Top 75 Websites Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Websites Quotes from famous people such as Vick Hope, Dave Portnoy, Jeffrey Zeldman, Jeff Zucker, Artie Lange, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

I used to do people's online dating for them. I had cli

I used to do people’s online dating for them. I had clients in San Francisco, L.A., New York and they’d pay me $800 a month to basically make them profiles on all the best websites for the demographics for them.
Vick Hope
There are almost no other websites that have the type of readership we do.
Dave Portnoy
The printed word will be around long after many of our digital creations are gone, either because books don’t require monthly hosting, and blogs and websites do… or because the languages and platforms for which a particular digital creation was published will become obsolete.
Jeffrey Zeldman
When an authoritarian regime starts taking down feeds and blocking websites just because we expose the truth… that’s an attack on freedom of the press everywhere. When authoritarian regimes around the world start attacking journalists like that, we all have a problem.
Jeff Zucker
Have you ever Googled yourself? I did, most depressing thing ever. People have websites hoping I die at 38.
Artie Lange
Many American TV actors employ agents, managers, business managers, publicists and stylists, and are now adding digital media manager to the list. Their job is to reach out to the fans, managing websites, Twitter feeds, Facebook and Wikipedia.
Gina Bellman
When Usenet was eclipsed by websites in the late 1990s, people from that world – many of them programmers – wanted to bring the freewheeling, amazing discussions of Usenet to the web. And thus, RSS was born.
Annalee Newitz
The way I mainly use the Internet is keeping in touch with poets that live far away. My main interest is contemporary American poets and some Spanish language poets, and I keep in touch with their work through either their websites or email.
John Burnside
The Internet’s been so great, and it’s so nice to have fans do nice, elaborate websites, but I think the downside is some of the things… for real fans to go on and see that 90 percent of the information isn’t true or to see pictures that aren’t really me.
Denise Richards
I’m not really a child of this ‘120 TV channels, a billion websites’ era. I tried to live that for a long time but recently realized I don’t get anything from it. I told myself it was luxury, but it was really only annoying. I’d rather just watch the same 50 movies over and over.
Bill Callahan
It is clear that for many of our members two websites would make things more difficult, so we are going to keep Netflix as one place to go for streaming and DVDs.
Reed Hastings
I am thrilled to become international ‘Vogue’ editor at Conde Nast International, which has a real commitment to journalistic excellence, and to have the opportunity to write for a wider global audience through the ‘Vogue’ websites.
Suzy Menkes
As we all become increasingly reliant on social networking websites and new technologies to stay connected, it’s important to remain cognizant of how private personal information and data is handled.
Michael Bennet
My dad grew up as a computer programmer, so he always had random computer software, and I started opening up editing software at age 12 and figuring out how to build websites.
Eva Gutowski
I’m not a fan of giving a website a simple number like an IQ rating because like people they can vary in all kinds of different ways. So I’d be interested in different organisations labelling websites in different ways.
Tim Berners-Lee
There’s a lot of arrogance in the medical community. There are good, reliable websites you can go to for information – the Mayo Clinic, the Cleveland Clinic, Johns Hopkins.
Tom Brokaw
While I have never learned to use a computer, I am surrounded by family and friends who carry information to me from blogs, Facebook, Twitter, and various websites.
Billy Graham
Videos of Antifa violence, some of them doctored, are regularly shared on conservative, pro-Trump and conspiracy theory-pushing websites, often with commentary that suggests the media purposefully ignores those events. These videos often do not often include wider context or numbers.
Elizabeth Flock
As is the case for many people with multiple sclerosis, the effects of weakened limbs, spasticity and fatigue had cut my working life in half. Yet not a single GP, neurologist or nurse, and none of the MS websites, had mentioned the use of neuroenhancers for the treatment of neurological fatigue.
M. J. Hyland
Frankly, I don’t understand the monthly magazines that continue to publish news that is two months old and which has already been reported on ad nauseam online, including on their own websites.
Imran Amed
I have very little experience with dating websites. My feeling toward dating websites is what most people’s is: If it works, great. If you’re serious and legitimate about it and know what you’re looking for, then from what I hear, it’s definitely effective.
Nev Schulman
I go on The Daily Beast. The Daily Beast is one of the websites that I check out.
Matthew McConaughey
We won’t be in any reggae publications or websites.
Walshy Fire
I use computers for email, staying current with my own website as well as finding important information through other websites. I also use it for creating MP3 files of new music I’m working on.
