Top 75 Wilson Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Wilson Quotes from famous people such as Greg Grandin, A. Scott Berg, Bernie Mac, Chadwick Boseman, Ron White, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

Defenders of Wilson are correct to beg for context when

Defenders of Wilson are correct to beg for context when considering his legacy. But it is they who ignore the context: the role Wilson played in using war, including Haiti’s racist counterinsurgency, to nationalize white supremacy, militarism, and Christian evangelism.
Greg Grandin
After ‘Lindbergh,’ my publisher asked whom I wanted to write about next. I said, ‘There’s one idea I’ve been carrying in my hip pocket for 35 years. It’s Woodrow Wilson.’
A. Scott Berg
I became the storyteller of South Side Chicago. I used an old Kiwi liquid shoe polish as a microphone. I’d go around the house interviewing everybody, telling stupid jokes, doing voices. I mimicked Sidney Poitier, Sammy Davis Jr., people on ‘Laugh-In,’ Flip Wilson.
Bernie Mac
It was a big thing for me to read black writers. ‘Fences,’ by August Wilson. James Baldwin’s ‘Amen Corner.’ ‘The Fire Next Time.’ ‘The Autobiography of Malcolm X,’ of course.
Chadwick Boseman
It went from Bob Newhart to Flip Wilson to Bill Cosby to Richard Pryor to George Carlin to Cheech and Chong. I had all these records.
Ron White
You’ll never meet a nicer guy than Owen Wilson.
Vince Vaughn
I grew up on variety shows. I’m from the ’60s and ’70s. I loved watching Flip Wilson. I loved watching Sid Caesar’s ‘Your Show of Shows,’ ‘The Ed Sullivan Show.’ I love all of those variety shows.
Patrick Wilson and Rose Byrne made very good money from both ‘Insidious’ movies. Word travels fast, so as soon as you have a success and do what you say you’re going to do in a contract and pay out that money, we had a lot more established actors come to us and say they want to work with us.
Jason Blum
I’m a postmodern commentator, and so, in a cheeky parallel to James Joyce or James Kelman, I get to places, verbally, that are a little unusual – when I talk about Jocky Wilson and end up sounding like a Jackson Pollock of the commentary box.
Sid Waddell
I use Graf Edmonton for boots and John Wilson blades.
Oksana Baiul
When I started playing, I played in R&B bands. I played James Brown, Wilson Pickett, Otis Redding and all that.
Neil Peart
When most people think of Woodrow Wilson, they see a dour minister’s son who never cracked a smile, where in fact he was a man of genuine joy and great sadness.
A. Scott Berg
Cadillacs have been used by every president since Woodrow Wilson.
James B. Stewart
The first year I was in New York, I met Martha Graham. She said, ‘Well, Mr. Wilson, what do you want to do in life?’ I was 21 years old, and I said, ‘I have no idea.’ And she said, ‘If you work long enough and hard enough, you’ll find something.’
Robert Wilson
I wrestle in a big way with August Wilson’s work in that I at times admire it and at times feel infuriated by it, which is weirdly more influential than loving someone entirely.
Branden Jacobs-Jenkins
For tech, I like the ‘DailySearchCast’, ‘TWiT’ and anything Veronica Belmont does on CNET. I think Perez Hilton is a riot, and the rest of my consumption is by people: Folks like Dave Winer, Fred Wilson, Mark Cuban, Brian Alvey, Jeff Jarvis, Xeni Jardin, etc.
Jason Calacanis
Desegregation came very painfully to the Boston schools, long after John Kelly finished high school, and the pain of desegregating Boston schools was visited entirely on the students who looked like Frederica Wilson.
Lawrence O’Donnell
My dad was into the 1950s doo-wop era. If you look at those groups, or at James Brown, Jackie Wilson and the Temptations in the 1960s, you’ll see you had to be sharp onstage.
Bruno Mars
Randy Newman seemed like an even worse singer than me. I liked Ray Charles, Levi Stubbs, Jack Jones, Joe Tex, Wilson Pickett.
Donald Fagen
The Ferguson Grand Jury’s decision not to indict Officer Darren Wilson in the death of Michael Brown is a miscarriage of justice. It is a slap in the face to Americans nationwide who continue to hope and believe that justice will prevail.
Marcia Fudge
My grandpa got me a set of Wilson clubs, Sam Snead models, when I was 12. Many years later, when I’d become well known, I got to know Sam, and we played a lot of golf together.
Evel Knievel
When I became a presenter, Bob Wilson was the only other ex-sportsman doing it.
Sue Barker
I think everybody will agree that ‘Torrie Wilson’ is a name that nobody – no true wrestling fan – will ever forget.
Michelle McCool
One of the extraordinary features of the Blair government has been its slavish support for the central tenets of Bush’s foreign policy – above all, the war in Iraq. During the Cold War, the Wilson government resisted the suggestion that it should send troops to Vietnam.
