Top 70 Outward Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Outward Quotes from famous people such as Greg Grandin, Beatrix Potter, Oswald Chambers, Minna Antrim, William Kingdon Clifford, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

One of the things that has made America exceptional - c

One of the things that has made America exceptional – compared to other crisis-prone and class-conflicted countries – is that it has long enjoyed a benefit no other modern nation in the world could claim: the ability to engage in ceaseless, endless movement outward.
Greg Grandin
All outward forms of religion are almost useless, and are the causes of endless strife. Believe there is a great power silently working all things for good, behave yourself and never mind the rest.
Beatrix Potter
It is the unseen and the spiritual in people that determines the outward and the actual.
Oswald Chambers
A kiss is the outward visible sign of an inward fever.
Minna Antrim
In like manner, if I let myself believe anything on insufficient evidence, there may be no great harm done by the mere belief; it may be true after all, or I may never have occasion to exhibit it in outward acts.
William Kingdon Clifford
The cathedral, at its noblest, is the best outward symbol of the spiritual nature of man, as it is also the most suggestive measure and prophecy of the corporate life of man.
Jenkin Lloyd Jones
If we have not quiet in our minds, outward comfort will do no more for us than a golden slipper on a gouty foot.
John Bunyan
There is no progress whatever. Everything is just the same as it was thousands, and tens of thousands, of years ago. The outward form changes. The essence does not change.
Robert Louis Stevenson
I believe that in a great city, or even in a small city or a village, a great theater is the outward and visible sign of an inward and probable culture.
Laurence Olivier
I want to be more selfless and look outward.
Walker Hayes
Outward judgment often fails, inward judgment never.
Theodore Parker
What sometimes goes on in all sorts of Christian institutions is not formation of people in the character of Christ; it’s teaching of outward conformity. You don’t get in trouble for not having the character of Christ, but you do if you don’t obey the laws.
Dallas Willard
Our outward appearance is a reflection of what we are on the inside. Our lives reflect that for which we seek. And if with all our hearts we truly seek to know the Savior and to be more like Him, we shall be, for He is our divine, eternal Brother.
Margaret D. Nadauld
Des Moines is like your typical American city; it’s just these concentric circles of malls, built outward from the city.
Bill Bryson
The stronger I am in my personal life, the more energy I have to look outward, to address my society.
Ani DiFranco
Others indeed may talk, and write, and fight about liberty, and make an outward pretence to it; but the free-thinker alone is truly free.
George Berkeley
Any talk of ‘craft’ makes me laugh. My music looks outward; it does not gaze upon itself in admiration. Artisanal is for cheesemakers. I don’t know anything about music theory. Every time I approach my guitar, it’s like the first time. There’s no craft in that.
Bill Callahan
All religious leaders and spiritual teachers emphasize finding a place within us that is true. People who obsessively follow these leaders instead of their own purpose attach to the spiritual leader and become fanatical and controlling. That’s why Jesus tried to tell his followers not to get attached to outward form.
Martha Beck
Great changes cannot take place in the minds of generations of men without a corresponding change in their external symbols. There must be a harmony between the inner and the outward condition of human beings, and the progress of the one must keep pace with the progress of the other.
William Godwin
I was ready to give up football, but I lifted my head, and I went to Belo Horizonte with just the money for an outward ticket for the last trial I had, with America MG. If I didn’t make it, I had no money to get home to Espiritu Santo, 600 kilometres away. I gave my all that morning, and I passed.
For me, the beauty of a person is a matter of the whole package. You have to look at the whole thing, not just a matter of outward appearance or whatever. It has to do with one’s character, personality, upbringing and so on.
Gong Li
For its health, cricket needs to look outward to the sharpest minds, to people who sustain and nurture brands and often take hard but necessary decisions. Cricket cannot be bound by cricketing minds alone.
Harsha Bhogle
Descriptive Anatomy comprises a detailed account of the numerous organs of which the body is formed, especially with reference to their outward form, their internal structure, the mutual relations they bear to each other, and the successive conditions they present during their development.
Henry Gray
As a baby grows in the womb, the surrounding abdominal muscles stretch outward. If you don’t tighten up those muscles after delivery, your abs will remain loose and weak.
Denise Austin
When you do men’s wear, it’s less about thinking outside the box than about pushing the walls of the box outward. Men want to be evolutionary, not revolutionary.
John Varvatos
A poem I write is not just about me; it is about national identity, not just regional but national, the history of people in relation to other people. I reach for these outward stories to make sense of my own life, and how my story intersects with a larger public history.
Natasha Trethewey
I was born in Rocky Mount, NC. The town of 24,000 proved a great place to spend the first 17 years of life. But, after that, onward, outward.
Allan Gurganus
No iron chain, or outward force of any kind, can ever compel the soul of a person to believe or to disbelieve.
Thomas Carlyle
In many ways, America is on the receiving end of a pendulum that has been swung with great force, and for a long time, outward into the world. The impact is a wake-up call on every level.
Henry Rollins
Bringing an asteroid back to Earth? What’s that have to do with space exploration? If we were moving outward from there, and an asteroid is a good stopping point, then fine. But now it’s turned into a whole planetary defense exercise at the cost of our outward exploration.
Buzz Aldrin
Beauty is an outward gift which is seldom despised, except by those to whom it has been refused.
Edward Gibbon
For me, the Immaculate Conception is the feast of 'pass

