Top 80 Stretched Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Stretched Quotes from famous people such as Dominic Grieve, Clifford D. Simak, Wayne Kramer, Carrie Fisher, Ricky Steamboat, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

Surveillance legislation passed in good faith has been

Surveillance legislation passed in good faith has been stretched well beyond its original purpose.
Dominic Grieve
And time itself? Time was a never-ending medium that stretched into the future and the past – except there was no future and no past, but an infinite number of brackets, extending either way, each bracket enclosing its single phase of the Universe.
Clifford D. Simak
When I first started playing in a band, before the Beatles, working bands played standards and they saved their rock material til the end of the night when they were really stretched out. It could be pretty lame.
Wayne Kramer
There were days I could barely struggle into a size 46 or 48, months of larges and XXLs, and endless rounds of leggings with the elastic at the waist stretched to its limit and beyond – topped with the fashion equivalent of a tea cozy. And always black, because I was in mourning for my slimmer self.
Carrie Fisher
I’m back in the gym doing squats. I still do the old school stuff. I’m just not concerned about putting the weight on as much as just going through the motions to keep things lubricated and stretched out.
Ricky Steamboat
Having stretched the boundaries some, I’m perfectly content now to work within them. ‘Doonesbury’ doesn’t need to become ‘South Park.’ You won’t ever see any singing turds.
Garry Trudeau
If I’m working on a poem, it’s at the forefront of my mind; I’m working on it when I’m cooking dinner or stretched out on the sofa. But if I don’t really have it by the 10th draft, I know it just isn’t going to jell.
Maxine Kumin
I’ve read up on magic, and I think it sets you free, and it gives you hope. You can explore worlds you didn’t know existed. It stretches your imagination, and I like my own imagination to be stretched and also the children I’m telling the story to. It gives you a sense of wonder.
Jenny Nimmo
When I was making ‘Strong Island,’ it was very clear to me that my brother’s death was a point on a line that stretched back into the 1940s and beyond in my family – and in the nation.
Yance Ford
I’m tall with broad shoulders. And my waist is small. I’m into fashion, so I like the way clothes lay on me. I’m pretty much a normal person’s size, just stretched out.
Tyson Chandler
When you’re feeling overtired and stretched too thin, it may seem incomprehensible to squeeze in a little ‘me time.’ But, the times when you feel like you can’t possibly spare a minute for yourself, are likely the times when you need ‘me time’ the most.
Amy Morin
When I’m working, I try to be serious and rest where I can. I just mark in rehearsals. I still train. I warm up. And I still take lessons from this unbelievable teacher in New York, Joan Lader. I try to be stretched and ready to go.
Max von Essen
When I was making ‘Strong Island,’ it was very clear to me that my brother’s death was a point on a line that stretched back into the 1940s and beyond in my family – and in the nation.
Yance Ford
As big as the industry is now and as gargantuan and stretched out with as many buses and trucks as there are now, it is still a big old dysfunctional family in my mind.
Marty Stuart
After World War II, we awoke to find our wartime ally, Stalin, had emerged as a greater enemy than Germany or Japan. Stalin’s empire stretched from the Elbe to the Pacific.
Lawrence Kudlow
Rome is one enormous mausoleum. There, the Past lies visibly stretched upon his bier. There is no today or tomorrow in Rome; it is perpetual yesterday.
Thomas Bailey Aldrich
Music is liquid. It’s meant to be messed with and played with and stretched and pulled and pushed, I think.
Brian Stokes Mitchell
I had many friends to help me to fall; but as to rising again, I was so much left to myself, that I wonder now I was not always on the ground. I praise God for His mercy; for it was He only Who stretched out His hand to me. May He be blessed for ever! Amen.
Saint Teresa of Avila
At its height, Rome’s empire stretched right along the coast of north Africa and sub-Saharan Africans passed to and fro across its porous southern border.
David Olusoga
I personally love working for finite series as it’s important to convey that stories need not be stretched; they can get over in a year and still be loved by audiences.
Sanjeeda Sheikh
There the wild animals wandered and fed as though they were in a pasture that stretched much farther than a man could see, and there were no settlers. Only Indians lived there.
Laura Ingalls Wilder
We all understand the economics of the Super Bowl – 10 or 12 minutes of the ball in motion will be stretched into three and a half hours or more of money-making commercials.
George Vecsey
I am a completely horizontal author. I can’t think unless I’m lying down, either in bed or stretched on a couch and with a cigarette and coffee handy. I’ve got to be puffing and sipping.
Dan Brown
Children themselves know they are being cheated. Ultimately we owe it to our children. They are in school for 190 days a year. Every moment they spend learning is precious. If a year goes by and they are not being stretched and excited, that blights their life.
Michael Gove
You will soon break the bow if you keep it always stretched.
