Top 90 Sam Taylor-Johnson Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Sam Taylor-Johnson Quotes, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

When Scorsese or Coppola cast celebrities in their work

When Scorsese or Coppola cast celebrities in their work, it goes without question.
Sam Taylor-Johnson
People in love don’t see gender, colour or religion. Or age. It’s about the other person, the one that you love and who loves you. You don’t think of them in terms of a label. You just go with your heart.
Sam Taylor-Johnson
I feel like I became an artist by default. I went to art college, but my interest was always more towards film than painting or sculpture.
Sam Taylor-Johnson
I went to Goldsmith College of Art in London in the ’80s and there I made sculptures, but the objects had nothing to do with how I was thinking. I was making beautifully sanded wooden boxes!
Sam Taylor-Johnson
My work is made on lines similar to those of a film production. A lot of my work is kind of bureaucratic, endlessly phoning up people, trying to find the cameraman and the lighting man, because I am a total technology-phobe, quite helpless with equipment.
Sam Taylor-Johnson
I am not famous at all.
Sam Taylor-Johnson
Finding your place as an artist is the hardest thing. You come out of college with what feels like a Mickey Mouse degree that qualifies you for nothing in the real world.
Sam Taylor-Johnson
Having children is exciting. Life puts the past into perspective.
Sam Taylor-Johnson
At school, I always felt the art room was the place where you could sit and talk. It was a place of solace. I wasn’t the best artist at school by a long shot; it was more the understanding and the support that came from that room.
Sam Taylor-Johnson
I was determined to have a spotless house when I grew up.
Sam Taylor-Johnson
I feel like I’ve lost 10 years of my life to cancer.
Sam Taylor-Johnson
Sometimes when you’re looking at your own work, you can’t really see, and it’s only when you step back a little bit later that you think, ‘Oh, that’s completely in line with everything else I’ve done.’
Sam Taylor-Johnson
My mum has lived in Australia for 22 years now, and we have a rocky relationship. But at the same time it’s one I want to maintain. I need her to be my mum. The relationship took a lot of rebuilding.
Sam Taylor-Johnson
I almost never cry, and it’s something I don’t like about myself. I sometimes try and make myself cry. Sometimes, when I’m in pain, I say if I could just cry it would make it so much easier.
Sam Taylor-Johnson
I was always interested in film, but I never knew how to go about becoming a filmmaker.
Sam Taylor-Johnson
I have a massive phobia for schedules and calendars. I need people to tell me where I need to be. I can’t bear to see it in black and white. I think it’s a fear of being pinned down.
Sam Taylor-Johnson
When I was out in Georgia doing photographs, I found myself trying to undo my own sense of composition. I’d think, ‘Why do I want to take it like this? Is it because I want to take a beautiful picture?’ It’s quite hard to try and undo it.
Sam Taylor-Johnson
I find that I put my body in my work when I am at a particularly difficult or joyous point because I want to feel that moment.
Sam Taylor-Johnson
I can be a bit extreme. I’ll spend too much time running round the park, doing yoga and drinking green tea. I can get a bit obsessive. I have to rein it in sometimes.
Sam Taylor-Johnson
Shooting at Coco Chanel’s apartment was an unexpectedly absorbing experience. The essence of Chanel is firmly rooted there in all of her possessions, and I truly believe that her spirit and soul still inhabit the second floor.
Sam Taylor-Johnson
My mum has always been quite free-spirited, and she has taught me a lot. I think that is probably why I have the sort of mind that I do.
Sam Taylor-Johnson
When I had cancer – of the colon first, followed by breast cancer and a mastectomy – my motto used to be ‘Drips by day, Prada by night.’ I felt that I had to grasp it in the same way as you’d take on any challenge.
Sam Taylor-Johnson
I’m annoying to be around because I keep twitching.
Sam Taylor-Johnson
Money scares me, and it always has done. I’ve got a childish concept of money, and I like to keep it that way in the sense that I don’t like to think about it.
Sam Taylor-Johnson
I’m very blessed with the perfect husband.
Sam Taylor-Johnson
I’m good at keeping secrets.
Sam Taylor-Johnson
My mum told me once I was a Hindu.
Sam Taylor-Johnson
I always say, and I truly believe this, that my work is three steps ahead of me. I have an idea for something and I tend to feel like it’s leading me and I’ll follow the process through, and it’s not until after I’ve seen it that I truly understand why I’m doing this.
Sam Taylor-Johnson
I love life. I think it’s fantastic. Sometimes it deals hard things, and when it deals great things, you have to seize them.
Sam Taylor-Johnson
I don’t understand why there aren’t more powerful female directors. I don’t have the answers, but I hope that things may start to shift and that studios will employ more women to handle strong and interesting material.
Sam Taylor-Johnson
I’m the lightest sleeper. I can hear a pin drop. It’s been worse since I was ill. I think your inner ear is always half open, listening out for the faintest danger sign.
Sam Taylor-Johnson
I want to protect my vision, and that's the hardest thi

