Top 95 Small Part Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Small Part Quotes from famous people such as Graham Swift, Katie McGrath, Miguel Syjuco, Colin Baker, Ron White, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

Unfortunately writers take a very small part of the pro

Unfortunately writers take a very small part of the profit on their books, and I think in the e-book world there is a real danger they will take even less, unless they are vigilant and robust about protecting their own interests.
Graham Swift
Working crew made me realise that the actors are a very small part of a very big machine, with each part being vital to make the show work. It so important to remember that it’s not about you, it’s about the show, and working crew hammered that point home to me.
Katie McGrath
The immigrant experience in ‘Ilustrado’ was only a small part of what I intended to be a broader look at the Filipino experience, even if that broader look was itself merely a specific perspective.
Miguel Syjuco
As any actor will tell you, the hardest thing to do is small parts, because you focus all your attention and concentration on that small part. When you’re playing the lead part, you don’t have time to think about the whole of it, so you just have to steam on and get on with it.
Colin Baker
I’d rather do a really good small part than a really bad big part.
Ron White
Orwell wasn’t right about where society was in 1984. We haven’t turned into that sort of surveillance society. But that may be, at least in small part, because of his book. The notion that ubiquitous surveillance and state manipulation of the media is evil is deeply engrained in us.
Ramez Naam
I was a huge ‘Friends’ fan. I had a very small part. I played a real-estate agent in the very last season.
Jane Lynch
You know that wherever you go, not everyone will speak your language. But go and experience the local culture and try to pick up as much as you can. I certainly think going forward – away from football because football is just a small part of your life – you will grow as a person.
Steve McManaman
Beauty is an asset, just like physical prowess, charisma, brains or emotional intelligence. The key with any gift is in the way that you use it. It doesn’t define you as a person. Rather, it’s an asset to be used judiciously and with an understanding of how it is just a small part of who you are.
Dale Archer
I am proud to have played a small part in ensuring that no veteran’s heroic service will be cast aside due to prejudice.
Ted Deutch
One of the big myths about philanthropy is that it’s all about donating funds for a cause. I like to look at it quite differently. Philanthropy is about ‘giving’ – not just in monetary terms but also in non-monetary aspects, like time, ideas, or being a volunteer. Donating money is just a small part of philanthropy.
Pankaj Patel
I’d love to be in a feature film, and I don’t just mean in a starring role – it could be a small part. And I would like to act in television, to do comedy and drama.
Barbara Mandrell
There is a disturbing reincarnation of socialist and nationalist dictatorships raising their heads around the world and even in our own back yard. You see it in places like Venezuela and Bolivia, stoked in no small part by Cuba, and also in Central Asia, and troubling trends in Russia and China.
Sam Brownback
In some movies you feel like you’re a very small part of a huge machine. Whereas in the theater you can have a very small part, but you can still feel the weight and the gravity of it. Given the nature of theater, it’s a more concentrated and quiet experience.
Minnie Driver
Styling is such a small part of what I do. I have, like, 10 jobs. People don’t know that I work so much on the back end of things. They think I’m just dressing people. My business is with brands.
Jessica Mulroney
With something like Waterloo Road’ it was a lot slower and because I had a relatively small part – I mean, my character wasn’t a main – I wasn’t in filming so much.
Tom Payne
Contrary to what people believe, yes, basketball has been a big part of my life. But on the other hand, it’s also been a small part.
Reggie Miller
In ‘Tintin,’ it’s like a live-action role. You’re living and breathing and making decisions for that character from page 1 to page 120, the whole emotional arc. In an animated movie, it’s a committee decision. There are 50 people creating that character. You’re responsible for a small part.
Andy Serkis
Letter scrambling and trouble reading is just a small part of dyslexia. It is also an auditory processing problem.
Philip Schultz
I have to think my success in the VC business was due in no small part to seeing Larry Ellison in action back in the day.
Steve Blank
If you look at the map, there’s Thrace, Greece, Bulgaria, and there’s tiny Gallipoli. It is such a small part of the whole peninsula, and yet you only hear about this little tiny bit.
Kerry Greenwood
In no small part I think all of us kind of look in the mirror and feel good or not feel good about the person we seen in the mirror in no small part because of the jobs we have.
