Top 80 Interactive Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Interactive Quotes from famous people such as Jim Lee, Jan Chipchase, Geoff Mulgan, David Cage, John Mackey, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

Nick Cardy's work helped define some of the things we s

Nick Cardy’s work helped define some of the things we see in comics today and take for granted. He broke out of the mold in terms of covers and layout and created a truly interactive experience for the reader that directly points back to his time with the Eisner studio.
Jim Lee
It will be interesting to see if Seoul’s urban vocabulary of numerous, ever-present interactive screens will translate to other cities such as Beijing, London, and New York. It will also be intriguing to see if smaller cities and towns adopt aspects of Seoul’s screen culture throughout Asia, Europe, and North America.
Jan Chipchase
The smug complacency of technology adverts disguises a pretty mixed picture, with too many people not connected, too many passive users of technologies designed for interactive, and far too much talk about empowerment but far too little action to make it happen.
Geoff Mulgan
On ‘Heavy Rain,’ the game started with something that happened to me when I lost my son, my six-year-old boy, in a mall. I was so scared. I was curious to see if I could create that impression, that fear, in a game, an interactive experience.
David Cage
Shopping for groceries for most people is like a chore. It’s like doing the laundry or taking out the garbage. And we strive to make shopping engaging, fun and interactive.
John Mackey
Interactive storytelling emphasizes a personal connection with the characters. It is a powerful tool that can draw you so deeply into the world of a story that you lose sight of it as a story. You think you are there – at least, if it is done right.
Dave Morris
My stand-up shows don’t really have a theme but do have an interactive element to them.
Sean Lock
I separate myself from my characters as much as possible, but I have these books that I create which are interactive diaries/timelines/memory books/pictures of the character’s entire world.
Sydney Sweeney
The frontier in space, embodied in the space colony, is one in which the interactions between humans and their environment is so much more sensitive and interactive and less tolerant of irresponsibility than it is on the whole surface of the Earth.
Rusty Schweickart
It pleases me that people can be interactive.
Tracey Emin
The ‘interactive fiction’ format hasn’t changed in any fundamental way since the early 1970s, in the same way that the format of the novel hasn’t since 1700.
Graham Nelson
The art cars are the public transportation system. And that requires regulation because, lately, we’ve had art cars that don’t want people on board and that want private parties, and that’s in conflict with the communitarian feeling and the interactive aspect of society.
Larry Harvey
It’s not easy to strap yourself down to a desk and bash on a keyboard when you know you can direct lots of films, because directing films is fun and interactive and gregarious. Writing isn’t.
Guy Ritchie
Education should not be about building more schools and maintaining a system that dates back to the Industrial Revolution. We can achieve so much more, at unmatched scale with software and interactive learning.
Naveen Jain
I’ve always believed that you need to find interactive applications on the Internet.
Christie Hefner
Instagram is my favorite! It’s interactive and a fun way to stay connected to my friends, family and fans. I love posting photos from family trips, property visits, previews of my collections, everything!
Ivanka Trump
Red Interactive, the digital advertising agency, is a real, systemic kind of business, as opposed to a one-off thing. We can help advertisers frustrated by old media find clients they can work with.
Patrick Whitesell
Interactive computers and software will, I think, provide a less costly method of doing some kinds of inquiry, in knowledge acquisition and even reasoning and interaction.
Roy Romer
I think over time I’ve learned to stop being a screamer and get interactive; otherwise, you get killed in Hollywood. I stopped being a screamer shortly after ‘Blade Runner,’ kicking doors and things like that, because I wasn’t actually getting anywhere.
Ridley Scott
The bottom line – customers want delicious food served quickly in an interactive format, and they are increasingly unwilling to compromise.
Steve Ells
Apparently the new high-tech Star Wars toys will be in stores any day now. The toys can talk and are interactive, so they can be easily distinguished from Star Wars fans.
Conan O’Brien
I think interactive television is doomed. It’s a dead end.
Brenda Laurel
WorldGate offers interactive set-top-box applications. Its customers want to interact with the Web as an adjunct to other things they can do, and WorldGate allows that through the layout engine in Mozilla, called Gecko.
Mitchell Baker
I try to do things in comics that cannot be repeated by television, by movies, by interactive entertainment.
Alan Moore
I’ve always said that my favorite aspect of online political writing is how interactive and collaborative it is with one’s readers: that has always been, and always will be, crucial in so many ways to what I do.
Glenn Greenwald
Kids today are so intelligent and computer savvy, so pairing an interactive computer world with something cuddly seems like a natural fit.
