Top 70 DeAndre Hopkins Quotes

Words matter. These are the best DeAndre Hopkins Quotes, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

I work hard.

I work hard.
DeAndre Hopkins
Part of being a player is trying to affect the community you’re in and helping people. If there’s one kid I can help, I feel like I did my job.
DeAndre Hopkins
My mom made sure all her kids went to college.
DeAndre Hopkins
I play football for a living. That’s my job, that’s what I love doing.
DeAndre Hopkins
If I drop a ball, I’m going to beat myself up, or if I go out and a rep isn’t perfect, I feel like I’ve got to do it again.
DeAndre Hopkins
For receivers… it’s a lot about timing, having chemistry with your quarterback to be successful and having a guy that you work with over the course of years.
DeAndre Hopkins
Running hills, I try to follow the Jerry Rice routine.
DeAndre Hopkins
Anytime we lose a game, you can’t point the fingers at the guy that everybody wants to point the finger at because it’s not just him. It’s 10 other guys on the football field that need to help him out, including myself.
DeAndre Hopkins
I would describe my style as refreshing.
DeAndre Hopkins
When the ball is up in the air for a rebound you always have to be on your toes to go up for the ball. It’s the same situation in football as a receiver; I’m always trying to get the ball at the highest point like a rebound.
DeAndre Hopkins
I feel like if they put the ball in the air, it’s my ball. It’s either a PI or it’s my ball.
DeAndre Hopkins
If anybody should be a judge of quarterbacks, I’ve played with the most quarterbacks in NFL history throughout my first four years.
DeAndre Hopkins
I just want to be treated for what I’m worth. That’s fair to say, right?
DeAndre Hopkins
I’m thinking about getting a little dog. I’m thinking about getting a little yorkie, so I can have like a manbag. I can put my dog in my manbag.
DeAndre Hopkins
There’s a lot of things I can get better at as an individual, knowing where defenders are, having a better awareness. Those are things I can work on.
DeAndre Hopkins
Little obstacles, if they don’t go my way, I really don’t even get down. I’ve been through so much.
DeAndre Hopkins
I don’t feel like anybody should have to be around that environment where they don’t feel comfortable.
DeAndre Hopkins
Houston has always showed me love. The city has been there to support me.
DeAndre Hopkins
I can’t throw the ball to myself.
DeAndre Hopkins
I don’t play for nobody else but my teammates and my family. That’s it.
DeAndre Hopkins
I think I’m a model in a football player body sometimes.
DeAndre Hopkins
People think catching a football one-handed is a technique, but it’s more a reaction. Because you really don’t think about it when you’re doing it. You just do it. I couldn’t sit there and try to teach someone how to catch a one-handed football.
DeAndre Hopkins
I tore ligaments in my shoulder completely off the bone.
DeAndre Hopkins
Social media, it’s the best thing since TV.
DeAndre Hopkins
Where I’m from in South Carolina a lot of my friends, a lot of my family members have locks, what we call them. So, you know, it’s more of a way of life, where we from, not a hairstyle. We really don’t care to have it neat or you know too pretty it’s just you know grow your hair. And I wash my hair everyday too.
DeAndre Hopkins
I’m always picturing her, whenever I make a catch, her reaction. And sometimes, when I drop a ball, I’m like, ‘Darn it. I let my mama down.’
DeAndre Hopkins
Actions always speak louder than words, especially when they’re peaceful actions.
DeAndre Hopkins
I see a lot of guys and their stamina is at an all-time low in the fourth quarter, and I feel like mine is still where it was in the first quarter of the game.
DeAndre Hopkins
My motto is I’m going to go out and work every day no matter who is here. It’s a mentality that I always play with since I’ve been playing football.
DeAndre Hopkins
I try to be best at everything I do.
DeAndre Hopkins
When you grow up how I grew up – with nothing – anything that you have is a lot.
DeAndre Hopkins
Oh, you know, your legacy's all you're gonna be remembe