For me, the Immaculate Conception is the feast of ‘passive action,’ the action that functions simply by the transmission through us of divine energy. Purity, in spite of outward appearances, is essentially an active virtue, because it concentrates God in us and on those who are subject to our influence.
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
Problems are the outward signs of unused inner possibilities.
Rollo May
Nothing seems at first sight less important than the outward form of human actions, yet there is nothing upon which men set more store: they grow used to everything except to living in a society which has not their own manners.
Alexis de Tocqueville
Seeing outward is equivalent to looking backward in time because the telescope’s mirror is capturing primeval light… galaxies that existed before our time.
Richard Preston
Happiness is an attitude of mind, born of the simple determination to be happy under all outward circumstances.
J. Donald Walters
You can recognize women who are grateful to be a daughter of God by their outward appearance. These women understand their stewardship over their bodies and treat them with dignity.
Margaret D. Nadauld
Outward failure may be a manifested variant of inward success.
Kenneth L. Pike
The inward area is the first place of loss of true Christian life, of true spirituality, and the outward sinful act is the result.
Francis Schaeffer
They’ve discovered that, where all the other galaxies are moving in one direction, ours is going in another. Now, the Big Bang theory says that we’re all moving outward.
Dwight Schultz
Maybe you could call me a little controlling or I like things to be my way, but since I was a little girl, I’ve known what I wanted. I’m very rootsy, but it really hadn’t ever caused me too much strife. I really know when to say when. I’m not too outward but I’m very honest.
Ashton Shepherd
You kind of have to be secretive about what you’re doing post-football because if you’re really outward and everyone knows about it while you’re playing football then the rap on you is, ‘Oh, you don’t care about the game.’
Nnamdi Asomugha
Parents learn the uses of power and its limits. They can insist on certain outward behavior but cannot change inner attitudes. They can require obedience but not goodness – and certainly not love.
Philip Yancey
Tear man out of his outward circumstances; and what he then is; that only is he.
Johann G. Seume
I think that’s the place ideally we’d like to get to as well, as queer people, where you can just judge the music for what it is and not just because it’s gay. I think it’s important that until we get to that place, statements have to be made, and we have to be loud and outward, so that’s where I’m coming from.
King Princess
The place to improve the world is first in one’s own heart and head and hands, and then work outward from there.
Robert M. Pirsig
We’re constantly morphing into different outward manifestations of ourselves. That’s what I find curious about people.
Cate Blanchett
Beware, so long as you live, of judging men by their outward appearance.
Jean de La Fontaine
There’s something weird about the Scots. We are a troubled, slightly tortured race – the sense of the respectable outward character and, inside, the turmoil of something darker.
Philip Kerr
Vision looks outward and becomes aspiration.
Stephen Samuel Wise
Seriously, women have a level of outward compassion that a lot of men don’t necessarily have. Guys feel as deeply as women, but they don’t share it as much. Learning how to do that more has been a valuable add.
Ashton Kutcher
We too, through lack of knowledge and of sufficiently mature reflection, mistook the visible outward appearance of the phenomenon for the phenomenon itself.
Leon Jouhaux
I asked long ago,’What must I do to be saved?’ The Scripture answered, ‘Keep the commandments, believe, hope, love.’ I was early warned against laying, as the Papists do, too much stress on outward works, or on a faith without works, which as it does not include, so it will never lead to true hope or charity.
John Wesley
We should look to the mind, and not to the outward appearance.
Gracefulness has been defined to be the outward expression of the inward harmony of the soul.
William Hazlitt
Mars missions will require up to three years in reduced gravity, so we need to make sure astronauts can not only survive but thrive as they move outward to explore this new world.
Ellen Stofan
I think there is something for all of us where you find a balance in your life, where you feel that everything you do isn’t about your own creature comforts or satisfying your own appetites. Some of it has to be directed outward and there is a huge satisfaction in that.
Wendie Malick
A man’s felicity consists not in the outward and visible blessing of fortune, but in the inward and unseen perfections and riches of the mind.
Thomas Carlyle
Great art is the outward expression of an inner life in the artist, and this inner life will result in his personal vision of the world.
Edward Hopper
I’ve always thought that a good book should be either the entry point inward, to learn about yourself, or a door outward, to open you up to new worlds.
Taylor Jenkins Reid
O’ What may man within him hide, though angel on the outward side!
William Shakespeare
As no outward motion or change, when normal, in man’s external body can take place unless provoked by an inward impulse, given through one of the three functions named, so with the external or manifested Universe.
Helena Blavatsky
It was a good place for getting lost in, a city no one

It was a good place for getting lost in, a city no one ever knew, a city explored from the neutral heart outward, until after many years, it defined itself into a jumble of clearings separated by stretches of the unknown, through which the narrowest of paths had been cut.
V. S. Naipaul
The outward work will never be puny if the inward work is great.
Meister Eckhart
Happiness is inward, and not outward; and so, it does not depend on what we have, but on what we are.
Henry Van Dyke
A good meditation, even when it is interrupted by occasional nodding, is much more beneficial than many outward religious exercises.
Johannes Tauler
Errors of taste are very often the outward sign of a deep fault of sensibility.
Jonathan Miller
Out of college, I had two job offers. One was to be a canoe instructor for Outward Bound. And frankly, that would have paid better than the job I took, working on a policy commission in Washington that focused on immigration policy and refugees. But that decision made all the difference.
Rob Portman
I know I always had a lot of energy growing up and I had to put it somewhere. Theater allowed me to really feel things, to laugh, to cry, to explode outward. I could do anything and it was totally accepted and appreciated. If I hadn’t gone into the theater, I probably would have been a psychotic killer.
Faith Prince
If we have not peace within ourselves, it is in vain to seek it from outward sources.
Francois de La Rochefoucauld