Top 95 Resort Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Resort Quotes from famous people such as Dennis Cardoza, Ben Fogle, Summer Rae, Lech Walesa, Raul, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

Our constituents paid into Social Security, and they wa

Our constituents paid into Social Security, and they want it paid back to them when they retire. Cutting Social Security benefits that Americans have earned should always be a last resort.
Dennis Cardoza
I’m equally happy bouncing across the African savannah in an old Land Rover as I am staying in a luxury resort in The Maldives. Travel and the wilderness excite me.
Ben Fogle
A couple jobs that I would love to do are hosting a television show, sideline reporting for the NBA or NFL, on-camera hosting for an entertainment network, event planning for a PR company or resort and, of course, WWE Diva!
Summer Rae
When I recall my own path of life I cannot but speak of the violence, hatred and lies. A lesson drawn from such experiences, however, was that we can effectively oppose violence only if we ourselves do not resort to it.
Lech Walesa
Contrary to what many say, Real are a unit. Individual brilliance is always a last resort.
Some day I shall write a novel and call it ‘A Walking Tour in the Congo’ or ‘Thrills and Spills in Aeronautics’; but I keep this type of title as a last & mercenary resort.
Louis MacNeice
I think it does work. The fact that the law is there and injustices can be rectified, I think has a lot to do with the fact that the people in this country aren’t as frustrated as they are in some of these places in Eastern Europe and don’t resort to violent revolution.
Harold H. Greene
Schweitzer is where I found snowboarding; it will always have a special place in my heart and is a top-notch ski resort. It has some of the best bowl tree skiing in the world and breathtaking views of Sandpoint and Lake Pend Oreille.
Nate Holland
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, and it is my job, my responsibility, as an astronomer to remind people that alien hypotheses should always be a last resort.
Tabetha S. Boyajian
The north coast of Brittany is eaten into bays from which the sea retreats to considerable distances, and is fringed with reefs and islands. It is a favourite resort of Parisians throughout its stretch, from Dinard to Plestin.
Sabine Baring-Gould
In the last few years, the very idea of telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth is dredged up only as a final resort when the alternative options of deception, threat and bribery have all been exhausted.
Michael Musto
Those who have wrought great changes in the world never succeeded by gaining over chiefs; but always by exciting the multitude. The first is the resource of intrigue and produces only secondary results, the second is the resort of genius and transforms the universe.
Martin Van Buren
I used to watch ‘Private Resort’ and laugh all the time.
Greg Sestero
But then I hit my 20s and only made two albums, and now I live in a ski resort as a ski bum basically.
Vanessa Mae
The World War broke out with such elemental violence, and with such resort to all means for leading or misleading public opinion, that no time was available for reflection and consideration.
Hjalmar Branting
The option to use active-duty forces in a law enforcement role should only be used as a matter of last resort. And only in the most urgent and dire of situations.
Chad Wolf
The government is becoming the family of last resort.
Jerry Brown
Disney’s Aulani Resort has really developed the southwest coast of Oahu and led to it getting more attention.
Kaui Hart Hemmings
I’ve successfully convinced others to let me redevelop the historic Old Post Office Pavilion on Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D.C. I also led the acquisition of the iconic 800-acre Doral Resort & Spa from my hospital bed after giving birth to my daughter, Arabella.
Ivanka Trump
One must say bluntly that it is an unattractive sight when, with a view to smearing the Soviet people, leaders of such a country as the United States resort to what almost amounts to obscenities alternating with hypocritical preaching about morals and humanism.
Yuri Andropov
My big thing is we need to change how people feel about goalkeeping. I don’t think there is enough respect for the position in the game, whether male or female. There is a stigma that you have to be a certain size or not very good with your feet, or you have had to go in goal as a last resort.
Karen Bardsley
Plants can’t very well defend themselves by their behavior, so they resort to chemical warfare, and plants are saturated with toxins and irritants to deter creatures like us who want to eat them.
Steven Pinker
Terrorists and terrorism cannot be eliminated any more than we can rid the world of disease. There will always be those who will resort to force against innocent men, women, and children in pursuit of political goals.
