Top 75 Eighth Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Eighth Quotes from famous people such as Aisling Bea, Thomas Perry, Hiram Rhodes Revels, Gus Dapperton, David Morse, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

No matter what your views are on abortion, the Eighth A

No matter what your views are on abortion, the Eighth Amendment in the Constitution is a very cruel, cruel law which benefits no one.
Aisling Bea
I had been writing fiction since I was in eighth grade, because I loved it.
Thomas Perry
The Legislature, which was elected under the Constitution framed and supported by colored men, declared that a man having more than an eighth of African blood in his veins was ineligible to office or a seat in the Legislature of the State of Georgia.
Hiram Rhodes Revels
I grew up producing hip-hop music, actually. I was producing for my friends, who were all rappers in upstate New York, where I’m from. But in the eighth grade, we had this songwriting contest in our school, and I got really excited about it and actually won. After that, I just kept making music forever.
Gus Dapperton
I want to talk about my very first play, when I was in eighth grade. One day, my English teacher, Mrs. Baker, announced that we were going to read ‘On Borrowed Time’ out loud in class. I was a mediocre student; I was terrified that she was going to call on me, so I hid my head.
David Morse
My father… removed from Kentucky to… Indiana, in my eighth year… It was a wild region, with many bears and other wild animals still in the woods. There I grew up… Of course when I came of age, I did not know much. Still somehow, I could read, write, and cipher… but that was all.
Abraham Lincoln
I played football in eighth grade, and even though I had a passion for it, it turned out I’m no good at playing it.
Ross Mathews
There’s no medals for trying. This isn’t like eighth grade where everybody gets a trophy. We are in a professional sport, and it is competitive to win. That’s what we do.
Bill Belichick
I never believed in pushing my kids. My dad was very unhappy I wasn’t going to be a doctor, but I couldn’t stand to see the sight of blood. And I wanted to be a lawyer since I was in seventh or eighth grade.
Jerry Reinsdorf
From a building right in front of my windows, I can observe the speed of the sunrises and sunsets. The voices of children playing, laughing, yelling, and crying on the playground crawl up to the eighth floor, where I write. Their voices sound so innocent from a distance.
Andrea Hirata
I am an eighth Chinese, and I come from a large Chinese-American family in Los Angeles.
Lisa See
When I was in the eighth grade, I wrote this huge long paper about how I had no idea what I was gonna do with my life, but that I wanted to make a difference and touch even if it was like one person’s life… inspire them.
Shantel VanSanten
Every few seconds it changes – up an eighth, down an eighth – it’s like playing a slot machine. I lose $20 million, I gain $20 million.
Ted Turner
If you ever get injured or have an asthma attack, the last words you get out are, ‘Sammy Davis suite, please.’ That’s, like, three rooms on the eighth floor of Cedars-Sinai.
Charles Nelson Reilly
In seventh and eighth grade, grammar and vocabulary were not my favorite subjects.
Aaron Lazar
I was a schoolteacher; I taught seventh and eighth grade, and I tried to write fiction on the side.
David Grann
I could hear music playing in the background of works by certain authors, like Poe and Shakespeare. And I discovered Nikki Giovanni when I was in eighth grade. Her writing has a musical energy with pulse and rhythm, almost like jazz or hip-hop.
Jill Scott
I mean, I did a play when I was in eighth grade, but who hasn’t?
Bria Vinaite
I know many older writers who were very successful and whose books are now out of print, so you have to go to antiquarian booksellers to buy their fifth or eighth novel or whatever it is.
William Boyd
I don’t get an eighth of the attention of David Beckham, but it’s still pretty heavy.
Phil Taylor
I decided that I wanted to be a lawyer in eighth grade.
Julie Sweet
My only foray into anything stock-market-related was in my eighth grade social studies class. I have steered clear ever since.
Rich Sommer
One thing I learned is that the park by the river in a recent story, ‘Getting Closer,’ is the same park by the river that appears for a moment near the end of ‘The Eighth Voyage of Sinbad,’ a story first published 23 years earlier. This echo at first irritated me, then pleased me deeply.
Steven Millhauser
How can I tell the eighth or ninth man on the team that I want you to work hard every day and I want you to improve and get better, but while you’re doing that you’re not going to get any minutes?
Isaiah Thomas
I created my MySpace page in eighth grade, because that’s how all my friends talked to each other, so I made one, too. Then, all of a sudden, my friends started putting my songs on their profiles, and then their relatives, their friends in different states did.
Taylor Swift
Two of my most important signings were made at the beginning of 2004. I took 20-year-old Clint Dempsey with the eighth pick of the MLS SuperDraft and added 51-year-old ex-Arsenal striker Paul Mariner as my assistant on a free transfer from Harvard University, where he’d been coaching.
