Top 99 Errors Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Errors Quotes from famous people such as Neal Asher, Ray Dalio, Ryuichi Sakamoto, Sarah Weinman, Willy Caballero, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

When you reach the editing stage, it is often the case

When you reach the editing stage, it is often the case that you can get too involved with the story to detect errors. You can see words in your head that aren’t actually there on the page, sentences blur together and errors escape you, and you follow plot threads and see only the images in your skull.
Neal Asher
Imagine if you had baseball cards that showed all the performance stats for your people: batting averages, home runs, errors, ERAs, win/loss records. You could see what they did well and poorly and call on the right people to play the right positions in a very transparent way.
Ray Dalio
I’m concerned by a deficient technology. In other words, errors or noises. It absorbs me, and I wonder if new cultural currents could emerge from this deficiency.
Ryuichi Sakamoto
I’ve tried to slow this down but realized that my natural reading rhythm is freakishly fast when an author friend asked me to go through the manuscript of her soon-to-be-published book for continuity errors.
Sarah Weinman
Always when you play badly or commit errors, you hope to play another game to put it behind you, to show that you are capable and that you deserve to be playing for an important team like City.
Willy Caballero
As this is the first time I have had the floor, it may be well for me now to confess, that I am in the habit of freely imputing errors to my fellow-men.
Gerrit Smith
The virtue of binary is that it’s the simplest possible way of representing numbers. Anything else is more complicated. You can catch errors with it, it’s unambiguous in its reading, there are lots of good things about binary. So it is very, very simple once you learn how to read it.
George M. Whitesides
A novelist can never be his own reader, except when he is ridding his manuscript of syntax errors, repetitions, or the occasional superfluous paragraph.
Patrick Modiano
The World Cup is a tournament that practically does not allow errors, especially in the final.
I am not protesting against the conduct of the war, but against the political errors and insincerities for which the fighting men are being sacrificed.
Siegfried Sassoon
Conceptually, I am open to mistakes – errors, actually. I do play lots of wrong notes while I am making some music, and a mistake or a wrong note is like a gift for me: ‘Oh, wow, an unknown sound or an unknown harmony. I didn’t know about this.’
Ryuichi Sakamoto
Be the best you can be, but acknowledge that you will make mistakes, and then know which errors to let go of. There will be typos in e-mails, meetings you are late for, daily to-do lists that don’t get completed. Cut yourself some slack and, more important, reward yourself along the way.
Caroline Ghosn
You learn in the pros that errors can be costly.
Burgess Owens
Secrecy is the underlying mistake that makes every innovation go wrong in Michael Crichton novels and films! If AI happens in the open, then errors and flaws may be discovered in time… perhaps by other, wary AIs!
David Brin
I’ve had mental errors before while not shooting the ball well and while shooting the ball well, and vice versa. So I can’t compound one on top of the other. It’s just a matter of getting out of the groove of shooting bad and just staying more locked in.
J. R. Smith
The preparations for my new voyage prevented the possiblity of my paying that attention to the correction of my errors, that I should otherwise have done.
Zebulon Pike
The classics of Marxism, while fully appreciating the significance of the Darwinian theory, pointed out the errors of which Darwin was guilty. Darwin’s theory, though unquestionably materialist in its main features, is not free from some serious errors.
Trofim Lysenko
No errors of opinion can possibly be dangerous in a country where opinion is left free to grapple with them.
William Gilmore Simms
Accuracy in the genetic field will be essential. Errors in testing could be disastrous.
Craig Venter
The majority of the people think that noise is not music. I want to accept noise and even errors and glitches. I enjoy them.
Ryuichi Sakamoto
Humans make errors. We make errors of fact and errors of judgment. We have blind spots in our field of vision and gaps in our stream of attention. Sometimes we can’t even answer the simplest questions.
Gary Wolf
Ministers may not be responsible for administrative errors, but they are responsible for major policy blunders.
