Top 77 Psychiatrist Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Psychiatrist Quotes from famous people such as Dale Archer, Michael Haneke, Tricky, Juan Williams, Kay Redfield Jamison, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

'Pathological liar' is absolutely the toughest individu

‘Pathological liar’ is absolutely the toughest individual to deal with as a psychiatrist. Because you can’t take anything they say at face value. And you can’t, you know, fill in their personality. You don’t know what’s real and what’s not.
Dale Archer
I’m lucky enough to be able to make films and so I don’t need a psychiatrist. I can sort out my fears and all those things with my work. That’s an enormous privilege. That’s the privilege of all artists, to be able to sort out their unhappiness and their neuroses in order to create something.
Michael Haneke
I used to see a psychiatrist in New York but I got bored.
Even after they fired me, called me a bigot and publicly advised me to only share my thoughts with a psychiatrist, I did not call for defunding NPR. I am a journalist, and NPR is an important platform for journalism.
Juan Williams
I am one of millions who have been treated for depression and gotten well; I was lucky enough to have a psychiatrist well versed in using lithium and knowledgeable about my illness, and who was also an excellent psychotherapist.
Kay Redfield Jamison
I guess a psychiatrist would say there’s some good to the venting process, but it does also promote an attitude of saying, ‘Hey there’s nothing wrong with being filled with hate; there’s so much of it around.’ I don’t like that.
Mario Cuomo
Had I not done Shakespeare, Pinter, Moliere and things such as ‘Godspell’ – I played Judas in a hugely successful production before I did ‘Elm Street’ – I’d probably be on a psychiatrist’s couch saying: ‘Freddy ruined me.’ But I’d already done 13 movies and years of non-stop theatre.
Robert Englund
Self-help is something that I’ve always been into. I thought I was going to be a psychiatrist.
Charlamagne tha God
Now I need to take a piece of wood and make it sound like the railroad track, but I also had to make it beautiful and lovable so that a person playing it would think of it in terms of his mistress, a bartender, his wife, a good psychiatrist – whatever.
Les Paul
My stepfather was a brilliant and funny psychiatrist but he was a hound dog. He just didn’t know how to be faithful.
Sean Hepburn Ferrer
Peter Breggin, an American psychiatrist, had been criticising SSRIs since the early 1990s. He wrote ‘Talking Back to Prozac’ (1995) to repudiate psychiatrist Peter Kramer’s ‘Listening to Prozac’ (1993) – a bestseller which claimed that Prozac made patients ‘better than well.’
John Cornwell
You take the cards you’re dealt. I’m now ferociously healthy in body and mind. You couldn’t pay me to go near a psychiatrist again. Stopping seeing them was my first step to getting well.
Margot Kidder
I always wanted to be a psychiatrist.
Ester Dean
My father was a psychiatrist and a social worker but he was a very talented painter and musician and writer on the side.
Tunde Adebimpe
After graduation in June of 1984, I moved to Manhattan. My first stop was a psychiatrist, who in less than our first fifty-minute session again diagnosed me with depression.
Andy Behrman
When I was very young I wanted to be a professional horseback rider. Then I wanted to be a pop singer. Then I wanted to be a psychiatrist. Then I wanted to be a movie director.
Rebecca De Mornay
I told my psychiatrist that everyone hates me. He said I was being ridiculous – everyone hasn’t met me yet.
Rodney Dangerfield
A neurotic is a man who builds a castle in the air. A psychotic is the man who lives in it. A psychiatrist is the man who collects the rent.
Jerome Lawrence
It’s amazing to me that Glenn Beck can be on the cover of ‘Time,’ and there can be a whole article about him basically saying, ‘Well, you know, he’s controversial.’ It’s like, ‘No, he’s a dangerous idiot who needs the help of a good psychiatrist!’
Viggo Mortensen
Filming TOWIE’ can be so stressful. It is in the contract everyone has to see a psychiatrist. You have to see them and get checked over before the series starts and at the end.