Antonio Villaraigosa
It’s funny because, if you’re not an actor, people always tend to say, ‘How do you memorize all those lines? Is that really hard?’ I’m always like, ‘That’s just a small part of it. I have to seek my craft and my emotions’ – you know, all this gross, actor-y stuff.
Sarah Baker
I’m a ham who wants to be a small part of anything.
Mickey Rooney
Actors play a small part in all the things that go into the making of a movie. I want to know about pre-production, post-production, shot divisions – everything.
Nushrat Bharucha
Boxing is a part of my life but it’s only a small part.
Callum Smith
My house is very clean apart from a very small part of it that looks as if we’ve been burgled, which is my office.
David Morrissey
I was only ever part of ‘Lost’ – a very small part of an extremely talented writers’ room, where as a writer, it’s sort of your job to sublimate your ego and work in the service of the show and the show’s voice.
Brian K. Vaughan
Some small part of what the artist does is for approval of others.
Terence Trent D’Arby
If the team is winning and we’re playing really good – everybody is part of the team. Everybody is a small part.
Boban Marjanovic
Drug company payments to doctors are a small part of a much larger strategy by Big Pharma to clean our pockets.
Robert Reich
Connectivity just can't be a privilege for people in th

Connectivity just can’t be a privilege for people in the richest countries. We believe that connecting everyone in the world is one of the great challenges of our generation, and that’s why we are happy to play whatever small part in that that we can.
Mark Zuckerberg
I want to be so far removed from the idea that it’s like, ‘Oh, right, he won a Super Bowl.’ Football is only a small part of your life.
Martellus Bennett
I like going out on the practice court and training with my mates. But I don’t know about fully engaging and giving everything to it. It’s just a game. It’s just a sport. It’s such a small part of my life.
Nick Kyrgios
At the age of eight, I bought my first telescope and would spend hours gazing at the moon and stars. I remember thinking what it must have been like when man first realized that we were only a very small part of the overall picture.
Daniel Hope
I’m used to being a small part of a massive production.
Maisie Williams
I shoot a scene, edit it, and then, two days later, I doubt whether or not it has turned out right. I reshoot a small part of it, go back to the first edit of it, and do all sorts of things.
S. S. Rajamouli
As we get rich, the basics of life – food, clothing and shelter – become a very small part of total expenditure. And people have enough money to purchase things that enhance them spiritually, and I mean the word ‘spiritual’ not necessarily in a religious sense but in the sense that it adds to your feeling of well-being.
Robert Fogel
I did swimming, gymnastics, dance, and the acting was just a small part. I didn’t have pushy parents; it wasn’t forced upon me. They just said, ‘See if you like it. If you do, great; if you don’t, don’t worry about it.’ I was really fortunate to have that guidance and supportive parents.
Aaron Taylor-Johnson
The exercise of power is determined by thousands of interactions between the world of the powerful and that of the powerless, all the more so because these worlds are never divided by a sharp line: everyone has a small part of himself in both.
Vaclav Havel
Advertising was only meant to be a very small part of my life. I had intended that I would work extensively in journalism for about five or six years and then I’d become a writer.
Bryce Courtenay
As the mother of a grown son with a traumatic brain injury, I couldn’t be more excited about the prospect of finding out how to repair even a small part of the damage that changed his life.
Judy Woodruff
Pete Davidson – he’s in the movie ‘Trainwreck.’ He has a small part in it. I told Lorne Michaels about him, said he was really funny.
Bill Hader
When you age, you can do all kinds of roles. You don’t have to look great. You can be the mom, the aunt. You can have a small part. You’re an actor.
Valerie Harper
The small part of ignorance that we arrange and classify we give the name of knowledge.
Ambrose Bierce
‘Behind The Candelabra’ is an HBO movie. It’s the Liberace story. Michael Douglass and Matt Damon. I play a small part in it. I play a choreographer who introduces, brings Matt Damon to Las Vegas for the first time.
Scott Bakula
Humans are just a very, very small part of the panoply of life, and it is arguable that in a certain sense, humans have emancipated themselves from Darwinian selection.
Richard Dawkins
The astronaut corps is a very small part of a very large team that enables human spaceflight.
Anne McClain
If I had to look at ‘Now He Sings’… from outside myself, I see it as a natural part of the growth of the jazz culture, which I’ve always been so happy – honored, really – to be a small part of.
