Top 90 Programmes Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Programmes Quotes from famous people such as H. D. Kumaraswamy, Nico Hulkenberg, Alain Dehaze, Guy Martin, Julia Davis, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

As chief minister, I have worked towards implementing p

As chief minister, I have worked towards implementing programmes strongly.
H. D. Kumaraswamy
I’m in the factory a lot so I see how hard the guys work, but you never really know how quickly and effectively the other teams’ development programmes are going until you get to the track. It’s only then that we will be able to tell.
Nico Hulkenberg
I strongly believe in the apprenticeship model because we see in a lot of countries the local education system is not providing talent that businesses need. So it is important that there is an alignment between what the companies need and the education system, so the education system can build the right programmes.
Alain Dehaze
Building the machine for ‘Speed’ was fun, as was working on the ‘Spitfire’ programme. They are programmes I enjoyed being on, but they are not my job.
Guy Martin
I love watching programmes about food. I always think, ‘When I’m old, I’ll take up baking.’ There’s something calming about watching the recipe and thinking, ‘I’m going to make that’ – and it’s never going to happen.
Julia Davis
I would love to be an historian. I’m a bit of a history geek and love books and programmes on the subject.
Greg Rutherford
I love Michel Roux, Jr., and James Martin – the chefs who are experts in their own right, like Rick Stein on fish. But I don’t watch them very much because I don’t think it’s fair for my husband to be in a total food environment all the time! So we watch programmes about gardening more.
Mary Berry
Strictly is the master of all dance programmes. It’s so big!
Motsi Mabuse
I’ve spent so much of my life in what can be quite solitary professions, particularly when you’re fronting television programmes. I’ve been all over the world doing that on my own, to be able to enjoy that in the company of someone you adore makes it five times as good.
Tony Robinson
Have I ever presented a programme I don’t watch? Well, I’ve done loads of programmes that no one else watched!
Fiona Bruce
When NDTV produced its programmes on 24 hours with leaders on the campaign trail, its biggest draw was the exposure of what the leader is like in their home and at their dining table.
Ravish Kumar
I used to enjoy bad television, like really bad quiz programmes or sitcoms.
Kate Bush
Never underestimate the intelligence of the audience; make good programmes, and they will come.
Armando Iannucci
I never watch anything live, I record all my programmes and have a real binge on a Friday night and watch them all.
Katie Piper
The golden recipe for creating jobs is learning what kinds of people companies need and feeding them with training programmes.
Alain Dehaze
I’m supposed to be the director of a television company, but I’ve only ever seen that company as a vehicle for making the kind of programmes we wanted to make, getting our ideas on the screen.
Rory Bremner
I would say the film world has stopped operating as one. We have divided it into Hindi movies, Bengali movies, Tamil movies and so on. Earlier, there was only one channel and we all knew what was going on. Today, it is hard to keep track of programmes due to the advent of regional channels.
Mithun Chakraborty
The exceptional feature of education programmes in Punjab is that students of all federating units have their due share in them.
Shehbaz Sharif
I like cookery programmes: Anthony Bourdain going around the world eating stuff; Rick Stein – he’s another favourite.
Stephen Hendry
I had done debate programmes before and quite often you go into them thinking: ‘I might need to build some energy in the room.’ ‘On Question Time,’ the reverse is true. A lot of the time, I am just trying to not have it turn into a slanging match.
Fiona Bruce
Good intentions and grand theories do not make a good programme. Programmes work best when they’re based on a detailed und­er­standing of the problem being solved and how they are implemented on the ground.
Abhijit Banerjee
I have been in this business for over 30 years. I’ve seen a lot of development programmes. They don’t all run smoothly.
Marillyn Hewson
The government should promote community nurseries of mangrove species and other appropriate tree species chosen under the coastal bio-shield and agro-forestry programmes.
M. S. Swaminathan
I could suddenly see the pressures all around; these endless magazines and cheap reality TV programmes poking at women, humiliating us for every flaw. It makes me so angry. I really wonder what it is we are doing to ourselves, because I do think women can be the worst ones for picking each other apart.
Amanda Burton
I fail to understand how you can justify a poll tax on the entire population, yet exclude a significant proportion of that population from programmes that this tax is paying for.
Jonathan Dimbleby
There is nothing better than playing a scene with John Cleese or Maggie Smith. It’s electric. But I don’t think I’m the sort of person who needs to have an outer ego in order to produce something. I realised that through the travel programmes.
Michael Palin
You go down some street – no doubt it’s there, and we have to do something about it, and our programmes are designed to do that – but if that’s a picture of Newcastle, it’s not the one I recognise and I bet none in the North East do either.
John Prescott
My thought process was: We had decided to become a B2C company and build the UTV brand and we couldn’t be that as a TV producer or ad film-maker or doing in-flight programmes.
Ronnie Screwvala
Just as the policies and programmes for development have to adhere to the law of the land – respecting the basic principles underlying the Constitution – so, too, must the idea of Hindutva.
