Top 80 Middle Age Quotes

It is utterly false and cruelly arbitrary to put all the play and learning into childhood, all the work into middle age, and all the regrets into old age.
Margaret Mead
I can feel middle age approaching, but I reckon the trick is to ignore all the signs. I’m lucky in that I’ve always looked half the age I am. So the way I see it is that I’m still in my twenties!
Marc Warren
The three ages of man: youth, middle age and ‘my word you do look well’.
June Whitfield
Middle age is the awkward period when Father Time starts catching up with Mother Nature.
Harold Coffin
Wives are young men’s mistresses, companions for middle age, and old men’s nurses.
Francis Bacon
American nuclear reactors are well into middle age. The median age of an operating reactor in the U.S. is 34 years, placing start-up in midst of the Carter administration.
Bill Dedman
Middle age is when you’re sitting at home on a Saturday night and the telephone rings and you hope it isn’t for you.
Ogden Nash
I didn’t cry much after I was 35, but staggered stony-faced into middle age, a handkerchief still in my bag just in case.
Hilary Mantel
Setting a good example for your children takes all the fun out of middle age.
William Feather
In my mind, if you went back to the Middle Ages, in Italy they’d be speaking Middle Age Italian. And at that point, it would obviously be indecipherable for us, but for the people of that time, it was just normal talking.
Jeff Baena
I just have to live my life knowing that there could be a good chance that I might die in middle age.
Michelle Zauner
I am firmly of the opinion that women who make a lot of effort to hang onto their looks in middle age (unless they are beauties, entertainers or prostitutes) are rather sad, as one should surely have something more substantial to recommend one by this time, such as kindness or cleverness.
Julie Burchill
Middle age is when your age starts to show around your middle.
Bob Hope
Middle age is when your broad mind and narrow waist begin to change places.
E. Joseph Cossman
Of middle age the best that can be said is that a middle-aged person has likely learned how to have a little fun in spite of his troubles.
Don Marquis