Norman Vincent Peale
I like elegance. I like art nouveau; a stretched line or curve. These things are very much in the foreground of my work.
H. R. Giger
Especially as a director on ‘West Wing,’ I directed a lot of different things in a lot of different ways and really stretched my wings.
Alex Graves
I look for something that can challenge me or makes me ever so slightly afraid – fearful of how I am going to approach it – then I’ll go for it. If the project appears linear or predictable, then I’ll usually give it a miss. Anything that involves me being stretched as an actor, I go for.
Andrew Buchan
When incomes and bonuses decrease, revenues falter, and businesses stumble, it’s more important than ever to give – not necessarily more, but in a way that matters more. When incomes are down and wallets are stretched, the effectiveness of our giving is what really counts.
Laura Arrillaga-Andreessen
I work on stretched linen canvas, sized so that the surface already has a sense of tension when I begin. It is a very rich and reactive surface. I begin by drawing on the canvas with a kind of loose line, very simply and freely. I paint very thinly, which allows me to change the drawing if I want to.
Sean Scully
When I first started playing in a band, before the Beatles, working bands played standards and they saved their rock material til the end of the night when they were really stretched out. It could be pretty lame.
Wayne Kramer
I was religious with the way I stretched, the way I wou

I was religious with the way I stretched, the way I would do my soft-tissue work, whether it be massages or foam rollers. I was very good about getting in the hot tub and cold tub, and getting in the training room. I also love to do yoga, and I give yoga a lot of credit for my longevity in the NFL.
Joe Thomas
I had many friends to help me to fall; but as to rising again, I was so much left to myself, that I wonder now I was not always on the ground. I praise God for His mercy; for it was He only Who stretched out His hand to me. May He be blessed for ever! Amen.
Saint Teresa of Avila
I’m still a kid. I stretched it out.
Eric McCormack
I think I’ve always enjoyed a challenge and I like being pushed and I like being stretched to the absolute limit. I think a lot of actors are like this.
Sophie Cookson
In its Declaration of Independence on May 15, 1948, Israel stretched out its hand in peace to its Arab neighbors, calling for an end to war and bloodshed. In response, seven Arab states invaded Israel. The U.N. resolution that partitioned the country was thus violated and effectively annulled.
Yitzhak Shamir
When the whistle blew and the call stretched thin across the night, one had to believe that any journey could be sweet to the soul.
Charles Tennyson Turner
At its height, Rome’s empire stretched right along the coast of north Africa and sub-Saharan Africans passed to and fro across its porous southern border.
David Olusoga
In its Declaration of Independence on May 15, 1948, Israel stretched out its hand in peace to its Arab neighbors, calling for an end to war and bloodshed. In response, seven Arab states invaded Israel. The U.N. resolution that partitioned the country was thus violated and effectively annulled.
Yitzhak Shamir
Some documentaries are made by people who are driven more by one particular story, or have different backgrounds or ambitions, but I’m always looking for projects that let me be the best filmmaker I can be, and to be stretched and grow further.
Lucy Walker
I have great mood swings, maybe because of playing lots of different characters as I do. I’m like a gymnast whose muscles get too stretched. I’ve got better at it, but I have a lot of emotional energy.
Mark Rylance
I work on stretched linen canvas, sized so that the surface already has a sense of tension when I begin. It is a very rich and reactive surface. I begin by drawing on the canvas with a kind of loose line, very simply and freely. I paint very thinly, which allows me to change the drawing if I want to.
Sean Scully
I have stretched ropes from steeple to steeple; garlands from window to window; golden chains from star to star, and I dance.
Arthur Rimbaud
Men grow to the stature to which they are stretched when they are young.
Antony Jay
I have stretched ropes from steeple to steeple; garlands from window to window; golden chains from star to star, and I dance.
Arthur Rimbaud
There’s a very fine line between martial arts and dance. Kicking with your foot stretched out, or kicking with your foot flat in someone’s face, in terms of flexibility, it’s all kind of the same thing.
Daniela Ruah
I grew up with my parents screaming and yelling at each other for the rent in Bronx, New York City at the time. It was $36. So my mind hadn’t stretched out to that place where I could spend a whole month’s rent on a 45-minute plane flight to Fargo, N.D.
Dion DiMucci
I stretched my whole career – it didn’t save me when I blew my back, and of course, that’s where the whole things of DDP Yoga comes from.
Diamond Dallas Page
I have a bony face – I feel like my skin’s been stretched over my skull.
Luke Goss
You will soon break the bow if you keep it always stretched.
Norman Vincent Peale
When I was young, summers stretched so long, as if they’d never end. Days were like marathons of time, riding bikes until my blisters had blisters, endless energy, and not an actual care in the world aside from when ‘Paul’ could come out and play. Days now feel more like minutes, almost game show like.
Mark Brand
I have to be stretched in some way. There’s not enough things that come my way that I fancy.
