Top 70 Monty Don Quotes

You would be surprised at how many letters I get criticising me for straying outside the strict limitations of horticulture or even for expressing what is clearly an opinion.
Monty Don
Woods are rich with biodiversity and, above all, places of trees and light that spangles a thousand greens through the leaves.
Monty Don
I often eat cakes while my fingers are caked in soil.
Monty Don
I think we put far too much interest in trying to get t

I think we put far too much interest in trying to get ten to 20 year olds interested in gardening. I think you should do everything you can to try and get them interested up to the age of 10.
Monty Don
There is a direct correlation between gardening and mental health, not just to maintain good mental health but to repair it as well – that’s anything in the gamut from depression to serious brain damage, schizophrenia or autism.
Monty Don
Absorbing a healthy amount of dirt builds your immune system.
Monty Don
When you’re 15 whatever your parents tell you you should do, you’re not going to do it.
Monty Don
Once you engage with the simple enough business of feeding yourself, of soil and water, weather, season and harvest, it becomes personal. It is about you, your family and friends. Food becomes an aspect of those relationships as well as your intimacy with your plot.
Monty Don
I don’t think about being the Colin Firth of the gardening world. I live a very insular world based around my family and my home, and to them I’m not the Colin Firth of anything.
Monty Don
Some plants become weeds simply by virtue of their success rather than any other factor. You merely want less of them.
Monty Don
I’m a great believer in trying things, so I’ve eaten witchetty grubs, a mountain frog, ostrich and alligator. I like tongue, I like brains and tripe.
Monty Don