Top 80 Oddly Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Oddly Quotes from famous people such as Caroline Knapp, Sydney Pollack, Joseph Barbera, Paul Westerberg, Christine Quinn, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

I eat breakfast pretty much 'round the clock - muffins

I eat breakfast pretty much ’round the clock – muffins in the morning, scones for lunch, cereal at night – which may be odd but is also oddly satisfying, if only because the choice is my own.
Caroline Knapp
Well, the wonderful thing about making movies, oddly enough, is that they’re sort of highly motivated graduate studies in one or another field.
Sydney Pollack
Los Angeles was an impression of failure, of disappointment, of despair, and of oddly makeshift lives. This is California? I thought.
Joseph Barbera
Oddly, when I started to make the record, I wasn’t aware I was making a record. I just was sort of disgusted with the whole thing and sequestered myself in the basement and started playing the piano just for something to do.
Paul Westerberg
People used to feel oddly empowered to tell me all the reasons I couldn’t win. Because I was a woman. Because I was a lesbian. Because I was from the West Side of Manhattan.
Christine Quinn
Besides Spiderman and Batman, ‘The Flash’ has, hands down, the best villains. You could do a TV show about The Rogues, and there’s enough depth and interest and oddly honor amongst those characters that I think people will watch that show.
Andrew Kreisberg
Oddly, I do have a problem with authority. I find it very difficult to knuckle down and follow rules. Which are the classic symptoms of someone who has a troubled relationship with their father. And yet, I never had a problem with my father.
Toby Young
And oddly, when I was a kid I used to look at junkyards and I wanted to have one of my own.
Pollyanna McIntosh
There were points in my life where I felt oddly irresistible to women. I’m not in that state now and that makes me sad.
Jack Nicholson
Paris, as always, is swarming with Americans, and these days, it’s also swarming with hamburgers. Oddly, though, it’s not typically the Americans who are pursuing the perfect burger on the perfect bun with the obligatory side of perfect coleslaw; the Americans are pursuing the perfect blanquette de veau.
Robert Gottlieb
Actually oddly enough, I think my work, the activism, will be forgotten. And I hope it will. Because I hope those problems will have gone away.
Getting all dressed up and putting on fancy clothes – all of that’s a great thing, but oddly, it doesn’t really have a lot to do with acting most of the time.
Annette Bening
Oddly enough, Bruce Lee wrote some great philosophy.
Naval Ravikant
That’s how I feel, oddly, when I walk on stage in front of 20,000 people, and it’s crazy, the madness: I feel the most relaxed and free, and all of my worries and troubles just are gone. Just I feel the most present in that moment.
Dierks Bentley
Humor is perhaps a sense of intellectual perspective: an awareness that some things are really important, others not; and that the two kinds are most oddly jumbled in everyday affairs.
Christopher Morley
Oddly, the anti-heroes of both ‘The Chill’ and veteran comics writer Peter Milligan’s ‘The Bronx Kill’ share a first name, though their occupations and plights couldn’t be any more different.
Sarah Weinman
Oddly, in this age of the blinding white Oprah pantsuit, when everything is illuminated, it seems a Victorian lace curtain still hangs over the delicate womanly matter of our personal expenditures.
Sandra Tsing Loh
Americans will not buy irregular-looking or oddly shaped vegetables!
Alex Guarnaschelli
There’s a reason for Art Garfunkel’s oddly shaped hair. It hides a very big brain.
Shawn Amos
I’m oddly not competitive. What I love about show business is there is a home for everyone.
Jay Mohr
‘Simply the Best’ has always been one of my favourite songs and a song that I’ve always thought was far deeper than what you imagine it to be at first listen. I found the lyrics to be really, oddly beautiful, considering you rarely stop and think about them.
Dan Levy
‘Rules dieters’ find limitations oddly freeing, because the restrictions create a framework that’s easy to follow. Essentially, rules dieters don’t do well when they’re let off plan, mainly because they are usually emotionally attached to food in some way.
John Romaniello
The hour or so I spent with the ninety-year-old David Attenborough was one of the most beatific of my life. An oddly religious term, I know, for a man who doesn’t have much truck with religion, but it was the serenity of that time that will stay with me most.
Emily Maitlis
The Indians seemed to be living in a place and in a way that was of immense importance to me. So I associate learning to read – English, oddly enough – with wanting to know about Indians. I’m still growing into it. I’ve never outgrown that.
W. S. Merwin
Oddly enough, even though our show is structured around women, our target audience is women, I get more calls from men every night than women.
I do think, oddly, that a comedic actor has a better chance of pulling off a dramatic role than a great dramatic actor has of being able to pull off a highly comedic role.
