Top 77 Little Thing Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Little Thing Quotes from famous people such as Mischa Barton, Carly Pearce, Citium Zeno, Latrell Sprewell, Tyson Kidd, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

It's really weird when people scrutinize every little t

It’s really weird when people scrutinize every little thing about you and talk about your outfits and your weight and who you’re dating… and there’s absolutely nothing you can do about it.
Mischa Barton
I didn’t know what ‘Every Little Thing’ was going to do.
Carly Pearce
Wellbeing is attained by little and little, and nevertheless is no little thing itself.
Citium Zeno
I just meant as far as coming to the games on time; it was just like I was under the microscope, every little thing, it was like they were looking for me to come in here with my shoes untied.
Latrell Sprewell
I did, one time, over the past couple years look into maybe doing a little something in a Royal Rumble, just kind of as that, so that could be my last chapter, so the last time you see me is, y’know, this little thing, and it didn’t work out.
Tyson Kidd
Once you have a small child who depends on you for every little thing, you’re responsible for him. It’s a huge responsibility. For me, it makes me into a more responsible person.
Matt Hardy
We have gone through some difficult times like everyone else and perhaps our working together and respecting each other’s abilities, in addition to that little thing called love, helped us survive.
Cynthia Weil
Apart from anything else, I am designed by evolution, like we all are: if we see a little thing like that, big eyes, tiny nose, we go ‘aaah’. That’s what evolution does. We are programmed to do that. So to find babies the most amazing, isn’t surprising, I don’t think.
David Attenborough
I run a bunch of charities and I say this line to people: ‘I am somebody who has always been helped.’ A little thing like that can make people believe it.
Russell Simmons
I used to worry about every little thing, trying to figure out every problem. Well, I realize now how foolish that was. I was no more in control of my life than the man on the moon.
Joyce Meyer
I created a little thing with my hands, just to create a more consistent plane to backspin balls, and obviously growing into your body helps. It’s kind of complicated, more about starting the barrel flat and then creating a movement – flat to up, I guess – going towards the pitcher.
Cody Bellinger
It’s the off-the-court spotlight in terms of having people look at you in terms of analyzing every little thing you do in your life, or having less privacy in your day-to-day activities, that’s an area I need to get more accustomed to.
Jeremy Lin
They did that little thing on South Park, and they mentioned my name and had a character of me judging a Halloween contest. It was really funny. That made me the coolest aunt on earth.
Tina Yothers
Happiness, it’s a small thing – just a very little thing.
Michael Leunig
It doesn’t matter how your child comes to you. I’ve never felt such joy and such love. It’s the most beautiful delicious little thing.
Didi Conn
We all have our own little thing, I think.
Patricia Arquette
I used to worry that I had a booger in my nose or that my skin was dry or any little thing, because I wanted people to like me. But now I don’t give a damn.
Da Brat
I’m fortunate for where I come from because even though I didn’t grow up with a silver spoon in my mouth, it allowed me to appreciate any little thing that I have.
Daniel Jacobs
For me, I try not to think about it too much, because you find that if you think about it too much, then you start to panic at every little thing that goes on in training.
Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce
Maybe part of being a dad means that the slightest little thing will make me tear up.
Richard Linklater
Painting, one arm gets tired, I’ll use the other one and be just as effective. So, yeah, I’ve always used both arms. I just like to be balanced in life, I guess. That’s my little thing, my OCD, whatever it is.
Mike Conley Jr.
You can’t listen to every little thing that’s bad or good said about you. I always used that – whenever I heard it, I used it as fuel to motivate me, man. That’s how I was raised, whenever I came up.
Paul Pierce
I always say that you don’t have to like ‘The Room’, but you will discover something – maybe a tiny little thing – and say, ‘Wait a minute, maybe I want to see more.’
Tommy Wiseau
If you can get humor and seriousness at the same time, you’ve created a special little thing, and that’s what I’m looking for, because if you get pompous, you lose everything.
Paul Simon
To me, it was shocking that a government of men could look with such extreme contempt on a movement that was asking nothing except such a simple little thing as the right to vote.
Alice Paul
I’m stuck somewhere a small island in the middle of the Atlantic where I’m alone. Because in France, they’re like, ‘No, you’re not like us, you’re not a French guy.’ And in America, they’re like, ‘You’re not like us.’ I’m really alone in my little thing.
