Top 70 Sarah Lancashire Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Sarah Lancashire Quotes, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

Actors are bloody marvelous at hiding.

Actors are bloody marvelous at hiding.
Sarah Lancashire
I think women have not been terribly kind to other women for a very long time.
Sarah Lancashire
Most of the career choices I’ve made have been because of my family.
Sarah Lancashire
I am a tea connoisseur and my idea of absolute heaven is a tea shop.
Sarah Lancashire
I love swing, jazz, blues, standards. I love the American songbook, Gershwin, Berlin. It’s all that. So I’m born in the wrong era and I just don’t fit into the 21st century at all.
Sarah Lancashire
I need to grow as an actor. The wonderful thing is you never stop learning, and as my only interest is trying to perfect what I do, it’s wonderful because I’ll never succeed, so I’ll have to keep working.
Sarah Lancashire
I never get offered comedy.
Sarah Lancashire
It’s a joy doing ‘Tango.’ I’d do it till the day I die, frankly.
Sarah Lancashire
I have to work at my own speed.
Sarah Lancashire
My family on my mother’s side is Irish.
Sarah Lancashire
Am I attracted to people who want to give other people a voice? Yes I am, and that may be a ‘common denominator with the characters that I play.
Sarah Lancashire
It’s down to the actors to show the writers the potential of the character.
Sarah Lancashire
Children are part of the natural pattern of life. For centuries people have been having children and going to work. You get on with it, that’s what life’s about.
Sarah Lancashire
You have to have brilliant people to work opposite, and then it does become like a real tennis match and this is our sport. With somebody like Mark Lewis Jones, who is extraordinary anyway, you just know it’s going to be a good match.
Sarah Lancashire
For me, it was much more important to continue to learn my craft as an actor and get a bit of flesh on the bones.
Sarah Lancashire
I’ve learnt that it’s possible to be as anonymous as you want. It’s a choice, and I’ve become very, very good at being anonymous.
Sarah Lancashire
It started at 49 with ‘Tango in Halifax’ and then ‘Happy Valley.’ I can’t complain at a time when most actors are disappearing. I seem to have become very visible.
Sarah Lancashire
There’s some truth that roles for older women are harder to come by, but it’s wrong for actors to monopolise the ageist thing.
Sarah Lancashire
Acting is a subtle combination of hiding and revealing yourself, and as I’m not an extrovert, this is painful for me.
Sarah Lancashire
It was easier to act, in a way, than to be myself. Somehow I just felt I was in the right place.
Sarah Lancashire
I’m not planning on being a health role model.
Sarah Lancashire
Age affects us all in the workplace. We all get a little less appealing as we get older, unfortunately.
Sarah Lancashire
When you receive a script and it leaps out at you and it’s breathing with its own heartbeat – I suppose when you read something like that it’s not a choice of whether you do it or don’t. It feels like it chooses you, so you just do it.
Sarah Lancashire
It’s too easy to underestimate your audience. But it’s not rocket science: bad plays don’t get people on seats; good plays do.
Sarah Lancashire
‘Kiri’ reflects the society we’re living in now, where everything has to be transparent and people are under so much pressure. The scrutiny is extraordinary and you really get a sense of panic emerging.
Sarah Lancashire
I own a copy of the original ‘Talking Heads’ by Alan Bennett, which I purchased many years ago shortly after they were first broadcast. It’s been lovingly well-thumbed over the years. They are magnificent. A masterpiece.
Sarah Lancashire
I only did five or six weeks in ‘Guys and Dolls,’ and when I was 26 or so, I was in ‘Blood Brothers’ for a year on the West End, playing Linda, with Kiki Dee.
Sarah Lancashire
I don’t like comparing projects. I find it too difficult because I can’t objectively look at a piece when I’m so subjectively involved it.
Sarah Lancashire
I think Jack Thorne is an exceptional writer.
Sarah Lancashire
‘MotherFatherSon’ was just an extraordinary read and I wanted to be a part of it.
Sarah Lancashire
I’m not terribly good at being around work I don’t care about!
Sarah Lancashire
It's not something I'm embarrassed about. Depression is