Terence Stamp
The enormous lake stretched flat and smooth and white all the way to the edge of the gray sky. Wagon tracks went away across it, so far that you could not see where they went; they ended in nothing at all.
Laura Ingalls Wilder
There’s a very fine line between martial arts and dance. Kicking with your foot stretched out, or kicking with your foot flat in someone’s face, in terms of flexibility, it’s all kind of the same thing.
Daniela Ruah
For me, a big thing, because I have really long legs, is core stability. It’s very important not only for injury but also just to be able to carry my weight around properly and not feel like I’m collapsing in specific situations when I’m stretched out too far.
Milos Raonic
I grew up with my parents screaming and yelling at each other for the rent in Bronx, New York City at the time. It was $36. So my mind hadn’t stretched out to that place where I could spend a whole month’s rent on a 45-minute plane flight to Fargo, N.D.
Dion DiMucci
In my dreams and visions, I seemed to see a line, and on the other side of that line were green fields, and lovely flowers, and beautiful white ladies, who stretched out their arms to me over the line, but I couldn’t reach them no-how. I always fell before I got to the line.
Harriet Tubman
I have to be stretched in some way. There’s not enough things that come my way that I fancy.
Terence Stamp
Having stretched the boundaries some, I’m perfectly content now to work within them. ‘Doonesbury’ doesn’t need to become ‘South Park.’ You won’t ever see any singing turds.
Garry Trudeau
I have great mood swings, maybe because of playing lots of different characters as I do. I’m like a gymnast whose muscles get too stretched. I’ve got better at it, but I have a lot of emotional energy.
Mark Rylance
Mugabe had a very strange quality about him. He was dapper. He had the strangest skin – it looks very shiny, but it’s not oily. It’s stretched very finely over his flesh. His eyes have layers of cyan crystals in them. It was a quiet, dark moment when I took his picture.
The modern mind is in complete disarray. Knowledge has stretched itself to the point where neither the world nor our intelligence can find any foot-hold. It is a fact that we are suffering from nihilism.
Albert Camus
Every now and then a man's mind is stretched by a new i

Every now and then a man’s mind is stretched by a new idea or sensation, and never shrinks back to its former dimensions.
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.
The golden thread of reason that used to be stretched taut to mark the boundary between the known and the unknown is now routinely disrespected.
Al Gore
The wild open-market theory that died in 1929 had a run of just over thirty years. Communism, a complete melding of religious, economic, and global theories, stretched to seventy years in Russia and forty-five years in central Europe, thanks precisely to the intensive use of military and police force.
John Ralston Saul
Now there was no wonder in the Statue of Liberty illusion because he, Copperfield, attempted to do something so large that it stretched the credibility of the audience to the point where most people didn’t believe any of it anymore.
Doug Henning
Our planet’s lands and oceans are already stretched to meet the demands of 7 billion people. The human population continues to grow. The search for sustainable solutions is an economic and a moral imperative if we are to create the future we want.
Ban Ki-moon
With Lady Gaga I really stretched myself as a creative director, and because I was with this artist from before she got signed I was able to really take control of the opportunity and execute as a creative director.
Laurieann Gibson
My yoga mat comes everywhere. Keeps me stretched out after sitting still on all those planes, trains and road journeys.
Natalie Dormer
The world was like a huge red carpet out ahead of me to be walked on. And it stretched on and on, no end.
Elia Kazan
Comedy is exaggerated realism. It can be stretched to the almost ludicrous, but it must always be believable.
Paul Lynde
I have never begun a novel which wasn’t going to stretch me further than I had ever stretched before.
Peter Carey
Truth may be stretched, but cannot be broken, and always gets above falsehood, as does oil above water.
Miguel de Cervantes
When I was young, summers stretched so long, as if they’d never end. Days were like marathons of time, riding bikes until my blisters had blisters, endless energy, and not an actual care in the world aside from when ‘Paul’ could come out and play. Days now feel more like minutes, almost game show like.
Mark Brand
Comedy is exaggerated realism. It can be stretched to the almost ludicrous, but it must always be believable.
Paul Lynde
Alleged ‘impossibilities’ are opportunities for our capacities to be stretched.
Charles R. Swindoll
The Opera House guidelines have from time to time been amended, whether it’s for other sporting events or other causes. The guidelines have always been stretched in the part and the commercialisation of the Opera House has always been there.
Gladys Berejiklian
I’m comfortable in my own skin, no matter how far it’s stretched. Ha ha.
Dolly Parton
Truth may be stretched, but cannot be broken, and always gets above falsehood, as does oil above water.
Miguel de Cervantes
The kimono, haori, and girdle, and even the long hanging sleeves, have only parallel seams, and these are only tacked or basted, as the garments, when washed, are taken to pieces, and each piece, after being very slightly stiffened, is stretched upon a board to dry.
Isabella Bird