Top 70 Vint Cerf Quotes

When I first joined Google in October of 2005, I was warned that I shouldn’t be offended if people were doing their e-mails while a meeting was going on.
Vint Cerf
Writing software is a very intense, very personal thing. You have to have time to work your way through it, to understand it. Then debug it.
Vint Cerf
History is rife with examples of governments taking actions to ‘protect’ their citizens from harm by controlling access to information and inhibiting freedom of expression and other freedoms outlined in The Universal Declaration of Human Rights. We must make sure, collectively, that the Internet avoids a similar fate.
Vint Cerf
Yet in all those cases I finally steeled myself to seize the opportunity, and find a way to muddle through and eventually conclude that I had, in fact, chosen the right path, as risky as it seemed at the time.
Vint Cerf
Internet and government is Topic A in every nation, all around the world. There is the question of getting the Internet built. That involves persuading government to have regulatory policies. It involves new technology to bring the Internet to rural places.
Vint Cerf
In 1973, the only cryptographic technology we could get our hands on was classified.
Vint Cerf
There was something amazingly enticing about programming.
Vint Cerf
Information flow is what the Internet is about. Information sharing is power. If you don’t share your ideas, smart people can’t do anything about them, and you’ll remain anonymous and powerless.
Vint Cerf
We all know the Internet didn't explode until it became

We all know the Internet didn’t explode until it became a commercial enterprise. Space communication will probably have the same characteristic.
Vint Cerf
The Internet lives where anyone can access it.
Vint Cerf
At some point, you can’t lift this boulder with just your own strength. And if you find that you need to move bigger and bigger boulders up hills, you will need more and more help.
Vint Cerf
Although I’ve had several major career changes, I was extremely hesitant about making some of them.
Vint Cerf
Energy, health care and education are just three examples of areas in which information and information management are critically important. How are we using our energy? What appliances in homes or business are consuming the most energy? When do they consume it? Can the load be shifted? How efficient are these devices?
Vint Cerf
We live in a very complex world.
Vint Cerf
You should know that I’ve been hearing-impaired, not quite since birth, but I’ve been wearing hearing aids since I was 13, so I’m very conscious of the difficulty of voice communication.
Vint Cerf
There’s a tremendous amount of energy in Japan and, increasingly, in China.
Vint Cerf