Top 95 Flowing Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Flowing Quotes from famous people such as Steve Carell, Seamus Heaney, Thomas Middleditch, Jane Siberry, Arthur Schopenhauer, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

A healthy body means a healthy mind. You get your heart

A healthy body means a healthy mind. You get your heart rate up, and you get the blood flowing through your body to your brain. Look at Albert Einstein. He rode a bicycle. He was also an early student of Jazzercise. You never saw Einstein lift his shirt, but he had a six-pack under there.
Steve Carell
I have always thought of poems as stepping stones in one’s own sense of oneself. Every now and again, you write a poem that gives you self-respect and steadies your going a little bit farther out in the stream. At the same time, you have to conjure the next stepping stone because the stream, we hope, keeps flowing.
Seamus Heaney
Over the years, I’ve had a slight ebbing and flowing of confidence in my non-comedic role abilities.
Thomas Middleditch
If you ask someone if they like music, they look at you strangely. It seems to be a universal given. Like asking someone if they like breathing. It is like breathing. Or air, rather. Flowing without and within. A matrix within which our lives are set. The setting for the tableware of our beings.
Jane Siberry
A man’s delight in looking forward to and hoping for some particular satisfaction is a part of the pleasure flowing out of it, enjoyed in advance. But this is afterward deducted, for the more we look forward to anything the less we enjoy it when it comes.
Arthur Schopenhauer
I always loved playing an attacking form of flowing football.
Gianfranco Zola
You must intensify and render continuous by repeatedly presenting with suggestive ideas and mental pictures of the feast of good things, and the flowing fountain, which awaits the successful achievement or attainment of the desires.
Claude M. Bristol
Information is lightning-quick. It crosses cities, states, and national borders in the twinkle of an eye. It passes through many kinds of devices, flowing from phone to phone and computer to computer, rather than being sealed away in those silent marble temples we used to call banks.
Sarah Jeong
We need to stop illegal weapons flowing from the U.S. into Mexico.
Luis Videgaray Caso
As with anything, you need to keep your creative juices flowing and keep the character interesting.
Sarah Michelle Gellar
The Safe Drinking Water Act was passed in 1974 after tests discovered carcinogens, lead and dangerous bacteria flowing from faucets in New Orleans, Pittsburgh and Boston and elsewhere.
Charles Duhigg
Coal research and development provides huge benefits for the nation, and pay for itself many times over through taxes flowing back to the Treasury from expanded economic activity.
Tim Holden
International cooperation is vital to keeping our globe safe, commerce flowing, and our planet habitable.
Angus Deaton
I’m all for skinny jeans, a flowing blouse, patterned flats and chunky jewels.
Sydney Wayser
The Fed has been acting in rare concert with central banks worldwide to encourage borrowing and spending – and risk. And because all the new money being unleashed has to flow somewhere, it’s been flowing, among other places, into the equity markets.
Neil Macdonald
If you think about writing a book, or when I did, it seems daunting, but when I began writing, it just started flowing.
Jimmy O. Yang
I’ve played American characters before, so I’ve naturally become more at ease. Still, there are some American words that I cannot get my tongue around, but if you keep it flowing, you are never too far away from the truth.
Rose Leslie
I don’t need no Tony Robbins. I don’t need no chi. I’ve got the blood of Jesus Christ flowing in my veins.
Diego Sanchez
You do it for the highs, when you’re totally engrossed and everything’s flowing and whatever you want, you get. It’s like magic. That’s why you play the game. That’s what it’s for. That’s why you work.
Greg Rusedski
How to play music may be known. At the commencement of the piece, all the parts should sound together. As it proceeds, they should be in harmony while severally distinct and flowing without break, and thus on to the conclusion.
When you look at all of the problems that are streaming and flowing over that border, the first thing we have to do is secure it. Job number one.
Matt Rosendale
Ab-Souls Outro’ serves as a jazzy, spoken summation of ‘Section.80’s themes. Guest cohort Ab-Soul opens the song with one urgent verse after another: Flowing freely like the saxophone behind him, his words advocate veering outside life’s most predictable pathways.
Anthony Fantano
Anecdotes are factoids of questionable provenance, burnished to a high gloss, often set in gilded venues and populated with familiar names as background atmosphere, purged of ambiguity in the interest of keeping the narrative flowing smoothly.
John Gregory Dunne
Part of your job as an artist is to push yourself and make sure your creative juices are flowing.
Benjamin Walker
The fast, flowing parts, the high-speed corners, that’s where a Formula One car is at its best – changes of direction, pulling high g-forces left and right.
Jenson Button
In film producing, there is an inherent tension between the director, the money and the producer, and that’s what keeps it flowing and honest and accountable.
Christine Vachon
I’m partial to stilettos. Stilettoes and long, flowing dresses are my new favourites.
Sania Mirza
Just getting from the airport straight to the gym is gonna be your best bet to knock off that rust and wake yourself up and get that blood flowing. You sit in a car or a plane cramped up, you lose a lot of blood flow and get that swelling in your legs. There are all kinds of dangers in sitting still too long.
Roman Reigns
Since my ‘Crown of Midnight’ tour in 2013, we’ve had such a rapid jump in audience numbers that we’ve had to move to bigger venues, cap events, and find new and creative ways to keep the line flowing while still allowing me the chance to chat with each person, which will always be very, very important to me.
Sarah J. Maas
I came home one day and Nick was in his bedroom reading ‘To Kill a Mockingbird,’ and the tears were just flowing down his cheeks, at the terrible injustice that was being described in that book and the bravery of fighting against it.
David Sheff
There are bridges that we have built not only between individual companies but also between associations. This will keep business and investments flowing.
Arancha Gonzalez
In 2009, at the height of the global economic crisis, i

