Top 80 Hindu Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Hindu Quotes from famous people such as Manisha Koirala, Arundhati Roy, Gary Zukav, Julia Roberts, Rajnath Singh, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

I'm a Hindu and a Nepali by birth.

I’m a Hindu and a Nepali by birth.
Manisha Koirala
The mullahs of the Islamic world and the mullahs of the Hindu world and the mullahs of the Christian world are all on the same side. And we are against them all.
Arundhati Roy
Religions cannot change you. If you are angry, you will become an angry Muslim or Hindu. If you are righteous, you will become a righteous Christian or Jew.
Gary Zukav
I’m definitely a practicing Hindu.
Julia Roberts
I cannot discriminate on the basis of Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Christian.
Rajnath Singh
I was born to a Hindu father and Muslim mother on Christmas day. You can’t get more secular than that.
There are some Muslim leaders whose wives are Hindu. There are some Hindu leaders who are married to Muslim women. These have been love marriages, but such couples do not display their love in public. They are wary and cautious about annoying voters.
Ravish Kumar
I’m not a Republican, but I was one once – when I was 7 years old. Not my fault. The symbol of the Republican Party is an elephant, I’m a Hindu – I was confused.
Hari Kondabolu
I am Hindu, upper-caste, male, and able-bodied. So everything is on my side. That gives me the extra cushion that Swara Bhaskar won’t get.
Varun Grover
I am a practicing Hindu and have made no secrets about it.
Tulsi Gabbard
A Hindu is interested in the welfare of all: not merely humans, but all living beings.
Yogi Adityanath
Hopefully the presence in Congress of an American who happens to be Hindu will increase America’s understanding of India as well as India’s understanding of America.
Tulsi Gabbard
My father’s family hails from Banaras. My grandfather taught mathematics at Banaras Hindu University. Banaras is also dedicated to Lord Shiva, home to one of the great jyotirlings, the Kashi Vishwanath temple.
Amish Tripathi
Acceptance is the only thing you should teach. Be it Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Dalit, you must inculcate acceptance, not tolerance.
Kamal Haasan
When I had won the elections two times, the atmosphere of Rampur was completely different. But the BJP’s Hindu vote, they always voted for me and ensured my win.
Jaya Prada
A person like me who has grown up in a mixed culture ought to be spiritual. My mother is a Catholic, my father is a Muslim, and my wife is a Hindu. Personally, I feel spirituality is about being clear-hearted. It involves a sense of connection with the divine.
Emraan Hashmi
I didn’t go to church, I didn’t go to synagogue; I went to temple, Hindu temple, where I prayed to my Hindu gods – whether or not I believe in it is another story.
Utkarsh Ambudkar
I am a proud Hindu, but that doesn’t I mean I disrespect others’ religion.
Payal Rohatgi
I feel anxious for my children because tomorrow, if a mob surrounds them and asks, ‘Are you a Hindu or a Muslim?’ they will have no answer.
Naseeruddin Shah
I want to love all the children of God – Christian, Jew, Moslem, Hindu, Buddhist – everyone. I want to love gay Christians and straight Christians.
Anne Rice
There is no better institute than Hindu College.
Saqib Saleem
My house was a guest house of many Jaina saints, Hindu monks, Sufi mystics, because my grandfather was interested in all of these people.
For a long time on Earth humans didn’t worship good gods; that’s a new idea. The ancient Greek gods, the Hindu gods, are fairly amoral, most of them. We get stuck when we insist that God be both good and all-powerful.
Barbara Ehrenreich
We can’t equate democracy with Christianity because the largest democracy on earth is India, which is primarily Hindu. The third largest democracy is Indonesia, which is Islamic. Democracy and freedom are not dependent on Christian beliefs.
Jimmy Carter
Now my children also don’t have a particular religion as I also didn’t have. The only difference is that now they have Muslim and Parsi also in their blood. So they may be called Hindu, Buddhist, Muslim, Sikh, Christian and Parsi!
Pooja Bedi
The population of Hindus is 100 crore. So obviously India is a Hindu Rashtra.
Ravi Kishan
I believe a true Hindu in India could never have endorsed the killing of the Mahatma.
Kapil Sibal
Sadhvi Pragya is an answer to those who have maligned the image of Hindus by using the phrase ‘Hindu terrorism.’
Yogi Adityanath
In all religions, we hear of the Seven Planetary Genii: the Hindu tells of Seven Rishi, the Parsi of Seven Ameskaspentas, the Mohammedan of Seven Archangels, and our Christian religion has its Seven Spirits before the Throne.