Clint Black
Our initial idea with Stripe was that for people like us – those building apps and websites – it was incredibly difficult to take payments. So with an open mind, and maybe a useful lack of knowledge about the industry, we started building a payment product.
John Collison
I’ve actually started a number of businesses in my career. So I’m 28 currently, but when I was about 16, I started building Websites, and that’s how I put myself through school. I went to Duke with a degree in electrical engineering, computer science, computer engineering, and then to Princeton.
Aaron Patzer
I’ve been a rescue dog mom several times and occasionally found comfort in scrolling through pictures of animals on various adoption center websites, just to fantasize about adding to the family.
AJ Lee
There were websites erected to figure out how to kill Alanis. I just do not need to see this; it’s not good for anybody.
Alanis Morissette
And that’s the kind of thing people think, you know, that if you sign up to be a singer-songwriter you know how to deal with people setting up hate websites, or people being obsessed with you and crying when you touch them, but you don’t, and you just have to deal with.
Jessie J
For me, Sci-Hub has a value by itself, as a website where users can access knowledge. There are many websites where you can see pictures, share tweets, download music, read ebooks. And Sci-Hub is a website where you can read research articles.
Alexandra Elbakyan
Expand the definition of ‘reading’ to include non-fiction, humor, graphic novels, magazines, action adventure, and, yes, even websites. It’s the pleasure of reading that counts; the focus will naturally broaden. A boy won’t read shark books forever.
Jon Scieszka
A writers' ring is where a group of four or five author

A writers’ ring is where a group of four or five authors agree to promote each other’s work on their own websites and via their social media outlets such as Facebook and Twitter.
Fabrizio Moreira
I want to make sure those who view despicable terrorist content online, including jihadi websites, far-right propaganda, and bomb-making instructions, face the full force of the law.
Amber Rudd
If you could taste words, most corporate websites, brochures, and sales materials would remind you of stale, soggy rice cakes: nearly calorie free, devoid of nutrition, and completely unsatisfying.
Jason Fried
I’m not really sure what people’s preconceived notions are. I don’t look at the gossip websites – it’s unhealthy and I think it’s a large part of what drives people in L.A. crazy.
Mischa Barton
A couple of websites I’ve come across credit the ‘New York Times’ for reporting that 12,000 women a year are arrested for breastfeeding in public. I could not confirm that number with a quick search, but even 1,200 would be too many – or even 12.
David Horsey
I do shop online! But I’m shopping online mostly in the home categories – One Kings Lane and Gilt. At a lot of architectural websites, I buy a lot of hardware for cabinetry like hinges and things like that from England. So, you know, for me, I shop at Net-A-Porter, but I don’t really shop that much for clothing online.
Nate Berkus
PR and marketing doesn’t sell books. It gets attention for them. It sends readers to bookstores and websites to read a few pages.
M. J. Rose
To tell you the truth, there are all these websites predicting my early death, and it’s starting to work on me!
Artie Lange
We need to build websites with celebrity speakers who talk about the ideals of fairness, sharing, democratic cooperation, and altruism in public life.
Deepak Chopra
‘Network neutrality’ is sometimes called ‘Internet freedom’ or ‘Internet openness’ and is a legal principle that would forbid cable and phone companies like AT&T, Verizon, and Comcast from blocking some websites or providing special priority to others.
Marvin Ammori
Don’t get me wrong: I love social websites like Facebook and Twitter, but I think it creates way too many opportunities for young people to bully.
Jillian Rose Reed
There are loads of websites devoted to me.
Ben Barnes
I’ve always read the papers but didn’t feel I knew enough in the past. But doing the research and looking at newspapers and online websites gives you a 360-degree view of the news.
Rachel Parris
Many artists stick to making and hire a manager to focus on their business. Artists that build websites and mobile apps can do that, too.
Fred Wilson
In Russia, they do not generally block the Internet and directly censor websites.
Rebecca MacKinnon
Over the years, the way our customers shop our stores and websites has changed and will continue to change with the increasing popularity and convenience of smart phones and tablets.
Karen Katz
If we’re the country that makes Amazon and Facebook and Twitter, why can’t the federal government have websites and digital services that are awesome?
Megan Smith
I wanted to build a tool for my generation: people 20 to 40 who don’t want to spend time balancing a checkbook or checking multiple financial institutions’ websites. Mint does just that, giving comprehensive, quick insights into a user’s finances from their computer, mobile phone and/or tablet.
Aaron Patzer
Companies like YouTube will continue to be tested on their commitment to the mission that made them such popular and profitable websites – providing an open platform to a wide range of ideas from around the world.
