Top 77 Preconceived Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Preconceived Quotes from famous people such as Jacqueline Bisset, Steve Tisch, Amy Purdy, Amanda de Cadenet, Katee Sackhoff, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

I don't come in with any preconceived ideas, and althou

I don’t come in with any preconceived ideas, and although I will have done some preparation, I can go which way the director wants.
Jacqueline Bisset
I don’t think an NC-17 rating is the kiss of death. Nor do I think that, in the hands of the right filmmakers, studios have a preconceived notion to pass on NC-17 material.
Steve Tisch
If we can see past preconceived limitations, then the possibilities are endless.
Amy Purdy
If we remove all judgment and preconceived ideas of who a person is, the truth is, we are all blessed with the same emotions and desires.
Amanda de Cadenet
I think that what made people accept Starbuck as a woman was that she was just such an interesting character. I think that once people put their guard down and their preconceived notions of what the show is supposed to be and just allowed it to really be good science fiction.
Katee Sackhoff
You go into the Lions camp with preconceived ideas about players and teams and then find guys are actually very different, and the beauty of the Lions is that all those characters are moulded into it. I find that exciting.
Brian O’Driscoll
Young directors are a delight to work with. With no preconceived notions, they provide enough creative fodder for actors.
Delhi Ganesh
The discovery of truth is prevented more effectively, not by the false appearance things present and which mislead into error, not directly by weakness of the reasoning powers, but by preconceived opinion, by prejudice.
Arthur Schopenhauer
I have increasingly steeled myself to criticism, but it still can sting, especially when you feel that it is unfair – or that they are judging my book by its cover or by preconceived notions.
Emily Giffin
When people talk about someone you have preconceived judgments.
Tila Tequila
It’s embarrassing to be involved in the same business as the mainstream comic thing. It’s still very embarrassing to tell other adults that I draw comic books – their instant, preconceived notions of what that means.
Daniel Clowes
Economic and technical imperatives – not any preconceived directives – will keep propelling the process of energy transition.
Vaclav Smil
Taoism taught me to focus on the process and not to be attached to preconceived ideas of what I thought the outcome should be.
Jimmy Chin
In Method acting, you can’t have preconceived ideas. You have to live in the moment. You have to keep yourself open.
Dennis Hopper
Initially, I was very skeptical about getting involved because I, much like many Americans, had preconceived notions about Stormy Daniels and her motivations and what she is all about.
Michael Avenatti
Australians don’t have a preconceived notion of what things have to be… we can go on a fantastic journey.
Yahoo Serious
Someone with my name and my appearance comes with preconceived ideas attached. My mission is to erase as many preconceived ideas, barriers, and stereotypes as I can.
Mustafa Ali
Sometimes, there’s a preconceived notion of how a scene or how a work should be delivered. And I see young performers sometimes try and deliver that, and it’s not really true to their voice or who they are.
Christian Camargo
An artist cannot be responsible for what people make of their art. An audience loathe giving up preconceived images of an artist.
Stephen Stills
I tend not to spend a lot of time looking in the rearview mirror. If you say, ‘Oh, I did ‘Hill Street Blues’ or ‘L.A. Law’ and everything I do has to measure up to some preconceived notion of that,’ it would paralyze you.
Steven Bochco
I had no preconceived idea what fame would be like, because I never thought I would be famous. I just wanted to do my work. Hell, I just wanted to pay my rent on time.
Iyanla Vanzant
I think the whole response to our art being so positive is that it rings true and it feels a unique thing and I feel that was the thing that we strive for in the beginning was to not conform to any preconceived notions of what we should be doing.
From racial profiling and being pulled over just for ‘driving while black’ to this new phenomenon of killing unarmed people out of some preconceived idea of fear, our lives and our children’s lives are not being valued.
Al Sharpton
These days, as I am older and wiser, I realize that there is a danger in becoming an icon, as people can see you as remote and untouchable, and they are less willing to tolerate you doing things that don’t fit with their preconceived idea of you.
Giorgio Armani
Music should come crashing out of your speakers and grab you, and the lyrics should challenge whatever preconceived notions that listener has.
Lou Reed
I try to learn from both, from features and documentaries. In both cases you have to find a way to make the camera as discreet as possible, and flexible enough to be able to capture the moment when it happens. I know from documentary how to not have a preconceived idea of what the scene could be.