Lizzy Caplan
It’s arguing, in a very good and positive way. It’s sort of sitting down and pulling an argument apart. I think that’s a very oddly Jewish thing. And it’s the chaos of family and a slight sort of cosy messiness of it all.
Emily Maitlis
Mesh networking is an old idea. Oddly enough, the low-cost XO Laptop built by the ‘One Laptop Per Child’ organization – the so-called $100 laptop – was designed with built-in mesh networking. The idea with the XO machine was that many kids using those laptops would be out in rural areas without reliable Internet access.
Daniel Lyons
Oddly enough, George Pal always began and ended something with The Bible. All his pictures had a religious undertone. God was always there, protecting us.
Ann Robinson
Oddly, I’d been to most of the locations where I started photographing slavery many times before. I even considered some of them homes-away-from-home. But there can be dark corners in familiar places.
Lisa Kristine
I’ve been shocked by film actors – 25 and under – having such confidence and cockiness to rewrite a scene. My background is more about the director being in control. It’s all about yielding. It’s an oddly submissive relationship in which you’re moulded, Pygmalion-style.
Anne-Marie Duff
Men behave very oddly in the company of attractive wome

Men behave very oddly in the company of attractive women.
Alex Kapranos
As a songwriter, oddly enough, my influences were people like Bob Dylan, The Velvet Underground, and Buddy Holly. Some psychedelic stuff, too.
Ric Ocasek
I come from an artistic family. My dad’s an actor, my mother’s an actress, my sister’s an actress. So I kind of grew up in that kind of environment. Oddly enough, I never really knew about my parents’ work. I’ve seen small clips of it, but we never actually spoke about the business.
Portia Doubleday
I learn new things about what ‘The Room’ does wrong or oddly every time I see it with a crowd.
Greg Sestero
I did marathons long before they were popular, when people running round the streets were looked at oddly.
Dennis Skinner
More than anything, falling in love causes a certain female thing in a man to manifest, oddly enough.
Sam Shepard
After all, film is so porous, and to my mind, so oddly occult, that I think that film itself absorbs odd energies like a living skin.
Barbara Steele
I love having a big family. I think it’s easier, oddly, in some ways, having three children as opposed to one.
Patrick Dempsey
Oddly, because she has that confidence, the people around her like her more. She becomes more a part of the Reaper family, and she also is able to get along with people more outside of their circle as well.
Ellen Muth
I love clothes – I love shopping for clothes, I love wearing clothes, I love talking about clothes – but oddly, putting on the dress and walking around in front of people, that’s the place where I’m most uncomfortable.
Julianne Moore
I like the Victory rolls, beehive, pompadour – all of that stuff. It’s just cool. And actually, with ethnic hair, oddly enough, it works so well because I don’t have to tease my hair to get body.
Andra Day
I guess I’m odd-looking. I’m skinny. But I’m not only skinny – I’m oddly shaped.
Andy Dick
With Boris Johnson, you don’t think of him as a politician, oddly. You think of him as a media personality because he’s a comic character. He’s basically Homer Simpson. That makes him strangely bullet-proof.
Charlie Brooker
It’s impossible to make a living in the arts unless you make a fortune. There’s almost no in-between. Writers are either broke or rolling in it. Oddly, you can’t tell them apart.
Anthony McCarten
My mother, oddly enough, really wanted to pursue a career in law, but at the time, she had children and was working as a teacher.
Kimberly Guilfoyle
Reality does not easily give up meaning; it’s the biographer’s job to clobber it into submission. You’re meant not only to tame it but to extract substance, to identify cause and axiomatic effect. You subsist on the tactical omissions, the hollow words, the oddly unconnected dots.
Stacy Schiff
When I was 16, I had a job on the cleaning crew at a local hospital. I wore a pink uniform and cleaned bathrooms and buffed the hallway linoleum. Oddly, I don’t recall hating the job. I recall getting choked up at the end of the summer when I went to turn in my uniform and say goodbye to the ladies.
Mary Roach
I’m a bit of a coward, and lazy, oddly enough.
Stephen Fry
Here you have an incredibly ambitious, accomplished woman who comes up against some of the same problems that women in power come up against today. Cleopatra plays an oddly pivotal role in world history as well; in her lifetime, Alexandria is the center of the universe, Rome is still a backwater.
Stacy Schiff
I have really bad luck with my thumbs. It plagues me, actually. It drives me crazy! Both of them are very oddly shaped.
Kristen Stewart
I have a particular love of an actor that I did work with, oddly, in ‘Donnie Brasco,’ who has since become a wonderful talent: Paul Giamatti. I would love to do a whole movie with Paul Giamatti.
Mike Newell
Oddly, I am really cool under pressure.
Russell Howard
Oddly my name has been no professional help at all! It seems to have made no difference. I admire him hugely, both for his benevolence and his enormous psychological perception.
