Top 88 Quotes about George W. Bush

Words matter. These are the best Quotes about George W. Bush from famous people such as Art Buchwald, Bianca Jagger, David Gregory, Hillary Clinton, Gillian Jacobs, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

I've known Don since he came to Washington. When he fir

I’ve known Don since he came to Washington. When he first came to work for George W. Bush, he was a different Don Rumsfeld. He was jolly, full of life, and ready to go to war, but only if we could win.
Art Buchwald
George W. Bush will have to come to the UN and admit that he was wrong.
Bianca Jagger
Whatever you think of George W. Bush, he left office with his faith intact, and I respect that.
David Gregory
I have known several presidents quite well, including my husband, and I worked closely with President George W. Bush and the White House then after 9/11, and I served with President Obama. I disagree with all three of those presidents on certain things.
Hillary Clinton
I say the word N-U-C-L-E-R the same way that George W. Bush says it.
Gillian Jacobs
In the 2000 election, George W. Bush, who had shirked military service, succeeded in presenting himself as more reliable on national security than Al Gore.
Samantha Power
The situation in Iraq was dire at the end of 2006, when President George W. Bush decided to implement the surge and selected me to command it. Indeed, when I returned to Baghdad in early February 2007, I found the conditions there to be even worse than I had expected.
David Petraeus
Young men are obsessed with their dads, and they remain obsessed if the dad is not around. Remember that there was a lot of discussion about how George W. Bush might have invaded Iraq to atone for the failures of his dad.
Dinesh D’Souza
I was Al Gore’s campaign chairman in 2000, when he won a half-million more votes than George W. Bush but lost the presidency.
William M. Daley
From 2002 to the end of his presidency, George W. Bush routinely was accused by the Left of ‘creating chaos:’ chaos in Iraq, chaos in Afghanistan, chaos in the Muslim world, chaos among our allies.
Monica Crowley
John McCain has become the de facto running mate of George W. Bush.
Mark Shields
People in my hometown voted for President Reagan – for many, like my grandpa, he was their first Republican – because he promised that tax cuts would bring higher wages and new jobs. It seemed he was right, so we voted for the next Republican promising tax cuts and job creation, George W. Bush. He wasn’t right.
J. D. Vance
Whatever one thinks of President George W. Bush and his unilateralist crew, most of the people laughing at us do not think we are evil. What they think is that we are naive and incompetent.
Richard Reeves
Shock, confusion, fear, anger, grief, and defiance. On Sept. 11, 2001, and for the three days following the worst terrorist attack on U.S. soil, President George W. Bush led with raw emotion that reflected the public’s whipsawing stages of acceptance.
Ron Fournier
I hate to make this point too often, but imagine for a moment George W. Bush were on his sixth vacation, and he was asked about Iraq, and he said ‘I’m buying shrimp.’ You think that wouldn’t be a headline everywhere?
Willie Geist
President George W. Bush is the first American president to call openly for two-states, Israel and Palestine, living side by side in peace and security.
Lee H. Hamilton
The majority of Americans, the ones who never elected George W. Bush, are not fooled by his weapons of mass distraction.
Michael Moore
We’re half an hour from Toronto, which offers everything you could want from a city, and a couple of hours from beautiful vacation country. We have it all here, plus George W. Bush is not our president.
Linwood Barclay
The White House is giving George W. Bush intelligence briefings. You know, some of these jokes just write themselves.
David Letterman
George W. Bush was president through some of the darkest days of our history and yet his optimism never waned. He is optimistic by nature, but he also understood the importance of always communicating a sense that things will get better.
Mark McKinnon
I remember George W. Bush, who spoke about bringing the country together. Here’s a man who knew that he lost the popular vote but ended up with the Electoral College vote. He had lost that, and he spoke in a very inclusive way of bringing Republicans and Democrats together. It reflected what a president should do.
Patrick Leahy
The culture of self-gratification and deregulation that began during the Clinton years and continued under President George W. Bush led to the bursting of one stock market bubble at the turn of the century and a full-scale financial crash less than a decade later.
Zbigniew Brzezinski
Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton and George W Bush (and, in their image, Tony Blair) bitterly annoyed their antagonists because they were – at least until the Iraq war caught up with Blair and Bush – Teflon. David Cameron is in this model.
Michael Wolff
Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama all used temporarily targeted tariffs on specific industries.
Lawrence Kudlow
George W. Bush has shown himself to be a decent guy, not exploiting his former office to make top dollars giving speeches.
H. W. Brands
I’m often asked what I think about the faith of the President George W. Bush. I think it is sincere. I think it’s very real. I think it’s deeply held.
Jim Wallis
From John Kennedy to Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush, presidents have rhetorically opened the door to the frontier for us, and each time, we have turned away to fight over destinations, technologies, and timing.
Rick Tumlinson
The damage done to U.S. prestige by the feckless, buffoonish George W. Bush will take years to repair.
Camille Paglia
When George W. Bush entered office, the national debt was $5 trillion. When he left, it was $10 trillion. I think the administration spent too much money.
Ted Cruz
I still like George W. Bush. A lot.
Andrew Breitbart
Officials in the George W. Bush administration later criticized the cruise missile strikes that were ordered by President Bill Clinton in Afghanistan in 1998 as only ‘pounding sand.’
Peter Bergen
The United States treated Gaddafi as an enemy due to hi