Richard N. Haass
The idea that an independent Scotland – having separated assets and liabilities from the rest of the U.K. – would expect the rest of the U.K. to be a lender of last resort, and of course be kind to them, doesn’t make any sense.
Johann Lamont
To resort to power one need not be violent, and to speak to conscience one need not be meek. The most effective action both resorts to power and engages conscience.
Barbara Deming
Hua Hin is Thailand’s royal beach resort and home to the king’s summer palace. The local food is fantastic, the weather is beautiful, everything’s cheap and the Thai people are so friendly and warm.
Prue Leith
ESPN has this problem with sports, it’s impossible to fill 24 hours with sports programming so they have to resort to things like poker and arm wrestling tournaments.
Drew Curtis
As a tactic, violence is absurd. No one can compete with the Government in violence, and the resort to violence, which will surely fail, will simply frighten and alienate some who can be reached, and will further encourage the ideologists and administrators of forceful repression.
Noam Chomsky
I wanted to be anything but a designer. I was not willing to enroll into fashion school. It is just because that was the last resort and there was nothing else, I had to do it!
Masaba Gupta
If you’re sitting in a place like Martha’s Vineyard, I don’t think you’re going to write a song about a ski resort.
Adam Schlesinger
I beg you not to resort to demonstrations, for they have become nothing but burned paper.
Muqtada al Sadr
I would say that while most Muslims take offense at the

I would say that while most Muslims take offense at the portrayal of the Prophet Muhammad in cartoons, they would never resort to violence. It is a minority of extremist Muslims who take such actions, and they do it for political and tactical reasons far beyond just being offended.
Maz Jobrani
Politics are for foreigners with their endless wrongs and paltry rights. Politics are a lousy way to get things done. Politics are, like God’s infinite mercy, a last resort.
P. J. O’Rourke
In a financial crisis, only the Fed, as the lender of last resort, might stand between our economy and financial catastrophe. We must leave the Fed with the flexibility to provide liquidity in order to stop a financial panic.
Stephen A. Schwarzman
I am prepared to resort to anything, to submit to anything, for the sake of the commonwealth.
Julius Caesar
A hidden camera can only be a good journalist’s last resort. But sometimes, it’s the only option.
Barkha Dutt
I have treated many hundreds of patients. Among those in the second half of life – that is to say, over 35 – there has not been one whose problem in the last resort was not that of finding a religious outlook on life.
Carl Jung
At all events, arbitration is more rational, just, and humane than the resort to the sword.
Richard Cobden
A Negroni demands your full, upright attention. It will not tolerate mindless swigging the way all those sweet summertime drinks do, which is just one reason no one has ever ordered one at a swim-up bar at a resort pool.
Jonathan Miles
My perfect beach town isn’t a fancy resort or glitzy planned community. It’s a place with a hometown grocery that has decent meat, seafood, and a deli; a couple of ice cream shops; and a handful of good restaurants – where the island-wide dress code is ‘no shoes, no shirt, no problem.’
Mary Kay Andrews
When the people believe that the print media and the government-controlled TV are not really reporting what is happening, then people turn away from them, and their next resort is, of course, to access the Internet and what they can get on the Internet.
Mahathir Mohamad
Sometimes you can just step into the character, and you get all your feelings and emotions just from sympathizing with her and being her. But then, other times, you just have to resort back to anything that you’ve been through in your own life and try to play that.
Charity Shea
That made me feel good, not to go to a resort where outside the door is extreme poverty.
Jasmine Guy
From the beginning, Mandela and Tambo was besieged with clients. We were not the only African lawyers in South Africa, but we were the only firm of African lawyers. For Africans, we were the firm of first choice and last resort.
Nelson Mandela
Hawaii was beautiful of course, we played at Turtle Bay an amazing resort right on the ocean.
Natalie Gulbis
I’m a logical woman and won’t resort to washing dirty linen in public.
Kashmira Shah
I would like to think that I curse expertly – it’s not something that I do without considering it. I never curse without intending to; it’s not something I resort to because of inability to articulate or find the correct word.