Chick Corea
As a company dedicated to creating fun and affordable toys for children, everyone at Ty is proud to play a small part in helping children in need have a happy holiday. We are proud to be associated with Toys for Tots and congratulate our Marines for a job well done.
Ty Warner
Each of us is a small part of God’s plan. I’m a small part. I create paintings that are being used by God.
Thomas Kinkade
In this case, I realize that, unlike when I was 22 years old, I realize now that football will not go on forever, it is a small part of your life.
Brett Favre
I got to work with Cillian Murphy and my dad, Jim Broadbent and Jodie Whittaker on ‘Perrier’s Bounty.’ It was a small part, but it was really special.
Domhnall Gleeson
No matter what government does or does not do, people need to remember the power is in their hands to make their small part of the world better. Set a tone of kindness.
Danielle Colby
At some point, the government expands into the private sphere so far that you live in a place with a whole lot less freedom. I didn’t like that that was the direction of travel for our country, and decided to come to Washington to try and be a small part of bringing it back.
Mike Pompeo
Of course, aid is only one small part of international development. Some of the greatest benefits to the world’s poorest can be achieved through policy changes by developed countries.
Nicola Sturgeon
The mind is absolutely instrumental in achieving results, even for athletes. Sports psychology is a very small part, but it’s extremely important when you’re winning and losing races by hundredths and even thousandths of a second.
Michael Johnson
I’m not a frustrated concert composer, and the concert pieces I’ve done have been a small part of my work. What I’ve sought there is instruction, variation from the demands of film and relief from its restrictions.
John Williams
After my debut in 2001 in ‘Aks,’ where I had a small part, I had to work really hard to get work in the industry. For almost three years, I had no work.
Abhimanyu Singh
I was 12 when I got a small part in a movie in Texas. And in my spare time, I play with my dogs and write music and go out with my friends.
Haylie Duff
A computer is not really like us. It is a projection of a very small part of ourselves: that portion devoted to logic, order, rule and clarity.
Ellen Ullman
There is great treasure there behind our skull and this is true about all of us. This little treasure has great, great powers, and I would say we only have learnt a very, very small part of what it can do.
Isaac Bashevis Singer
Rusbridger's intelligence, personal sense of higher cal

Rusbridger’s intelligence, personal sense of higher calling and almost other-worldly self-absorption have played no small part in the stories that have most defined the Guardian and that, under another sort of steward, might have had a much more sceptical reception.
Michael Wolff
I made a lot of mistakes along the way, but feel incredibly lucky to be in the position I am now and to be able to play a small part in trying to support talented, aspiring young filmmakers out there through a program like ‘Interpretations’ who, like me, had the desire and passion, but no connections to the industry.
Justin Lin
Provence, just one relatively small part of France, is almost twice the size of Wales, with double the population. It’s a region of the south that stretches from the borders of Monaco and Italy in the east to Hyeres in the west, the Alps in the north to the sparkling Mediterranean in the south.
Carol Drinkwater
I was on ‘The O.C.’ and had a small part, which wasn’t very challenging. I was a bit bored, so I started shadowing directors and they finally gave me a shot. From there, it led to directing other television shows. I am trying to direct a feature film, so we’ll see what happens.
Tate Donovan
I’m especially thankful for being able to coach so many talented young men over my 18 years here. It has been so rewarding to see these players come to OU and mature over a four- or five-year career, and not just on the field. To play a small part in their growth is what I will always cherish the most.
Bob Stoops
I am sorry to be leaving the BBC. I have enjoyed a fascinating seven years at the corporation and am particularly proud to have played a small part in the development of the BBC’s Global News services, BBC World Service and BBC World.
Pauline Neville-Jones
What bothers me is that there is so much emphasis on food, rather than gathering and meeting – so that there is all this effort in creating the right food, whereas the food is only a small part of whether the encounter is successful or not.
Alain de Botton
The Sex Pistols was a part of my life. Just a small part.
Steve Jones
I’m proud to have a small part in the growth of hockey in D.C., but our organization does so much every day to get young kids to play hockey and I’m always appreciative of that.
Alexander Ovechkin
Edward Snowden copied and leaked information from inside the world’s most protected spy agency, and then fled to Russia, but yet, because a small part of the data he expropriated was provided to a news organisation, journalism conventions readily accord him lone whistleblower status.
