Top 95 Dangers Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Dangers Quotes from famous people such as Amy Jo Martin, Tony Blair, Chris Meledandri, Bettany Hughes, Phil Gingrey, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

We don't like what we don't know or understand. Parents

We don’t like what we don’t know or understand. Parents don’t like the thought of their kids embracing social media because they don’t fully understand the benefits and dangers.
Amy Jo Martin
Whatever the dangers of the action we take, the dangers of inaction are far, far greater.
Tony Blair
Ted Geisel was trying to make a statement about awareness and personal responsibility. He was very clear about that. But the ideas and themes in ‘The Lorax’ go beyond a love of trees. It’s also a story about the dangers of greed and the power of redemption. That’s what makes it a timeless tale.
Chris Meledandri
To me that is what the Odyssey is all about, it’s about being in the world and unexpected challenges and dangers are thrown at you.
Bettany Hughes
As a physician for over 30 years, I am well aware of the dangers infectious diseases pose.
Phil Gingrey
We know no one is perfect, but what we cannot tolerate, what we will never accept, is a person or company that knows dangers exists and says nothing – literally, silence can kill.
Anthony Foxx
If I wished to do something, even if I couldn’t find anyone who wanted to make the effort with me, I would go out solo climbing. I did find solo climbing very challenging and a little frightening. You knew that you were completely on your own, and you had to overcome all the problems and possible dangers.
Edmund Hillary
Here, in Cork district, you have in combination all the dangers which war can inflict.
Eamon de Valera
There is a measure needing courage to adopt and enforce it, which I believe to be of virtue sufficient to redeem the nation in this its darkest hour: one only; I know of no other to which we may rationally trust for relief from impending dangers without and within.
Robert Dale Owen
Since taking office, President Obama has worked to restore a positive vision of American leadership in the world – leadership defined, not by the threats and dangers that we will oppose, but by the security, opportunity and dignity that America advances in partnership with people around the world.
John O. Brennan
How great are the dangers I face to win a good name in Athens.
Alexander the Great
I appeal to you as a soldier to spare me the humiliation of seeing my regiment march to meet the enemy and I not share its dangers.
George Armstrong Custer
It’s a pretty stark choice: you either deal with the dangers of the sport or you get out of the car.
Dario Franchitti
The feminists who are aware of the effects of patriarchy realize that we are all in the same boat from the dangers of patriarchy, and that the oppression of women is universal.
Nawal El Saadawi
I learned early about the misery and dangers of life, and about the afterlife, about the external punishment which awaited the children of sin in Hell.
Edvard Munch
There is something about building up a comradeship – that I still believe is the greatest of all feats – and sharing in the dangers with your company of peers. It’s the intense effort, the giving of everything you’ve got. It’s really a very pleasant sensation.
Edmund Hillary
We must renew our efforts to keep our communities safe, from the dangers of terrorists from foreign lands and from common criminals here at home. Let no criminal believe that tough fiscal times will yield an open cell door and a ticket to freedom.
Bill Owens
One can never speak enough of the virtues, the dangers, the power of shared laughter.
Francoise Sagan
Indeed, many of life’s most fun and pleasurable choices come with potential dangers. It’s important for my son to grow up recognizing that what might appear exciting or inviting at first glance could also have eventual negative consequences.
Karen Salmansohn
Whatever the immediate gains and losses, the dangers to our safety arising from political suppression are always greater than the dangers to the safety resulting from political freedom. Suppression is always foolish. Freedom is always wise.
Alexander Meiklejohn
There are always great dangers in letting the best be the enemy of the good.
Roy Jenkins
The new century has brought on its own terrible dangers, which although not reaching the apocalyptic potential of the Cold War, still have the capacity to shake our world.
Adam Schiff
I’m a risk-taker. Most of my career has not been a joyful experience, but it has been challenging. I like the dangers.
Michael Douglas
It’s a problem for him because he’s got – like Edward VII had – nearly all his lifetime to wait until he becomes Monarch. What is he going to do with it? So he wants to do something positive but he always courts those dangers.
