Top 70 Tony Evans Quotes

We need to have a unified understanding of our national heritage without losing our personal distinctives. The closer that national heritage is to the rule of God, the more ordered our relationships will become in society.
Tony Evans
To carry our cross is to have such a commitment and identify with Jesus Christ and what He accomplished that I am willing to suffer the repercussions to that identification.
Tony Evans
The Church has failed to be a positive influence for good in our nation and our world.
Tony Evans
God has a team. It’s made up of African-American, Anglo, Hispanic, Asian, Middle Eastern, and a variety of other people and cultures. He never wants you to make your distinction, your history, or your background so precious to you that it messes up His team.
Tony Evans
There are two answers to every question - God's answer

There are two answers to every question – God’s answer and everybody else’s – and everybody else is wrong when they disagree with him.
Tony Evans
Peace, unity, love, and nonviolence should be our rallying cry and the catalyst for change in our nation.
Tony Evans
The cross is to be our point of reference for every area of our lives all the time.
Tony Evans
People from different backgrounds may not have natural affinity, but when the Word of God is treated right and the Holy Spirit is allowed to engage, it can bring together things, people, backgrounds, histories, races, colors, and cultures and hold them together in a way that natural affinity may not be able to do.
Tony Evans
I was the oldest of four children, and the atmosphere was volatile for all of us. My father and mother were in constant conflict, making divorce seem like the only possible outcome.
Tony Evans
Racism is not first and foremost a skin problem. It is a sin problem. See, when you believe that racism is a skin problem, you can take three hundred years of slavery, court decisions, marches, and the federal government involvement and still not get it fixed right.
Tony Evans
We’ve got to move from membership to discipleship to being full-time Christians, not part-time saints. That means operating comprehensively on the value system of Heaven as we move about in history.
Tony Evans
When fathers come home after a tough day at work, they should come home to serve, like my father did, teaching lessons around the dinner table and leading the family in worship and prayer.
Tony Evans