Top 80 Every American Quotes

In truth, every American administration since that of Franklin D. Roosevelt has maintained close ties with the Saudi rulers, and for a single, simple reason: oil.
Michael Mandelbaum
One issue that affects every American is health care.
Mike Braun
I think we have got to have a strong economy. Got to have a strong military. We need to have good border security. Almost every American can agree on those things.
Madison Cawthorn
The president of the United States, his role is to uphold and to fight for the rights of every person, every American.
Kurt Warner
The real issue for the public is to figure out which narrative do we want. We can have a bigger government, if that’s the public’s choice. It’ll just require higher taxes on every American. Do you want that, or do you want smaller government, smaller taxes?
Glenn Hubbard
I’m a Democrat because I want every American to have a fair shot at the American Dream. That’s what ties it all together for me, and in my experience, that means recognizing that no one is dealing with life one ‘issue’ at a time.
Jason Kander
By giving every American access to quality, affordable health care, they will create a more competitive, a stronger and more secure America!
Tom Allen
We must display a heart for every American, and a special passion for those still on the first rung of life’s ladder.
Mitch Daniels
Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, an independent allied with Democrats, has championed Medicare for All, which would give every American coverage through the federal health insurance program for seniors. Michigan Sen. Debbie Stabenow wants Medicare coverage for anyone over the age of 55.
Brian Schatz
My heart goes out, as does every American, when I see the videotape of Jason Rezaian and Amir Hekmati and Saeed Abedini coming back to their families.
Tom Cotton
In Afghanistan, Biden's woke generals tucked their tail

In Afghanistan, Biden’s woke generals tucked their tail and ran. He dishonored the sacrifices made by every American soldier who fought in the 20-year war, especially those who gave their life for the cause.
Marjorie Taylor Greene
As every American who has ever received a paycheck is aware, the amount of money earned and the amount actually brought home are not the same.
Charles B. Rangel
If every American automatically has health coverage, the age at which Medicare kicks in becomes a less fraught issue. We could gradually raise the age of Medicare eligibility a bit, according to income, and save money.
Joe Klein
Every American wants a clean slate, but nobody wants to lose what they’ve got.
Rob Sheffield
We must protect those with pre-existing conditions and ensure that every American family has access to quality, affordable health care.
Lucy McBath
Making sure that health care is affordable for every American. I think that is very, very important.
Kendrick Meek
In every American there is an air of incorrigible innocence, which seems to conceal a diabolical cunning.
A. E. Housman
I am for a system of universal health care where every American has health care as a fundamental right because I think that’s where we should be as a civilized society.
John Delaney
Our government makes the simple promise of a secure retirement to every American who works for many years and contributes to our retirement benefit system.
Sue Kelly
I’ve been at every American Legion and VFW post in my district.
Rodney Frelinghuysen
Every American deserves a shot at the American dream without having to make the impossible choice of earning a degree or being saddled with a lifetime of debt.
Alex Padilla
I believe in the American promise and I think is up to those of us who have been honored with the opportunity to represent the people of our state to make that promise true for every American.
Raphael Warnock
All of us have got to pay into a certain system, and what we’re saying is it’s 100% American that every American should be able to create, store and sell their own energy as they see fit. Let’s decentralize energy. Let’s democratize energy.
Mark Ruffalo
As slavery died for the greater good of America, and the movement for equality sputtered to life, the white woman was on the cover of every American magazine. She was the dazzling jewel on every movie screen, the glory of every commercial and television show.
Jill Scott
Indeed, I think most Americans now know that in 1935 when Social Security was created, there were some 42 Americans working for every American collecting retirement benefits.
John Shadegg
I, for one, believe that revenue has to increase. I think every American would pay more if they thought spending was going to be cut and the budget brought to balance.
Douglas R. Oberhelman
I strongly oppose the Employment Non-Discrimination Act. We must stand for the right of every American to practice their faith according to the dictates of their conscience, whether it be in the public square or in the workplace.
Mike Pence
See, that’s why Barack’s running: to end the war in Iraq responsibly – to build an economy that lifts every family, to make sure health care is available for every American – and to make sure that every child in this nation has a world-class education all the way from preschool to college.
Michelle Obama