Megan McKenna
I think there’s loads of undiagnosed depression where I came from. Post-traumatic stress disorder as well. Some of the things you see as a kid are like the things you’d expect to see in a war zone, but there’s no one to talk to about it because running to a psychiatrist ain’t the thing.
Dizzee Rascal
If I wasn’t in fashion, I would have been a psychiatrist.
Tamara Mellon
I always wanted to be an archaeologist or a psychiatrist.
Manini Mishra
I saw a psychiatrist when I was younger because I had ADHD, and I had some problems with authority, so I guess I can kind of relate to that in a way. I know what it’s liked to be probed and to be asked questions where people are looking for a certain answer and are trying to pull something out of your answer.
Alfie Allen
I never went to a psychologist or psychiatrist in my life. Never. You know, Italians are a little prejudiced against that kind of thing.
Francis Ford Coppola
Some directors expect you to do everything; write, be producer, psychiatrist. Some just want you to die in a tragic accident during the shooting so they can get the insurance.
John Malkovich
That’s the era we grew up in. It’s weak to go to a psychiatrist.
Tanya Tucker
I’m not a psychiatrist. I’m not treating patients.
John Malkovich
When I was in my mid-20s, running a successful company and clinically depressed, I was afraid to talk to anyone other than my psychiatrist about it. I was ashamed that I was even seeing a psychiatrist.
Brad Feld
I’d make a good psychiatrist. I can work people out very easily and very quickly. I’ve been like that since childhood.
Nicola Roberts
I didn’t intend ‘Hector’ to be a self-help book when I first started writing. I wrote it as a little tale about a psychiatrist, like me, who sets off around the world in order to discover the vital ingredients for happiness.
Francois Lelord
I see a psychiatrist once a week and I'm closer than ev

I see a psychiatrist once a week and I’m closer than ever to my children.
Phil Rudd
I started taking my mental health seriously, really working with a therapist and a psychiatrist.
Vic Mensa
I must visit a psychiatrist to check if there’s any sanity left in me.
Sherlyn Chopra
At 11, following comprehensive psychiatric and cognitive assessments, an educational psychiatrist appointed by my high school recommended that I attend a school for ‘gifted and talented’ children.
Jack Monroe
If you’re working out in front of a mirror and watching your muscles grow, your ego has reached a point where it is now eating itself. That’s why I believe there should be a psychiatrist at every health club, so that when they see you doing this, they will take you away for a little chat.
Lewis Black
My grandmother was a psychiatrist and possibly the ultimate of all skeptics. But even she couldn’t explain the strange noises we so often heard in the attic.
Jennifer McMahon
When people come and visit me and have a hat made, it’s a little bit like visiting a psychiatrist, but they don’t actually realize that.
Philip Treacy
I would say I see myself as a psychiatrist in remission.
Charles Krauthammer
I myself spent nine years in an insane asylum and I never had the obsession of suicide, but I know that each conversation with a psychiatrist, every morning at the time of his visit, made me want to hang myself, realizing that I would not be able to cut his throat.
Antonin Artaud
I’ve never been to a psychiatrist so have never gotten to the point where I could be formally diagnosed with any disorder. But I definitely have anxiety.
Autre Ne Veut
Part of doing stand-up is to get things off your chest. It’s a bit like being in a psychiatrist’s chair – but more enjoyable.
Jack Whitehall
I’m so glad I didn’t become a doctor, because I do more than any doctor can do. I am an administrator, a CEO, doctor, psychiatrist, an activist, a campaign funder. I think I did well.
Dikembe Mutombo
According to my parents, I was supposed to have been a nice, churchgoing Swiss housewife. Instead I ended up an opinionated psychiatrist, author and lecturer in the American Southwest, who communicates with spirits from a world that I believe is far more loving and glorious than our own.
Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
I’ve taught in prison; I’ve counseled people… I’ve been arrested; I’ve been to the psychiatrist.
John Waters
Writer’s block has probably existed since the invention of writing, but the term itself was first introduced into the academic literature in the nineteen-forties, by a psychiatrist named Edmund Bergler.
