Top 70 Mindful Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Mindful Quotes from famous people such as Princess Margaret, Stacey Dooley, Katherine Ryan, Dave Reichert, Simon Mainwaring, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

I would like it to be known that I have decided not to

I would like it to be known that I have decided not to marry Group Capt. Peter Townsend. Mindful of the church’s teaching that Christian marriage is indissoluble, and conscious of my duty to the Commonwealth, I have resolved to put these considerations before any others.
Princess Margaret
I try to be more mindful and less greedy.
Stacey Dooley
If I’m in the position where I get to hire someone, where I get to decide who joins me on tour, then I am mindful about that, and I try to suggest women that I know who I think deserve more exposure.
Katherine Ryan
We must make every effort to neutralize this threat peacefully, but be ever mindful of the growing danger Iran poses not just to a safe and free America, but to our allies abroad.
Dave Reichert
Radical transparency has an enormous impact on our personal lives. We can no longer share thoughts, quips, photos or personal opinions anywhere on the web without being mindful that they may turn up where we least expect it (notably job interviews, divorce proceedings or public media).
Simon Mainwaring
I’m not saying abolish group work – I think there’s a time and a place for people to come together and exchange ideas, but let’s restore the respect we once had for solitude. And we need to be much more mindful of the way we come together.
Susan Cain
It’s important to be thoughtful and mindful about the things you say to other people.
Evan Spiegel
While I tend to favor styles that are glamorous, old Hollywood by night and very sleek and tailored during the day, I’m mindful of the fact that I’m 27 years old and try not to make that feel dowdy or old.
Ivanka Trump
I think it’s very important to be mindful of your body and actually listen to it. If I’m craving a certain kind of food, I’ll have, but I notice when I’m full. It’s kind of like a logical diet. I think when people go on restrictive diets, they put too much stress on themselves, which might make them prone to bingeing.
Samara Weaving
Data is valuable, so let’s be mindful of how we’re sharing it.
Clara Shih
I am mindful of the fact that I played women’s college basketball, that I coached women’s college basketball.
Doris Burke
We all have a social responsibility and have to be mindful of what we do and say.
Aja Brown
I wrote ‘A Mindful Nation’ to promote the values of slowing down, taking care of ourselves, being kind, and helping each other. It seems to me that if we embrace these values individually, it will benefit us collectively. And our country will be a little bit better off as a result.
Tim Ryan
I would definitely say I’m a feminist. To me, it just means being attentive and mindful. It’s about equality and equal treatment. It feels like a gut instinct.
Hattie Morahan
We’re so terrified of death in Western culture that we have to make up a myth of an afterlife. I think there’s something to be said for living your life very mindful of the fact that you’re going to die because I think you carry yourself differently. It doesn’t have to be this big, negative bummer.
Steve Earle
I do not like admitting that the Internet gets to me but I felt maybe it would be beneficial to acknowledge it, and again, just be mindful when you’re out there or even when you see a friend and you want to first comment on their appearance, like, ‘Ooh, you’re looking a little thin,’ or whatever you wanna say.
Nick Viall
Every culture is different in terms of what is taboo and what is acceptable. I grew up in Singapore, where people are very mindful of that. One can see that as restriction or as consideration for a fellow person living within a shared environment.
Ng Chin Han
I’m doing my best to be mindful about how I’m living: to be kind and patient, and not to impose a bad mood on somebody else. Being mindful is as good a way to be spiritual as anything else.
Deirdre O’Kane
I keep kosher, so I have an element of consumption awareness embedded into my daily life. One of the things the practice does is make one more mindful of – and grateful for – what goes into your body.
Joshua Malina
There are certain ways in which I cultivate awareness, both through mindful yoga and taking care of my body and taking time to actually drop as deeply as possible into stillness, into whatever is unfolding in the present moment.
Jon Kabat-Zinn
I just think guys should be mindful, ‘Okay, this guy is a hundred pounds lighter than me. Maybe I shouldn’t hit him full on,’ even if it’s in a safe spot.
Sean Waltman
I’m very mindful that I am representing the Philippines, so I cannot voice an opinion that contradicts that of our leader, Pres. Duterte.
Catriona Gray
As parents, we must be mindful that our actions are matching our words.