Joanna Trollope
When you’re under stress as a human being, you behave oddly and your relationships with people become strained.
Viggo Mortensen
Some of my other heroes around that time were, oddly enough, Frank Sinatra, Nat Cole and people like that – I was always more inclined to listen to ballads.
William Bell
Oddly enough, my favorite genre is not fiction. I’m attracted by primary sources that are relevant to historical questions of interest to me, by famous old books on philosophy or theology that I want to see with my own eyes, by essays on contemporary science, by the literatures of antiquity.
Marilynne Robinson
As an actor, you live a little bit of a cloistered life. It’s a lonely life. You oddly, strangely find yourself all alone, quite often, with a lot of time to think.
Melissa Leo
Sports is remarkably cognitive. I think it’s underrated just how smart it is. Actually, if I had more time, I would spend more time with sports. Watching it, reading about it, I think it’s oddly underrated.
Tyler Cowen
Oddly enough, I’m not religious but I’m also very fond of St Peter’s in Rome. When I’m there, I always know there’s a good meal not far away.
Jonathan Pryce
Rock ‘n’ roll is not unlike love. You find it oddly strangely comforting that no matter how old you get, when it comes to matters of the heart, you’re always 15 inside.
Gord Downie
What if lawmakers never spoke to their constituents? Oddly enough, that’s exactly how corporate America operates. Shareholders vote for directors, but the directors rarely, if ever, communicate with them.
Andrew Ross Sorkin
I don't think American poetry has gotten any better in

I don’t think American poetry has gotten any better in the past 35 years. Oddly enough, creative writing programs seem to have been good for fiction, and I would not have predicted that.
Robert Morgan
When you become successful on the level that Fleetwood Mac did, it gives you financial freedom, which should allow you to follow your impulses. But oddly enough, they become much harder to follow.
Lindsey Buckingham
Truth-tellers who expect others to believe them tend to speak naturally and un-self-consciously. But if they don’t expect to be believed, they may try too hard to seem honest. Unfortunately, the result makes them sound less believable. Obviously, then, not every oddly phrased statement is a lie.
Pamela Meyer
I experienced a lot of loss after his death. I lost my city because of all the paparazzi descending upon us. I actually lost my journal during that time, oddly enough. I literally couldn’t hold on to anything.
Michelle Williams
I think we have a long way to go in the entertainment industry, particularly in movies, but I feel like in television, there’s somebody is finally saying, ‘Hey, women have stories to tell, and oddly enough, women want to hear them.’
Miriam Shor
I don’t speak Spanish, and I get so much crap for it. Oddly enough, it was the first language I learned, but somehow I lost it throughout the years. I can understand pieces of it, but I don’t speak it. I need to speak it. I want to teach my kids Spanish.
Ryan Guzman
When you’re young, oddly enough, you’re more afraid, more conservative about what it is you have.
Ed Weeks
Oddly enough, Asians are a much smaller ‘minority’ than African Americans in this country. But because Asians are so successful, college admission officers don’t feel sorry for them, so they are not a preferred ‘minority.’
Mike Gallagher
Now I almost overly embrace how weird I am, how I look and how oddly camp I am. It’s almost too honest for me because I harboured ambitions to be quite a cool, good-looking guy.
Michael McIntyre
I’m oddly comfortable in the ring.
Mustafa Ali
Although both of us were raised on Oahu, in Honolulu, my mother has always had fond memories of Maui; this was, after all, where she and my father, then penniless yet oddly optimistic newlyweds, honeymooned in 1969.
Hanya Yanagihara
Oddly, I believe that emotional proximity we feel to close loved ones makes it hard to be honest with them about feelings of depression.
Andy Dunn
Oddly, a search for ‘jeggings’ in my email inbox shows that my first exposure to the phenomenon came from – wait for it – Mike Allen of ‘Politico,’ who helpfully explained the concept on December 20, 2009.
Rachel Sklar
Oddly, for a book to do well merely because people like it is surprisingly rare.
Lionel Shriver
Oddly enough, Black Panther’s almost like an analog to Tarzan.
Brian Stelfreeze
I’m always interested in the ways in which a character can inhabit either a theme or a premise personally, so that those scenes that are about his character or his relationship with other characters feel in context and don’t seem to be apart from or oddly vestigial to the actual drama.
Edward Zwick
It’s very difficult to break into motion pictures, but it’s oddly easier for directors today because of independent films and cable, who have inherited for the most part those films of substance that the studios are reluctant to finance.
Mark Rydell
Valyrian is oddly easier than Dothraki. It’s got a more lyrical flow to it that feels more familiar to the way I speak. That makes it slightly easier.
Emilia Clarke