Michel Gondry
There’s this notion, kind of like unspoken, that you can’t live your dreams and be a mom. You can’t have a career and be a mom. There’s still that preconceived notion, and I reject that.
Jurnee Smollett-Bell
I only judge people in one way. I like them or I don’t. But I don’t have preconceived ideas.
Carla Bruni
I had a lot of wrong preconceived notions about church-y folks, and I’m bad at judging the messenger, not the message.
Walker Hayes
When I was first trying to explain to my parents that I was really a girl, my father didn’t know what to do. He had these preconceived notions about what his family was going to be like, and when I didn’t fit into those notions, he just ignored what I was trying to tell them before he really came around.
Nicole Maines
You know, why does a painter paint? You need to communicate, you need to challenge preconceived ideas.
Stacy Martin
If we are honest with ourselves, we have to admit that

If we are honest with ourselves, we have to admit that sometimes our assumptions and preconceived notions are wrong, and therefore, our interpretation of events is incorrect. This causes us to overreact, to take things personally, or to judge people unfairly.
Elizabeth Thornton
People have preconceived ideas about disability. When people tell me that I can’t do something, it just makes me go ‘Oh, yeah? Watch this.’ I kind of like a little adversity.
Josh Blue
I go into meetings, and people have this preconceived notion of me that I didn’t work hard to get where I am.
Lauren Conrad
I don’t think you can help but personalize a role. You almost play to none of the preconceived notions of it. It’s more or less a personal experience and journey.
Ryan Reynolds
It’s amazing what ordinary people can do if they set out without preconceived notions.
Ben Stein
When I wrote ‘The Rozabal Line,’ I had no preconceived notions of what a commercial bestseller should be. I have always viewed ‘The Rozabal Line’ as my first love and probably my best work. The fact, however, is that it is my least read work.
Ashwin Sanghi
I have no preconceived notions of what SBA programs work or not.
Sam Graves
‘Homeland’ is great at challenging our preconceived ideas.
Nazanin Boniadi
I think when kids are younger, they don’t have these preconceived notions of what a transsexual person is.
Fallon Fox
I just think music is so intrinsically linked with images in the culture that we live in that you’ll be hard-pressed to have an experience with the music without a preconceived notion.
Esperanza Spalding
It’s my approach as a filmmaker always to go in, not with a thesis or preconceived notion, but with curiosity and questions and inquiry. So in some way, I’m always surprised. I’m always finding paths of engagement.
R. J. Cutler
I have no preconceived ideas; I gave that up a long time ago… The only thing we can do as musicians is make an album we like, and an album that we consider to be incredibly good.
Curt Smith
I started doing radio pieces with no clear, preconceived idea, except that I have a tendency to be theatrical.
Ricky Jay
There is this preconceived idea that I would follow the likes of Michael Owen, Jamie Carragher, and Gary into the media because it’s a really good life. But football is my life.
Phil Neville
There’s a lot of preconceived ideas of what disability is, what a disabled person should be like, and I try to throw that in your face.
Josh Blue
We have incredible record labels in Australia, but sometimes they have a preconceived idea of how to do things.
Jessica Mauboy
It’s not really about the competition. Your biggest challenge in a race is yourself. You’re often racing against time. You’re frequently running everything through your mind. You’re always competing against preconceived ideas. It’s not really the person next to you that you worry about.
Summer Sanders
Preconceived notions are the locks on the door to wisdom.
Mary Browne
Climate change denial, anti-vaccination proponents, creationist teachers, faith healers, fake bomb detector peddlers, psychic frauds, alternative medicine pushers… we need scientific thinking. We need a generation of kids who think an experiment is more important than a preconceived notion or an argument from authority.
Kyle Hill
Its very sort of spontaneous and organic, not a preconceived sort of jamming. Now we record everything, cause sometimes you’ll forget, you know, ‘what was that thing again?’ So we record everything.
Chad Smith
I go out every day. When I get depressed at the office, I go out, and as soon as I’m on the street and see people, I feel better. But I never go out with a preconceived idea. I let the street speak to me.