Maria Konnikova
If you can fight directly with your mother, you can save a fortune in psychiatrist’s bills.
Zsa Zsa Gabor
If the nineteenth century was the age of the editorial chair, ours is the century of the psychiatrist’s couch.
Marshall McLuhan
I like understanding what’s underneath, what’s really motivating people. When I was younger, I wanted to be a psychiatrist, so I think it has to do with that.
Michelle Pfeiffer
I would have loved to have been a psychiatrist or therapist.
Kathy Hilton
My DVD cellophane was put on by a psychiatrist. It was shrink-wrapped.
Tim Vine
I think I’m lucky in that I can park things. I don’t dwell. I’ve got a selective memory. I only remember the good things. I don’t know what a psychologist or a psychiatrist would say about that.
Graeme Souness
Half a psychiatrist’s patients see him because they are married – the other half because they’re not.
Arnold H. Glasow
I have, since the age of about 2, been a twitchy bundle of phobias, fears, and neuroses. And I have, since the age of 10, when I was first taken to a mental hospital for evaluation and then referred to a psychiatrist for treatment, tried in various ways to overcome my anxiety.
Scott Stossel
Some psychiatrist told me I was interested in sculpture because I dealt in flat surfaces and needed something with dimension.
David L. Wolper
I said I would never go to a psychiatrist, and I spent much of my life in psychoanalysis.
Diane Keaton
I wanted to be a psychiatrist.
Tech N9ne
I don’t need a psychiatrist. I’m Catholic.
Dorothy Kilgallen
There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face.
Bernard Williams
Medicine was certainly intended to be a career. I wanted to become a psychiatrist, an adolescent ambition which, of course, is fulfilled by many psychiatrists.
J. G. Ballard
With me, nothing goes right. My psychiatrist said my wife and I should have sex every night. Now, we’ll never see each other!
Rodney Dangerfield
One should only see a psychiatrist out of boredom.
Muriel Spark
I just feel very lucky to be able to write fiction beca

I just feel very lucky to be able to write fiction because I think, otherwise, I would have had to spend a fortune on a psychiatrist – and I still wouldn’t get 1/100th of what I get writing fiction.
Amy Tan
I was never particularly gregarious. I was quite shy, closed in. It’s a classic isn’t it, your psychiatrist will tell you, that’s how I release it, through music.
David Gilmour
If I weren’t a writer, I’d be a psychiatrist.
Lisa Unger
You’re not a nutcase if you want to go see a psychiatrist.
Mike Wallace
I’m not a psychiatrist.
Quincy Jones
If you agree with me on 9 out of 12 issues, vote for me. If you agree with me on 12 out of 12 issues, see a psychiatrist.
Ed Koch
My dad’s from Nigeria and my mom’s from Grenada and they both went into medicine. My dad’s a psychiatrist and my mom’s a nurse so I was going to go into medicine, also.
Kevin Olusola
Any man who goes to a psychiatrist ought to have his head examined.
Samuel Goldwyn
I always say shopping is cheaper than a psychiatrist.
Tammy Faye Bakker
I had to work with a psychiatrist.
Felix Baumgartner
My view of actors is that basically they’re all harmless lunatics who’d be on the psychiatrist’s couch, except that we get this sort of catharsis every six months or so, and we go and be absolutely someone else.
Michael Caine
If I had a whole other life, I’d be a psychiatrist.
Rhea Seehorn
I had learned of Gertrude Stein’s bon mot that medicine opened all doors. This prompted me, in different moods, to view my future life as literary psychiatrist, globe-trotting tropical disease specialist, or academic internist.
Harold E. Varmus
Personally, I think I’ve got split personalities, and I may need a psychiatrist. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Seriously. I’m serious about this.
Paul Pierce
I read a book recently by a psychiatrist who was able to interview a few serial killers and she had a thesis on how you could figure these people out. And she thinks that there are things that could tell you whether someone has the potential to do that.
Tom Araya