Top 70 Ken Cuccinelli Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Ken Cuccinelli Quotes, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

I like being home for dinner.

I like being home for dinner.
Ken Cuccinelli
I was one of the founding members of State Legislators for Legal Immigration.
Ken Cuccinelli
I will be the first to admit that I’ve made my own mistakes when it comes to Virginia’s disclosure requirements.
Ken Cuccinelli
A media-only campaign has its advantages, but it also has its very severe disadvantages.
Ken Cuccinelli
I don’t get to sue just because I don’t like something.
Ken Cuccinelli
Incarcerating non-violent offenders in the same population as more dangerous criminals has the effect of inculcating the former into a culture of criminality common among the latter, making them more of a risk to public safety upon release than when they originally went in.
Ken Cuccinelli
I absolutely believe that President Obama was born in the United States. I don’t buy into the claims that he wasn’t.
Ken Cuccinelli
When you run on something definitive and then win by a significant margin, you have a mandate.
Ken Cuccinelli
Even without mandatory sentences, judges are still capable of levying tough penalties for serious offenses – and just as in states like Texas that have ‘tough on crime’ reputations, this can be done without jeopardizing public safety.
Ken Cuccinelli
I don’t go hunting with kings and princes.
Ken Cuccinelli
I look Italian, but I act Irish.
Ken Cuccinelli
An e-cigarette does not function in manner of a traditional cigarette because it functions electrically rather than via combustion of a material such as tobacco.
Ken Cuccinelli
Every time you blow the whistle, half the people are going to be mad at you.
Ken Cuccinelli
If a corporation can express opinions and be protected in doing so by the First Amendment, then there’s no reason logically one wouldn’t think they could undertake to enjoy the other rights protected under the First Amendment.
Ken Cuccinelli
We have a battle over the fundamentals of our country.
Ken Cuccinelli
Conservatives are the heirs to the Founders’ vision. But we have to act like it.
Ken Cuccinelli
There are just some things about being president that are difficult.
Ken Cuccinelli
My wife’s a gardener. I’d put Astroturf down everywhere, but I get outvoted one to one every year.
Ken Cuccinelli
One of the challenges for lawyers can be explaining, first of all, what the legal issue is and, second, its significance. And both of those are important.
Ken Cuccinelli
In Virginia, we want to have our own opportunity to control our own destiny, control our own market.
Ken Cuccinelli
If you give me enough questions honestly answered, I can get you to the hollow core of any liberal position.
Ken Cuccinelli
I want very much to see some sort of compromise reached in the area of immigration… so that we could move on to other issues.
Ken Cuccinelli
I have a serious concern about middle-class families being able to afford college.
Ken Cuccinelli
I think it was in 1971 or 1974, the Supreme Court ruled marriage is not a subject that the federal government can exercise jurisdiction over, including the courts. To do that, we would need an amendment to the Constitution.
Ken Cuccinelli
I don’t mind fighting as long as it’s for a good cause.
Ken Cuccinelli
I don’t mind knife fights. I just want the knives to come to the front.
Ken Cuccinelli
They spend us into the dirt and lie like crazy, and, my gosh, I have never seen an opponent who just lies like he’s taking a drinking of water like Terry McAuliffe. It is nothing to him.
Ken Cuccinelli
I was an attorney general. That was – that matters to me, and if you won’t obey your own rules, there’s no reason to think you’ll obey any others.
Ken Cuccinelli
I have not always held the position I do today on the life issue.
Ken Cuccinelli
I love algebra. Love it.
Ken Cuccinelli
The media is really failing the American people.
Ken Cuccinelli
One of my unique features as a politician is that I am

