sorts of things.
The features of globalization have huge consequences on pandemics. It just connects us so much more closely… And as a consequence, every one of these viruses that passes from animals to humans has the capacity to infect all of us.
People tell you not to work with children and animals, and I chose to work with a 7-year-old and several dinosaurs!
You couldn’t enclose people in institutions or hospitals or almshouses in the way the Victorians managed to do. India was too big. Seeing the suffering people was terrible, but I think I was more distraught at the needless cruelty to so many animals.
I know that war and mayhem run in our blood. I refuse to believe that they must dominate our lives. We humans are animals, too, but animals with amazing powers of rationality, morality, society. We can use our strength and courage not to savage each other, but to defend our highest purposes.
I have always loved animals since I was very young.
Confining marine animals to tanks and separating them from their families and their natural surroundings, just so people can watch them swim in endless circles, teaches us far more about humans than it does about animals – and the lesson is not a flattering one.
We are a unique ape. We have language. Other animals have systems of communication that fall far short of that. They don’t have the same ability to communicate complicated conditionals and what-ifs and talk about things that are not present.
PETA’s campaign should be included in school curricula. If we can open children’s hearts and minds to animals’ needs, teach them to treat a dog or a chicken as if they feel fear and love and pain – as they do – then they will grow up to understand that we are all worthy of respect.
If you put a real leaf and a silk leaf side by side, you’ll see something of the difference between Homer’s poetry and anyone else’s. There seem to be real leaves still alive in the ‘Iliad,’ real animals, real people, real light attending everything.
My mother said that we’re so lucky to be women. It’s not that men are weak. Men are men. We’re two completely different animals.
Even if it had not been possible to reproduce the disease in animals and consequently to verify the hypothesis, this simple observation would have been sufficient to demonstrate the way in which the disease was propagated.
I was blessed to grow up on a farm, and when you’re a farm boy, exercise is part of your lifestyle. Like it or not, that environment makes you work out. On the farm, nature is your gym. You walk and run and swim and have to do a lot of work with animals too.
I grew up on a farm and my grandfather quit school when he was 12, but when it came to common sense and animals, he was the smartest person I’ve ever met, before or since. He taught me that to touch an animal is an earned privilege. It’s not a right.
I love animals, and I was always attracted to the idea of being a zoo veterinarian or a veterinarian with the circus.
Wouldn’t it be great to see a line in all movie credits that truthfully says, ‘Nobody was harmed in the making of this film, and at the cast party, all animals got a belly belly belly rub.’
Though not a natural world by any means, more like a collection of living dioramas, a zoo exists in its own time zone, somewhere between the seasonal sense of animals and our madly ticking watch time.
When I see professional clowns, mimes, or people who makes ballon animals, I think of their relatives and how disappointed they must be.
I had given up magic, because it had reached a state of perfection. I felt that I was able to transform men into animals. I did not make use of this capability, because I believed I could not justify an intervention of this kind in the life of another person.
After spending time with the rescued turkeys at Farm Sanctuary’s shelter and seeing how similar they are to my furry companion animals at home, I knew I needed to do everything in my power to protect these friendly and curious birds from the daily pain and suffering they endure on factory farms.
My parents were very permissive when it came to animals. As long as we earned the money to buy them and built whatever structure it was they were going to live in, we could have any kind of pet we wanted. They would have let us have a rhinoceros if we could have afforded it.
I’ve been out all over the world tranquilizing animals.
The musician is perhaps the most modest of animals, but he is also the proudest. It is he who invented the sublime art of ruining poetry.
I’ve dressed thousands of actors, actresses and animals, but whenever I am asked which star is my personal favorite, I answer, ‘Grace Kelly.’ She is a charming lady, a most gifted actress and, to me, a valued friend.
I spent a lot of my life – 20 years of it – in war, training army trackers and commanding a tracker unit, and then in the Game Department, tracking lions and elephants and poachers. So I’ve spent literally thousands of hours tracking people or animals, and training others to do it.
