Top 99 Knowledgeable Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Knowledgeable Quotes from famous people such as Jose Marti, Johanna Konta, Joachim du Bellay, Amy Wax, Cenk Uygur, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

But when women are moved and lend help, when women, who

But when women are moved and lend help, when women, who are by nature calm and controlled, give encouragement and applause, when virtuous and knowledgeable women grace the endeavor with their sweet love, then it is invincible.
Jose Marti
I am getting better and more knowledgeable in how I hydrate and how I make my drinks and how I eat and things like that.
Johanna Konta
Happy the man who, like Ulysses, has made a fine voyage, or has won the Golden Fleece, and then returns, experienced and knowledgeable, to spend the rest of his life among his family.
Joachim du Bellay
Women, on average, are less knowledgeable than men. They’re less intellectual than men.
Amy Wax
Millennials are much more informed than they get credit for, and many are more politically knowledgeable than older generations.
Cenk Uygur
A final word: I am not knowledgeable about the internet. I do not have a computer. I guess that at 74 years of age, I don’t have the patience to learn.
David Wilkerson
If wives or girlfriends are knowledgeable about sports, it only benefits their relationships. It’s all about give-and-take negotiations, like saying, ‘I’ll see ‘Unforgiven’ if you’ll see ‘The Bridges of Madison County.’
Howie Long
I find that here in the States, audiences are generally less knowledgeable, from the cognitive point of view, though they are emotionally more receptive.
Archie Shepp
I find it difficult to turn down an entrepreneur who’s both passionate and knowledgeable about their space.
Adam Draper
I think talented people are priceless. And I think people that are knowledgeable and experienced – and I think there’s a balance of new talent and experience, which makes, I think, Estee Lauder really special.
Aerin Lauder
There is a huge fan base; they’re very knowledgeable and very loyal. I was astonished – before I started working on the series, I didn’t know anything about ‘Game of Thrones.’ I hadn’t heard of the books.
Charles Dance
I like Velvet Underground, but I was never really hardcore into them. I like them, and I like Nico, but I won’t front like I’m super knowledgeable. I just never got around to it.
Eric Andre
I think it reflects well on the state of animation that people are knowledgeable about it and love the fantasy and imagination that goes into it.
Bill Plympton
Besides numerous science courses, I had the opportunity to study philosophy, the history of architecture, economics, and Russian history in courses taught by extraordinarily knowledgeable professors.
Stanley B. Prusiner
Sometimes you get the rap of, ‘Don’t always play hard,’ or, ‘Just doing it for the money.’ But there are guys that genuinely love the game of basketball and are always playing it and are always out there. There are guys that work hard and actually understand the game and are very knowledgeable off the court as well.
Blake Griffin
The SAT is not perfect. We all know smart, knowledgeable people who do badly on standardized tests. But neither is it useless. SAT scores do measure both specific knowledge and valuable thinking skills.
Virginia Postrel
On Planet of the Apes, I had a very knowledgeable team who knew good materials, but I had one main source person who worked online and on the street continually looking for the proper materials.
Colleen Atwood
I’m always going to get more of a charge playing Chicago than I will Duluth or some place like that. Just because of the history and the people there are way more knowledgeable than a lot of other cities. It’s an amazing music scene with some great bands and great musicians.
Matt Cameron
I like to think I’m pretty close in comparison to Aaron Rodgers. He’s very athletic and gets the ball out quickly. He’s very knowledgeable of the game, controls the offense totally, and that’s something I try to do. Just know the offense inside and out.
Jimmy Garoppolo
I’m a cigar person, I don’t smoke one every day, but I used to smoke them, and I had my own cigar at one time. So, I’m fairly knowledgeable about that.
Frank Vincent
Being deeply knowledgeable on one subject narrows one’s focus and increases confidence, but it also blurs dissenting views until they are no longer visible, thereby transforming data collection into bias confirmation and morphing self-deception into self-assurance.
Michael Shermer
You always have to surround yourself with people that are more knowledgeable than you or are better at certain skill sets than you are, so they pull you up.
Trevor Bauer
As a general rule, when you comment on a blog, make it knowledgeable or witty and, most of all, relevant to that post – then, simply sign it with your name and your book title. Resist the urge to brag or sell your book.
M. J. Rose
Besides numerous science courses, I had the opportunity to study philosophy, the history of architecture, economics, and Russian history in courses taught by extraordinarily knowledgeable professors.