Oh, you know, your legacy’s all you’re gonna be remembered by.
DeAndre Hopkins
A lot of credit to my teammates and my coaches for pushing me and helping me.
DeAndre Hopkins
I have multiple friends on other teams who after a game, they’ll tell me the game plan… part of the game plan is to stop you. It’s a respect factor.
DeAndre Hopkins
Your clothes make you feel good.
DeAndre Hopkins
Luckily, I had a guy like Andre Johnson to show me the ropes. He’s had many quarterbacks in his career and he still had a successful career. Just having a guy like that to tell me to control what I can control, that’s really all you can do.
DeAndre Hopkins
I’ve been catching footballs – I’ve been a wide receiver since I was 15 years old. And every quarterback I’ve had, for the most part, threw a pretty hard ball. So I’m not getting away from the calluses.
DeAndre Hopkins
This is something I haven’t told many people, because it’s embarrassing. We always used to catch flies with our hands. I was the only one who could catch ’em. One-handed, two-handed. I actually studied flies. I’d watch ’em. How do you catch flies? They fly up. If I can catch that, I can catch anything.
DeAndre Hopkins
My pinkie tends to pop out of place a lot while I’m playing – I just pop it back in. I notice it when I move my hand and it feels stiff. I mean, it’s been happening my whole life. It’s never broken – just pops out of place real easy.
DeAndre Hopkins
I would say my favorite tattoo is my first tattoo of my father, you know, just the remembrance of him, his legacy and impact that he’s had on my life. He passed away when I was a kid, you know, I got the halo with the angel wings on my back.
DeAndre Hopkins
I got my first tattoo when I was 14-years-old. Unfortunately I didn’t need a signature, which I probably shouldn’t of got done, because, you know, it was one of my friends who was a tattoo artist.
DeAndre Hopkins
It’s football – I would play with seven fingers if I had too, man.
DeAndre Hopkins
I want to be the best, so whatever accolades come with that, I’ve just got to go out there and keep continuing to prove my play on the field.
DeAndre Hopkins
There’s a lot I need to improve on. YAC, which I’m last in. Being a better leader. Not getting frustrated when things aren’t going my way.
DeAndre Hopkins
My second tattoo was a pirate ship on my arm. My friends and I, you know, we all called ourselves pirates, you know, so we felt like, you know,we was the pirates of the Caribbean around the way.
DeAndre Hopkins
I always knew I took care of more than myself from a young age. People depended on me.
DeAndre Hopkins
I like the individualism about it. I like how each player is kind of different. It’s a team sport, but still, once you’ve got the ball in your hand, you can kind of create things. But I like the team dynamic about it also. You’ve got to work together in soccer to score a goal.
DeAndre Hopkins
It’s like on the first day of school that’s the happiest you’re going to be because you’re wearing a new outfit. So I think your clothes and the way you present yourself definitely helps your morale.
DeAndre Hopkins
Clothes that make people look twice, that’s what makes me feel good – where it is something that I know is unique and different.
DeAndre Hopkins
I played defense in high school, so when the ball’s in the air I feel like it’s mine. No matter who it is or the situation, I feel like I’ve got to come down with the ball or at least knock it away.
DeAndre Hopkins
I just go out there and try to make plays.
DeAndre Hopkins
I’ve wanted to put myself in that position to be the best wide receiver in the NFL, and I definitely think I’m putting my foot forward to make that claim.
DeAndre Hopkins
A lot of the people I know, they don’t train like that. They do a lot of quick stuff, just speed drills. But I run long distance. I’ve always been like that, though, even when I was in high school. That’s just how I train myself.
DeAndre Hopkins
It means a lot to be Pro Bowl. There’s a lot of people who vote and they watch football a lot.
DeAndre Hopkins
I didn’t want to play anywhere else but Houston, honestly.
DeAndre Hopkins
Always that’s a goal with everybody who plays a pro sport is to get stronger and faster and work on things that you lack.
DeAndre Hopkins
My mom used to make sure we stayed dressed nice going to church. And when you’re young, and people compliment you, you want to keep that feeling. You want to keep that vibe, that energy. Because it makes you feel good. And then clothes make you feel good too.
DeAndre Hopkins
Any injury is tough, and it is a little bit tougher when it is the hand that you have to catch with, but it is football man. I wouldn’t have it any other way.
DeAndre Hopkins
My family stuck together.
DeAndre Hopkins
Sometimes I get a lot of stuff, being in Houston, being in a conservative place, and wearing weird stuff that I wear. People don’t get it sometimes. I like it.
DeAndre Hopkins
I don’t believe stuff should be made for the perfect model. I think that’s where we go wrong right now in this day and age: We make stuff that’s not realistic. I always told myself, if I ever did a fashion show, I’m not going to have models. I’m going to have regular-sized women.
DeAndre Hopkins
With my mentality, I’m one-on-one, I’m going to win. No matter who’s out there, I don’t really care.
DeAndre Hopkins
South Carolina is one of the most racist states in Amer

South Carolina is one of the most racist states in America. John C. Calhoun is the name of a building at our school and he was a slave owner. Clemson, the name Clemson itself, was like a guy who was a slave owner. South Carolina, their whole history is messed up.
DeAndre Hopkins
I think I want to be remembered by is working hard. That’s it. And I’m pretty sure, my teammates, that’s what they’ll say about me. You know, Hop is competitive.
DeAndre Hopkins
I run at least five miles a day, just long distance.
DeAndre Hopkins
When you bring in two wide receivers, it makes everybody say, ‘OK, all right, there’s a little more competition in this room,’ which is good.
DeAndre Hopkins
There’s always room for improvement in my game.
DeAndre Hopkins
Having guys ranked in front of me that I know that I’m better than, that’s always going to drive me.
DeAndre Hopkins
I just don’t want to get a tattoo just to have a tattoo.
DeAndre Hopkins
Fourth quarter, tied ballgame, why not try to get your best player involved?
DeAndre Hopkins