Martin Jacques
I was in the Woodrow Wilson School of international relations and public policy at Princeton. You have to apply to get in, and I did not originally get in. I lobbied really hard and called many people. I just would not take no for an answer.
Mellody Hobson
The male singers who had the same range I did, when I was growing up, didn’t do much for me. But put on Nina Simone, Carmen McRae or Nancy Wilson, and I’d be in seventh heaven. Female vocalists just did more with their voices, and that’s why I paid more attention to them.
Billy Paul
Back in the day, I used to watch ‘The Cajun Chef’ with Justin Wilson. His mixing would go one way, and his stomach would go the other.
Adam Richman
My father-in-law was once Chairman of Military Affairs in the Senate, the latter part of the Wilson Administrations. He knew a lot about and was fond of the Army.
Stuart Symington
When Bob Wilson left the BBC for ITV, I got the ‘Football Focus’ job, and it went from there. It came completely out of the blue, but the fact I had a high profile certainly helped.
Gary Lineker
I’ve been influenced by so many great people , like Sam Moore, Wilson Pickett, Otis Redding, John Lee Hooker, B.B. King, so many great blues and soul artists that I completely revere. So it’s strange for me, actually, to hear somebody say, ‘Oh, I was deeply influenced by your music.’
Paul Rodgers
The first theater subscription I ever bought was the August Wilson season at Signature. I remember thinking a whole season to one playwright was a great way for a master to do a victory lap.
Branden Jacobs-Jenkins
Having Brian Wilson sing on my album was an unforgettab

Having Brian Wilson sing on my album was an unforgettable experience.
Belinda Carlisle
I was told that the fact that I had nothing but good things to say about Judith Regan distinguished me. I enjoyed writing for Judith. I really enjoyed working with Victoria Wilson at Knopf, and Simon & Schuster, they’ve all been great experiences.
Mick Foley
I had one good racket, a Wilson Javelin. It was my favorite racket, and I made the mistake of putting it next to the heater. It just got so hot that it melted.
Stefan Edberg
As soon as I moved to Princeton in 1978, I became fascinated by local history, much of it Revolutionary War-era; and I became fascinated by the presidency of Woodrow Wilson at Princeton University.
Joyce Carol Oates
I’ve seen some terrible plays, but I generally enjoy myself. One play I walked out of, I have a tremendous respect for the author. That was Robert Wilson, something called ‘Network,’ which consisted of Wilson sitting on a bunk, the dialogue of the movie ‘Network’ looped in while a chair on a rope went up and down.
August Wilson
In Washington, we had a grieving President Wilson, very, very much a lonely, grieving man. He had lost his wife of many years in August 1914 at about the same time the war broke out in Europe.
Erik Larson
My first concert makes me sound like a real old man. My very first concert was Jackie Wilson.
Eddie Murphy
I went to a rare live Van Dyke show and met him there. And then he came to a show of mine and we spoke back stage. The third time was at Brian Wilson’s birthday party.
Matthew Sweet
I studied acting in NYU’s graduate program, in which we covered everything from Ibsen and Chekov to August Wilson and David Mamet.
Andre Holland
‘Raising Arizona’ is maybe my favorite comedy of all time. What’s great about it is that as slapstick as it gets, it has great moments of emotion and caring. Them bringing the baby back and Trey Wilson’s character. I love that, man.
Joe Carnahan
I think people are entitled to have a new album by Wilson Pickett in their homes every year.
Wilson Pickett
‘The Star-Spangled Banner’ should’ve never been made into our national anthem. That President Woodrow Wilson, widely thought to be one of the most bigoted presidents ever elected, chose it as our national anthem, is painfully telling as well.
Shaun King
Few American presidents have been unhappier or lonelier in office than Woodrow Wilson.
Jill Lepore
Dez Bryant isn’t Peyton Manning, Tom Brady, Drew Brees or Russell Wilson. Dez Bryant is a typical, me-first NFL receiver diva, cut from the same cloth as Terrell Owens, Chad Johnson, Randy Moss and Keyshawn Johnson, sprinkled with a heavy dash of Pacman Jones.
Jason Whitlock
Simultaneous recording with superimposed ionization chambers and Wilson chambers, ionization chambers and sets of counting tubes, has not yet been carried out.
Victor Francis Hess
Several witnesses describe seeing an altercation in the car between Mr. Brown and Officer Wilson. It was described as wrestling, tug-of-war. Several other witnesses described Mr. Brown as punching Officer Wilson while Mr. Brown was partially inside the vehicle.
Robert P. McCulloch
Writing songs with Brian and performing them with Al Jardine, Dennis Wilson, Carl Wilson, David Marks, Bruce Johnston and many other brilliant musicians over the years is my legacy, and something of which I am very proud and protective.
