Top 70 Pleasing Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Pleasing Quotes from famous people such as Hunx, Jimmy Buffett, Ben Howard, Richard Steele, Myles Kennedy, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

The idea of taking a brand that already exists and maki

The idea of taking a brand that already exists and making a really poor-looking version of it, with acrylic or puffy paint, is really aesthetically pleasing to my eyes and also funny.
Instinct taught me 20 years ago to pace a song or a concert performance. That translates into pacing a story, pleasing a reading audience.
Jimmy Buffett
The only thing you can worry about is pleasing yourself and that’s probably more impossible than pleasing other people.
Ben Howard
To be exempt from the Passions with which others are tormented, is the only pleasing Solitude.
Richard Steele
I’m in a lower register because I’m not trying to shout out over a wall of amps. Singing lower sounded very pleasing to my ear, and it made it easier for me to emote.
Myles Kennedy
There’s something pleasing about large, well-lit spaces. I love that dealers are willing to take massive chances in order to give this much room to their artists. Most of all, I love that more galleries showing more art gives more artists a shot.
Jerry Saltz
Actually Maddy is my name. But I feel that whenever you address somebody, there needs to be certain amount of dignity rendered to it – irrespective of whether it’s a film star or somebody you are fond of. I find it very pleasing when somebody refers to me as ‘Mr. Madhavan’ or ‘Sir’ or ‘Mr. Maddy.’
R. Madhavan
We require from buildings two kinds of goodness: first, the doing their practical duty well: then that they be graceful and pleasing in doing it.
John Ruskin
The pleasing thing is being able to be in an environment where, even though I’m a rookie, everyone wants to help you out.
Sonny Bill Williams
My ambition with ‘Redoubtable’ was to make a film that would be aesthetically pleasing, charming, and touching.
Michel Hazanavicius
False thinking and false ideologies, dressed in the most pleasing forms, quietly – almost without our knowing it – seek to reduce our moral defenses and to captivate our minds. They entice with bright promises of security, cradle-to-grave guarantees of many kinds.
Ezra Taft Benson
Identifying and overcoming natural fear is one of the pleasing struggles intrinsic to climbing.
Alex Lowe
There just isn’t any pleasing some people. The trick is to stop trying.
Robert Mitchum
You can have so many different demands; trying to please the fans, pleasing the manager, please yourself.
Chris Smalling
The first rule of negotiation is to always be willing to walk away from the deal. The first rule of happiness is to not be attached to pleasing moments.
Tara Stiles
To me, business isn’t about wearing suits or pleasing stockholders. It’s about being true to yourself, your ideas and focusing on the essentials.
Richard Branson
There is no pleasing New Englanders, my dear, their soil is all rocks and their hearts are bloodless absolutes.
John Updike
The core of my work is dedicated not to pleasing women, but to pleasing men. Men are like bulls. They cannot resist the red sole.
Christian Louboutin
I am invariably late for appointments – sometimes as much as two hours. I’ve tried to change my ways but the things that make me late are too strong, and too pleasing.
Marilyn Monroe
It is commonly supposed that the art of pleasing is a wonderful aid in the pursuit of fortune; but the art of being bored is infinitely more successful.
Nicolas Chamfort
The care of the Earth is our most ancient and most worthy, and after all our most pleasing responsibility. To cherish what remains of it and to foster its renewal is our only hope.
Wendell Berry
Having good style really just means having a decisive eye and being able to put things together in an aesthetically pleasing manner. It’s not a matter of spending a lot of money and throwing it all together.
Coco Rocha
Nothing is more pleasing and engaging than the sense of having conferred benefits. Not even the gratification of receiving them.
Ellis Peters
You’re not going to please everyone, but then, it’s not about pleasing people: it’s about winning rugby games.
Alun Wyn Jones
Part of life is to live it, and enjoy it, and seize the moments that you find particularly pleasing.
Robert M. Parker, Jr.
While admiring the pleasing evidence of wealth, we become complicit in – or, at the very least, recognize the extent to which we, too, are beneficiaries of – an economic system we routinely deplore.
Geoff Dyer
Whatever culture, whatever country, girls are taught to please others as opposed to pleasing themselves.
Eve Ensler
Love-quarrels oft in pleasing concord end.
John Milton
In a state of grace, the soul is like a well of limpid water, from which flow only streams of clearest crystal. Its works are pleasing both to God and man, rising from the River of Life, beside which it is rooted like a tree.
Saint Teresa of Avila
A famous man once said, ‘A sure formula for failure is to try and please everyone.’ Some might say I built a career on doing just the opposite of pleasing everyone.
Dan Pena
Planets’ orbits are elliptical. It’s a very pleasing shape.
James Turrell
Following our inner guidance may feel risky and frighte