John McDonnell
A great production of a black comedy is better than a mediocre production of a comedy of errors.
Tom Stoppard
Whatever failures I have known, whatever errors I have committed, whatever follies I have witnessed in private and public life have been the consequence of action without thought.
Bernard Baruch
Man approaches the unattainable truth through a succession of errors.
Aldous Huxley
May God in his mercy enable us without obstinacy to perceive our errors.
Michael Servetus
Nothing is more intolerable than to have to admit to yourself your own errors.
Ludwig van Beethoven
I claim to be a simple individual liable to err like any other fellow mortal. I own, however, that I have humility enough in me to confess my errors and to retrace my steps.
Mahatma Gandhi
As long as Rupert Murdoch has owned it, the ‘New York Post’ has been defined by its shamelessness and total lack of interest in taking responsibility for its worst errors and poor judgment.
Alex Pareene
Since, therefore, no man is born without faults, and he is esteemed the best whose errors are the least, let the wise man consider everything human as connected with himself; for in worldly affairs there is no perfect happiness under heaven.
Giraldus Cambrensis
Indubitably, magic is one of the subtlest and most difficult of the sciences and arts. There is more opportunity for errors of comprehension, judgment and practice than in any other branch of physics.
Aleister Crowley
It's very rare to have a patient who isn't absolutely d

It’s very rare to have a patient who isn’t absolutely delighted when you say, ‘I read your feedback. The session didn’t go well. You actually got more upset, and I made about three really horrible errors.’ If you do that from the heart and not as a gimmick, boy, it’s a wonderful thing.
David D. Burns
It is better to destroy one’s own errors than those of others.
It there any nation that acknowledges its errors and its sins and its crimes and the things it has done that are not consistent with its principles more than the United States? No, there is not.
Bill Bennett
You can’t be afraid to make errors! You can’t be afraid to be naked before the crowd, because no one can ever master the game of baseball, or conquer it. You can only challenge it.
Lou Brock
Errors, to be dangerous, must have a great deal of truth mingled with them. It is only from this alliance that they can ever obtain an extensive circulation.
Sydney Smith
Europeans are easily offended by errors in their titles or full names. Their exasperation is equal to that shown by Americans when the department store fouls up their bills.
Letitia Baldrige
Conscience is the mirror of our souls, which represents the errors of our lives in their full shape.
George Bancroft
The errors in media polling rarely benefit a Republican.
Kellyanne Conway
I’m interested in the truth, and unauthorized biographies are not. Yes, I would like to correct those errors someday.
Barbra Streisand
Sometimes when you’re making more errors you want to pull back, but I just need to keep going forward.
Venus Williams
The people who come to work deserve to be paid properly, and there’s no excuse. I could understand someone making a small error, but sometimes people make systematic errors, and that’s not right.
Fred DeLuca
TCP works very hard to get the data delivered in order without errors and does retransmissions and recoveries and all that kind of stuff which is exactly what you want in a file transfer because so you don’t want any errors in your file.
Jon Postel
Twitter has stopped being a place where I could learn things I didn’t know, glean information that was free from errors about a breaking news story or engage in a discussion and be reasonably confident that people’s criticisms were in good faith.
Maggie Haberman
I cannot do everything right, I need to have the scope to make errors. This is normal, as in real life.
Mario Gotze
My personal history is strewn with massive errors in judgment. They’re all precious to me.
Owen King
These core principles – helping patients, preventing medical errors, promoting best practices and improving quality – are the reasons that health IT is featured in both the 2012 Republican platform and 2012 Democratic platform.
Sheldon Whitehouse
Reality show? You can’t find anything better than boxing because of the trials and errors, the ups and downs, the struggle when you get knocked down to get back up. Use it symbolically and interchangeably for life.
Don King
A lot of people have agencies to handle their social media, but I handle everything myself. That’s why there are a lot of grammatical errors. When I write, it’s all me!
