Top 80 Stems Quotes

‘Shame,’ really it was about people from my hometown who just spread hate about me and just aren’t nice to me. And I just felt like that was a shame, so that’s really what that stems from.
Lil Tracy
My entire career stands on the strong pillars of women-oriented films. This stems from the fact that I am sensitive to the entire aura and mystique of a woman and womanhood.
Madhur Bhandarkar
I think comedy stems from being honest, often painfully so. I hope I can achieve that perspective in my own life and also have fun.
Tamsin Greig
The No. 1 job is to help a player reach their highest potential, and that’s not possible without being able to relate with them. That’s been helpful, and as far as my knowledge base is concerned, that stems from being around great coaches willing to share.
Sean McVay
I drank because I enjoyed it. I was happy sitting at the end of the bar on my own, reading the paper. I’ve always enjoyed my own company, and that stems from riding alone. I never trained with anyone – and I still don’t. I’ve always been happy with my own thoughts, and that sums me up as an individual-pursuit rider.
Bradley Wiggins
The prison industrial complex is perhaps, at least domestically, the most striking example of us putting profit before people. It all stems from one basic misunderstanding: that the public good can be shepherded by private interests.
Eugene Jarecki
Most of what one feels compelled to write stems from a deep emotional uncertainty.
Antonya Nelson
You’ll be dedicated and that’s what you should want to be in anything in life – whether it’s sports or academics or your relationship. It all stems from finding that fun, that thrill, that excitement.
Brandi Chastain
Dreams pass into the reality of action. From the actions stems the dream again; and this interdependence produces the highest form of living.
Anais Nin
There is a melancholy that stems from greatness.
Nicolas Chamfort
Over the years, my work became both my vocation and avo

Over the years, my work became both my vocation and avocation. Since I enjoyed it so much, I never felt a great need to go outside for relaxation. Nevertheless, I became an avid photographer and traveler. Possibly my love for travel stems from the early years when my family seldom went away on vacation.
Gertrude B. Elion
I really can’t abide conspiracy theories, because I believe that everything in the world stems from idiocy and incompetence. That’s certainly true of most of what’s happened in Russia under Putin.
Masha Gessen
If you’re making a salad of any kind, cut the herbs, stems and all, and toss them into your mixed greens salad, a Romaine salad, iceberg, Bibb – it just adds a special touch.
Alex Guarnaschelli
The Center for Immigration Studies found that illegal immigrants cost the United States taxpayer about $10.4 billion a year. A large part of that expense stems from the babies born each year to illegal immigrants.
Nathan Deal
I love sports. When I’m not playing, I’m watching, reading, or otherwise obsessing about them. This probably stems from growing up in Indiana, where if you didn’t at least attempt to play basketball, you were considered of dubious moral character.
Mark Waters
‘,Alive’ stems from emotional growth and contentment. Before writing the song, I was swimming in a pool of hurt, guilt and spiritual discomfort. Instead of drowning, I decided to embrace these feelings and express gratitude for the lessons learned. With this new-found sense of life, I am stronger and happier than ever.
Ravyn Lenae
Writing is something that I’ve always loved. That stems from my love of being a reader.
Jen Lancaster
In the wild, an enoki mushroom is often squat-looking and its stem is rarely more than twice as long as the cap is wide. When they are grown by farmers and hobbyists, however, their stems elongate, the caps are smaller, and a forest of golden colored needle-like mushrooms shoot up all at once.
Paul Stamets
My creativeness stems from my love of music. Music is pure emotion. Music is the infinity sign. Music is self-expression in its purest form – it’s how I express my anger, my self-doubt, my love. I think my music is very vulnerable and very expressive, very transparent.
So long as procreation stems from parents of the same race, appearance and lineage are typically congruent. Interracial unions give rise to added complexity. Interracial amalgamation will produce some individuals whose features diverge from those commonly ascribed to the races of their ancestors.
Randall Kennedy
The main problem with biofuels – the land required – stems from their low power density.
Michael Shellenberger
A passion for politics stems usually from an insatiable need, either for power, or for friendship and adulation, or a combination of both.
Fawn M. Brodie
At the heart of anti-Semitism lies Moses. He made a catastrophic error, a terrible mistake, and all anti-Semitism for two thousand years stems from his misjudgement. Moses said we Jews could remain a people without having a land. He said we don’t need territory to hold onto our Jewish identity. This was a disaster.
A. B. Yehoshua
I will talk about two sets of things. One is how productivity and collaboration are reinventing the nature of work, and how this will be very important for the global economy. And two, data. In other words, the profound impact of digital technology that stems from data and the data feedback loop.
Satya Nadella
When I started on the very first day with just one restaurant, we used to pick oregano off the stems and chop them. We still do that.
Steve Ells
Hispanics’ support for the Democratic economic agenda, both in California and nationally, stems in part from their receipt of government assistance.
Heather Mac Donald
I truly believe that fundamentalism stems from unemployment. A man without a job is desperate; he doesn’t want to live anyway.
Stef Wertheimer
There’s a very go-to kind of attitude in New Zealand that stems from that psyche of being quite isolated and not being able to rely on the rest of the world’s infrastructure.
Peter Jackson