Following our inner guidance may feel risky and frightening at first, because we are no longer playing it safe, doing what we ‘should’ do, pleasing others, following rules, or deferring to outside authority.
Shakti Gawain
I’m always looking to improve as a player and it’s very pleasing when you see those improvements.
Neil Robertson
The happiest conversation is that of which nothing is distinctly remembered, but a general effect of pleasing impression.
Samuel Johnson
There’s no pleasing the British, or winning their favor. They simply hate politicians. All politicians. Hatred goes with politicians like mint sauce with lamb. It’s as old as Parliaments.
A. A. Gill
Those who have virtue always in their mouths, and neglect it in practice, are like a harp, which emits a sound pleasing to others, while itself is insensible of the music.
One of the pleasing things about science is that we do all climb towards the heavens on the shoulders of our predecessors. Economics, like physics, has its heroes, and the letter ‘H’ that I used in my mathematical equations was not there to honor Sir William Hamilton, but rather Harold Hotelling.
Paul Samuelson
The spiritual message is we lose our lives in pleasing others; if you’re the good child who pleases Mommy and Daddy but internalizes anger, you’re setting yourself up for disease.
Bernie Siegel
My fake Japanese was smooth enough to earn me the title of ‘The Emperor of Pleasing Graciousness’ in that country.
Wolfman Jack
It is a challenge trying not to give in to pleasing other people.
Kym Whitley
I feel like math and writing are the same thing. You’re putting together a lot of complex things to satisfy different requirements. It’s got to be aesthetically pleasing; it’s got to have subtext; it’s got to convey information.
Shane Carruth
Having grown up so familiar with creating a pleasing facade, I now end up compelled to reveal things inside and say, ‘Okay, now you really see me. Do you still love me?’ And then it’s never enough; it always has to be total self-revelation.
Kathryn Harrison
I suppose my life has always been about pleasing people, making sure they’re all right, doing the right thing. Then, suddenly, you have to face up to what you want and be honest about it.
Emilia Fox
The sky is the part of creation in which nature has done for the sake of pleasing man.
John Ruskin
Tim is old school. He plays that way. That’s why a lot of fans identify more with a Tim Heskett than with someone who is more dynamic. The more dynamic guy might be more pleasing to the eye, but he doesn’t contribute any more to his team winning than Tim does.
Kelvin Sampson
On the last day of our five-day work week, we did two performances and we had an audience. It was similar to theatre; we went from beginning to end, and it was very pleasing.
Jean Stapleton
Disney World is exactly the wrong description of how the Secret Service should operate in public. Their jobs are not about pleasing adults and children, but rather protecting the president and the first family.
Bob Beckel
I’m passionate about pleasing people.
Michael Mina
Always try to do something for the other fellow and you will be agreeably surprised how things come your way – how many pleasing things are done for you.
Claude M. Bristol
I do remember, though, when I discovered the third! I was about five years old – it was a very pleasing sound. I remembered that if I hit one note, then skipped one and played the next, I could get this really good sound.
Robert Morris
Would we not do well to have the pleasing of God as our motive rather than to try to elevate ourselves above our brother and outdo another?
Ezra Taft Benson
When somebody keeps telling you, ‘This book is amazing,’ you sort of have this pleasing instinct to say, ‘Oh, let me make you happy again; let me do that trick again.’
Paolo Bacigalupi
I always want the last line to be really good, which may sound silly, but I want it to be a last pleasing line.
Elizabeth McCracken
I think we all have the right to feel 100 percent beautiful and 100 percent confident without pleasing anybody ’cause we’re not here for anybody else.
Alessia Cara
In the so-called age of girl power, we have failed to cut loose our most regressive standards of female success – like pleasing others and looking sexy – and to replace them with something more progressive – like valuing intelligence and hard work.
Rachel Simmons
When we have emotions of fear and pity toward the hero of a tragedy, we explore aspects of our own vulnerability in a safe and pleasing setting.
Martha Nussbaum
It was amazing to watch him in the darkroom at an advanced age, still get excited when the results were pleasing. He still struggled like we all do in the darkroom and he struggled behind the camera, and when he had a success he was beaming.
John Sexton
The only person I worry about pleasing is God, my husband, my family, and myself.
Omarosa Manigault Newman
For so many years of my career, I was The Big Show. So in the back of my mind – whether it was ‘fat’ or aesthetically not pleasing or whatever crap people want to sling around – I enjoyed being The Big Show. I enjoyed being 450 pounds.
Big Show
I tell women to stop learning how to keep a man and make him happy, and to try figuring out what they want from a relationship, to trust their own instincts and not worry about pleasing someone else.
Drew Pinsky
As a pastor in a Protestant church, my whole ministry centers on the conviction that by grace we are saved through faith. And it’s not our faith that delivers us, as if believing something, anything at all were pleasing to God. It’s the object of our faith – Christ’s life, death, and resurrection – that saves us.
Kevin DeYoung
I tried playing for the public, and I selected music that I thought would be pleasing to them. Times are different now. Today, I play the music I want, and I just try to do my best.
Vladimir Horowitz
I try to keep my closet organized by color and category

I try to keep my closet organized by color and category so that it’s not only aesthetically pleasing but practical as well – it really makes getting ready so much easier.
Aslaug Magnusdottir
It is happy for you that you possess the talent of flattering with delicacy. May I ask whether these pleasing attentions proceed from the impulse of the moment, or are they the result of previous study?
Jane Austen
Finding your way doesn’t mean surviving, just as pleasing an audience doesn’t mean twisting your editorial around search engine optimization and Facebook algorithms.
Anna Wintour
Women are often expected to be more amiable or more pleasing or more submissive than men generally.
Maria Doyle Kennedy
I will venture to maintain that where the teacher is not pleasing to the pupil, there is no education.
I found it quite pleasing to be alone from a very young age. The piano became my source of release.
Benjamin Clementine
Rihanna’s voice is just delicious for your ear. Sinatra had the same thing; anything he sang sounded pleasing to most people.
Chris Martin
The thing about doing concerts is that it’s doing a live show. It’s on my schedule. It’s songs I want to sing. It’s saying what I want to say. It’s working with the people I want to work with. I don’t have to worry about pleasing other people – I can do what I want, and people come along and go for the ride.
Brian Stokes Mitchell