Louis Leterrier
I suffered a lot from social anxiety, and being on set was really scary to me. That fear can cause limits in your art and your performance because you’re not going all in because there is this little thing in your head.
Keiynan Lonsdale
This magical little thing called gravity does not exist – it’s all electromagnetism, OK. No one knows what is in the center of this earth, no one!
Mike Hughes
I do have a vague recollection of reviving the cover of The Beatles’ ‘Every Little Thing,’ but I don’t know if that was just our riffing on it in rehearsal. I don’t think we ever did it actually in the show.
Chris Squire
I was a philosophy major as an undergraduate, and I’m just an arrogant little thing. It’s hard for me to admit that I can’t understand something, let alone not be in charge of it.
Mary Karr
I’ve heard, ‘Temer is very fragile, poor little thing; he doesn’t know how to govern.’ Gibberish!
Michel Temer
Love is kind, right? It's not about calling someone out

Love is kind, right? It’s not about calling someone out on every little thing you feel.
Glennon Doyle Melton
In the playoffs, it changes a little bit with defenses tightening up and every little thing is put under the microscope.
Jordan Clarkson
Guys pay extra attention to detail. They are looking at every little thing on the scouting report.
Kenny Smith
I know it’s hard for people to imagine a time when ‘Hamilton’ wasn’t ‘Hamilton,’ but for years, it was just this little thing that I was telling people about that didn’t make any sense to anybody as I was describing it. But I loved it.
Leslie Odom, Jr.
Patrick is vey modest about using the Sir thing and I just inherited it by marriage, so more than anything it’s just kind of a funny little thing that we call one another from time to time. He calls me ‘His Ladyship’, which is just hilarious.
Sunny Ozell
I was divorced when my children were young, so I was a single mother for a while. It’s so hard to have to do every little thing yourself and be forced to navigate the rocky emotions of motherhood alone.
Terri Blackstock
I don’t want to leave the field for a little thing. I try to be ready every day.
Asdrubal Cabrera
It’s the little things citizens do. That’s what will make the difference. My little thing is planting trees.
Wangari Maathai
Terrible things happen all of the time, and they can happen in a second. The best thing is to be prepared to react. If you try to control every little thing, you’re going to end up miserable – and you’re going to fail.
Jason Isbell
Everybody sees me as this sullen and insecure little thing. Those are just the sides of me that I feel it’s necessary to show because no one else seems to be showing them.
Fiona Apple
Being an actor is great; you chill in your trailer, and they bring you a breakfast burrito and coffee. But as director, you’re responsible for every little thing.
Justin Chon
If you don’t feel right, you’re going to try to tweak every pitch, every little thing, things that probably don’t even need tweaking.
Drew Pomeranz
Modern-day coaching is about relationships, so I need to know every little thing that will make my players tick. How am I going to get more out of our best players, from Fran Kirby, Lucy Bronze? Lucy wants to be challenged. If you tell her she can’t do something, she’ll try it.
Phil Neville
I do a little thing about the way people shake the sweetener packet. You know, like they’re all excited. I want to get all the granules down to one end. I love all these rituals.
Jerry Seinfeld
That’s always a funny thing, when people think they’re known for every little thing they ever did, and they’re really not.
Fred Willard
I have trouble with things like Facebook. It presents such a warped vision. I get sick of people’s opinions about every little thing and this warped view that everyone is as happy as a pig in garbage.
John Grant
I don’t think anyone, no matter what, can find perfect happiness until they understand exactly who they are and how every little thing they do can affect the world around them. I think perfect happiness would be a world where everyone is constantly striving to understand everyone else.
John Corey Whaley
I have tennis shoes with little rhinestones that I slip on if I exercise. But I always wear heels, even around the house. I’m such a short little thing, I can’t reach my kitchen cabinets.
Dolly Parton
I’m not one of those girls who can think, ‘Right, I’ll put a scarf with that and a little brooch there and maybe a vintage jacket.’ I’m so impressed with girls who look terrific in a little thing they picked up at the local charity shop. I just look scruffy when I try to do vintage.