Rachel Simmons
When people are busy, fitness and working out are the first things that people stop doing so we’ve got to be mindful of making time to do it.
A. J. Odudu
I notice a difference in my body, in my energy, and physically in how I look. When I do have the white bread, the white flour, I just feel puffier and doughier. So I do try to be mindful of having protein and vegetables and a clean diet, really for my energy.
Lori Loughlin
By the time I was a teen, I was an expert at scanning people’s faces, always in search of eyes like mine. I devoured glossy magazines, ever mindful of the language we used to talk about beauty. The sections on how to apply makeup intrigued me most precisely because their audience never included me.
Crystal Hana Kim
I am ever mindful of the legacy of my grandfather, the founder of this Kingdom, who had said to me that he perceived his life as a link in a continuous chain of those who served our nation and that he expected me to be a new and strong link in the same chain.
Hussein of Jordan
So every day I’m mindful as I watch the Bush crowd extend their sway into policies of every imaginable variety, and over almost every square foot of earth, that the control of the American state is a matter of urgency.
Todd Gitlin
I’m mindful not to get too self-pitying or too revealing of my own pain.
Chrissie Hynde
All fraudulent elections should be condemned, including those in Turkey and Russia. And we need to be doubly mindful not to indulge amateur socialists in this country, because even though a Bernie Sanders presidency is a joke, the consequences of diet communism are deadly serious.
Lisa Kennedy Montgomery
Having lived through the transition from totalitarianism, I am acutely mindful of the need to never take for granted the basic freedoms of thought, expression and belief that democracy brings.
Daisaku Ikeda
I'm mindful I won't be supported by everyone but I hope

I’m mindful I won’t be supported by everyone but I hope that people can keep an open mind and perhaps look at my performance in a broader context.
Laurel Hubbard
I’m just one tiny speck on this earth and I am always mindful of the fact that other people have rights and interests.
Lady Colin Campbell
We need the daring visions. To go to theatre must be different than to go to shopping. We adventure together, we journey through the mindful and emotional landscapes, we create together an event, unique and unrepeatable.
Haris Pasovic
Now, being one who lived in the era of Obama, there are so many markers of improvement made. It’s hard to be mindful of that, in the same way you’re going, ‘Oh everything’s cool now!’ and it isn’t. But I try to be mindful of how much of an improvement there has been because that gives hope. You need hope. I need hope!
Mahershala Ali
I try to take a weekly digital Sabbath, batch my emails so I deal with them a few times a day rather than constantly, and increasingly give myself permission to ignore unsolicited communiques. I try, too, to give others more slack. The respond-now culture is a two-way street. I’m trying to be more mindful of that.
Noreena Hertz
We are ever mindful the risks our troops face every day and the sacrifices made by the families and the communities that support them as those who have been removed from power seek to delay their inevitable defeat.
John Warner
I’m not a vegetarian, but while I don’t want to defend it, I try to be mindful about the amount of animal products I consume. I eat a lot of vegan meals at home, and I’m okay with paying more for higher quality meat and eggs as a tax.
Lisa Hanawalt
I was mindful that clothes, objects and items had all been designed and manufactured. Thought had gone into those processes, so to mindlessly treat everything without care or as disposable was disrespectful. Things should be valued.
Konnie Huq
When Josh and I are recording a record, we’re very mindful of how the music will manifest itself live. That’s where we have to live every day. When we tour for the next record, I imagine there will be a new story to tell, and we’ll introduce new characters.
Tyler Joseph
God does not rule in nations, but He is mindful of them. He can and does place people in positions of influence who want what is best for the people and who trust in the Lord.
Henry B. Eyring
There’s an element of control that comes with acting which you’ve just got to be really mindful of.
Jonathan Bailey
Yoga is about compassion and generosity towards others. It means being mindful of the world around us.
Christy Turlington
We apply our effort to be mindful, to be aware in this very moment, right here and now, and we bring a very wholehearted effort to it. This brings concentration. It is this power of concentration that we use to cut through the world of surface appearances to get to a much deeper reality.
Sharon Salzberg
I’m not the kind of writer who’s able to block out the world around me. I’m mindful of our own haves and have-nots, how our culture often blames and punishes the have-nots. I worry about our precarious economic and political climate.