Michael Wolff
My first professional acting role was a small part in a television series called ‘The Wizard.’ I later had the opportunity to work on Michael Jackson’s Moon-walker music video.
Dante Basco
I think that much of the success of the Broadway mounting of ‘Newsies’ was due in no small part to the infectious camaraderie on stage between the boys.
Andrew Keenan-Bolger
I’ve always been battling this perception people have of me, this character. It follows me around. ‘Bubba the Bear’ shows up when I’m checking into a hotel, when I’m on a plane. I can’t get upset with people if they’re only aware of a small part of my body of work. But inside I do.
Bobcat Goldthwait
I had this mentality that I had to go out to everyone’s show so everyone at the end of the week would come to mine – that I had to go out and rub elbows, find exposure. A small part of that is true. But if something is good, people will notice when you put it out.
Margo Price
Government, in its ultimate form, is the biggest philanthropher based in the world. And Bill Gates also said that he could do a small part of what the government can do, which is business philanthropy, equalling people and making sure there is inclusiveness.
Shiv Nadar
When I was 17, I had a small part in the movie ‘Election,’ which shot in Omaha, Nebraska. I was really naive at the time; I really didn’t know what a big deal it was.
Nicholas D’Agosto
You’re only dealing with whatever you know, which is a very small part of it and later on it’ll look like it has something to do with the period. Obviously, the artists have something to do with one another. They tend to set up certain common qualities among themselves.
Donald Judd
Reason guides but a small part of man, and the rest obeys feeling, true or false, and passion, good or bad.
Joseph Roux
I’m used to being a supporting player in the background. All I ever wanted, at the very most, was to have a small part in something where people were like, ‘Oh, right, that one guy, whoever he is, was pretty good in that.’ That’s all I ever really strived for or expected.
Robin Lord Taylor
When you are an actor you are a very small part of a very large scheme of things.
Dia Mirza
I was horribly shy all through grade school and high school. But somehow I got up the nerve to audition for one play in high school – ‘Auntie Mame.’ I got a small part as the fiancee who comes on in the end. I got laughs. I wasn’t shy at all doing the part. I can do anything on stage and write it off as a character.
Laurie Metcalf
A security cam is one small part of a much larger universe of cams. The much larger effect, socially, politically and economically, is going to come from a much larger trend.
Bruce Sterling
Lying in the political sphere has gotten out of hand, and because people tend to dismiss things that challenge their preconceived notions of the world, fact checkers can only play a small part in remedying the problem.
Pamela Meyer
The U.S. fiscal union has worked, in no small part, by enabling subsidies to the Mississippis without requiring the approval of the Minnesotas. It creates an important form of insurance.
Austan Goolsbee
My profession is very important but it’s a small part of my life.
Atul Kulkarni
A Latin teacher told me I might make a good actress, and that stuck in my memory. I did some modeling, and Polanski gave me that small part.
Jacqueline Bisset
I’ve always done theater. I’ve never thought of myself as a comedic actress in any way. ‘Anchorman’ kind of cracked that open. When I got a small part in ‘Anchorman,’ I didn’t know it was possible on camera to improvise. So I was like, ‘What’s happening?’
Kathryn Hahn
If I didn’t have a recruiting engagement, I was going to be here. I did everything possible to change the recruiting thing. I’m a very small part of this night, but I did want to be a part of it.
Rick Pitino
Saxon, if you are unfamiliar, is a British heavy-metal band that has been around since the mid-’70s and was in no small part the inspiration for Spinal Tap.
Adam Schlesinger
I always say it takes as much preparation and thought to do a small part as a leading part. In some ways, leads are easier because you have the luxury of time to discover the character.
John C. Reilly
I start from one point and go as far as possible. But, unfortunately, I never lose my way. I ‘localize,’ which is to say that I think always in a given space. I rarely think of the whole of a solo, and only very briefly. I always return to the small part of the solo that I was in the process of playing.
John Coltrane
A small part of my job at Komen included advocating tha

A small part of my job at Komen included advocating that mammogram screenings be covered under plans available on the exchanges – just as they are covered in other plans in Georgia.
Karen Handel
Being at the Play House, the only way I could see my life was that I would be an actor in a company, doing a lead role one week, a small part the next. That’s what I thought I was going to be.
Joel Grey