Max Heindel
The entire industry is a great commune. People from all walks of life come here – Hindu, Muslims, Sikhs and Christians. Now, our films are also getting international recognition.
Alok Nath
Major forces that have contributed to the evolution of philanthropy in India in the pre-modern era have mainly been driven by religion, family, and society. The Hindu teaching of ‘daan’ or ‘giving’ is present in different ways in almost every celebration or ritual.
Shiv Nadar
Matangi's mantra is aim, which is MIA backwards. She fi

Matangi’s mantra is aim, which is MIA backwards. She fights for freedom of speech and stands for truth, and lives in the ghetto because her dad was the first person in Hindu mythology who came from the ‘hood, but had gained enlightenment through not being a Brahmin.
I grew up in India during the 1960s and ’70s in a meat-eating Hindu family. Only my mother and my grandparents were vegetarians. The rest of us enjoyed eating – on special occasions – chicken or fish or mutton.
Amitava Kumar
I wasn’t brought up with any religion at all. At school and in my early 20s, I read every religious text I could get my hands on – Buddhist scriptures, Hindu texts, the Qur’an, and the Bible. I wanted to feel like something made sense to me, that there was something sacred I could feel aligned with.
Jennifer Connelly
I am a secular rationalist Nationalist proud Indian who is inconvenient to both Hindu and Muslim communalists.
Javed Akhtar
The DNA of a true Hindu is liberal. We are, by essence, liberal.
Kapil Sibal
I have learned so much from God that I can no longer call myself a Christian, a Hindu, a Muslim, a Buddhist, a Jew.
I do transcendental meditation, which is, I suppose, derived from Vedic or Ayurvedic principles, which is sort of Hindu principles.
Russell Brand
In Hindu societies, especially overprotected patriarchal families like mine, daughters are not at all desirable. They are trouble. And a mother who, as mine did, has three daughters, no sons, is supposed to go and hang herself, kill herself, because it is such an unlucky kind of motherhood to have.
Bharati Mukherjee
People value Halloween, like Valentine’s Day, because they can tell themselves that it’s not merely secularized but actually secular, which is to say, not Christian, Jewish, Hindu or Muslim.
Amity Shlaes
The origins of Indian classical music, not unlike their western counterparts, lie in the Vedas, the ancient Hindu scriptures of 2,000 years ago.
Tariq Ali
My mother was a Muslim and dad a Hindu. I got the best upbringing that anyone could. Never did I see any angst in my family owing to that: each practiced their own religion. My existence is the harmony that these two communities can achieve if they try.
Mahesh Bhatt
If Marathi population is facing injustice I will pounce on them for Marathi, and if Hindu is being targeted I will attack like a Hindu.
Raj Thackeray
When a certain swathe of India’s population considers the country’s ancient past, it doesn’t see a country fragmented into kingdoms, savaged by caste divisions, and mired in poverty; rather, what’s envisioned is a vast, unified Hindu empire stretching from Kashmir to the Indian tip at Kanyakumari.
Karan Mahajan
In terms of cultural upbringing, I’d be at the temple at the weekend – I’m a Hindu – but I’d also be at the Saints game as well on a Saturday – you do everything, you do both.
Rishi Sunak
No Hindu community, however low, will touch cow’s flesh. On the other hand, there is no community which is really an Untouchable community which has not something to do with the dead cow. Some eat her flesh, some remove the skin, some manufacture articles out of her skin and bones.
B. R. Ambedkar
Maha Kumbh’ blends elements from Hindu mythology with the international espionage thriller. Nothing like it has ever been attempted on Indian television.
Gautam Rode
That which we call the Hindu religion is really the Eternal religion because it embraces all others.
Sri Aurobindo
The idea that women are innately gentle is a fantasy, and a historically recent one. Kali, the Hindu goddess of destruction, is depicted as wreathed in male human skulls; the cruel entertainments of the Romans drew audiences as female as they were male; Boudicca led her British troops bloodily into battle.
Naomi Wolf
I am a Hindu, brought up mostly in India.
Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni
I love Pushkar because of the Pushkar Fair, which happens every fall – it’s this camel festival, with ornately-dressed camels, camel races. But the reason I truly love this city is the Hindu mythology behind it.
Maneet Chauhan
I had some crazy friends, girlfriends too. We had our share of parties and drunken escapades as well. Once when in college I ran out of money and had to sleep at a bus stop. It was fun, as all of us on Delhi’s Hindu College campus were happy children of the Beatles’ generation.