Ty Warner
But love is really more of an interactive process. It’s about what we do not just what we feel. It’s a verb, not a noun.
bell hooks
Technically, web browsers can control what users see, and sites using Javascript can overwrite anything coming from the original authors. Browsers heavily utilize Javascript to create an interactive Internet; sites like YouTube, Facebook, and Gmail could be crippled without it.
Ben Shapiro
Accenture Interactive is working with many of the world’s leading brands to transform the customer experience.
Pierre Nanterme
The 1980s was a time of the great recession of interactive entertainment. When Atari fell in 1982, until Nintendo launched its console, video games were an outcast for five years.
Bing Gordon
Textbooks are going to remain a key part of learning. They just need to go digital, become more interactive and they need more analytics.
Osman Rashid
As I've said before, I'm a big fan of social media beca

As I’ve said before, I’m a big fan of social media because it allows players and fans to interactive but it can have its pitfalls.
Adebayo Akinfenwa
‘Tickle Monster’ is an interactive book and, by the nature of the story, bonds the parent and child through tickling and laughter.
Josie Bissett
I used to interact with the fellow prisoners during recreation activity; I used to conduct an interactive session that we named ‘Rajpal Ki Paathshala.’
Rajpal Yadav
Mobile gaming is the largest and fastest-growing opportunity for interactive entertainment, and we will have one of the world’s most successful mobile game companies and its talented teams providing great content to new customers, in new geographies, throughout the world.
Bobby Kotick
We are fortunate that there is a lot of demand on us to deliver our brand of interactive entertainment within the powerful franchises we have at Gearbox Software and the challenge for us is growing to meet this demand.
Randy Pitchford
While learning to code may have once been an arduous or expensive process, the college dropouts who developed Codecademy have democratized coding as surely as Gutenberg democratized text. Anyone can go to Codecademy and start learning and creating code through their simple, fun, interactive window, for free.
Douglas Rushkoff
I like to be interactive, engage with fans and all that and I think the route I took, staying at home, is definitely going to help with that.
Jack Sock
In Europe, we packed in Wii Sports with the console, so one way or another, people processed the Wii by enjoying Wii Sports. The unique, interactive nature of the game was spread thanks to the excitement from the consumer.
Satoru Iwata
For this to make sense, of course, it would have to be a fair financial deal for us. But I think this could be the occasion for us to build a true partnership in content. And we’re especially interested because interactive services are a key field for us.
Jean-Marie Messier
I still that that movie-goers like the experience of leaving their homes and going to have a communal experience, especially in comedies or interactive things where you can get an audience reaction to.
Jerry Bruckheimer
I am often asked what the future holds for Emotion AI, and my answer is simple: it will be ubiquitous, engrained in the technologies we use every day, running in the background, making our tech interactions more personalized, relevant, authentic and interactive.
Rana el Kaliouby
Games have grown and developed from this limited in-the-box experience to something that’s everywhere now. Interactive content is all around us, networked, ready. This is something I’ve been hoping for throughout my career.
Shigeru Miyamoto
If you’re an enthusiast and you love the world like I do, it comes naturally. But I think charity must become more fun to give, more interactive and imaginative.
Joanna Lumley
I have an appearance on a new TV show called ‘Bar Karma’ on Current TV. I had the most fun ever making this episode. I play someone with a multiple personality, and I think my fans will be surprised and get a real giggle out of it. It’s a new model for TV in that it is interactive with the community.
Genie Francis
Some charities treat donors like cash machines. Until now there hasn’t been any effective way for them to provide a more personal or interactive giving experience.
Ben Rattray
We called ‘Heavy Rain’ an interactive drama, for whatever that’s worth.
David Cage
The heart of Dragon’s Lair has always been its compelling story. With Dragon’s Lair 3D, we think the team has really created an interactive animated movie.
Don Bluth
Fox Interactive Media’s acquisitions of Newroo and kSolo demonstrate our commitment to empowering users with interesting tools that they can use to further enhance their online experience and online identity.
Ross Levinsohn
Our financial system is so complicated and so interactive – so many different markets in different countries and so many sets of rules.
Ben Bernanke
Having made a real 3D movie, you realize that, right from the production design, you’re designing sets that complement the 3D. You’re designing interactive elements, like rain or smoke – all this particulate matter in the air enhances the 3D. But if you’re shooting in 2D, you don’t know about that.
Paul W. S. Anderson
The difference between Spotify and Internet radio services like Pandora is that Spotify is interactive. You can sample the complete catalogue of most artists’ recordings.