The United States treated Gaddafi as an enemy due to his support for terrorism against us, until a rapprochement of sorts began under Pres. George W. Bush at the very end of 2003.
Elliott Abrams
Back when George W. Bush was identifying his Axis of Evil, it struck me that a longer and more instructive list could be compiled of the Axis of the Humiliated (or Insulted and Injured, to borrow from Dostoevsky).
Serge Schmemann
President George W. Bush was kind of a goofy tongue-tied dude. Mostly he just mangled the English language. Barack Obama, by contrast, was a smooth talker. The problem is that frequently what he said was just wrong or tendentious.
Mollie Hemingway
George W. Bush and his administration embarked on a full-scale assault on civil liberties, human rights and the rule of law, walking away from his international obligations, tearing up international treaties, protocols and UN conventions.
Bianca Jagger
This is the worst President ever. He George W. Bush is the worst President in all of American history.
Helen Thomas
Do I trust Yasser Arafat? Of course not. Why should I? Why should anyone trust a politician, whether Shimon Peres, Ariel Sharon, Bill Clinton, Richard Nixon, Lyndon Johnson, Benjamin Netanyahu, George W. Bush, or Yasser Arafat?
Ian Lustick
The 2004 presidential election that saw George W. Bush win with 51 percent of the vote was the last one Republicans will ever win with the overwhelmingly white and male coalition they have now.
John Podhoretz
President George W. Bush, in his now-rare public appearances and interviews, still refuses to acknowledge he did anything to help Iran. But it doesn’t really matter what he thinks.
Richard Engel
Two presidents pursued human rights policies that were serious and effective: Reagan and George W. Bush. They understood that American support for human rights activists is a moral imperative for us and also makes the world safer for us.
Elliott Abrams
George W. Bush, a charming and utterly gracious man, was a catastrophic twofer. He took the United States to war in Iraq, a wrenching debacle: more than 4,000 Americans dead, nearly 32,000 wounded, and the Middle East destabilized with Iranian influence enhanced.
Richard Cohen
George W. Bush always said and did what he believed and he let it rip.
Ed Rendell
George W. Bush is always protesting that he has the fate of the world in mind and bangs on about the ‘freedom-loving peoples’ he’s seeking to protect. I’d love to meet a freedom-hating people.
Harold Pinter
The public’s evaluation of the job George W. Bush is doing as president changed dramatically as a result of the horrific attacks of September 11 and his response in leading the country on a campaign against terrorism.
Thomas E. Mann
Obama hasn’t lost his standing because of tricks played by the Republicans. He hasn’t lost his standing because the media’s not fair to him. He hasn’t lost his standing or his approval number because the media spent four years attacking him like they did George W. Bush. This is all on him.
Rush Limbaugh
I remember once I had lunch with George W Bush, his father, and Condoleezza Rice. Then I went home to find my dog and my neighbour’s dog fighting over a dead rabbit, and I had to separate them. I like that my home life keeps things real.
Jeff Kinney
There is an alliance between Israel and the United States, and it has never been stronger than at the time of George W. Bush.
Ehud Olmert
Neoconservative Republican President George W. Bush took office determined to aggressively export American democratic values through conflict. The Iraq war, a misdirected response to 9/11, tacked trillions of dollars on to the deficit while further destabilising the Middle East.
Anthony Scaramucci
In my lifetime, we’ve gone from Eisenhower to George W. Bush. We’ve gone from John F. Kennedy to Al Gore. If this is evolution, I believe that in twelve years, we’ll be voting for plants.
Lewis Black
The interesting thing is that it seems like George W. Bush would have been happy being the president of anything. He could have been president of Major League Baseball.
Eddie Vedder
The role of president, as George W. Bush commented in 2000, requires vision, management, and an eye for talent – not so different from that of CEO. But during the first years of Carter’s presidency, his Cabinet was anything but businesslike, beset by infighting and meetings that ambled.
Tahl Raz
Certainly I had my preference, and I very much hoped that George W. Bush would be our next president.
Katherine Harris
The real terrorist threats are George W. Bush and his band of brown-shirted thugs.
Sandra Bernhard
George W. Bush attended the intelligence briefing every day. Obama has not even attended half of them. He sends surrogates. That to me is significant.
Rush Limbaugh
From George Washington to George W. Bush, presidents have invoked God’s name in the performance of their official duties.
Linda Chavez
What George W. Bush learned in his pre-presidential years – and what he omits in his new memoirs – was not how to lead a nation, but how, with sufficient toughness, to cheat the democratic system to get elected.
Nigel Hamilton
The tin man vs. the straw man. The candidate with a brain but without a heart against the president with a heart but without a brain. That’s how many Latin Americans are viewing the race between John Kerry and George W. Bush.
Denise Dresser
But we should not lose sight of how far we are coming and what a big hole we were left by George W. Bush.
Martin O’Malley
American foreign policy had still not recovered from its victory over communism when George W. Bush and Condoleezza Rice took over at the White House in 2001.
Russell Baker
If we are lucky, and George W. Bush is right, we are about to witness the War of the Happy Iraqis.
Howard Fineman
When George W. Bush was up for re-election, we took part in Rock Against Bush.
Matt Skiba
As a Democrat from Illinois, as a member of Congress who believes in and admires President Obama, it genuinely pains me to say that the facts show that this president has done no more to solve our immigration crisis than George W. Bush.
Luis Gutierrez
There is an extensive body of writing from both sides o