Adam Mansbach
I grew up in the west of Ireland, and Galway was our local seaside resort. We’d go for one day of the year during the summer, and I have enduring memories of the sand and the sea.
Philip Treacy
In short, it may be said that on paper the obligations to settle international disputes peacefully are now so comprehensive and far-reaching that it is almost impossible for a state to resort to war without violating one or more solemn treaty obligations.
Arthur Henderson
Resort is had to ridicule only when reason is against us.
Thomas Jefferson
War should be the politics of last resort. And when we go to war, we should have a purpose that our people understand and support.
Colin Powell
Every parent, no matter how cultured or sophisticated, will one day succumb to a child’s pleas to visit Walt Disney World Resort.
Simon Van Booy
Judgments, value judgments concerning life, for or against, can in the last resort never be true: they possess value only as symptoms, they come into consideration only as symptoms – in themselves such judgments are stupidities.
Friedrich Nietzsche
I’d rather fiddle with my phone for precious seconds than neglect an apostrophe; I’d rather insert a word laboriously keyed out than resort to predictive texting for a – acceptable to some – synonym.
Will Self
Many who resort to crime ultimately can’t read or write.
Wally Amos
I believe that man is in the last resort so free a being that his right to be what he believes himself to be cannot be contested.
Georg C. Lichtenberg
I’ve made a promise that taxes would be my last resort on issues.
Robert J. Bentley
Batman doesn’t use a gun. When Bruce Wayne thinks he had to resort to a street thug’s level to defend himself and the girl he was rescuing, he decides he can’t be Batman anymore.
Paul Dini
Here’s my rule: You always want to pay cash for your own books, because if they look at the name on the credit card and then they look at the name on the book jacket, then there’s this look of such profound sympathy for you that you had to resort to this. It really is withering.
Carl Hiaasen
Only the fat-cat corporations can really afford to put on two mega-ready-to-wear shows a year, or four if you add two haute couture shows, or six if you count men’s wear. Resort and prefall push the number up to eight. A couple of promotional shows in Asia, Brazil, Dubai or Moscow can bring the count to 10.
Suzy Menkes
When I’m stuck for a closing to a lyric, I will drag out my last resort: overwhelming illogic.
David Bowie
But, when you have to resort to turntables, trick lights, flashing lights, fire and all that, you’re actually saying, I need this because what I do is not all that together.
Buddy Rich
I love the sea, but I avoid any sort of seaside resort

I love the sea, but I avoid any sort of seaside resort that has skyscrapers or seaside entertainments.
Quentin Blake
I think it’s important for tourists to know the facts of what’s happening in the Maldives. I don’t think people realize that there’s a flogging taking place a kilometer away when they’re sunbathing in their resort.
Amal Clooney
War should be not a war of choice; it should be a war of necessity. And it should be a last resort.
John F. Kerry
The court of last resort is no longer the Supreme Court. It’s ‘Nightline.’
Alan Dershowitz
I personally believe, as church law sets out, that sanctions are an absolute last resort, particularly penal sanctions of depriving people of the sacraments.
Roger Mahony
When public men indulge themselves in abuse, when they deny others a fair trial, when they resort to innuendo and insinuation, to libel, scandal, and suspicion, then our democratic society is outraged, and democracy is baffled.
J. William Fulbright
The right to strike is one of the most important safeguards working people have in this country. It’s a weapon of last resort that has served throughout history as a bargaining tool which allows unions to push for recognition of ordinary workers’ rights to be paid fairly and treated with dignity.
Emily Thornberry
During holiday parties when people used to ask me what I did for a living, I would tell them I sold resort timeshares. That was an effective conversational nonstarter, until I met someone that actually did sell resort timeshares.
Dean Karnazes
I like publicity, but don’t resort to cheap tricks.
Shriya Saran
In global health, emergency vaccine stockpiles are like the insurance policy you never really wanted to take out: you resent the cost and have mixed feelings about never making a claim. Moreover, given that a stockpile is often a last resort, if you ever fall back on it, you have, in some way, already failed.
