Top 77 Extremists Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Extremists Quotes from famous people such as Maajid Nawaz, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Leo Rosten, Siouxsie Sioux, Max Baucus, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

Muslim communities themselves, as they expect mainstrea

Muslim communities themselves, as they expect mainstream society to stand down racists, must do more to also stand down the Islamist extremists.
Maajid Nawaz
The difference between a Democrat and Republican is that Democrats fight to make sure everybody has an opportunity to succeed, and the Republicans are strangled by their right-wing extremists.
Debbie Wasserman Schultz
Extremists think ‘communication’ means agreeing with them.
Leo Rosten
Always, with any sort of politics, which is why we haven’t got any, you get extremists, and once you get extremists, you get people doing great things and terrible things… for every following of some sort, you get followers who distort things.
Siouxsie Sioux
We all must make hatemongers unwelcome in our towns and communities. And we must stand by the heroes in this struggle, the police and county prosecutors who stand up to the extremists.
Max Baucus
Well I’ve been crystal clear that we should not have schools which are set up by extremists whether they’re Christian fundamentalists, Islamic fundamentalists or any other sort of outrageous and beyond the pale organization.
Michael Gove
Let’s not leave an educational vacuum to be filled by religious extremists who go to families who have no other option and offer meals, housing and some form of education. If we are going to combat extremism then we must educate those very same children.
Hillary Clinton
Half of Syria’s refugees are children, and we know what can happen to children who grow to adulthood without hope or opportunity in refugee camps. The camps become fertile recruiting grounds for violent extremists.
Samantha Power
Those who say that the West and Islam are eternally irreconcilable have more in common with the Islam extremists than they might like to think, for it’s the very same argument of course advanced by Al-Qaida. And they do have it wrong. We need to work with mainstream Islam.
Pauline Neville-Jones
Believe it or not, some Western analysts in the 1930s insisted that Stalin was a ‘moderate,’ controlled by extremists like the secret police chief Nikolai Yezhov.
Simon Sebag Montefiore
I agree that it is not just the extremists who harbor bad thoughts or engage in bad acts, but they are usually the source of the polarization and try to keep education and communication of the main stream from moving forward.
Joichi Ito
There’s been an open attack by the U.S. government, an immoral attack, to try and prevent Venezuela from being freely elected to a post in the Security Council. The imperium is afraid of truth, is afraid of independent voices. It calls us extremists, but they are the extremists.
Hugo Chavez
We cannot sway extremists with rational thought or with our ideas of right and wrong.
Roxane Gay
There have been bombings by extremists. They are not representatives of Islam. They’re not representative of the vast majority of people who love this country, but nonetheless, they exist.
Edward Zwick
As a candidate, Donald Trump said he would punish women for accessing abortion, and as president, he’s made good on that promise by stacking the Supreme Court with anti-choice extremists Brett Kavanaugh and Neil Gorsuch.
Kirsten Gillibrand
Rooting out white supremacists and right-wing extremists is a challenge that local law enforcement agencies, and even the U.S. military, is facing all across this nation.
Alex Padilla
Radical Islamist extremists surely hope that an attack on Iraq will kill many people and destroy much of the country, providing recruits for terrorist actions.
Noam Chomsky
But instead, Democrats are so bent on seeing Republicans as a bunch of angry, right wing, intolerant, unreliable extremists that they have a track record of missing the mood of the country, especially the sentiment of people who don’t wake up to ‘The New York Times.’
Ari Fleischer
I worry about civil-rights activists being targeted as black-identity extremists. I worry about the government saying, ‘I don’t like this progressive blogger’ and subjecting them to scrutiny.
Kevin de Leon
The vast literature concerning whistleblowers shows that, far from weird extremists, they are really quite ordinary people: male and female, young and old, junior and senior, no more nerdy or obsessive than most hard workers.
Margaret Heffernan
The dangers of an Afghan collapse are many: Afghan deaths, a loss of American prestige, a loss of NATO prestige, a moral blow to U.S. troops and veterans, a Taliban resurgence, huge setbacks for women, and greater power for Pakistan and Pakistani extremists.
Richard Engel
My lesson from history is that if there is a strong moderate centrist party which can lead the country, there is no room for extremists from the right or left.
Viktor Orban
Earth’s dispossessed are vulnerable targets for extremists: those who teach that global justice is meaningless; that satisfaction can come only in violence, division, and intellectual isolation.
Abdullah II of Jordan
These so-called extremists in Pakistan should be brought into the mainstream; if you marginalize them, you radicalize them.
Imran Khan
We are not going to damage our safety and our security. We’re not going to give those extremists the privilege to come so freely to Israel in order to carry out more attacks against us and kill us one day after another.
Silvan Shalom
I don’t think people by nature are extremists. You will never find a population of extremists. Extremists have existed throughout the centuries on all religions. And what happens is, extremists start to have more leverage when the situation is bad.
Queen Rania of Jordan
We should protect free speech by repealing offences that stifle legitimate debate – like ‘glorification’ of terrorism and religious hatred – but take a ‘zero-tolerance’ approach to extremists inciting violence.
Dominic Raab
The First Amendment allows Nazis and white extremists to do what they are going to do, and it allows for black extremists and all other types of extremists to do what they are going to do. I understand that, and I’m not opposed to that.
Niger Innis
There was a very convincing argument made that the extremists have won and the aggression is now supported by the majority, therefore fighting until surrender was the only alternative.
Joichi Ito
We are moderate, beautiful people, and we are the only thing left standing between Italy and the real extremists.
Beppe Grillo
For years, Islamists and other extremists have taken advantage of grievances of Muslims in Britain and have successfully identified ways to integrate them under one ‘Islamic’ banner.
Maajid Nawaz
I am looking for suggestions on what we can do about ex