We consider all our animals to be our kids.
Starvation and disease are the original weapons of mass destruction. When you burn fields and kill animals, people are left vulnerable.
Killing animals and eating meat have been significant components of human evolution that had a synergistic relationship with other key attributes that have made us human, with larger brains, smaller guts, bipedalism, and language.
All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.
One of the things that’s frustrated me as a deep-sea explorer is how many animals there probably are in the ocean that we know nothing about because of the way we explore the ocean.
I can no longer walk. I can no longer swim. But I’m lucky when I see how animals suffer.
Animals, whom we have made our slaves, we do not like to consider our equal.
My mother taught me a lot about respect for all living things – for plants and animals. I am a vegetarian. I was brought up that way.
I’ve always been passionate about animals.
I just think you would never kill and cut up a human to wear so why do it to animals? I just think it’s horrible, I would never wear fur, although I guess if it was a really vintage piece you might just get away with it.
I would like to do all kinds of things: photography and art and designing; I want to help do charity things for animals and things like that.
I guess in general, people tend to not eat the cute animals.
I’m an avid animal lover. When I was 16, I wanted to be a vet or a zookeeper. I grew up with animals. At one time we had between five and eight dogs in the house, with four cats. We’re menagerie people.
From my personal point of view, the Animals are dead. They killed themselves.
The man who kills the animals today is the man who kills the people who get in his way tomorrow.
I want medical experiments on animals stopped. They don’t do anything, and they don’t work.
Ever since ‘Lassie’ and ‘Old Yeller’, I won’t watch animal movies. Animals in movies always die.
I’ve always had a repulsion going in a place where animals are in captivity.
After I recovered from ‘Lioness’, I wanted to write something about animals because I really like mythical creatures, especially dragons. At 12, I was one of those semi-recluses who did better with animals than people. Out of that, came the character, Daine, who could communicate with animals.
There is a growing scientific consensus that animals have emotions and feel pain. This awareness is going to effect change: better treatment of animals in agribusiness, research and our general interaction with them. It will change the way we eat, live and preserve the planet.
I really need to work. People think that I’m no longer interested in acting and only interested in working with the animals. Obviously I have given that impression, but it is not how I feel. I think I’m a good actor. I think I look OK. I don’t understand why I’m not working all the time.
Americans! They want to go 600 miles an hour, and they don’t know how to walk! Look at them in the street. Bent over. Coughing! Young men with gray faces! Why can’t they look at the animals? Look at a cat. Look at any animal. The only animal that doesn’t hold its stomach in is the pig.
I like animals, I really do, but some animals are just meant to be eaten.
Animals are something invented by plants to move seeds around. An extremely yang solution to a peculiar problem which they faced.
I got into animals by drawing hair follicles. I liked drawing hair, and from that I got into feathers and fur, then into images of animals. The patterning is the same, but the proportions of the body change from one animal to the next. A lot of it is just geometry and consciousness.
Nature promotes mutualism. The flower nourishes the bee. The river waters quench the thirst of all living beings. And trees provide a welcoming home to so many birds and animals. There is a rhythm to this togetherness.
I am deathly allergic to cats. I mean, I love all animals, but they’re not my animal of choice.
We’re all animals, but we’re a different sort of animal. Maybe they’re better than us. They’re more loyal. They’re more pure. They’re more simple. They’re not neurotic. Well, there are some neurotic dogs.
I appreciate people trying to stand up for animals.
In the southern half of the country perhaps no crop has larger possibilities for quick increase of production of food for both men and animals than the sweet potato.
Birth, life, death is a cycle. And they’re all beautiful, you celebrate all of them. Animals do grieve, but they move on. That’s the lesson behind animals.
The most important thing is to preserve the world we live in. Unless people understand and learn about our world, habitats, and animals, they won’t understand that if we don’t protect those habitats, we’ll eventually destroy ourselves.
Animals are a continuous source of inspiration and wonder to me. I would love to play a dog.
