Top 70 Felicity Jones Quotes

Fashion choices are never arbitrary. Even if you say you don’t care, that’s a decision. There’s something you’re trying to say.
Felicity Jones
I think there is an enormous appetite for great roles for women.
Felicity Jones
The more you work, the more people can see that you’re something different from what’s come before.
Felicity Jones
Interviewing someone is very similar to preparing a cha

Interviewing someone is very similar to preparing a character, isn’t it? You’re just asking questions: ‘Who is this person? Why did they make that choice? Why are they doing that?’ You’re being Sherlock Holmes.
Felicity Jones
I’d love to do more comedy. It’d just be nice to go into work and not be crying every day. Some broad slapstick would be great. Falling over banana skins would be wonderful.
Felicity Jones
When I come home, I am literally the most popular person with my friends’ parents for doing ‘The Archers.’
Felicity Jones
The actresses I’ve known support each other very much. If you have a level of confidence in what you’re doing, then you don’t feel threatened. We all have different things to offer.
Felicity Jones
I love spending time researching a character and reading about them.
Felicity Jones
Emotional messiness is my reason for life. In acting, it’s so important.
Felicity Jones
A fashion show is like a 10-minute play, but there’s all this anticipation; Everyone arriving, finding their seats, then there’s 10 minutes of people walking past and clothes and music, then the whole thing is finished.
Felicity Jones
‘Great Expectations’ has become one of my favorite books.
Felicity Jones