In 2009, at the height of the global economic crisis, it was clear that we were seeing something new: the impacts of the crisis were flowing across borders at unprecedented velocity.
Ban Ki-moon
My focus is on the financial sector, on getting credit going, getting lending flowing. I can’t imagine anything that would have a bigger stimulative impact.
Henry Paulson
Any musician who can stop may be a musician, but they’re no artist. If it’s in your blood, it can’t stop flowing.
Paul Westerberg
T. E. Lawrence was far more than a glamorous, swashbuckling, heroic figure in flowing robes mounted on a camel, leading the Arab tribes against the Turks in World War One.
Michael Korda
I always have melodies flowing in my head – whether I’m just at home, at the mall, at a restaurant or wherever. I’m always humming along to the random melodies that form in my head. My friends always ask me, ‘What are you singing?’ and I’ll be like, ‘I don’t know!’
The Internet has exceeded our collective expectations as a revolutionary spring of information, news, and ideas. It is essential that we keep that spring flowing. We must not thwart the Internet’s availability by taxing access to it.
Chris Cannon
‘Free’ is the museum show of our times, presaging the whole Wikileaks dustup, and it shows shifting power dynamics and a glimpse of the human in a world of flowing data.
Caterina Fake
The work is flowing from an inner knowing of how things really are.
Martin Puryear
As AI becomes the new infrastructure, flowing invisibly through our daily lives like the water in our faucets, we must understand its short- and long-term effects and know that it is safe for all to use.
Kate Crawford
Women have a lot of… attitudes enforced in us about our sense of attractiveness being bound up in long, flowing, Hollywood kind of hair.
Natalie Dormer
Everything in the universe has a purpose. Indeed, the invisible intelligence that flows through everything in a purposeful fashion is also flowing through you.
Wayne Dyer
Nothing gets my journalistic juices flowing more than a seaside chalet, the mention of a private jet, or room service in St. Tropez.
Robin Leach
I love good flowing football where the whole team is engaged.
Alexandre Lacazette
I really enjoy finding the right word, creating a good, flowing sentence. I enjoy the rhythm of the words.
Steve Martin
Even at my biggest, I want to be writing for other artists. Even at my peak – the highest I can be as an artist – I always want to be keeping my creative juices flowing, keeping money in the bank, putting my intellectual property out there.
Keri Hilson
The critical importance of honest journalism and a free flowing, respectful national conversation needs to be had in our country. But it is being buried as collateral damage in a war whose battles include political correctness and ideological orthodoxy.
Juan Williams
Money is flowing out of traditional advertising into experiential, social, and sports.
Richard Edelman
I know Judge Roy Moore to be not only be a man of character in spite of the tens of millions of dollars that are flowing into Alabama to suggest otherwise.
Mark Meadows
It was the character of the Packers, man. We played for sixty minutes. We let it all hang out. There was no tomorrow for us. We got the adrenaline flowing, and we just let it go, man.
Ray Nitschke
‘Seven Sonatas,’ with its flowing series of meetings between men and women in an identifiable emotional world, is in the mould of Jerome Robbins’ glorious ‘Dances at a Gathering.’
Robert Gottlieb