My first attempts to transmit typhus to laboratory animals, including the smaller species of monkeys, had failed, as had those of my predecessors, for reasons which I can easily supply today.
Those who wish to pet and baby wild animals ‘love’ them. But those who respect their natures and wish to let them live normal lives, love them more.
Back in Australia, I did foster care for sick cats for years, and I was always most successful with the animals when I was given two – a brother and sister.
I’ll always feel most comfortable in khaki surrounded by animals, but it is really fun to try different styles.
Animals speak with pure affection. It’s important to me to get something going in NY so we can get to be a no-kill city, and give the animals homes and more attention and love.
Animals have never betrayed me. They are an easy prey, as I have been throughout my career. So we feel the same. I love them.
It’s important to remember that the animals are not grieving with us. They’re very accepting. They’re not lying there thinking ‘How could you do this to me? Why aren’t you keeping me going?’ Pets don’t do the human things of guilt and anger and recrimination that we do. They come and go with great acceptance.
I’ve worked with Morris Animal Foundation for more than 40 years now, and I’m so proud of all they’ve done to advance veterinary medicine for animals worldwide.
There’s that rule, don’t work with kids and animals. There’s a reason for that!
When we seed millions of acres of land with these plants, what happens to foraging birds, to insects, to microbes, to the other animals, when they come in contact and digest plants that are producing materials ranging from plastics to vaccines to pharmaceutical products?
Cutting meat out of your diet is the best thing you can do for animals and your own health.
The selfsame procedure which zoology, a branch of the natural sciences, applies to the study of animals, anthropology must apply to the study of man; and by doing so, it enrolls itself as a science in the field of nature.
I’m very involved with PETA – People for Ethical Treatment of Animals – and Greenpeace and a lot of women’s shelter and clothing giveaways.
Man is an individual. The animals, plants and minerals are divided into species. They are not individualized in the same sense that man is.
The only way to save a rhinoceros is to save the environment in which it lives, because there’s a mutual dependency between it and millions of other species of both animals and plants.
I’ve always wanted to work with dogs, so in high school, I worked at the Humane Society for a little while. I honestly think, even today, that would be the other career I would go into. Somehow I would be involved with animals.
Keep fighting for animals by making compassionate, cruelty-free choices every day and encouraging those around you to do the same.
My work always comes from the same source – from movement. It doesn’t necessarily come from an outside idea, though the source can be something small or large that I’ve seen, often birds or other animals. The seeing can then provoke the imagining.
A growing and increasingly influential movement of philosophers, ethicists, law professors and activists are convinced that the great moral struggle of our time will be for the rights of animals.
I feel as if I go to Africa, I may never come back. I’m just going to live with the animals and adopt an elephant, and it’s going to be my friend.
I’m hoping one day to open my own shelter. I would be the person with the three-legged dog. I just love animals more than people; I really do.
Farming with live animals is a 7 day a week, legal form of slavery.
Animal-rights advocates remind us of this admonition: The ways in which people treat animals will be reflected in how people relate to one another.
I like to do chill things on dates. I think it would be fun to go to the zoo. I know it’s really weird and random, but I love animals. It’d be like a day of doing silly things, while enjoying nature.
I love living with animals. And my children love animals. I love walking around and being with the horses. But the deer? They’re naughty.
For better or worse, zoos are how most people come to know big or exotic animals. Few will ever see wild penguins sledding downhill to sea on their bellies, giant pandas holding bamboo lollipops in China or tree porcupines in the Canadian Rockies, balled up like giant pine cones.
In their sympathies, children feel nearer animals than adults.
People love their animals so much so that they put little clothes on them and necklaces and booties and things like that. And if you love your animal, then you should feed them something that’s not dangerous for them. There’s a lot of poisonous stuff that they’re putting in a lot of that food, those by-products.
I have removed the spleen from a dog, from cats, and rabbits. In all cases, the animals survived the operation and did not appear to be in the least affected by the absence of the organ.
What separates humans from other animals is our empathy. With the possible exception of bonobos, we are the most empathetic animal on the planet.