Anthony Holden
Any plan of administration which contemplates a concentrating of responsibility is open to the dangers which follow the creation of a bureaucracy.
Arthur Capper
We cannot banish dangers, but we can banish fears. We must not demean life by standing in awe of death.
David Sarnoff
In New York, if you weigh under 200 pounds and decline so much as a cookie at a co-worker’s party, women will flock to your side, assuring you of your appealing physique. This is how skittish we are about the dangers of anorexia and the pressures of body image.
Sloane Crosley
If slavery, limited as it yet is, now threatens to subvert the Constitution, how can we as wise and prudent statesmen, enlarge its boundaries and increase its influence, and thus increase already impending dangers?
William H. Seward
Just getting from the airport straight to the gym is gonna be your best bet to knock off that rust and wake yourself up and get that blood flowing. You sit in a car or a plane cramped up, you lose a lot of blood flow and get that swelling in your legs. There are all kinds of dangers in sitting still too long.
Roman Reigns
I have sometimes been haunted with the idea that it was an imperative duty, knowing what I know, and having seen what I have seen, to do all that lies in my power to show the dangers and the evils of this frightful institution.
Fanny Kemble
Every sport has its dangers. I’ve been pretty lucky, knock on wood. But I’ve had really confident, brave and smart horses growing up, which I think is important when you’re young. You are working with massive animals over big fences, and especially at this top level, there is really no room for error.
Jessica Springsteen
Courage enlarges, cowardice diminishes resources. In de

Courage enlarges, cowardice diminishes resources. In desperate straits the fears of the timid aggravate the dangers that imperil the brave.
Christian Nestell Bovee
Bring me another bad one, and I shall protect my British people – I brought down Thatcher to protect my people, and I’m bringing down Tony to defend them, and I’ll be there for any other dangers that come along.
Rik Mayall
I put my life in danger every time I do some of these demonstrations, whether it’s in the audience hanging upside down or on the stage. We now have a lot of dangerous stunts where anything can go wrong. In fact, I have fallen two stories and landed on the stage, so I am well aware of the dangers.
Criss Angel
Yet, our achievements also mask many continuing failings and seem to expose more future dangers.
Hun Sen
I work to raise awareness of the dangers of drinking and driving and substance abuse, primarily with youth.
Morgan Ortagus
The dangers of TATP bombs can be seen in the case of Matthew Rugo and Curtis Jetton, 21-year-old roommates in Texas City, Texas. They didn’t have any bomb-making training and were manufacturing explosives in 2006 from concentrated bleach when their concoction blew up, killing Rugo and injuring Jetton.
Peter Bergen
In 1962, President Kennedy succeeded in captivating Americans by explaining the advantages of being the first country to reach the moon and the dangers of allowing another nation to beat us there.
Mario Cuomo
The dangers of an Afghan collapse are many: Afghan deaths, a loss of American prestige, a loss of NATO prestige, a moral blow to U.S. troops and veterans, a Taliban resurgence, huge setbacks for women, and greater power for Pakistan and Pakistani extremists.
Richard Engel
There is no way around the contradictions and dangers inherent in Israel’s decision to free over 1,000 prisoners in order to liberate Gilad Shalit.
Elliott Abrams
The velocity and knee-jerk response to events happening in real time that television brings us precludes any kind of reflection or contemplation and therefore analysis. And that’s been one of the greatest political dangers in the post-war era. The idea of the reasoned, thoughtful response goes out of the window.
Bill Viola
But I love Halloween, and I love that feeling: the cold air, the spooky dangers lurking around the corner.
Evan Peters
We arrived at the 2002 World Cup with two titles, very calm, well organised, maybe missing a bit of concentration. But the only truth is on the pitch. The dangers are there.
Didier Deschamps
A move to a different town or school gives us new places to explore, new people to meet; a lost pet means we have to organize a careful search; baby-sitting requires looking out for dangers a young child can’t foresee; a car crash or fire demands that we get help immediately.
Jim Murphy
I was happy in the midst of dangers and inconveniences.
Daniel Boone
I think the dangers are different now. Our abuse of the planet and our resources is an anxiety.