I want to protect my vision, and that’s the hardest thing.
Sam Taylor-Johnson
If you look at art history, at Goya or Gainsborough, it’s always about acknowledging the people of your time who have influence.
Sam Taylor-Johnson
You have to be brave when you’ve got a kid.
Sam Taylor-Johnson
I was living with my stepfather for a while, and then I moved out and went and lived on my own in Hastings-by-the-Sea from about 16.
Sam Taylor-Johnson
I think you only see experiences as defining moments with distance.
Sam Taylor-Johnson
When I was eight, a hippie guy taught me how to meditate and gave me this scarf I was supposed to wear when I meditated. I still have it; it’s probably one of the items that mean most to me.
Sam Taylor-Johnson
I think I just love films where men have complete breakdowns.
Sam Taylor-Johnson
My biggest fears aren’t with my work. My biggest fears are walking through hospital doors. Once you can face that, being fearless about your work is easy.
Sam Taylor-Johnson
You think, ‘You hired me because I’m a creative artist with a vision. Don’t try and knock it out of me.’
Sam Taylor-Johnson
I went out of my way to try not to be an artist, because I thought I would end up leading a miserable, obscure life. I tried to escape it for as long as I could, until I had to admit at 25 that that was my path.
Sam Taylor-Johnson
Sometimes photographing people is like pulling teeth, trying to get some sort of personality.
Sam Taylor-Johnson
I’m interested in taking raw human emotions and then isolating them without any narrative structure. In order to achieve this, I try to break out of the narrative conventions that you’d see in a typical feature film.
Sam Taylor-Johnson
I seize all opportunities with two hands. Everything that’s happened to me has taught me to live in the moment as much as possible.
Sam Taylor-Johnson
Even today I work with Niall O’Brien, who is far more technically astute than I am, but I still have the clearest idea of every detail I want in my photograph.
Sam Taylor-Johnson
Anonymity would be a fantastic umbrella. I don’t like intrusion.
Sam Taylor-Johnson
I can be very self-destructive, but quietly.
Sam Taylor-Johnson
I think I was lucky I got into art college. That’s what saved me.
Sam Taylor-Johnson
It would be nice to be a bit autonomous again, to enjoy something a bit quiet.
Sam Taylor-Johnson
It’s difficult for me to work with women, because I find that direct references are made back to me too fast. Working with men, it gives it a little distance.
Sam Taylor-Johnson
I love showing my scar on my tummy – it is shaped like a question mark.
Sam Taylor-Johnson
I felt giving birth was the most creative act of all my creative acts – literally creation!
Sam Taylor-Johnson
I’ve been through plenty in my life where I’ve really had to focus on the day ahead… because, as I know, the future is, you know, whatever the future is… Once you’ve stared mortality that hard in the face, you really seize the day.
Sam Taylor-Johnson
Seeing a new play in a first-time production is so exciting – when it’s good, you want to shout from the rooftops.
Sam Taylor-Johnson
When I had cancer, people were surprised at how cheerful and upbeat I was, but I couldn’t let myself go to depression – to go there, that defeat would allow everything in. If you look too far into the abyss, you might never come out again. You can stand on the abyss and peep but not give in to sadness.
Sam Taylor-Johnson
The way I was grew up gave me a slight fearlessness and a sense of independence. There are things about it that have definitely informed me. And then, as a parent, it’s done the opposite. It’s made me feel much more protective. There are boundaries in my kids’ lives that I don’t think I had.
Sam Taylor-Johnson
Directing ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ has been an intense and incredible journey for which I am hugely grateful. I have Universal to thank for that.
Sam Taylor-Johnson
Sometimes, I get afraid it has defined me, that sense of grief, loss and illness. But actually, it is about allowing myself to take hold and say: ‘This is part of who I am, but not only who I am.’
Sam Taylor-Johnson
Britain can sometimes feel like a very small village, and you’re this, I dunno, scarlet woman they’re all gossiping about.
Sam Taylor-Johnson
People tell you you’re having chemotherapy, but there are different types of chemotherapy, and you don’t know which one you’re going to get and how it’s going to affect you. The people in the hospitals don’t always have time to help you understand it.
Sam Taylor-Johnson
I’ve always lived my life fearlessly, and what I want to do with my life, I do.
Sam Taylor-Johnson
When you have an author and an auteur, it’s a difficult and challenging relationship.
Sam Taylor-Johnson
Just because you've faced your own mortality, it doesn'

Just because you’ve faced your own mortality, it doesn’t make it any less frightening.
Sam Taylor-Johnson