Top 77 Notebook Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Notebook Quotes from famous people such as Nana Patekar, Al Yankovic, Caitlin Rose, Ann Turner, R. Kelly, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

Farmers will not see good days unless their produce get

Farmers will not see good days unless their produce gets a guaranteed price. Even a notebook, a pen, or a soap has a price printed on it, but the milk that farmers sell do not have any price.
Nana Patekar
I write and write and write, and then I edit it down to the parts that I think are amusing, or that help the storyline, or I’ll write a notebook full of ideas of anecdotes or story points, and then I’ll try and arrange them in a way that they would tell a semi-cohesive story.
Al Yankovic
‘Gorilla Man’ is a composite of a few individuals, but the song itself was actually inspired by James Taylor. I spied his ‘Gorilla’ album laying on my floor and in some altered state, instantly started singing the chorus. It was fun to write. There’s an old notebook with at least three more verses in it somewhere.
Caitlin Rose
Kids who want to become writers might want to start carrying a small notebook in their backpack. I encourage people to sit down in malls and listen, just listen, to how people talk.
Ann Turner
‘The Notebook’ was beautiful, and I was crying because its hero and heroine had died together.
R. Kelly
When I was 20 years old, I was living in Ireland, going to school in Cork. There was this girl in my film class that I was kind of flirting with. We had this notebook that we passed back and forth. We would write 10 questions and then pass it back while we were supposedly paying attention.
Chris Sacca
When I got in trouble, my mom would make me read or write – I would have to write my name over and over and over again. It gave me great penmanship, but I also just liked to write. Every time I would go to the store, I would buy a notebook. I had thousands of them.
Ro James
Sometimes I’ll hear a phrase or a word and write it down in my little black notebook (a writer’s best mate), then come back to it and work a plot around it.
Paul Kane
I am violently untidy. My desk is overcrowded. I write my first drafts in longhand in a long notebook using a plastic throwaway fountain pen. Then I work on a word processor using a different desk and a different room.
Colm Toibin
I keep this crazy notebook of song ideas.
Max von Essen
Sometimes I’ll get ideas in the middle of the night. Sometimes at 3 in the morning I’ll get up, and I have a notebook by my bed and have to write it down. I’ll dream an idea. Sometimes I see an image online, and I think, ‘OK, let’s make that a three-layer cake!’
Rosanna Pansino
Inevitably you’re going to be delayed somewhere. Always have a book. Always have a movie. Always have a notebook. And then always have a sense of humour.
Phil Keoghan
Ages ago, when I published ‘Amelia’s Notebook,’ I’d sent it to traditional publishers I’d been working with, but nobody knew what to do with it. Tricycle was this small publisher who didn’t know any better, and they took a chance.
Marissa Moss
I kept a notebook, a surreptitious journal in which I jotted down phrases, technical data, miscellaneous information, names, dates, places, telephone numbers, thoughts, and a collection of other data I thought was necessary or might prove helpful.
Frank Abagnale
After 12 years as an Air Force officer, I turned in my wings for a notebook, earned a law degree and went to work for Proctor & Gamble.
Erin O’Toole
I’m giving all that I have in this life. I’m opening up my notebook, and I’m saying everything in there out loud.
Kanye West
The eye is the notebook of the poet.
James Russell Lowell
Indians were here first – it’s about time. We’re way behind the African Americans and Hispanic Americans in getting politically involved, but we’re beginning to take a page out of their notebook.
Ben Nighthorse Campbell
I always have a notebook – I have kept diaries since I was eight years old. My preferred choice is a Moleskine because they have a pocket at the back where I can keep airline tickets and my passport.
Carol Drinkwater
I don’t know what I’d do without my little black notebook.
Anita Bryant
If someone is alone reading my poems, I hope it would be like reading someone’s notebook. A record. Of a place, beauty, difficulty. A familiar daily struggle.
Fanny Howe
I sat down and wrote what I remembered about being nine, and that eventually became ‘Amelia’s Notebook.’
Marissa Moss
I don’t know where the ideas come from, and it’s terrifying. They seem to be absolute flukes. When I was in my 20s, I’d walk around with a notebook all the time and make sure I wrote down anything that occurred to me. Now I’m just hoping that some sort of event will descend on me.
Stewart Lee
I keep a little notebook of things that I can do to the zombies that might be silly and fun.
George A. Romero
I have a wonderful piano that I really love: a handmade Yamaha grand. Sometimes I’m sitting there, and it sounds so good that I find some little melody or a phrase that leads me into a song, but probably more often than not, I actually grab a notebook.