Seth Berkley
For years, I had a top secret clearance and never left Russia. Just once did I go to Bulgaria with my wife for a holiday at the Golden Sands resort, but I could not mention my real name. I was allowed to travel abroad only in the early 1990s.
Mikhail Kalashnikov
I would curse people who resort to coups against democracy, liberty, republic.
Fethullah Gulen
My life is scattered and busy. I think of my home as a resort. When I step through the door, I feel relaxed. I almost feel like I’ve taken a vacation.
Chip Conley
I loved Le Taha’a private resort in Tahiti. It’s accessible only by private boat or helicopter, and it sits on a tiny strip of land just big enough for one hotel. It’s extraordinary and faces the Vanilla Island where Tahitians grow vanilla.
Marie Helvin
What is occurring on college campuses is about power and control – speech is impeded as a last resort, used when people fail to self-censor in response to a threat of crippling stigma and the destruction of their capacity to earn.
Bret Weinstein
When I think resort, I think prettiness.
Marco Zanini
Before World War II, Modernist architects sometimes had to resort to custom fabrication or outright fakery to achieve the machine imagery advocated by the Bauhaus after its initial, Expressionist, phase. Stucco masqueraded as reinforced concrete; rivets were used for decoration.
Martin Filler
I am a fanatic when it comes to the game, so I need to know there is a golf course not far away when I’m on holiday, such as when I stayed at the Four Seasons Resort Nevis. It is a beautiful hotel with a great golf course, which made it even better.
Viv Richards
Ground troops… have to be a last resort. I think they should always be a last resort.
Jason Kander
Weary soccer players just cannot run anymore and must resort to shootouts after 120 minutes when a result is mandatory, but men on skates can go indefinitely, no matter how badly it disrupts the television network’s schedule.
George Vecsey
It is now quite lawful for a Catholic woman to avoid pregnancy by a resort to mathematics, though she is still forbidden to resort to physics or chemistry.
H. L. Mencken
What clever man has ever needed to commit a crime? Crime is the last resort of political half-wits.
Charles Maurice de Talleyrand
When our opponents on the Left have no serious ideas of their own, they resort to emotional appeals that play up Americans’ fears about the future.
Paul Ryan
The video for ‘Last Christmas’ was shot in the early winter of 1984 in the Swiss ski resort of Saas Fee. It was a glorious affair, and the two days we spent shooting it were a riot of laughter and fun, which I think comes across.
Andrew Ridgeley
The village of Polgardi is a dusty roadside settlement northeast of Lake Balaton, a resort area in western Hungary popular with German tourists.
Peter Landesman
A government that cannot survive truth and must resort to stamping out truth is not a government that any country wants.
Paul Craig Roberts
You don’t divorce simply because your spouse has a number of qualities you dislike and on occasions makes your life uncomfortable. If you are reasonable, you view divorce as a measure of last resort. There are many steps you can take in the meantime. You might even call in a trained mediator.
Howard Jacobson
When the period arrives – come when it may – that this government will be compelled to resort to internal taxes for its support in time of peace, it will mark one of the most difficult and dangerous stages through which it is destined to pass.
John C. Calhoun
Car-essential is a real turn-off to me, so yeah, I just want a friendly holiday resort with a villa and a pool, but which is really private, but there again, there’s a supermarket and a doctor’s and a beach a five-minute walk away. That’s all I want, and it’s quite difficult to find.
Robert Webb
Just like in medicine, when the normal medicine no longer works, one resorts to surgery. And the revolutions is like the surgery: It’s painful, and it’s the last resort for nations.
Rashid al-Ghannushi
I will not put the life of an American service member on the line unless that is the option of last resort.
Beto O’Rourke
Libel actions, when we look at them in perspective, are

Libel actions, when we look at them in perspective, are an ornament of a civilized society. They have replaced, after all, at least in most cases, a resort to weapons in defense of a reputation.
Henry Grunwald
We all resort to the ad hominem from time to time: in human affairs, it is difficult to avoid it, and probably not desirable. After all, our opponents are human. The proper use of an ad hominem argument, however, still requires evidence to back it up.
Theodore Dalrymple