Carol Ann Duffy
I don’t know if it’s a male thing, but I’ve always been interested in how people respond to the stresses and dangers of war, how they react under fire.
George Packer
Making the leap from Monsanto’s business practices – whatever you may think of them – to the ‘dangers’ of GM foods is a mistake in logical reasoning. It is akin to saying landscape paintings are potentially evil because the painter was a serial killer.
Kyle Hill
While we rejoice in the new possibilities open to humanity, we also see the dangers arising from these possibilities, and we must ask ourselves how we can overcome them.
Pope Benedict XVI
Constant exposure to dangers will breed contempt for them.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca
I would much rather we concentrated on the immediate, still-potent dangers, such as nuclear weapons, runaway climate change, and so on. Sort those out, then worry about Hal 9000.
Alastair Reynolds
I have warned many times about the guaranteed dangers of betting with your heart instead of your head – big darkness, soon come – but every once in a while you get a fair chance to have it both ways, and the annual NCAA basketball Tournament is one of them.
Hunter S. Thompson
Monarchs ought to put to death the authors and instigators of war, as their sworn enemies and as dangers to their states.
Elizabeth I
Above all else, we need a reaffirmation of political commitment at the highest levels to reducing the dangers that arise both from existing nuclear weapons and from further proliferation.
Kofi Annan
I’m neurotic about children. I see dangers everywhere – sharp corners, stairs.
Tamsin Egerton
Sectarian political festivals are not the way Londoners want their money to be spent. Most of us, I suspect, just want to be trusted to get on with other people and not be instructed by activists about the dangers of racism.
Munira Mirza
I experience for the American officers and soldiers that friendship which arises from having shared with them for a length of time dangers, sufferings, and both good and evil fortune.
Marquis de Lafayette
My parents realized the dangers of raising a daughter in a social, political, and legal climate that was growing increasingly oppressive toward women and girls. Although they fled to London when I was just three weeks old, the challenges facing women’s rights in Iran became ingrained in my social consciousness.
Nazanin Boniadi
The whole gist of ‘All That Jazz’ is Faustian. It’s about a man who sells his soul to show business – which Bob didn’t do. He understood the dangers of glamour and falling into that kind of life.
Ann Reinking
Every time I turn on the TV, it infuriates me. You’ll see an ad for Advil or Viagra and hear some monotonous voice warn you about even the smaller side effects like headaches or nausea. When you see a tampon commercial, it’s all happy teenage girls running along the beach in bikinis. The dangers are beyond minimized.
Lauren Wasser
I think if you’re impregnated with good literature, with good culture, you’re much more difficult to manipulate, and you’re much more aware of the dangers that powers represent.
Mario Vargas Llosa
I think one of the great dangers here is going and categorizing anybody from one religion as a terrorist. That’s not true… That would let the terrorists win. That’s what they want us to do.
Michael Bloomberg
How is it that, in the face of overwhelming scientific

How is it that, in the face of overwhelming scientific evidence, there are still some who would deny the dangers of climate change? Not surprisingly, the loudest voices are not scientific, and it is remarkable how many economists, lawyers, journalists and politicians set themselves up as experts on the science.
Nicholas Stern
The fishermen know that the sea is dangerous and the storm terrible, but they have never found these dangers sufficient reason for remaining ashore.
Vincent Van Gogh
One of the biggest dangers in Hollywood is becoming typed.
Luise Rainer
I make no apologies in admitting that I take very seriously the dehumanizing dangers in our tendency in modern science to make man over into the image of the machine, into the image of the techniques by which we study him.
Rollo May
Statistics on the dangers guns pose to the health of their owners and those who live with them suggest that I’d be safer selling my guns than reserving them for ‘Tombstone II.’
Walter Kirn
Freedom of conscience entails more dangers than authority and despotism.
Michel Foucault
Follow the path of the unsafe, independent thinker. Expose your ideas to the dangers of controversy. Speak your mind and fear less the label of ‘crackpot’ than the stigma of conformity. And on issues that seem important to you, stand up and be counted at any cost.
