Top 75 Blanket Quotes

When you are generalizing, and when your goal is to malign and to say things about an entire group – there are tens of millions of Scientologists in the world – when you decide to blanket statement that ‘Scientology is evil,’ you are my enemy.
Kirstie Alley
I’m in favour of a sensible development of response units and their deployment in any circumstance where there may be a risk to the officers themselves or the neighbourhood they’re in. I’m not in favour of a blanket arming of the police.
David Blunkett
There are great municipal investments out there, but on a blanket basis you have to be really careful about knowing what cash flows are supporting your investments.
Meredith Whitney
I write about moments, and I don’t make blanket statements about anything because no one has all the answers; nobody’s come up with a foolproof way to do anything when it comes to emotions.
Brian McKnight
I'm used to playing characters that are so different to

I’m used to playing characters that are so different to me and I love that; it’s my safety blanket and I hide behind the character.
Sacha Dhawan
Alcoholics are utterly dear one minute, but there is also a blanket hatred with which you cannot reason.
Sheila Hancock
I like mechanical things; my first book was a mechanics guide – that was what my parents couldn’t pry away from me; that was the blanket.
Philipp Meyer
When I was a baby, if I cried, my parents didn’t give me a blanket. They gave me a ball and sent me to the little court in our backyard. I must have cried a lot because I was one of those kids who could dribble and shoot at 5 years old.
Danilo Gallinari
I don’t know about you, but I think blankets are the best, especially your own personal blanket.
Laura Marano
Even before I had ever seen ‘Beach Blanket Babylon,’ I had a similar aesthetic: colorful and sparkly.
Chris March
For me, there’s nothing better than curling up in my favorite blanket on a cloudy or rainy day and just knit. Especially in front of the fireplace.
Magdalena Neuner
I have this blanket thing about giving parenting advice to parents, and that’s: ‘Don’t take other people’s advice on parenting.’
Drew Lachey
I don’t recite prayers as a blanket rule, but having said that, I do believe that prayers like The Our Father and Hail Mary are powerful prayers.
Krystle D’Souza
One thing I don’t do anymore as I’ve gotten older is that I don’t make big blanket statements about whether or not an artist is good or bad.
Karyn Kusama
I’m a soccer mom. I’m T-ball, soccer, karate, homework, keeping them on their schedules. I love being the snack mom, when I get to bring the cut oranges. I have one of those coolers with wheels. I’m at every game, every practice, sitting on my blanket. I love it.
Pamela Anderson
I remember tearing up the first time I read Nabokov’s description, in ‘Speak, Memory,’ of his father being tossed on a blanket by cheering muzhiks, with its astonishingly subtle foreshadowing of grief and mourning.
Michael Chabon
I think the Supreme Court does have the authority, which is not used, to declare a blanket right for all people, all adults.
Jack Kevorkian