Mike Love
I think I saw ‘Rushmore’ my senior year in high school. You know, Wes Anderson and Owen Wilson, there’s such a voice to those movies. It’s not like ‘Die Hard’ where it’s like, ‘Oh, this is an adventure. It just happened.’ It’s like you can hear the voice. I was like, ‘Oh, I want to do that.’
Anders Holm
Teddy Wilson, I think, said a little while ago that it’s much easier to come in and play whatever comes into your mind, without obeying any of the laws of bass line and harmony and so on.
George Shearing
I didn’t study science beyond high school level, but I’d been reading a lot of science books by people like Richard Dawkins, Matt Ridley and Daniel Dennett. I also spent a year working on a fellowship in a research centre – the Allan Wilson Centre – where I got a hands-on look at their work sequencing DNA.
Bernard Beckett
Patrick Wilson is my brother-in-law – we married sisters.
Scott Foley
There’s something about Warren Wilson. You can gain a lot of very important things and skills that you carry over into whatever you decide to do.
Bill Pullman
There is no question that Darren Wilson caused the death of Michael Brown by shooting him, but the inquiry does not end there. The law authorizes a law enforcement officer to use deadly force in certain situations. The law allows all people to use deadly force to defend themselves in certain situations.
Robert P. McCulloch
Black and white players hadn’t appeared together in public before Teddy Wilson and I began working with B.G.
Lionel Hampton
Information of fundamental importance to the general problem of atomic structure has resulted from systematic studies of the cosmic radiation carried out by the Wilson cloud-chamber method.
Carl D. Anderson
I’m formally trained, I don’t know what classically trained really means. I’ve worked with Sanford Meisner. And I’ve worked at Circle Rep with Marshall W. Mason and Lanford Wilson and some really good people. I was lucky. I had a lot of really good influences.
Brad Dourif
I had the great opportunity to work with some of the greatest artists – the Beach Boys, the Temptations, the Four Tops. Otis Redding. Wilson Pickett. Stevie Wonder. So many great singers. And don’t forget Clarence Carter!
Percy Sledge
The idea was to make a movie ourselves with everyone playing a cameo role. Preferably before we all go, ‘cos poor old Charlie Wilson was murdered, and of course Buster has gone.
Ronald Biggs
When I hear a singer, I want them to be passionate and intense, and soul singers like Otis Redding and Wilson Pickett always seemed to do exactly that.
Jimmy Barnes
Acadia was founded in 1916 by Woodrow Wilson as the first Eastern national park, aided by rich men, often with middle initials, the ‘rusticators,’ as they were known then, the first of our wealthy out-of-state visitors.
Alexander Chee
Fat bodies are used comically. I respect Rebel Wilson so much, and Melissa McCarthy. I love them both. But so often, I feel like fat female bodies are used as props.
Mary Lambert
American naturalism is what my indulgent actor side lov

American naturalism is what my indulgent actor side loves: a bit of Tennessee Williams, a bit of Clifford Odets, August Wilson – I would just love to tackle some of that.
Emilia Clarke
I cannot fire Brian Wilson from the Beach Boys. I am not his employer. I do not have such authority. And even if I did, I would never fire Brian Wilson from the Beach Boys. I love Brian Wilson. We are partners. He’s my cousin by birth and my brother in music.
Mike Love
My brothers and I had a gospel quartet, and that was the only music people listened to. But I was already gravitating towards songs by Sam Cooke, and then one day I put on a Jackie Wilson record, and baby, I was thrown right out of the house.
Al Green
It was under Wilson, of course, that the first huge parts of the Marxist program, such as the progressive income tax, were incorporated into the American system.
Robert W. Welch, Jr.
I happen to think Ruth Wilson is jaw-droppingly brilliant.
Finty Williams
The sinking of the Lusitania wasn’t the proximal cause for the U.S. entering WWI. It was almost two years between the sinking and the war declaration, and President Wilson’s request for war never mentions the Lusitania.
Erik Larson
‘Deadpool Bad Blood’ is a book that long-term fans of Wade Wilson can appreciate it along with newcomers and movie fans. We gave this book everything we had, and I think it shows.
Rob Liefeld
I can’t see why we can’t toss in a Junior Walker or Wilson Pickett number in every once in a while.
Jose Carreras
Hugh Wilson made it so real and he took us and it was almost when he was directing it, the way he would do it was funnier than the way we did it. And I just developed a regard for him that was unbelievable.
Bubba Smith
In country music, there are certain female artists, like Gretchen Wilson, where you’re going to find lesbians because they’re responding to that more aggressive side.
Melissa Etheridge
When we heard that actor Tom Hanks and his wife Rita Wilson, who were also in Australia, had contracted coronavirus, it was alarming.
Neeti Mohan
In 1997, I was working with Greg Wilson of Red Ball Tiger, our ad agency at the time, when he came up with an addition to the famous slogan ‘I guarantee it’ that I was known for saying.
George Zimmer
There were a number of books about Bill Wilson, and by him, but a lot of the basic biographical tasks had not been done.
Susan Cheever