J. D. Souther
I wrote and drew my own books on notebook paper, and I’d staple ’em together. I had my own fictional company, and we had our own thinly veiled offshoots of whatever was popular at Marvel and DC at the time.
Jason Aaron
Whether you write down your to-do lists in a notebook or use a tool like Evernote, to-do lists can be a real life-saver, since it reduces the stress of trying to remember things like a meeting or what you need to pick up at the grocery store.
John Rampton
I keep a notebook of ideas, and sometimes ideas form in your head that you just have to write down, or you’ll forget them.
Himesh Patel
My favorite movies are ‘The Notebook,’ ‘Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind,’ and ‘Wolf Children.’
‘The Notebook’ wrecks me! I cry like a 6-year-old girl at the end.
Matt Barr
I take almost no notes when I write. I have one notebook – this old green leather notebook that my dad gave me a decade ago.
Nicole Krauss
When I was in high school, I had a notebook that I fill

When I was in high school, I had a notebook that I filled up with rules about lying. It must have been a hundred pages long – one hundred pages of rules about lying!
Jesse Ball
I would run into the corner store, the bodega, and just grab a paper bag or buy juice – anything just to get a paper bag. And I’d write the words on the paper bag and stuff these ideas in my pocket until I got back. Then I would transfer them into the notebook.
My writing routine is: get son off to school and sit down at 8 A.M. I read what I wrote the day before, and then write longhand, into a notebook. I prefer paper and pen because it feels closer to my brain.
Tracy Chevalier
It sounds corny, but I wanted to be the change I wanted to see in the world. I used to have that on my notebook in school.
Wilson Cruz
‘The Notebook’ is one of my favorite love stories.
Taylor Schilling
When I think about my ideal free day, it usually involves going into London and sitting in a nice coffeehouse with cake and coffee, but I would probably still have my notebook in my pocket.
Jonathan Stroud
I have a penchant for fresh notebooks and mechanical pencils. It seems every time I go to the store, I buy a new notebook. I have dozens of them just sitting around.
Richard Paul Evans
As soon as I am up, I brush my hair. I eat breakfast first: tea and brown bread, and sometimes a fresh fruit juice like orange or grapefruit. I write notes on the previous day in my notebook, then I shower.
Sonia Rykiel
I always have a notebook with me, I eavesdrop; I write down what people say. It’s very rare that one of those things will provoke a story, but I think that that kind of paying attention all the time, and keeping everything open, lets the stories come in. But where they come from is still a mystery to me.
Kate DiCamillo
The Little Paris Kitchen’ was about my experience of living and cooking in Paris, ‘My little French Kitchen’ about my travels around France and ‘Rachel Khoo’s Kitchen Notebook’ was a peek into my personal cooking diary with influences from around the world.
Rachel Khoo
The Nexus 7 is about the same size as a Moleskine notebook, and it just ‘feels’ like the right form factor for doing all those things you want to do on a smart phone, but can’t quite do in the right way. It’s not too big, and not too small – just right.
John Battelle
Ever since I was a child, I’ve kept boxes and drawers and pages of things that I liked. I suppose that it constitutes a journal of sorts, but it’s not in a ledger or a notebook.
Ellen Gilchrist
I don’t know what I’d do without my little black notebook.
Anita Bryant
The only kind of notebook I actively dislike is the steno pad, entirely because of that vertical line down the middle of the page. I presume it has some arcane secretarial use, but to me, it’s both ugly and confusing.
Michael Dirda
Every year, I looked forward to Oprah Winfrey’s Favorite Things episode. I watched with my notebook computer in my lap so I could Google the items and order them for the friends and family on my holiday gift-giving list.
Lori Wilde
Sitting in my favorite coffeehouse with a new notebook and a hot cup of java is my idea of Heaven.
Libba Bray
Is it easy for me to write from a female point of view? Yeah, I am a female. I’m a very sensitive type of guy. I try to put my female hat on and think how a female would think. If I’m watching ‘The Notebook,’ I’m definitely gonna cry. I cried during ‘E.T.’ too.
Benny Blanco
Sometimes the very best of all summer books is a blank notebook. Get one big enough, and you can practice sketching the lemon slice in your drink or the hot lifeguard on the beach or the vista down the hill from your cabin.
Michael Dirda
In the ’50s, I was traveling alone all over Mindanao, Basilan, all the way to Tawi-Tawi with just a camera and a notebook. I always stayed in the houses of Moros.