I am looking for suggestions on what we can do about extremists within our own society. They cannot be ignored.
Tony Campolo
A people that has experienced all that the Germans have been through, naturally offers fertile soil for the extremists.
Gustav Stresemann
‘Jihad’ can mean holy war to extremists, but it means struggle to the average Muslim.
Feisal Abdul Rauf
The hatred Muslim extremists feel against the West feeds on certain conflicts in the world.
Otto Schily
For some reason, I grew up generally believing that Japan and Korea were quite friendly. I do know that there is some bad history and the extremists on both sides are unreasonable.
Joichi Ito
We cannot be complacent about the determination of radical Islamic extremists to destroy our freedoms.
Matt Bevin
This is actually true of the overall fight against al-Qaeda and trans-national extremists, that as you put pressure on them in one location, they’ll seek safe haven sanctuaries in other areas. So you do have to continue to pursue them. But they have less capability.
David Petraeus
One thing that I feel very, very strongly is that we talk about Islamic countries, Islamic people, Islamic leaders, as either moderates or extremists. It’s almost like there are only two categories of Muslims. And actually, that doesn’t show respect. It shows lack of understanding of the diversity of Muslim thought.
David Miliband
I want education for the sons and the daughters of all the extremists, especially the Taliban.
Malala Yousafzai
Even for defeating extremists, you need more than a military strategy.
Mohammad Javad Zarif
Criminal and terrorist threats are morphing beyond traditional actors and tactics. We still have to worry about things like an al-Qaida cell plotting a large-scale attack, but we also now have to worry increasingly about homegrown violent extremists radicalizing in the shadows.
Christopher A. Wray
I’m the first person to say don’t equate between terrorism and Islam. But at the same time, I’m not going to pretend that there isn’t a threat from some British Muslim homegrown extremists.
Mehdi Hasan
The fight against international terrorism isn’t just a fight against a bunch of misguided extremists; it is a fight to defend the values that we hold dear.
Vikas Swarup
The United States did not choose to fight Islamic extremists. These terrorists chose to fight our way of life. They chose to challenge our existence.
John Boehner
Out-of-step intellectuals like Noam Chomsky and the deceased Edward Said have often been dismissed as crazy extremists, ‘anti-American,’ and in Mr. Said’s case even, absurdly, as apologists for Palestinian ‘terrorism.’
Salman Rushdie
In any society, there will be the whole spectrum of views. You will get the extremists on the far right and also the far left.
Najib Razak
Some politicians fear the burden that migrants will impose on local communities and taxpayers. Others fear extremists masquerading as genuine refugees.
Jose Angel Gurria
Extremists often derive their inspiration from literal interpretations of texts that should rightly be read not as Associated Press reports from the ancient world, but as theological and literary enterprises requiring independent intellectual assessment.
Jon Meacham
Rohinton Mistry’s celebrated novel ‘Such a Long Journey’ was pulled off the syllabus of Mumbai University because local extremists objected to its content.
Salman Rushdie