Top 70 Frank Sinatra Jr. Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Frank Sinatra Jr. Quotes, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

I began to become very infatuated at the creation of my

I began to become very infatuated at the creation of my own music rather than someone else’s and my piano teacher used to get really cross with me because of the fact that I wasn’t studying my lessons, I was writing things of my own.
Frank Sinatra Jr.
My father is a really big man.
Frank Sinatra Jr.
I’m very happy to have people say I sound like Frank Sinatra.
Frank Sinatra Jr.
Elvis Presley was rock ‘n’ roll, I thought that was pretty mediocre. But since that time, the succeeding steps in music has been down, just more degradation. Then we got into punk rock, and now we are into rap music, which is a total oxymoron.
Frank Sinatra Jr.
When I started as a kid, I wanted to be a piano player and songwriter. I only became a singer by accident.
Frank Sinatra Jr.
I’m just a traveling musician.
Frank Sinatra Jr.
If you don’t work your brain turns to cheese.
Frank Sinatra Jr.
I envy guys who can write funny.
Frank Sinatra Jr.
I think the dirtiest word in the English language is retirement. When you do that, you get old and you get sick and you die.
Frank Sinatra Jr.
When Sinatra was alive and singing, he was constantly changing orchestrators from one album to the next because he said he didn’t want every record to sound like every other record.
Frank Sinatra Jr.
We went through rock ‘n’ roll, which then became just rock, then punk rock, then the worst disease of all – rap music. It’s an oxymoron, because rap is not music.
Frank Sinatra Jr.
I never felt that it was in anyone’s best interest to be looked at differently by other people because of a name. I kept to myself a lot.
Frank Sinatra Jr.
I spend a lot of time visiting friends, watching video cassette movies, and things like that.
Frank Sinatra Jr.
If I can just continue to work and be at least requested to work, I consider that a victory.
Frank Sinatra Jr.
It pleases me that Frank Sinatra’s music still has an audience, because many people who have come into the music world and then passed out of the music world are long since forgotten. He has been able to enjoy this great longevity.
Frank Sinatra Jr.
Sinatra was bothered with issues of anti-Semitism and racism all his life. The song and film he made ‘The House I Live In,’ was a deep message against prejudice and he was very proud to have recorded the song.
Frank Sinatra Jr.
Since my father’s death, a lot of people have made it clear that they’re not ready to give up the music. For me, it’s a big, fat gift. I get to sing with a big orchestra and get to sing orchestrations that will never be old.
Frank Sinatra Jr.
For a thoroughbred to age is never a graceful process.
Frank Sinatra Jr.
I just hope that people remember what I did well, that I gave it everything I had.
Frank Sinatra Jr.
I believe that when you keep yourself working, you keep yourself alive.
Frank Sinatra Jr.
A lotta years I was out there on the road pulling one-nighters. Then I got hired to sing in Sam Donahue’s band in 1963. I was 19 years old.
Frank Sinatra Jr.
Rock ‘n’ roll, for me, is another award for underachievers. It is nothing but a testament to mediocrity.
Frank Sinatra Jr.
You can only guide children so far.
Frank Sinatra Jr.
This business of fame – when people ask me what it was like growing up in this famous family, I say, ‘When you take it seriously you’re in a lot of trouble.’
Frank Sinatra Jr.
I always loved the motion picture scores and the great film composers like Elmer Bernstein.
Frank Sinatra Jr.
My son has no interest in music other than as a listener. He teaches English to Japanese students.
Frank Sinatra Jr.
Ever since I’ve been old enough to shave I’ve been playing clubs.
Frank Sinatra Jr.
I have to do what I have to do like everyone does.
Frank Sinatra Jr.
In my own career, I used to do a Sinatra medley in every show, or at least sing one of his songs.
Frank Sinatra Jr.
I wanted to be a composer.
Frank Sinatra Jr.
I don’t really look for material with the idea it might make a hit record.
Frank Sinatra Jr.
There is a common misconception that when you're a sing