Sophie Winkleman
I definitely like the oddballs. There’s a song called ‘Little Thing,’ which is the only song that I have recorded that has no words. And it’s the one that I get past my critic inside me.
Dave Matthews
It’s not just in The Bronx or in the ghettos or even just America. It’s worldwide. Who knows, it could be some aliens on Mars listening to hip-hop, you know what I mean? So it’s really, really transformed from this little thing of ours to a thing for everyone.
So much tension around here in New York. They want to fine you for every little thing you do.
Latrell Sprewell
I’ve got to write about my character every day. I’ve got to find out where he lives, what bus he catches to school, and stuff like that. You’ve got to know every little thing about him so when you do it, it feels natural.
Kodi Smit-McPhee
I was a surf bum wannabe. I left home at age 17 and moved to Southern California to try to take up surfing as a vocation, but this was in 1964, and there was this nasty little thing called the Vietnam War. As a result, I got drafted.
Craig Venter
The art world is a very prissy little thing over in the corner, while the major cultural forces are being determined by techno science.
Natalie Jeremijenko
You are a saucy little thing aren’t you?
Simon Cowell
It puts you in a kind of a strange situation where everybody is looking at every little thing you do.
Glenn Close
I’ve always been a fan of Kate Winslet. She’s very classy and a sexy little thing, too.
Mila Kunis
The storytelling in a movie is in the cut; it’s in the edit. It’s not an actor’s job, really. Your job is such a tiny little thing, and I love the feeling of juggling or tightrope walking.
Kerry Bishe
Politicians are actors, too, don’t you think? Usually, if you like people and you’re outgoing, not a shy little thing, you can do pretty well in politics.
Shirley Temple
Justin Timberlake, Britney Spears all the rappers, they’re doing my dances and they’re making billions doing my dances. When they do that little thing they do with their hands that’s The Fly and The Pony.
Chubby Checker
I would skate in the '80s. I started skating with Jorda

I would skate in the ’80s. I started skating with Jordan 1s, and that was a big deal. I looked different, because no one was getting with Jordan 1s. That became my little thing. I grew up in Hollywood.
Shavo Odadjian
Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.
Winston Churchill
I think the tiniest little thing can change the course of your day, which can change the course of your year, which can change who you are.
Taylor Swift
I overheard things in the Woolworths when I was a child, people saying, ‘Oh, poor, little thing,’ as if they had some understanding that I was being born biracial into a world that was still very difficult for interracial marriages and biracial children.
Natasha Trethewey
Do you think it is only a little thing to possess a house from which lovely things can be seen?
Saint Teresa of Avila
I find solace in animals. I have got a stray dog at home called Candy. I picked it up while I was waiting at the airport one day. I always wanted to have a ‘macho’ dog but got this sweet little thing instead.
Randeep Hooda
We all have those days when you feel like you’re against the world, every little thing goes wrong and your blood pressure is up. And you feel like punching somebody!
Josh Turner
Every little thing I’ve done so far has been a dream of mine, and I’ve been able to accomplish it. It’s still a dream every day.
Christina Milian
Getting older, I realize I’ve had a very fortunate life. I’ve had a budget that’s allowed me to do just about any silly little thing the mind could conjure up, and I’m still alive and here.
Rick Danko
Big things, a real crisis, I think I’m pretty good, but this little thing will just wallop me. I think I’m managing depression better now: when the mood comes, I just try and sit it out.
Andrew Flintoff
I do have odd habits. I check under my bed every night for the bogeyman. That’s just a little thing, though.
Tori Spelling
Have confidence that if you have done a little thing well, you can do a bigger thing well too.
David Storey
In the beginning, every little thing used to bother me. Now, even the worst sounding things sound like a joke because I’ve seen everything.
Ryan Higa
Texas is so big, and the place where I grew up was so little, and I was such a little thing growing up in the middle of it. I had two choices: I could either spend my life feeling insignificant, or I could look on the life I lived as a microcosm of the universe.
Sissy Spacek
Never be afraid to ask when you don’t understand. It sounds like a little thing, but awful things have happened, international incidents have flared, and markets have collapsed just because people couldn’t make sense of what was being said. They didn’t ask ‘why?’ because they thought it would make them look stupid.
Lynda Resnick