One of my unique features as a politician is that I am so blunt and so forthright, and I put my cards on the table to such a degree people aren’t used to, that there’s nothing left to hide.
Ken Cuccinelli
The truth is our friend.
Ken Cuccinelli
When Eric Cantor lost, being the only majority leader in history to lose a primary, that was pretty – and still is – earth-shattering in Virginia and across the country.
Ken Cuccinelli
For all the criticism of me, there’s one thing you won’t hear anybody say, and that’s that I’ve pulled the wool over anyone’s eyes.
Ken Cuccinelli
We are moving the debate in a more limited government direction. And in a more rule of law direction, a more conservative direction.
Ken Cuccinelli
Unlike in Washington, Virginia’s leaders don’t run from serious problems. We tackle them.
Ken Cuccinelli
Let’s help take back our country with our wallets, and don’t forget to contact your senators and congressman to let them know that you don’t want amnesty for illegal aliens, that you want them to restore our borders and our sovereignty.
Ken Cuccinelli
I ran for attorney general to be attorney general.
Ken Cuccinelli
Ethics reform is about restoring the public trust. When that is in doubt, nothing is more important than restoring it.
Ken Cuccinelli
One of the beauties of the Tea Party movement – and the many, many like-minded citizens that don’t participate in the Tea Party movement – is the fact that it is independent.
Ken Cuccinelli
The first thing in my oath is to uphold and protect the U.S. Constitution.
Ken Cuccinelli
I don’t believe you back off being pro-life: You don’t stop being pro-life because they say you’re mean because you’re pro-life.
Ken Cuccinelli
What to do about these increases in crime? Plenty of laws already exist to punish violent criminals, and research questions the level of correlation between longer sentences and lower crime rates.
Ken Cuccinelli
I learned as a mascot that rules don’t really apply to you. As long as you don’t go crazy with that. You want to go be the 12th man on a football play, they might have an objection, but otherwise, if you stay out of the way of the game, you can do most anything.
Ken Cuccinelli
I don’t play golf with presidents.
Ken Cuccinelli
I start with a concern about the growth of federal government. I start with a perspective concerned about the growth of that power, and containing it within the bounds of the Constitution.
Ken Cuccinelli
I’m the most pro-liberty elected official statewide in my lifetime. It isn’t even a close call, so for people who care about protecting liberty, there’s never been – again, in my lifetime in Virginia – a statewide elected official who’s been as aggressive and consistent about doing that as I have.
Ken Cuccinelli
Put simply, no one in state government can create new specially protected classes except the General Assembly with the concurrence of the Governor.
Ken Cuccinelli
I would rather we limited – for the sake of transparency – we limited the number of taxes that we had and we were right up front about what they are, how much they are, and so forth.
Ken Cuccinelli
Because the Advanced Placement Examination test is the required end-of-course examination, it cannot reasonably be viewed as a service or program for which a fee may be levied.
Ken Cuccinelli
It is my opinion that a local school board cannot impose a mandatory fee on students taking advanced placement courses for the required taking of the Advanced Placement Examination.
Ken Cuccinelli
Strategies that do show evidence of effectiveness include policing that’s focused on high-risk individuals or geographic areas, and/or deterrence-based approaches that hold entire gangs accountable should individual members engage in criminal behavior.
Ken Cuccinelli
On the issues the Tea Party cares about, I land right in their bull’s-eye.
Ken Cuccinelli
I’ve always been one of those folks who think competition is actually a good thing. And if we’re going to preach it as a party, we need to practice it.
Ken Cuccinelli
I have been approached to consider an appointment to the Virginia Supreme Court. I am humbled and honored to be considered for such a position, but it is not something that my wife and I have previously contemplated.
Ken Cuccinelli
We can agree that keeping serious criminals in prison is an effective means of preserving public safety, but we must also recognize that the axiom of ‘putting people in jail and throwing away the key’ does not apply to all offenders universally and can actually be counterproductive.
Ken Cuccinelli
I do think a focus on fiscal restraint is a central element of the Tea Party, and thank goodness for it!
Ken Cuccinelli
Elections are about choices.
Ken Cuccinelli
Simply being secretary of state didn’t allow Clinton to authorize herself to deviate from the requirements of retaining and transmitting classified documents, materials and information.
Ken Cuccinelli
We need to move back toward a free market.
Ken Cuccinelli
Competition’s a good thing.
Ken Cuccinelli
Am I happy with the choice? No I'm not. But I'm going t

Am I happy with the choice? No I’m not. But I’m going to make my choice, and I expect to vote for Donald Trump.
Ken Cuccinelli
There’s some bells you can’t unring.
Ken Cuccinelli
The very purpose of Clinton’s server was to intentionally retain documents and materials – all emails and attachments – on the server in her house, including classified materials.
Ken Cuccinelli
Telling the public, ‘We’ll get to it later,’ is inadequate. That’s what the federal government does.
Ken Cuccinelli
It’s hard to make me speechless.
Ken Cuccinelli
Senator Cruz has done well in Republican states.
Ken Cuccinelli
I didn’t run for office to make friends.
Ken Cuccinelli
The one thing that even my staunchest opponents will admit is I’m a straight shooter and that I’m a man of my word.
Ken Cuccinelli