Bill Cunningham
With each film, I get more and more involved and it’s more and more time-consuming. Also, I like to break myths and people’s preconceived ideas. My characters have always stood for something, have always had an opinion, although they’ve never really rebelled.
Aishwarya Rai Bachchan
For somebody famous, it’s weird anyway to meet someone, because they have a preconceived notion of who you are.
Ricki Lake
Preconceived judgments. I think we’re all guilty of it. I judge other people even though I get judged myself. It’s such a disease and gets spread so much through social media.
Suki Waterhouse
I never think about a shoot before I do it. Because there’s no formula for people. What I try to do is to strip everything away rather than go in with preconceived notions. If I do that, I might miss a gem or a jewel that the person is offering me.
The best moments can’t be preconceived. I’ve spent a lot of time in editing rooms, and a scene can be technically perfect, with perfect delivery and facial expression and timing, and you remember all your lines, and it is dead.
Brad Pitt
As a filmmaker, my approach is to come in not with preconceived notions, but with curiosity, and in that way, whether my subjects are James Carville or Anna Wintour or Dick Cheney, I am always surprised.
R. J. Cutler
As an actor, I do not come with preconceived notions. I am like clay that can be moulded or like a sponge that can absorb things. I do what the director wants me to do.
I feel like some of the best roles that I’ve gotten to play I could’ve never preconceived. These things happen to you in an unexpected fashion, so it’s hard to pre-imagine what that would be because some of the best opportunities I’ve had I could’ve never anticipated or expected.
Alden Ehrenreich
I think if you let go of preconceived ideas, you’ll find everything in this life. For me, my understanding is God is all that is, God is everything, all that is, and your true God is within, and that’s the power that you have as a human being.
Jon Anderson
Being called ‘conscious’ is a great thing to be, but it’s the connotations and preconceived notions that come with the buying audience about what conscious music can be.
Talib Kweli
I never had any preconceived ideas about acting, becaus

I never had any preconceived ideas about acting, because I always thought I was going to be a visual artist.
Elizabeth Marvel
When the culture of police departments is sometimes infused with bias or preconceived ideas against certain groups, there needs to be reform and retraining throughout. And unfortunately, we cannot rely on local departments to police themselves; we need intervention from the top.
Al Sharpton
I’m just a normal girl. People have these preconceived notions about what movie stars are about and how we’ve grown up. My mother is pretty regular and raised us just like anyone else.
Twinkle Khanna
I never had a preconceived notion about what I should do or what I should take up… I am not that intelligent.
Boney Kapoor
So much good music has been looked over because of preconceived notions of genre.
Kamasi Washington
I have trouble working off things that are too preconceived, like storyboards.
Terrence Malick
‘Crash’ is a movie about the racial tension that still exists in America. A lot of us pretend that we don’t have preconceived notions and stereotypical ideals about each other, but we do. And we wanted to create a movie about people whose lives crash into each others’ accidentally.
Larenz Tate
I can’t change the preconceived notions a reader brings to a work, but I can do my best to be aware of, address, and subvert tropes and expectations that readers may have as best I can and hope I don’t screw it up too much.
Kameron Hurley
That preconceived notion of me being inaccurate is completely false, and I look forward to changing that over time.
Josh Allen
I’m from Cleveland. I don’t have any famous parents. I don’t have any media training, I don’t have a history in the industry to where I would have any preconceived notions of how I’m supposed to be.
Machine Gun Kelly
I’m not thinking about what needs to be on the radio. I’m not thinking about anything other than – I’m just going to let this music come out of me and not have any sort of preconceived notion of what I should do. I’m just going to do it.
Brian McKnight
I don’t plot my books rigidly, follow a preconceived structure. A novel mustn’t be a closed system – it’s a quest.
Kurt Vonnegut
Once I moved to Chicago and started trying to get acting jobs, I just tended to book more things that were comedically based than anything else. I never had the preconceived notion, ‘I will be a comedic actor.’ I just thought, ‘I’ll go into acting and see what kind of work I can get.’
Steve Carell
A lot of preconceived notions that I had about fame and status and money and joy and pain, and all of these things that I thought I knew, I didn’t.
Alanis Morissette
First of all, the actor needs to get out of the character’s way. You follow the character without judgment or prejudice or preconceived ideas.
Amy Ryan