There is an extensive body of writing from both sides of the political aisle that has analyzed the extraordinary depths of hatred leveled at former President George W. Bush.
Andrew Breitbart
Someday we’ll learn the whole story of why George W. Bush brushed off that intelligence briefing of Aug. 6, 2001, ‘Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S.’ But surely a big distraction was the major speech he was readying for delivery on Aug. 9, his first prime-time address to the nation.
Frank Rich
Neither the George W. Bush nor the Obama administrations volunteered to bail out G.M., Chrysler and other parts of the auto sector. Both subscribed firmly to the longstanding American principle that government should resolutely avoid these kinds of interventions, particularly in the industrial sector.
Steven Rattner
The erosion of privacy rights under the Fourth Amendment, written to protect us against unreasonable search and seizure, began in earnest under President George W. Bush.
Rebecca MacKinnon
George W. Bush bought the election – period. End of story. There is no argument. You can try to come up with any argument you can, but there is none.
Gary Coleman
Both JFK and George W. Bush were the sons of wealthy U.S. ambassadors and thus privileged to meet distinguished figures, to travel, and to see the world and think about its problems if they chose.
Nigel Hamilton
Inaugural speeches are supposed to be huge and stirring. Presidents haul our heroes onstage, from George Washington to Martin Luther King Jr. George W. Bush brought the Liberty Bell. They use history to make greatness and achievements seem like something you can just take down from the shelf.
John Dickerson
Behind a smoke screen of high-profile female appointees and soothing slogans, George W. Bush is waging war on women.
Molly Ivins
When George W. Bush picked Dick Cheney, it was a reassuring sign that the Texas governor would have an experienced, prudent voice at his side.
Jeff Greenfield
George W. Bush is long gone, and with him the idea that ‘Israel can do no wrong.’
Edgar Bronfman, Sr.
Al Gore has dedicated his life to detail. George W. Bush has not. He’s the first to admit it.
Peter Jennings
Once they have actually left office, we seem to grow fonder of our ex-presidents – and they of each other. That’s why so many sighed in approval at Michelle Obama’s public display of affection with George W. Bush at last month’s dedication of the National Museum of African-American History and Culture.
Gwen Ifill
I look at what the polls say about attributes. I noticed in 2004 that George W. Bush led John Kerry by double digits for eight straight months on the question of who is more likely to take a position and stick with it.
Kellyanne Conway
A lot of young poets today, from what I’ve heard and experienced, can’t get their heads past George W. Bush, and I’ve heard so many poems about this democracy and this era of politics that I’m kind of bored by it.
Amber Tamblyn
Nearly every president in the past 100 years has declared national monuments, from Teddy Roosevelt creating the Grand Canyon National Monument to George W. Bush preserving 10 islands and 140,000 square miles of ocean waters in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands.
Frances Beinecke
It’s one thing to earnestly try but fail to bring the two sides together. Though Democrats will deny it, that was the case with George W. Bush.
David Limbaugh
You know no one will ever accuse me as having the same policies as George W. Bush.
Hillary Clinton
George W. Bush is history’s president, a man for whom the long-term success or failure of democracy in Iraq will determine his place in history.
Andrew Breitbart
George W. Bush has much to evaluate: he has presided over the most sweeping redesign of U.S. grand strategy since the presidency of Franklin D. Roosevelt.
John Lewis Gaddis
After the 2000 election, which hinged on the results of a recount in Florida, Democrats smeared President George W. Bush as ‘selected, not elected.’
Mollie Hemingway
President George W. Bush campaigned on a promise to not nation-build. Instead, he launched a war against Iraq, notably mostly for its many years of nation-building that followed.
Mollie Hemingway
Evangelicals catapulted George W. Bush back to the White House.
Al Sharpton
Bob Gates has unusual standing in the debate about the Obama administration’s foreign policy: He was defense secretary for both a hawkish President George W. Bush and a wary President Obama. He understood Bush’s desire to project power and Obama’s skepticism.
David Ignatius
Tony Blair is one of the most significant world leaders of the modern era. He has a remarkable story to tell. His tenure as prime minister was marked by close relationships with Presidents Clinton and George W. Bush, and he enjoys a profile in this country that is rare among foreign leaders.
Sonny Mehta
George W. Bush is very popular in Sub-Saharan Africa. Why? Because of PEPFAR, the President’s Emergency Program for AIDS Relief.
Hillary Clinton
This book here, ‘The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder,’ in it, I put together a case against George Bush that could result – it absolutely could result in his being prosecuted for first-degree murder in an American courtroom.
Vincent Bugliosi