Ari Melber
As useful as websites and journals are, there’s real value in books, too.
Jamais Cascio
I’ve been on, like, the forefront of social media. I run all my own pages, and this is back to MySpace and answering my own emails in, like, 2006. Even before that, I always had websites with emails that dropped directly to me.
Thomas Ian Nicholas
There are websites that any government wants to block. The truth about the Internet is that it’s extremely hard to block anything – extremely hard. You’ll never get perfect blocking.
Bill Gates
I created ‘Rookie’ because I read a lot of websites that I thought were cool and interesting, but they weren’t for teens, and I wanted us to have something that could be ours.
Tavi Gevinson
One of the things I realized… is how few success stories there are in websites or products or businesses that exist primarily for an altruistic purpose.
Andrew Mason
After I do my first writing of the day, I will generally look at Twitter and Google News – and that’s my big media secret. I look at Twitter and I look at Google because they pull all the headlines from other websites.
Daniel Mallory Ortberg
I use many different gadgets connected with computers; I use PCs, laptops and a Palm Pilot. I also use the Internet to visit websites, especially within Polish-language Internet. I usually go to political discussion groups and sites – of course, as I use my real name, people never believe that they are chatting with me!
Lech Walesa
So many celebrity websites you go to are so sterile that you know they just pay somebody to do it and there’s not even an ounce of them in it.
Cindy Margolis
There are websites of ‘True Detective’ artwork out there now, and it’s beautiful. And I don’t want to take that away from anybody. I know what it means to me. But I don’t want to take away anyone’s interpretation of the show.
Nic Pizzolatto
Websites are kind of useless. There’s so much great web content and design out there, but the ways in which they are being experienced are not being maximized.
Dhani Harrison
There’s no reason anybody should be reading too much into ‘Thrift Shop.’ I just have because I have a 10-year-old and a 7-year-old who are really into going to lyric websites, hitting print, and printing lyrics for every song that’s popular.
Al Madrigal
When U.S. commercial interests press the Chinese government to do a better job of policing Chinese websites for pirated content, a blind eye is generally turned to the fact that ensuing crackdowns provide a great excuse to tighten mechanisms to censor all content the Chinese government doesn’t like.
Rebecca MacKinnon
Domain names and websites are Internet real estate.

Domain names and websites are Internet real estate.
Marc Ostrofsky
Digg will serve as a means of gathering metrics for third party websites, providing them insights into who’s digging their content, who they are spreading it to.
Kevin Rose
On the Internet, news is consumed a la carte. If someone shows up on the main page of a website and doesn’t see anything of interest, they leave. This negatively impacts ad revenues. The solution on the Internet is to pack news websites full of things that will draw people in, regardless of whether they are news or not.
Drew Curtis
Online advertising works, although it lands especially on search engines like Google and Yahoo. They achieve much higher revenues online than the websites of publishing companies.
Hubert Burda
Unfortunately, often found next to things that are true are an enormous number of things that are not – in websites, videos, books and on social media.
Daniel Levitin
We simply do not have time as we move from one meeting to the next to have hours to peruse leisure websites of whatever type. There are days when I do not have time to switch my desktop computer on, and computer access is by mobile devices on the run between competing engagements.
Crispin Blunt
I think there is a difference between Slate and Salon. I think we both serve important functions on the Internet. As more and more Websites disappear, I’m thankful Slate is still around because it makes things less lonely.
David Talbot
Before Google, I spent the summer building a program that would look at what websites you would go to and what websites other people would go to – and built a collaborative filtering program that helped you find related sites to look at.
Marissa Mayer
Social media websites are no longer performing an envisaged function of creating a positive communication link among friends, family and professionals. It is a veritable battleground, where insults fly from the human quiver, damaging lives, destroying self-esteem and a person’s sense of self-worth.
Anthony Carmona
I have a horrible habit of buying merch tees. I go on people’s websites and look at all their merch because I’m interested in it, because we sell merch, too. And then, I always end up buying something.
Ryan Hurd
Humshakals totally exist. In fact, I was on one of these social networking websites, and I noticed that there is this entire research done on Hollywood celebrities who look like each other.
You can write whatever you want about me in websites and newspapers, but no one really knows me. They get the idea that I’m a tough, heroic figure, but I’m a sensitive pussycat.
Sam Worthington
I don’t know whether machine translation will eventually get good enough to allow us to browse people’s websites in different languages so you can see how they live in different countries.
Tim Berners-Lee