F. Sionil Jose
I don’t pare down much. I write the beginning of a story in a notebook and it comes out very close to what it will be in the end. There is not much deliberateness about it.
Lydia Davis
I never paid attention to many of the Nicholas Sparks films. ‘The Notebook,’ which my wife liked, I felt that Ryan Gosling was a genius in it and Rachel McAdams has this thing about her that you just want to take care of her. I remember that chemistry between them.
George Tillman, Jr.
I’ll hear a phrase around me that someone says… I’ll write it down in my notebook, and as soon as I’ll sit down with my guitar, I’ll come up with the rest of the arrangement there.
Gus Dapperton
Ever since third grade, I had a notebook and was putting together words just for fun. I liked different etymologies, different slang that came out in different eras. Different languages. Different dialects.
MF Doom
I never carry a notebook while walking around London. I just pick those things up. I’m very good at quizzes.
Ruth Rendell
I have a friend who calls me the queen of the nightmares because I’ve always had really bad nightmares. I keep a notebook by the side of my bed, so I’ll wake up in the night from a bad dream, and my heart’s pounding, and I’m really scared, but I write it down, and sometimes I get ideas for books that way.
Jennifer McMahon
I went to dinner with my mother-in-law and I just realized I was talking in sound bites to her and expecting her to laugh every time I said anything or be jotting something down in a notebook. So you have to kind of really have a talk with yourself after you’ve done a press tour and say, ‘Chill out!’
Emily Mortimer
‘The Notebook’ gets me every time. It’s a great love story. Boy from the wrong side of the tracks. They get on each other’s nerves, but they can’t live without each other. It almost makes me shed a tear.
Michael Strahan
Always carry a notebook. And I mean always. The short-term memory only retains information for three minutes; unless it is committed to paper you can lose an idea for ever.
Will Self
I started writing an album on flights to Africa and Brazil, but it was crazy because I left the notebook on the plane. It had seven or eight songs in it. After that, I’m not writing any more songs on notebooks – and I keep my Blackberry close!
‘Research,’ for me, is a big word that encompasses a lot of different activities, all of them based around curiosity. Research is traveling to places, or studying snowflakes with a magnifying glass, or excavating one’s memories. Research is walking around Hamburg with a notebook.
Anthony Doerr
I watch ‘The Notebook.’ I love romantic movies. I love romantic comedies.
Romeo Miller
I've found, as I've gotten older, it's really difficult

I’ve found, as I’ve gotten older, it’s really difficult to write on the road. There are so many distractions, so many people in and out of the bus. It’s really difficult to do. So I just keep a notebook with me, and I jot down ideas. I schedule appointments to write.
Tracy Lawrence
I carry a small spiral notebook with me at all times and have been doing this for many years. There’s a shoe box in my closet filled with these notebooks, each riddled with notes and impressions, ideas, schemes, and soup recipes.
Patrick deWitt
I carry a notebook and write down things to do, and I write out thoughts and stuff like that.
Joe Haldeman
I notice that my characters go out to dinner and have fun and take these great trips, but I spend so much time on their lives, I don’t have much of a personal life of my own. I have to sort of remember to fill out that little notebook on me.
Angelina Jolie
I’ve tried digital planners and fancy planners and date books galore, but my tried and true is actually just a large spiral-bound notebook.
Rachel Hollis
Everything about writing is hard for me except for that – the names pop into my head. That’s one of the reasons why I always make sure I have a notebook with me.
Kate DiCamillo
I do think ‘The Notebook’ is a darn good movie.
Matt Lanter
I keep a notebook in my pocket, and I write down all the stuff we could ever do with Foursquare.
Dennis Crowley
I owe a lot to Rosshan, who literally plucked me from obscurity as a keyboard performer and handed me the background score of ‘Notebook.’
Gopi Sundar
I have a notebook with me all the time, and I begin scribbling a few words. When things are going well, the walk does not get anywhere; I finally just stop and write.
Mary Oliver
I carry a notebook full of sketches of pictures I want to take – they are really scruffy sketches, but at least I am going out there with a clear objective.
Nigel Dennis
I love crying at romantic movies like ‘The Notebook.’ I’m always bawling.
I love inventing names, but I also collect unusual names, so that I can look through my notebook and choose one that suits a new character.
J. K. Rowling
I like Noah from ‘The Notebook.’ One – hundred percent. I fall in love with him so hard.
Camila Cabello
I cry all the time – at work, at the shrink’s, with my lady. ‘The Notebook’ killed me. ‘Up’ destroyed me.
Chris Pine