Varun Dhawan
Personal responsibility is not only recognizing the errors of our ways. Personal responsibility lies in our willingness and ability to correct those errors individually and collectively.
Yehuda Berg
One of the things I wanted to do in the Department for Education was open up the policy making process and run things like wikis in open formats in order to a: start off with better ideas and then b: adapt to errors much faster than is possible with normal Whitehall systems.
Dominic Cummings
In the early 1970s, phone phreaks manipulated the long-distance system using blue boxes that they built from sketchy photocopied schematics that were often riddled with errors. Not many had the skill to do this. Phreaking was restricted to a select few.
Charles Platt
I always try to improve in every aspect and learn from my errors.
Claudio Bravo
The life of the individual is a continuous combat with errors and obstacles, and no victory is more satisfying than the one achieved against opposition.
Gustav Stresemann
No organization, whether it’s police or physicians or whatever, wants to have its errors held up to the light of day, but it’s wrong, as is coming out so well.
William P. Leahy
An intelligent person is never afraid or ashamed to find errors in his understanding of things.
Bryant H. McGill
The happiness of most people is not ruined by great catastrophes or fatal errors, but by the repetition of slowly destructive little things.
Ernest Dimnet
You’re going to make errors.
Alex Bregman
A basic truth that the history of the creation of the transistor reveals is that the foundations of transistor electronics were created by making errors and following hunches that failed to give what was expected.
William Shockley
The stream of time sweeps away errors, and leaves the truth for the inheritance of humanity.
Georg Brandes
I’m a common sense person who tries to analyze and I have to look at all sides of the issue because you don’t want software that only does something but doesn’t fix the other errors.
Jacky Rosen
During the two centuries since the publication of ‘The Wealth of Nations,’ the main activity of economists, it seems to me, has been to fill the gaps in Adam Smith’s system, to correct his errors and to make his analysis vastly more exact.
Ronald Coase
There is no shortage of embarrassing facts about health

There is no shortage of embarrassing facts about healthcare, and people die every day in the U.S. due to preventable errors – would you fly planes if you knew several of them would drop out of the sky every day?
Jaan Tallinn
Errors of taste are very often the outward sign of a deep fault of sensibility.
Jonathan Miller
Confession of errors is like a broom which sweeps away the dirt and leaves the surface brighter and clearer. I feel stronger for confession.
Mahatma Gandhi
It is easier to criticize than to correct our past errors.
I still like complete sentences that are grammatically correct without spelling errors. I don’t always achieve this, and it is irksome to read a message I have sent and discover errors. I know I often leave out words in e-mail, not by choice, but because of the way my brain works.
Ray Tomlinson
Don’t think about your errors or failures; otherwise, you’ll never do a thing.
Bill Murray
When computer systems cause errors, you can end up with The Dreaded NIGO – the ‘not in good order’ transaction.
Abigail Johnson
You have to surrender to a book. If you do, when something in it seems to be going askew, you are wounded. The more you have surrendered to a book, the more jarring its errors appear.
Robert Gottlieb
Issuing orders and circulars without errors and in the proper way is crucial for efficient administration. This is why the Secretariat Office Manual mandates scrutiny at different levels.
Pinarayi Vijayan
I am fully anticipating that something – perhaps many things – will not go according to plan on our actual wedding day. If some of the flowers are wilted, or there aren’t enough vegetarian meals, or the priest calls me the wrong name, I will embrace these errors.
Ellie Kemper
Football is a game of errors. You want to make your rivals commit them and to avoid them yourself.
Ernesto Valverde
It turns out synthesizing DNA is very difficult. There are tens of thousands of machines around the world that make small pieces of DNA – 30 to 50 letters in length – and it’s a degenerate process, so the longer you make the piece, the more errors there are.
Craig Venter
Love has no errors, for all errors are the want for love.