Steve Nicol
So, I’m the Eighth Wonder of the World. It’s flattering and very, very funny.
Eva Longoria
If someone hit you in the face 7 times, you’re not just going to smile on the eighth.
Harrison Barnes
When I was in the eighth standard, I would dance to ‘Suraj hua madham.’ I have to achieve many things before I become even the ‘S’ of SRK.
Sushant Singh Rajput
My dad was a football player, and I’ve been the same size since eighth grade, so I get how it can be hard when you don’t fit in with the ‘normal-size’ girls, or your butt and legs are too big for normal-size jeans.
Elana Meyers
Ever since the eighth grade, I can honestly say I cut out carbonated drinks from my diet and started focusing on hydrating my body well. It’s a message that needs to get out, especially in the south.
Eric Reid
After attending the gymnasium between my eighth and sev

After attending the gymnasium between my eighth and seventeenth years, I studied classical philology at Berlin University for two years under Boeckh and Lachmann, and with the friendly support of Emanuel Geibel and Franz Kugler, I dabbled in all sorts of poetry.
Paul Heyse
As I got older, I’d say probably when I got to, like, seventh or eighth grade, I was living in Atlanta, Georgia at the time, and I went for an open call for an agent, a local agent out there, a woman named Joy Purvis, and she ended up picking me up.
David Lambert
I’ve talked to a bunch of big men who told me they didn’t really start playing basketball until seventh or eighth grade. That wasn’t the situation with me.
Jahlil Okafor
Circumcision is obligatory for Jewish-born males – it must be performed on the eighth day after birth and is only postponed in the case of threat to the life or health of the child. Muslim parents also circumcise their male children.
Brad Sherman
At the fourth grade level, girls at the same percentages of boys say they’re interested in careers in engineering or math or astrophysics, but by eighth grade that has dropped precipitously.
Chelsea Clinton
In eighth grade, I was actually better in football. I played running back, wide receiver, and safety – just like Allen Iverson.
John Wall
In December of 1990, just before my eighth birthday, I left China for the United States. My father was a political dissident, and after he was released from prison, we joined my mother in a little town in the mountains of Utah. It was quite a change from my hometown of Shanghai, a city of 25 million people.
Leana S. Wen
The seven deadly sins should be updated. We should add an eighth sin: Cowardice.
Gad Saad
Bruckner’s Eighth is a colossus.
Zubin Mehta
I’m an Armory girl. I’ve been racing here since eighth grade. Our relay won here my freshman year, but winning the Wanamaker Mile is even bigger. That’s huge.
Mary Cain
My dad coached pretty much my whole life. I think he stopped coaching me when I got to the seventh, eighth grade, serious AAU, when I started getting recruited and stuff like that.
Kevin Knox
I never went to high school. I never really finished eighth grade. I was kicked out of seventh grade once and eighth grade twice. Mainly for not showing up and not doing it. Then I went to an alternative high school for part of what would have been ninth grade and part of what would have been 10th grade.
Chris Cornell
One of my biggest regrets in coaching was my eighth or ninth game of my career. I was wound up about a conference game in December – I was wound up tight, and we ended up playing really tight. Our players were bickering with the officials, I was bickering… and then all of a sudden we lose.
Brad Stevens
My dad was the manager at the 45,000-acre ranch, but he owned his own 1,200-acre ranch, and I owned four cattle that he gave to me when I graduated from grammar school, from the eighth grade. And those cows multiplied, and he kept track of them for years for me. And that was my herd.
Dave Brubeck
My mother’s dad dropped out of the eighth grade to work. He had to. By the time he was 30, he was a master electrician, plumber, carpenter, mason, mechanic. That guy was, to me, a magician. Anything that was broken, he could fix. Anybody anywhere in our community knew that if there was a problem, Carl was there to fix it.
Mike Rowe
I was made fun of for being fat from fourth or fifth grade to eighth grade. That was pretty rough.
Ari Graynor
I went back to school for the end of eighth grade and for all of high school, which was awesome.
Chandler Riggs
I was really into Michelangelo in seventh and eighth grade.
Phil Elverum
Sometimes it’s better to come through from, say, last to eighth than staying eighth, and you’ve qualified eighth!
Max Verstappen
In eighth grade, I went to home school, but it was a program meant for stay-at-home moms, and both my parents worked, so I had to grade my own papers. I’d be like, ‘Ah man, you’re close enough, you get 100 percent!’
Scotty Lago
I was nervous batting eighth, and I was nervous batting seventh.