John Seabrook
If I have my way, I want to go start making really interactive television. Stuff where you can sit and watch real actors do a real series and they can get into some kind of gun battle and all of a sudden your television prompts you to pick up your controller and all of a sudden, you’re playing a first-person shooter.
Zachary Levi
‘Tree Fu Tom’ is a truly interactive programme because it is designed to help children get up off the sofa and physically move, which is a very important part of children’s development.
Sophie Aldred
We will get back to the earlier, instinctive and less inhibited nature of theatre. Today, spectators are passive, but Elizabethan, Greek and Roma; theatre was interactive.
Sam Wanamaker
It’s not all silliness, as interactive SXSW is filled with aggressive learning, discussing, and a whole lot of futurizing.
Kara Swisher
There are plenty of skills I’ve learned from playing video games. It’s more interactive than watching TV, because there are problems to solve as you’re using your brain.
Shaun White
‘Bring Me The Head of The Taskmaster’ is a unique chance for one person to prove they are the ultimate Tasker. This interactive book is more than just a spin off, it provides a unique ‘Taskmaster’ experience into which you can dive and then swim around in search of treasure.
Alex Horne
The experience of reading a printed comic book will never change, but now, thanks to the digital age, there are many different ways to enjoy the same story. Digital comic books, of course, can be interactive in many different ways, allowing the reader to feel like a participant in the story.
Stan Lee
Today, Web services is really about developing for the server. What it means to developers is any set of systems services that you make a Web service you to access by any kind of device with a highly interactive client, not just a browser.
John Fowler
I combine magic and science to create illusions. I work with new media and interactive technologies, things like artificial intelligence or computer vision, and integrate them in my magic.
Marco Tempest
The global climate is a complex interactive system, with all kinds of nonlinear feedback loops.
Alex Shoumatoff
When Oculus adds hand controllers that will make tools,

When Oculus adds hand controllers that will make tools, swords, and guns work better in virtual reality, you’ll be able to reach out and use your virtual sword. It will make things even more interactive.
David Baszucki
The best teacher is very interactive.
Bill Gates
The advent of interactive communications has created an inflection point where it’s economical to provide education differently than in the past.
Alan Patricof
The sheer genius of talk radio and is that the environment is so interactive.
Mike Gallagher
With Loopt Star, consumers get to tap interactive rewards wherever they may be.
Sam Altman
In the past, art was admired and revered from afar. Today, there is more of an interactive relationship between the art and the person who admires it.
Issey Miyake
What makes Burning Man special is the location: a 9-mile circle of gypsum, an ancient dried ocean bed. The ground is like a flat crust with no plants or insects, a perfect outdoor gallery for monumental interactive sculpture and architecture.
Alex Grey
I thought Anurag sir would be strict, and I had certain kind of perception about him, but he was warm and interactive.
Sobhita Dhulipala
During intermission, we reward the loudest, rowdiest fans with backstage passes, so we have a meet-and-greet, and then, at the end of the night, we give all the fans an opportunity to actually get up in the ring and have their picture taken with a TNA star. So we’re very, very fan interactive.
Jeff Jarrett
I love the interactive nature of theater. I just craved it. As much as I love working on a film or TV set, most of the storytelling happens in the editing, whereas when you’re doing a play, the storytelling is in your hands as an actor.
Julia Stiles
Theater is a lot more interactive, more of a cohesive unit. With television, it can be a different director every episode.
Condola Rashad
We founded thatgamecompany to push the boundary of video games as an interactive medium.
Jenova Chen
The reason that fish form schools, birds form flocks, and bees form swarms is that they are smarter together than they would be apart. They don’t take a vote; they don’t take a poll: they form a system. They are all interactive and make a decision together in real time.
Louis B. Rosenberg
The live events are more interactive for the fans. With TV, you have the cameras there, commercial breaks where the fans can tell there’s a down moment. At the live events, it’s non-stop. We get to play with the audience; the crowd gets to get involved a little more. It’s a very intimate feel.
Drew McIntyre
The thing that’s been most important to me is being interactive with people that are listening to my music.
Kelsea Ballerini
As an artiste, I like things to be interactive and like the audience to get involved in cracking the code, as it were. I like to show them my art, but hide a few golden eggs.
Rakshit Shetty
For me, the most important and distinguishing property of new media is interactivity. But how many people can actually create interactive games, animations, or simulations? Not very many. So, in my mind, very few people are truly literate with new media.
Mitchel Resnick
I still think that I’m playing instruments, not just pushing buttons and there it goes. It’s interactive and alive with the sound and the manipulation and it plays like instruments.
Ikue Mori