There is a common misconception that when you’re a singer working for a recording company you get to pick everything you’re doing. Very few people have been accorded such a luxury.
Frank Sinatra Jr.
It depends on the material. Sometimes I sound like him, sometimes not. There are certain tunes we do that are so familiar to the audience that to perform them without making them sound like Frank Sinatra would be wrong.
Frank Sinatra Jr.
I have never been a person to build empires.
Frank Sinatra Jr.
Mo Ostin was a great money-maker, but he had the aesthetic interest of a fire plug.
Frank Sinatra Jr.
I was never a success.
Frank Sinatra Jr.
I’m just grateful to have a job. There are an awful lot of talented performers out there who are out of work.
Frank Sinatra Jr.
Rap is the pulsation given by some, usually an electronic rhythm section, without any tonality, and you have someone reading high-school poetry.
Frank Sinatra Jr.
I’m just an itinerant singer.
Frank Sinatra Jr.
I’m studying musical arts, all the way to composition. But I’m also studying theater arts, stage directing and acting.
Frank Sinatra Jr.
There’s only one Sinatra. But don’t forget that there’s only one Sinatra Jr., too.
Frank Sinatra Jr.
When I was a kid in the 6th grade and first learned how to dance with a girl, we had a record called ‘Shake Rattle and Roll,’ made by a group called Bill Haley and His Comets: ‘Get out in that kitchen and rattle them pots and pans.’ It was all about mundane things.
Frank Sinatra Jr.
It’s not an easy task, believe me. How the hell do you replace Frank Sinatra? There’s no way anybody can do that. But as far as I’m concerned, if there is music to be made and I have to wear somebody else’s clothes, I can’t think of anybody’s I’d rather wear.
Frank Sinatra Jr.
When you’re the son of someone who is very famous and you enter the same business, you got to work three times as hard as anyone.
Frank Sinatra Jr.
I just try to fit into society the best I can. Be unobtrusive, be smooth. I don’t want to hurt anybody, or be hurt.
Frank Sinatra Jr.
Frank Sinatra Jr. has never been particularly popular as a record seller.
Frank Sinatra Jr.
I’d love to have my own T V. series so I could stay put for awhile.
Frank Sinatra Jr.
I mean, Frank Sinatra is one of the great performers in pop music history. Why shouldn’t I be delighted to carry on his tradition?
Frank Sinatra Jr.
Growing up in California, my best friend was Morris Rabinowitz and we often went to the Yiddish Theater.
Frank Sinatra Jr.
The best way to get noticed is to take someone that everyone loves and admires and knock him.
Frank Sinatra Jr.
When I was working at the Flamingo I took slides of people standing in front of the Flamingo with the highway behind them. Across the street you can see these tumbleweeds. That is now Caesars Palace.
Frank Sinatra Jr.
In the impetuousness of youth, when you’re 21 years old, you want results yesterday.
Frank Sinatra Jr.
Of course, it’s human nature for people, when they meet me to have some preconceptions about how I look, how I sing, how I behave. I can understand that. And I’ve realized you can’t do anything about human nature except to ignore it.
Frank Sinatra Jr.
My father never had to deal with a territory band.
Frank Sinatra Jr.
On the road I don’t shave until the evening before I go out on stage.
Frank Sinatra Jr.
The recording companies are continuing to look at ways to buy short and sell long. So now they give recording deals to groups of people who we refer to as ‘garage bands’ – they are amateurs who are bought for nothing and it’s really a shame.
Frank Sinatra Jr.
It’s regrettable that some people have to make a substantial living at others’ expense.
Frank Sinatra Jr.
I like the Suncoast so much. It is miles from the Strip. It reminds me of the old Vegas atmosphere when things were a little more personal.
Frank Sinatra Jr.
It’s amazing the number of young people who are interested in Frank Sinatra.
Frank Sinatra Jr.
That’s what I do: I’m a singer. I have many arrangers, but I usually conduct for myself.
Frank Sinatra Jr.
I was with him, coincidentally, on the evening in 1979 when they had buried John Wayne. My father cried like a baby when he went to see the Duke.
Frank Sinatra Jr.
KKJZ is a very famous jazz station and there aren’t many more around like them.
Frank Sinatra Jr.
I'm an individual.

I’m an individual.
Frank Sinatra Jr.
I don’t think a man should be alone all his life. But I want to be ready for marriage I want it to be a lasting thing.
Frank Sinatra Jr.
The first time people come to see me, it’s usually because they’re curious. Then maybe some of them return. I look out in the audience and see the same faces, the same wonderful, loyal faces.
Frank Sinatra Jr.
When I work a nightclub, I dress up in evening wear. There’s a certain elegance to it all and I like that.
Frank Sinatra Jr.
My work happens to be singing, and I love bringing great songs to the attention of my audiences.
Frank Sinatra Jr.
I think in my generation, when I came along in the early ’60s, the type of music that was in vogue in society in those days had moved on to another kind of music. I was trying to sell antiques in a modern appliance store.
Frank Sinatra Jr.
I’m just down to earth.
Frank Sinatra Jr.
Nelson Riddle was really something. Just something else.
Frank Sinatra Jr.