It’s not something I’m embarrassed about. Depression is an issue that tends to be brushed under the carpet. My hope is that if people with a public profile are prepared to talk about it, then it might prompt other people to talk about it too.
Sarah Lancashire
Marriage is not for everyone, but spiritually it is very necessary for me because I have a desire, a need to feel owned.
Sarah Lancashire
I am a stickler for damn good writing.
Sarah Lancashire
Love is very complicated and it’s never black and white, as I’m sure we all know in our lives.
Sarah Lancashire
An ‘Ordinary Woman’ is the beautiful and achingly poignant portrait of Gwen, a complex and troubled woman in her middle years.
Sarah Lancashire
I come from a line of women who can bake, so I think I’ve inherited a bit of family knowledge.
Sarah Lancashire
I don’t like talking about me. I only speak when I have something to say and won’t share my personality.
Sarah Lancashire
You start out with scripts pre-written, with no specific actor in mind, so you’ve got to build a character on top of that foundation. It’s not just lifting words off the page, it’s constructing a history around them as well.
Sarah Lancashire
Working on ‘The Paradise’ is like putting on a comfy overcoat.
Sarah Lancashire
It’s wonderful when you happen across it as an actor, finding a young actor that is literally just starting out and you understand that to them the craft is the most important aspect of the job.
Sarah Lancashire
Watching your own work doesn’t get any easier.
Sarah Lancashire
I took 18 months away to have my son, Joseph, and it was the biggest break I’d ever had in my working life of nearly 20 years.
Sarah Lancashire
I think going to university, getting married, having children, and then having the choice to stay at home to raise those children is a very valid one for women and they shouldn’t be castigated for it. It’s a great job. Not many men would do it.
Sarah Lancashire
I would never condone anything which I thought was salacious, titillating, or gratuitous.
Sarah Lancashire
I don’t feel that 40 is anything these days. Our life expectancy is so much greater that maybe 50 is the new 40.
Sarah Lancashire
Being in the public eye makes you frightened to talk openly about things – which is precisely why you should. You can really make a difference and open up subjects that are taboo.
Sarah Lancashire
My father was a TV scriptwriter. He would perform his dialogue out loud, while my mum transcribed it at the typewriter. So I grew up thinking that plucking characters out of the air was an extremely normal way to behave.
Sarah Lancashire
Anyone who has to be accountable in a time when resources are shrinking, where transparency is necessary, where the pressures are greater, is going to find that it takes a toll.
Sarah Lancashire
Two of the best roles I’ve ever had have happened in my late 40s.
Sarah Lancashire
I’d like to think little miracles do happen in ‘Angel Cake.’
Sarah Lancashire
Relationships are very complex. It’s very unusual to see something which is so ‘complex portrayed on screen.
Sarah Lancashire
To be asked to perform a new ‘Talking Head’ was beyond any expectation. The matchless brilliance of Alan Bennett’s words coupled with the extraordinary wisdom of Nick Hytner’s direction made this a thrilling and quite simply unforgettable experience, and I’m enormously grateful.
Sarah Lancashire
I am possibly the biggest ‘Downton’ fan you can ever meet.
Sarah Lancashire
I’m not very good at watching myself. I look at it and I think, ‘Oh, they’ve used the wrong take.’ My job is over and it’s not healthy to sit there and scrutinize your work as you’re invariably unhappy!
Sarah Lancashire
I do find it quite difficult to complete a job and return to normality – it does take a bit of time to find my healthy place.
Sarah Lancashire
‘Tango’ is very much an ensemble piece and I was devastated when I read the script.
Sarah Lancashire
I think all writers have a style, a particular voice and rhythm that you have to find.
Sarah Lancashire
I can bake but I don’t do a lot of baking, mainly because the side effect is not very good for you.
Sarah Lancashire
Sometimes it’s necessary for soaps to hang on to an audience by sensationalizing, but it’s a beast I don’t understand any more, an art form that has fostered extraordinary talent. It’s a great arena to learn your craft before you move on.
Sarah Lancashire
I can tell very early on, reading a script, within six or seven pages, whether I’m looking at real people, and whether I can see and hear real people.
Sarah Lancashire
I’m absolutely certain that audiences want to see older women on their TVs.
Sarah Lancashire
I got married only because I was pregnant. Simple as th

I got married only because I was pregnant. Simple as that. I am a very traditional girl and was horrified at the thought of having a child out of wedlock. I didn’t want a child of mine to be different or have fingers pointed at.
Sarah Lancashire
The work I like to do is the work I’m most afraid of.
Sarah Lancashire
But I am Northern myself, and there is a certain rhythm of Northern speech that is very comical: that combination of the choice of language and the speech rhythm, which in itself is very funny.
Sarah Lancashire
I think this country is terribly, horribly obsessed with age, and it really is just this country. If you’re still living and breathing at 50, then count your blessings!
Sarah Lancashire
I truly believe that love is love and gender is immaterial.
Sarah Lancashire
I have never known what it feels like to wake up in the morning full of the joys of spring, and wander through the day feeling capable of coping.
Sarah Lancashire
My father’s family, I think, were mostly from Lancashire, but I don’t know how far back we go. I think it’s quite a few generations.
Sarah Lancashire
Being an actor can be a cruel experience because there is no cooling-down period. You can be involved in something that’s incredibly intense, but then it’s a wrap and you’ve finished and you go home. I find it difficult to complete a job and then return to reality and find my healthy place.
Sarah Lancashire