William Law
The scientific spirit is of more value than its products, and irrationally held truths may be more harmful than reasoned errors.
Thomas Huxley
Parading our own brilliance and exulting in other people’s errors is not very nice. For that matter, even wanting to parade our own brilliance and exult in other people’s errors is not very nice, although it is certainly very human.
Kathryn Schulz
Economists, like royal children, are not punished for their errors.
James Buchan
We’ve all heard that we have to learn from our mistakes, but I think it’s more important to learn from successes. If you learn only from your mistakes, you are inclined to learn only errors.
Norman Vincent Peale
I want to tell the story. Mostly, when you see rock movies, it has to be this over-the-top thing. I want to give people a Bret Michaels movie where they see that my life is a comedy of errors. I also want to show my fans how to get through the kind of troubles that would leave most people flat on the floor.
Bret Michaels
Errors of opinion may be tolerated where reason is left free to combat it.
Thomas Jefferson
Columnists must make sure that when they describe an event, they are being accurate in their description. When they quote someone, they are required to do so accurately. Errors that are made must be corrected openly and quickly.
Andrew Rosenthal
We’re under some gross misconception that we’re a good species, going somewhere important, and that at the last minute we’ll correct our errors and God will smile on us. It’s delusion.
Farley Mowat
Failure is not a single, cataclysmic event. You don’t fail overnight. Instead, failure is a few errors in judgement, repeated every day.
Jim Rohn
My failures have been errors in judgment, not of intent.
Ulysses S. Grant
Anything done in secret is more likely to result in terrible errors.
David Brin
Rather than engage in the sort of selective retention that so many investors tend to do and pretend mistakes never happened, I prefer to ‘own’ them. This allows me to learn from them and, with any luck, avoid making the same errors again.
Barry Ritholtz
Aquinas is worth reading. He has stood the test of time. And even where he errs, you can learn more from the errors of a great mind than you can learn from the truths of a small mind. You can see a whole lot farther standing on the shoulders of giants.
Norman Geisler
Whereas in the past optimism had been regarded as rather shallow – because ‘oh well, it’s just your temperament, you happen to be just a cheerful sort of person’ – what I wanted to do was to establish that in fact it is the pessimists who are allowing all kinds of errors to creep into their work.
Colin Wilson
I got so lonely in 2012 and I wasn’t playing drums. I thought I would just form my own band and play drums again. I think it was 2013 that we started looking for two other people and formed Day of Errors.
Bill Ward
Errors are not in the art but in the artificers.
Isaac Newton
An important finding is that by determining the genome sequences of an entire family, one can identify many DNA sequencing errors and thus greatly increase the accuracy of the data. This will ultimately help us understand the role of genetic variations in the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease.
Leroy Hood
There must be no barriers to freedom of inquiry. There is no place for dogma in science. The scientist is free, and must be free to ask any question, to doubt any assertion, to seek for any evidence, to correct any errors.
J. Robert Oppenheimer
Generally speaking, the errors in religion are dangerou

Generally speaking, the errors in religion are dangerous; those in philosophy only ridiculous.
David Hume
In physics we have developed models that are extremely accurate across vastly different scales from the sub-atomic to the visible universe. In politics we have bumbled along making the same sort of errors repeatedly.
Dominic Cummings
The simple reality of life is that everyone is wrong on a regular basis. By confronting these inevitable errors, you allow yourself to make corrections before it is too late.
Barry Ritholtz
While I have made errors that I deeply regret, I have never, ever done so with the intent of subverting the law or of benefiting myself.
Kevin Shelley
The Spirit works through community. Somebody will have a stupid, screwy idea. That’s okay. The point of having creeds and confessions and traditions is to keep us in touch with the obvious errors.
Eugene H. Peterson
The ideas which now pass for brilliant innovations and advances are in fact mere revivals of ancient errors, and a further proof of the dictum that those who are ignorant of the past are condemned to repeat it.
Henry Hazlitt