Sanjaya Baru
I was a kid at the end of the 1960s and in the early 1970s, so a lot of things changed. You had pop music coming up, with David Bowie, you had new television programmes and all these things. I was fascinated.
Dries van Noten
The one I really get on with is Princess Anne. Talk about calls a spade a shovel! And she’s so clued-up. She’s a patron of a number of charities. I’ve been involved in a couple and she’s not just a name. She knows the research programmes that are going on. She really does her homework.
Michael Ball
The fact that Facebook presents facial recognition prog

The fact that Facebook presents facial recognition programmes as a desirable development, well, that in itself is a decisive step toward fascism, as far as I’m concerned.
Christoph Waltz
Why not let the main parties wither? Because I know of no better vehicle than the political party to enable those with common values to come together and reach a position on issues that can then be offered up as a choice of programmes for voters.
Chuka Umunna
The civil rights movement is something I’ve looked into a lot. When I was about 23, I started reading up on it all and watching TV programmes.
Andre Gray
For citizens to become fully engaged in holding their leadership to account, accurate information is required to see where action is needed, to measure the results of policies and programmes, to build support for courageous decisions and to consolidate political legitimacy.
Mo Ibrahim
I won’t do ‘Strictly’ or any of those ghastly reality programmes. ‘I’m a Celebrity’ would be the end. It makes me shudder.
Mary Berry
One of the things I miss most about the U.K. is political TV, and I have one of those little gadgets, which means I can download British programmes illegally – that’s why it’s a guilty pleasure.
Raza Jaffrey
The household I grew up in… was rather like an Ovaltine advert. There was a huge fire, a kettle on the fire, the oven with the bread being baked every day, and there was the radio; it was very magical to hear all these wonderful programmes.
Brian Blessed
I do feel that over the years from watching programmes that tell people ‘you’re not good enough,’ I just don’t like it.
Ainsley Harriott
I am meeting Diaspora Jews all the time, and we are developing programmes to prevent distancing. We have a joint history, but we cannot take matters for granted. Israel is home for all of us, and part of the beauty of the country is its social diversity.
Ofra Strauss
All the education programmes provided by our foundations are in pursuit of a common vision to upgrade education standards and quality of life.
Lucio Tan
I wouldn’t call myself a geek, but I do sometimes teach Mommy and Daddy stuff about computers. And I do watch TV, but only informative programmes like the news and documentaries.
Adora Svitak
We want to reach free energy markets, but with subsidy programmes for those with low income, and not to have the subsidy in the form of lowering the energy prices, but through other programmes.
Mohammad bin Salman
Today’s children have very short attention spans because they are being reared on dreadful television programmes which are flickering away in the corner.
Claire Tomalin
I’ve chosen not to go to Sky or ITV because the programmes I’ve made at the BBC, I want to carry on making.
Fiona Bruce
What government has been doing, we’ve got major programmes now, of billions of pounds, which are directed by central government into these areas of deprivation.
John Prescott
If we had, we would have realised sooner that Indigenous organisations are sometimes not the appropriate channel for programmes to help the stolen generations, because many of them play little part in Indigenous associations.
Malcolm Fraser
I know there have been some catastrophically unpopular programmes on television over the years. Has it ever got to the point where the only person still interested in what’s happening is the person who’s on the telly?
James May
Nah, I don’t watch TV either, apart from a few sports programmes. I just don’t have the time.
Eric Bristow
At the undergraduate level, SNU has a unique ‘Opportunities for Undergraduate Research’ programme. Students are encouraged to undertake research programmes at the undergraduate level and get trained in the interdisciplinary research.
Shiv Nadar
Being in opposition takes some getting used to. As a former minister, you don’t just lose your job and the enormous resources of the civil service, you also have to watch programmes that you were involved in being gradually dismantled.
David Lammy
You get fed up watching shows with not much care and love, reality programmes where they put people in a house for a fortnight and film them doing everything, or where participants arrive after lunch and do the programme at six.
Ronnie Corbett
My mum has recorded all my programmes and not watched one. My dad says he finds it embarrassing.
Sue Perkins
My father got a trade union scholarship to Oxford; he lived and breathed politics; he was always watching current-affairs programmes. But I have a five-year-old child’s attitude towards the news. Mainly, that it absolutely turns me off.
Jez Butterworth
It worries me that young singers think you can shortcut the training and go straight to fame and fortune, and programmes like Pop Idol have encouraged that.
Lesley Garrett
I was broadcast-struck from an early age; I had saved up for a tape recorder and started making programmes.
Nigel Rees
We design our own programmes; we take leadership. Of course the donors come in to support us, to complement our efforts. Our responsibility to the donors is about accountability: about how we use that money. If somebody gives you his money, definitely he will be interested in knowing how you spend the money.
Jakaya Kikwete
Corporate partners help UNICEF fund our programmes for children, advocate with us on their behalf, or facilitate our work through logistical, technical, research or supply support.
Carol Bellamy
I have been determined for the past couple of years to move away from all those Holiday programmes.
Jill Dando
When historians write the last pages of their books, and the producers of history documentaries sit down to edit the final minutes of their programmes, there is often a strong urge to look to the future and emphasise the positive.