Dontrelle Willis
I think by eighth grade I knew I wanted to be an actor. I’d done church plays and stuff, but my first actual acting class was in eighth grade. I was obsessed with it.
Aaron Paul
I know other people who have started their kids in tackle football for, like, four- and five-year-olds. So I think it’s up to each individual’s parents, but for me personally, no I wouldn’t. But would I be OK with him playing in seventh or eighth grade? Yes.
Marc Veasey
We had a master sergeant present us with the Bronze Star of Valor he had gotten because he had felt we were the eighth men of the platoon.
David Draiman
My mom was a beautician in her early days, and then my parents decided that one of them needed to go to school in order to build the future. So my mom started going to college when I was in eighth grade, and she graduated when I was a freshman in college.
Julie Sweet
Something a lot of people don’t know about me is I sucked my thumb until I was in like eighth grade. It’s cause, when I was a baby, I sucked my thumb and I guess my mom and dad never weaned me off of that, because they thought it was cute. And then it’s like an addiction. That’s your security blanket.
Gabby Barrett
I used to be the class clown. I was the funny kid. That’s why it was so hard for people to understand that I rap, because for a long time, they didn’t take me seriously for who I was. By, like, eighth grade, I was really rapping.
Chance The Rapper
I saw ‘The Shining’ in eighth grade. I watched it on VHS at a sleepover and was petrified, totally petrified. And I didn’t really start to digest the movie properly and understand it from a filmmaking perspective until I got older. But it pretty much defined what it meant to be scared of a movie for me.
Mike Flanagan
My parents were sharecrop farm kids with no education – seventh, eighth grade.
Rodney Crowell
I didn’t graduate eighth grade. I could have, but I got into too many fights in middle school.
Nick Diaz
When I was in eighth grade, I created a Backstreet Boys fan site. I came in third place in a fan site contest and got to meet them.
Karen Civil
My parents had the plan for my life from the moment my

My parents had the plan for my life from the moment my mother tested positive with me. Looking back now, I’d say the hard turn for me was when I left school after the eighth grade to play tennis full time and study some with a travelling tutor.
Douglas Brunt
JJ Abrams is definitely a guy that when he calls, you want to answer. He’s incredibly focused. When he was shooting the pilot on ‘Lost,’ we’d do a take and he’d go back to his tent and be working on the first episodes of ‘Lost’ as well as the cliffhanger for the eighth season of ‘Alias.’ He’s an incredible multitasker.
Jorge Garcia
I became a Christian within a fundamentalist church. I saw ‘A Thief in the Night’ on a 16 mm. print when I was in the eighth grade, and I got the whole scare speech from our pastors. ‘Do you want to be left here, left behind, for the Tribulation? If not, then come forward.’
Scott Derrickson
I’m destiny’s child. I wasn’t meant to be born: my mother bled for four months when she was pregnant, and then she fell down the stairs in her eighth month of pregnancy. She nearly died; I believe I came into this world for a reason.
Shilpa Shetty
When I wrote my eighth thriller, ‘Inside Out,’ in 2009, the villains were a group of CIA and other government officials who colluded to destroy a series of tapes depicting Americans torturing war-on-terror prisoners.
Barry Eisler
Anybody can build a building, putting some doors into it, but how many times have you been in a building that moves you to tears the way Beethoven’s ‘Eighth’ does?
Philip Johnson
In, like, seventh or eighth grade every day after school, my friend Andrew and I would watch ‘Wayne’s World.’ And I think it’s a great example of a sketch effectively turned into a movie and a story that really works with a good journey. Not easily accomplished, but such a good journey.
Nick Kroll
I was always a clown. In the eighth grade I won a city speech contest by doing an Eddie Murphy routine. I’m no good at public speaking, but if I can assume a role and speak as that person, then I’m fine. When I had to give a book report, I always did it in character.
Jason Wiles
Coming into a game in the eighth or ninth inning is like parachuting behind enemy lines. And sometimes the chute doesn’t open. You have to live with that. It’s an occupational hazard.
Dan Quisenberry
I’m in Stockholm in my office. I just got here after seeing my eighth child on an ultrasound, so I’m in a good mood. It’s beautiful: an energetic little skeleton.
Stellan Skarsgard
I’m blessed because I had my mom as a teacher – sixth through eighth grade – and she is one of the best teachers I’ve ever had.
Bellamy Young
I actually think the last time I stood with a race medal around my neck was after an eighth grade cross-country meet. I was gawky and 65 pounds soaking wet, and running 10 miles a day was no big deal.
Ginger Zee
I wasn’t athletic as a kid, and I was self-conscious about my body, but then in eighth grade I won a school contest, and the prize was a bunch of personal training sessions.
Matt McGorry