Top 95 Simone Weil Quotes

Petroleum is a more likely cause of international conflict than wheat.
Simone Weil
We can only know one thing about God – that he is what we are not. Our wretchedness alone is an image of this. The more we contemplate it, the more we contemplate him.
Simone Weil
Equality is the public recognition, effectively expressed in institutions and manners, of the principle that an equal degree of attention is due to the needs of all human beings.
Simone Weil
Nothing is less instructive than a machine.
Simone Weil
Evil, when we are in its power, is not felt as evil, but as a necessity, even a duty.
Simone Weil
Most works of art, like most wines, ought to be consumed in the district of their fabrication.
Simone Weil
We are like horses who hurt themselves as soon as they pull on their bits – and we bow our heads. We even lose consciousness of the situation, we just submit. Any re-awakening of thought is then painful.
Simone Weil
Attachment is the great fabricator of illusions; reality can be attained only by someone who is detached.
Simone Weil
It is an eternal obligation toward the human being not to let him suffer from hunger when one has a chance of coming to his assistance.
Simone Weil
In struggling against anguish one never produces serenity; the struggle against anguish only produces new forms of anguish.
Simone Weil
The mysteries of faith are degraded if they are made into an object of affirmation and negation, when in reality they should be an object of contemplation.
Simone Weil
Evil being the root of mystery, pain is the root of knowledge.
Simone Weil
When once a certain class of people has been placed by

When once a certain class of people has been placed by the temporal and spiritual authorities outside the ranks of those whose life has value, then nothing comes more naturally to men than murder.
Simone Weil
A mind enclosed in language is in prison.
Simone Weil