Finding animals that make light in the ocean is easy. Just drag a net through the water anywhere in the upper 3000 feet, and as many as 80-90% of the animals you catch can make light. The biomimetic lure that I developed imitates one of these – a common deep sea jellyfish called Atolla.
First I wanted to be a veterinarian. And then I realized you had to give them shots to put them to sleep, so I decided I’d just buy a bunch of animals and have them in my house instead.
I think there’s a supreme power behind the whole thing, an intelligence. Look at all of the instincts of nature, both animals and plants, the very ingenious ways they survive. If you cut yourself, you don’t have to think about it.
Animals are in possession of themselves; their soul is in possession of their body. But they have no right to their life, because they do not will it.
Conservatives like to think of animal protection as a trendy leftist cause, which makes it easier to brush off. And I hope that more of us will open our hearts to animals.
I’m going to be doing exactly what I’m doing now – teaching people about animals.
Our family always rescued animals from local shelters or from the street or from someone who didn’t want their animal. We always had a dog in our house. We usually had two cats. We had guinea pigs and little chicks and chickens.
I find solace in animals. I have got a stray dog at home called Candy. I picked it up while I was waiting at the airport one day. I always wanted to have a ‘macho’ dog but got this sweet little thing instead.
I do have a place in my heart for animal shelters because the job they have is impossible – so many animals that need to euthanized because don’t have homes for them.
Animals awaken, first facially, then bodily. Men’s bodies wake before their faces do. The animal sleeps within its body, man sleeps with his body in his mind.
I try to do things that I think are helpful to the environment, to the animals, and to the planet.
I love dogs, horses and generally all animals.
Making lasting gifts for animals in our estate plans is perhaps the single most important thing we can do to ensure animals have the strongest possible voice for their protection.
Research has shown that a barren environment is much more damaging to baby animals than it is to adult animals. It does not hurt the adult animals the same way it damages babies.
I didn’t find it that hard to channel the animalistic side of ‘The Woman’, I studied animals like apes and wolves, and researched how to throw off my feminine ways and just went out into the woods for a few days to learn how my body would feel if I had to do what she had to do.
We’re animals. We’re violent. We’re criminal.
I was a town child, it is true, but that did not prevent me enjoying open-air life, with plants and animals.
It more or less has the shape of a love song, but ‘Crescent Moon’ reflects more my longing for an ancient romantic context that includes wild animals, fire, danger of death, stellar navigation, and seasonal intuition.
I’m in the middle of my sixth book, which is about animals at the Los Angeles Zoo.
The ‘here’ of Watts is pastel houses with window gratings in curly patterns. ‘Here’ is yard sales with bins full of stuffed animals and used water guns. Here is Crips turf.
I live the life of a farmer. I don’t see how I could wear Lagerfeld’s designs while feeding my goats. I have respect for Lagerfeld as a man, but I would have so much more for him if he, in turn, respected animals. We do not live in the same world.
People who have no hold over their process of thinking are likely to be ruined by liberty of thought. If thought is immature, liberty of thought becomes a method of converting men into animals.
The best opinion now is, that there are multitudinous forms which are not sufficiently differentiated to be distinctively either plant or animal, while, as respects ordinary plants and animals, the difficulty of laying down a definition has become far greater than ever before.
The most talented investors are animals solely focused on winning.
Pandemics do not occur randomly. From malaria and influenza to AIDS and SARS, the lethal microbes have come, in the first instance, from animals, especially wild animals. And we increasingly know which parts of the world pose the greatest risk for future incursions.
I blame it on Walt Disney, where animals are given human qualities. People don’t understand that a wild animal is not something that is nice to pat. It can seriously harm you.
Humans regard animals as worthy of protection only when they are on the verge of extinction.
The paparazzi is kind of crazy here in L.A., but it’s nothing like it is in London. They are animals over there, it’s insane.
The majority of the world is empty space. Empty space, empty space, empty space. All that we see in the world, the life, the animals, plants, people – it’s all empty space. That’s amazing!