Stanley B. Prusiner
Tap dancing is like… it’s equivalent to music, not only for the African American community, but also for the world. Tap dancing is like language; it’s like air: it’s like everything else that we need in order to survive. I’m blessed and honored to be knowledgeable of the art form and to be a part of the art form.
Savion Glover
In Queen Mary’s, which was an all-girls’ college, I learned discipline, hard work and to be competitive. But at Madras Film Institute, I learned about the world, being free and knowledgeable, and thinking beyond oneself.
Suhasini Maniratnam
My high school teacher, Reggie Andrews, was a huge factor in my learning my instrument. He didn’t play bass, but it was the part where he gave me a knowledgeable perspective of what it was that I was doing.
The fans of New York are very knowledgeable about the game of basketball. They love their sports here.
Paul Pierce
Creating organizations that value a growth mindset can create contexts in which more people grow into the knowledgeable, visionary, and responsible leaders we need.
Carol S. Dweck
A friend introduced me to Bob Shaye. He was one of the most remarkable men I’ve ever met. He was a Fulbright scholar, an excellent chef, and very knowledgeable about the arts.
Wes Craven
You feel sometimes when you hear analysts and knowledgeable people talking about Iran that they fear so much about the survival of the regime, because deep down it’s not a legitimate regime, it doesn’t represent the will of the people, it’s kind of morphed into kind of a military theocracy.
Hillary Clinton
Boston has some of the best fans in any sport. They are

Boston has some of the best fans in any sport. They are very knowledgeable. They understand me. I was loved, embraced, and supported; what more can you ask for as an athlete?
Robert Parish
I readily admit I was not an expert on foreign policy but I was knowledgeable and I didn’t need a man who was the Vice President of the United States and my opponent turning around and putting me down.
Geraldine Ferraro
Being deeply knowledgeable on one subject narrows one’s focus and increases confidence, but it also blurs dissenting views until they are no longer visible, thereby transforming data collection into bias confirmation and morphing self-deception into self-assurance.
Michael Shermer
I love that Hillary actually cares enough about the issues to study them and listen to people who are affected by them. She’s gotta be one of the most knowledgeable and qualified people to ever run for president. She’s been a woman in the public eye for decades now.
Chrissy Teigen
When writing ‘Behind the Mask,’ I opened up on every level. Hopefully, even the more knowledgeable fans, who really know me, will be surprised when they read it.
Rey Mysterio
I noticed that this defense attorney is a very, very intelligent man, and he’s very cool and he’s very knowledgeable, and I think that personally I’d like to have an attorney like him.
Tommy Bond
In Queen Mary’s, which was an all-girls’ college, I learned discipline, hard work and to be competitive. But at Madras Film Institute, I learned about the world, being free and knowledgeable, and thinking beyond oneself.
Suhasini Maniratnam
You feel sometimes when you hear analysts and knowledgeable people talking about Iran that they fear so much about the survival of the regime, because deep down it’s not a legitimate regime, it doesn’t represent the will of the people, it’s kind of morphed into kind of a military theocracy.
Hillary Clinton
I happen to love Chase Daniel. I love his competitive zeal, how smart he is, how knowledgeable he is about the game.
John Dorsey
Any committee is only as good as the most knowledgeable, determined and vigorous person on it. There must be somebody who provides the flame.
Lady Bird Johnson
I think it reflects well on the state of animation that people are knowledgeable about it and love the fantasy and imagination that goes into it.
Bill Plympton
I find that here in the States, audiences are generally less knowledgeable, from the cognitive point of view, though they are emotionally more receptive.
Archie Shepp
If you are knowledgeable about something and are able to talk about it, you should be able to express yourself.
Jalen Rose
Siemens’ health care IT assets provide additional scale, R&D, an impressive client base, and knowledgeable and experienced associates who will help Cerner achieve our plans for the next decade.
Neal Patterson
We’re learning the business, meeting people we need to know, getting knowledgeable about our craft.
Lauren Jauregui
Training with Billy Robinson is just like any martial artist who would go to the old master of the art. He’s so knowledgeable.
Shayna Baszler
For every job you require a kind of mindset. To be a teacher one should be knowledgeable. To be a software engineer you should know computer data system analysis, computer language etc. So, my mindset is not aligned with politics.
Sudha Murty
David Mamet was great to work with. He was everything that I thought he would be as a director. He’s incredibly articulate, an easy collaborator. Extraordinarily knowledgeable about film and writing.
Chiwetel Ejiofor
Women, on average, are less knowledgeable than men. They’re less intellectual than men.
Amy Wax
Thanks to secondary education and the Internet, we’re all knowledgeable now – if knowledge means the accumulation of facts. Curators are those who know how to maneuver around that knowledge.