Alok Nath
When we were getting married the Hindu way in Arrah, we had an old guest who asked my wife what her ‘good name’ was. I think she’d heard that I had married a Muslim. When my wife said, ‘Mona Ahmed Ali,’ the lady looked at me and exclaimed, ‘Oh, so you’ve married a terrorist.’
Amitava Kumar
The Hindu religions gave me the impression of a vast well into which one plunges in order to grasp the reflection of the sun.
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
I’m very moved by chaos theory, and that sense of energy. That quantum physics. We don’t really, in Hindu tradition, have a father figure of a God. It’s about cosmic energy, a little spark of which is inside every individual as the soul.
Bharati Mukherjee
My mom was a practicing Hindu, and my dad was a Catholic who practiced yoga meditation and karma yoga. My earliest memories are of the bright colors, beautiful sounds, and fragrant aromas of both Christian and Hindu celebrations.
Tulsi Gabbard
If there can be Muslim and Christian countries, why can’t there be a Hindu country?
Ravi Kishan
The Hindu nationalists see a religion near perfection save for the tampering of Muslims and Christians. So they fall upon these groups, rather than try to reform their own practices by drawing on India’s sophisticated philosophical traditions.
Karan Mahajan
I don’t believe in differentiating between Hindu, Muslim, Sikh or Christian – we are all one, and Mumbai is for everyone.
Rakhi Sawant
I was called to audition for a play when I was very young, following which I continued to act as well as write and direct. When I moved to Delhi and joined Hindu College, theatre became a very big part of my life.
Imtiaz Ali
I am proud to be the first Hindu American to have been elected to Congress and now the first Hindu American to run for president.
Tulsi Gabbard
Each January, nearly half a million people visit the small town of Saundatti for ajatre or festival, to be blessed by Yellamma, the Hindu goddess of fertility.
Beeban Kidron
The Congress leadership always denied responsibilities

The Congress leadership always denied responsibilities to me both within the government and within the party organisation… They would always tell me my image as a Hindu leader was a constraint on my capacity as a political leader.
Satpal Maharaj
I was exposed to a Muslim school, so I learnt Urdu. I was exposed to a Hindu school, so I learnt Hindi. I was exposed to a Church of England school, so I got my Senior Cambridge certificate.
Saeed Jaffrey
I was born a Hindu, I shall die a Hindu.
Victor Banerjee
Hindu sages say that you should concentrate while eating. But, we don’t have time anymore. Fast food is not quick enough for me. I would like super-fast food in the form of pills.
Thierry Mugler
BJP are opposed to a Muslim boy marrying a Hindu girl. Then how did BJP have an alliance with Mehbooba Mufti or Nitish Kumar or Chandrababu Naidu?
Uddhav Thackeray
The episode of the ‘shoe bomber,’ Richard Reid, has suddenly meant more feet being bared at airports than at the average Hindu temple. My solution has been to replace my customary lace-up Oxfords with a pair of slip-on loafers when I fly. Generals are always fighting the last war, and security screeners are the same.
Shashi Tharoor
My husband is as much a proud Muslim as I am a proud Hindu. That’s the beauty of our nation – and our marriage, too.
Urmila Matondkar
I solemnly assure you that I will not die as a Hindu.
B. R. Ambedkar
When you look at food as an ethical issue in the Christian tradition, you don’t find very much about it. You don’t find, as you do in the Jewish or Islamic or Hindu traditions, a lot of restrictions saying you can eat this but you can’t eat that.
Peter Singer
I belong to a Punjabi Hindu family.
As an Indian and as a Hindu, I have been taught to see God everywhere right from my childhood.
Alok Nath
My mum told me once I was a Hindu.
Sam Taylor-Johnson
If our Hindu culture forbids beef meat, does the same culture give you the right to abuse me and my family just because I have an opinion that you don’t agree with?
Rishi Kapoor
Humility is an attribute of every good Hindu.
Kapil Sibal
From a Hindu perspective, you are born as what you need to deal with, and if you just try and push it away, whatever it is, it’s got you.
Ram Dass
I respect religious rules. I am a true God-fearing Hindu.
Rishi Kapoor
He is a Hindu NRI and I am a Christian, so I did a court marriage and had a Catholic wedding. The wedding was intimate with just family members.
Rakhi Sawant
I was influenced by my mother to a great extent and I came to know about Hindu mythology from her.
Pooja Bedi