Chauncey Depew
The greatest dangers to liberty lurk in the insidious encroachment by men of zeal, well meaning but without understanding.
Louis D. Brandeis
Indeed, one of the least-talked-about dangers of our ever-expanding entitlement culture is that it threatens the viability of these necessary programs for those who genuinely need and use them as a bridge to a better life.
Rachel Campos-Duffy
More and more people in my country recognise the dangers of having their governors appointed by Putin and having no influence in parliament because Parliament today is also following instructions from Kremlin and no longer represents its people.
Garry Kasparov
There are dangers to riding the tiger of populism.
Penny Mordaunt
You think about the dangers, you accept them and you go about your job, it is only if you start to think about it too much in the car that you’d have a problem.
Dario Franchitti
I just thought to myself, ‘What am I doing? Is this how I’m going to live my adult life, banging my head, especially with what I’ve learned and know about the dangers?’
Chris Borland
The doomsayers of the 1970s were wrong about how quickly the world would run out of oil, but not about the dangers that hydrocarbon consumption posed to the global environment, especially with respect to climate change.
Timothy Noah
A man does what he must – in spite of personal consequences, in spite of obstacles and dangers and pressures – and that is the basis of all human morality.
John F. Kennedy
As a science-fiction writer, I feel my responsibility is to look ahead and see the dangers of what might happen and try to warn people of the potential pitfalls.
Nick Sagan
Artificial intelligence is just a new tool, one that can be used for good and for bad purposes and one that comes with new dangers and downsides as well. We know already that although machine learning has huge potential, data sets with ingrained biases will produce biased results – garbage in, garbage out.
Sarah Jeong
The consequence of a world full of nuclear powers to me is so incomprehensible in terms of the dangers that that implies.
Lawrence Eagleburger
The dangers of a concentration of all power in the general government of a confederacy so vast as ours are too obvious to be disregarded.
Franklin Pierce
Life on Earth is at the ever-increasing risk of being wiped out by a disaster, such as sudden global nuclear war, a genetically engineered virus or other dangers we have not yet thought of.
Stephen Hawking
While Hurricane Katrina demonstrated the dangers of failing to evacuate hospitals from the path of a storm, Hurricane Gustav demonstrated that moving thousands of sick people has its own risks. Gustav also highlighted a critical vulnerability of American hospitals – an inability to withstand prolonged blackouts.
Sheri Fink
Risk analysis can cater to any sort of hazard, but their profession owes its existence to a relatively narrow band of possible dangers.
Ian Hacking
Dangers bring fears, and fears more dangers bring.
Richard Baxter
The Puritans were obsessed with the dangers of wealth.
Leland Ryken
Great dangers give birth to great resolutions.
Auguste Escoffier
I feel like I’ve been very smart in the way that I carry myself and treat myself. I feel like my mom was a big part of that just because she’s always let us make our own decisions, and we’ve known very much about the mistakes and the dangers already of whatever this Hollywood life may be.
Evan Ross
Kante senses dangers and knows where the ball is going to be. He has that in his DNA. Paul Pogba has more in his DNA to be up there, create.
Graeme Souness
Many words are not wanting to show that the particular view of each court occasioned the dangers which affected the public tranquillity; yet the whole is charged to my account. Nor is this sufficient.
Robert Walpole
I thought that people should know about the dangers of Satanism, and diabolism does exist – there’s no question about it.
Christopher Lee
We are willing enough to praise freedom when she is safely tucked away in the past and cannot be a nuisance. In the present, amidst dangers whose outcome we cannot foresee, we get nervous about her, and admit censorship.
E. M. Forster
Humanity will… be confronted with dangers of unprecedented character unless, in due time, measures can be taken to forestall a disastrous competition in such formidable armaments and to establish an international control of the manufacture and use of the powerful materials.
Niels Bohr
There are the medical dangers of football in general ca

There are the medical dangers of football in general caused by head trauma over repetitive hits.
H. G. Bissinger
We all know the dangers of sequels. Lightning doesn’t strike twice in the same place too often, and I think you’ve got to move beyond it, go the extra mile and have the courage not to just repeat the first one.
Colin Firth