Julianna Baggott
LA can be a very open and accepting creative environment. But it is important, because there is this odd separation here, it is important to make your kids mindful of other people and other people’s plight.
Ryan Phillippe
I think if you’re trying to be mindful of eating well on the road, it can be difficult no matter what. Your choices at midnight or one o’clock in some of the smaller towns when we are getting out of shows aren’t going to be the best choices for eating healthy no matter what your dietary choices or restrictions are.
Austin Aries
I’m probably more dangerous in a car than I am on a motorbike; on a bike I’m very mindful of the fact that if you make a mistake, you’re dead.
James McAvoy
I don’t think we’re crumbling as a civilization, but this is not our finest hour, and it’s good to be mindful that we’re all susceptible to fall and to look at what are the earmarks of a civilization on the wane. What are they – destruction of the environment? Conspicuous consumption? Heard of those?
Mel Gibson
Be mindful of the very moment you are living. Start exactly this second. You don’t wait until the children get out of the house or when the sun comes out. Create something better.
Alexandra Stoddard
I’m proud of Congress as a body. At the end of the day, we’re the people’s house, and we should be very mindful that we represent the people.
Ryan Zinke
But we should be mindful as we argue about our differences that so much more unites than divides us. We should also note that our differences, when compared with those in many, if not most, other countries, are smaller than we sometimes imagine them to be.
John McCain
I’ve always understood that, as a woman and as a person of color, I would always have to work harder; I would have to have thicker skin. I would have to be more mindful of my reactions, the way I spoke to people.
Aja Brown
Since my accident I am a little more mindful of the suffering of other people.
George Wallace
I know that I do have influence over the people who watch me, and it’s quite a pressure. I have to stay positive, and while I would never use the words ‘role model’, I am mindful of the responsibilities that come with a substantial viewership.
Zoe Sugg
I will now be very mindful about it, and if I feel like I’ve been on my phone too much one day, I’m going to be more conscious of that and not be so obsessed.
Emily Atack
I’ve learned that all of us should be constantly mindful of what’s going on around us. Sometimes I think we get pretty single-minded in our pursuits and forget that we really do need each other. We need to actively engage in giving and helping each other every day.
LaTanya Richardson
As far as using electronics in my music, I have to do that as honestly as possible. Also, I have a broad range of listeners from a classical music base, as well as people, like me, who listen to a lot of different music. So I’m mindful of letting my sitar playing remain at the center of what I do.
Anoushka Shankar
Once you’ve figured out how to wait on people and clean toilets, it makes you very mindful of how you treat the people who are serving you.
Garth Brooks
Every little crazy dream that I had has come true, and more. And I’m always mindful that this is not a birthright, that one day I would have the chance to come to Augusta every year. Just a crazy, really, almost obsession for me.
Jim Nantz
I definitely have been very mindful of what kind of leader and creator I want to be. A lot of that has to with looking at the writers that you work with. They’re all like your children. They all need love, but different versions of it.
Lena Waithe
Like every other mother in the world, my life too revolves around my child and his well-being. But I’m equally mindful of my responsibilities as a daughter, a wife and a daughter-in-law.
Koel Mallick
Republicans have to be mindful about reaching out more

Republicans have to be mindful about reaching out more to Hispanics, not only because they’re the fastest growing minority, but also because we share their conservative values on marriage and life.
George P. Bush
I am mindful that the goal of protest is not more protest, but the goal of protest is change.
DeRay Mckesson
Our job as actors is to just try to be as accurate and as mindful of what the audience is going through and receiving and processing.
Jason Bateman
We never know all the facts and the more we’re mindful of how we deal with people, the more opportunity we have to evolve.
Mary McDonnell
I make mistakes daily, letting generalizations creep into my thoughts and negatively affect my behavior. These mistakes have taught me that the first step to successfully choosing kindness is being more mindful about it, letting go of impatience and intolerance along the way.
Daniel Lubetzky
To increase our objectivity, we must learn to switch off the mini-movies. Objectivity requires us to be mindful, present in the moment, and experiencing what is happening without judgment.
Elizabeth Thornton
Life is life, and you’ve got to be mindful of that.
Stacey Dooley
The most important connection I can see between my faith and my work is that in the progress of my day, I try to be restrained and mindful of every person’s humanity and of the overwhelming challenge of pride.
John Dickerson