David Olusoga
The BBC does a sterling job, but I’d like to see it do more. ITV does four arts programmes a year; it used to be 28. At least Sky, with its two arts channels, is trying.
Melvyn Bragg
Our new programmes have always just been different vehicles for the same sort of comedy.
Bob Mortimer
Travelling to make television programmes means I have s

Travelling to make television programmes means I have some unusual food memories. In Pasto, Colombia, I was taken to a restaurant where I chose my meat for the evening from a cage of white rats. It tasted perfectly good – like rabbit.
Jonathan Dimbleby
There are only a handful of really good TV programmes, and I’m blessed to be in one of them.
Peter Capaldi
I don’t like going on TV programmes.
Andrea Pirlo
It is at programmes organised on the sidelines of temple festivals that you get to see raw audiences who will let you know immediately whether the act has clicked or not. It was those audiences who taught me how to strike a rapport with the audience.
Suraj Venjaramood
I do think the BBC could do more, but I’ve always thought the BBC could do more – I think there should be more arts programmes full stop.
Melvyn Bragg
In India, while there are some initiatives working with and for adolescent girls, there are too few state sponsored programmes for adolescent boys, be it rural or urban.
Rohini Nilekani
Architects typically inherit programmes or sites. We maybe twist the programme a little bit, bring our own invention into it, and we feel perfectly happy when we walk away. It doesn’t feel like quite enough.
Elizabeth Diller
Put me in a costume, and I’m your man. I must have one of those faces which seems to suit period drama more than modern films and TV programmes. But I’m not complaining, I love going back in time. I feel quite lucky because nobody knows who I am. I can walk about and have ordinary conversations with people.
Hans Matheson
We have been in the wellness space for more than seven years, mostly through our Zee TV network in America, which offers programmes on holistic approaches to health and wellbeing.
Subhash Chandra
Unlike other flagship programmes, which have been left with unpronounceable acronyms, like MGNREGA and JNNURM, Bharat Nirman struck a popular chord.
Sanjaya Baru
Over the past 20 years, I have presented many science programmes on BBC1. But none is, I think, more socially important, or of more human interest, than this ongoing series of ‘Child of Our Time.’
Robert Winston
I don’t like celebrity programmes – but I do like programmes about how ideas are formed and evolve.
Brian Eno
After the war, I went to the BBC monitoring service in Caversham, a suburb of Reading. It was a big aerial system to listen to radio programmes all over the world.
Michael Bond
The animal birth control and anti-rabies programmes, which are under the threat of being altered or discontinued, need to be strengthened in order to address the issue of the stray dog menace.
Amala Akkineni
I wished they did more things like ‘How’ and ‘Tomorrow’s World.’ Programmes about how things work.
Zoe Ball
We need more imagination, more innovation and more public financing for projects and programmes that harness the positive energy of young men.
Rohini Nilekani
When I was a kid there were a very select few channels – programmes had to have more of a large appeal and they just didn’t offer very much. Now you have a situation where the television world has expanded and there’s hundreds of channels.
Bryan Cranston
‘Bake Off’ is one of my favourite programmes, so I was genuinely a little bit shocked and very excited when I was asked to take part.
Zoe Sugg
By measuring the proportion of children living with the same parents from birth and whether their parents report a good quality relationship we are driving home the message that social programmes should promote family stability and avert breakdown.
Iain Duncan Smith
One thing Aussie telly does well is slightly different versions of programmes we’ve made. The trailers for ‘Celebrity Splash’ prove they don’t just pick the good stuff either.
Sarah Millican
The relatively unpredictable flow of funds to humanitarian organizations, and the bureaucratic strings often attached to them, can have a highly negative impact on an organization’s ability to plan and execute programmes effectively. We need to be able to rely on predictable income flows to plan sustainable programmes.
Peter Maurer
I love cookery programmes.
Cilla Black
My mother was devoted to helping people – with my father’s money! – who had great voices but didn’t have the financial means to study music. He and my mum gave away dozens of music scholarships, and my mum opened a school in town, introduced opera to children and created fantastic programmes.
Salma Hayek
Through the 1990s, the fracturing of Tasmanian Aboriginal politics was given impetus by the ongoing corruption of a number of black organisations started under federal government programmes, with large amounts of public money being lost.
Richard Flanagan
I hate Gordon Ramsay’s programmes: I don’t know if he’s been told it makes good television.
Mary Berry
The police who did our training said ‘Happy Valley’ is one of the only police programmes they can watch and not burst out laughing, saying, ‘As if you’d do that.’ They think it’s really authentic.
Katherine Kelly
When I used to return in the early morning after late-night programmes, the first people I see on the roads at the break of dawn are sweepers, newspaper vendors and milkmen. Since they were all from my hometown, I would stop to talk to them before going home. So I am quite used to their lifestyle and work.
Suraj Venjaramood
One of the headaches of high-tech test programmes is having to debug the test arrangements before you can start debugging the things you’re trying to test.
Henry Spencer