Peter Greenaway
I would rather be ignorant than knowledgeable of evils.
I am one of millions who have been treated for depression and gotten well; I was lucky enough to have a psychiatrist well versed in using lithium and knowledgeable about my illness, and who was also an excellent psychotherapist.
Kay Redfield Jamison
Women are so strong and knowledgeable. You know, instead of competing with each other, I would love to complete each other. Take away that wall of competition and say, ‘Hey, let’s just all get together and help each other be brilliant.’
Marie Osmond
There are a lot of directors who are knowledgeable about images, and others who aren’t.
Conrad Hall
My mother was religious; she was knowledgeable about mythology and scriptures; she could tell the metaphysical nuances and make the story come to life with their deeper significance. The current generation is missing out on this.
Vilayanur S. Ramachandran
Obviously, that off-the-ice battle I went through, plus injuries I came back from, I always felt the fans are really knowledgeable there and respected and appreciated guys that gave whatever they had and guys that fought through things.
Saku Koivu
Even with the best of intentions, even when they’re very smart and knowledgeable – as opposed to George W., who is neither – it doesn’t seem to matter.
Robert Scheer
I studied history when I was at school, at A-level, actually. I wouldn’t profess to being very knowledgeable though, no.
Kit Harington
A different demographic of people watch NXT compared to Raw and Smackdown; NXT is followed by the real knowledgeable, hardcore internet audience, whereas the main shows have a more family feel.
I’m not a knowledgeable comic fanatic, as a lot of other people are.
Nicolas Winding Refn
Valentine’s Day is a perfect time to reject the idea that the ideal man is taller, richer, more knowledgeable, more renowned, or more powerful.
Stephanie Coontz
I divide criticism into two categories - one coming fro

I divide criticism into two categories – one coming from those who understand music, who are worthy of being critical because they are knowledgeable about what they are saying; and then there is another category of people who would criticise you anyway, whether your work is good or bad.
A. R. Rahman
I had an inspirational teacher at my junior school: Peter Nixon. He was enthusiastic, knowledgeable and slightly scary – a good combination for a teacher.
Stephen Mangan
A knowledgeable and courageous U.S. president could help enormously in leading the world’s nations toward saving the climate.
Donella Meadows
Now is the most exciting time in fashion. Women are controlling their destiny now, the consumer is more knowledgeable, and I have to be better every single day.
Oscar de la Renta
I find it difficult to turn down an entrepreneur who’s both passionate and knowledgeable about their space.
Adam Draper
It is a knowledgeable crowd at Old Trafford and they will also tell you when you are not bowling well.
James Anderson
One of the eternal mysteries of ballet is how untalented choreographers find backers for their work, and then find good dancers to perform in it. Is it irresistible charm? Chutzpah? Pure determination? Blackmail? Or are so many supposedly knowledgeable people just plain blind?
Robert Gottlieb
The SAT is not perfect. We all know smart, knowledgeable people who do badly on standardized tests. But neither is it useless. SAT scores do measure both specific knowledge and valuable thinking skills.
Virginia Postrel
School is supposed to civilise us, to tame our wilder instincts and teach us how to be more sensible, more knowledgeable, and cleverer.
Victoria Coren Mitchell
Coach Blatt is very, very knowledgeable about the game. And it just goes to show you that no matter where you’re at, he knows as much about basketball as anyone. You learn a lot from him. And he’s a very charming guy, very personable. He’s pretty funny, too.
Joe Harris
I’m very knowledgeable of the challenges before me.
Cory Booker
I demand that my books be judged with utmost severity, by knowledgeable people who know the rules of grammar and of logic, and who will seek beneath the footsteps of my commas the lice of my thought in the head of my style.
Louis Aragon
I am knowledgeable enough about the world of prizes to realize that there is a large degree of luck – both for the recognitions that you receive and those that you did not.
Howard Gardner
Committed partisans are generally the most knowledgeable voters, independents the least. And the more political knowledge people have, the more apt they are to discuss politics with people who agree with, and reinforce, them.
George Will
Bill Clinton was one of the greatest presidents that we’ve seen. He was involved in the peace process in the very beginning, and he not only showed himself to be knowledgeable about Irish history and Irish-British relationships, but also he was very sympathetic to the idea of resolving conflict.
Martin McGuinness
I have an incredible amount of basketball knowledge, and I think a lot of that is derived from having a Hall of Fame college basketball coach who was very knowledgeable of the game and I had a great high school coach who was also very knowledgeable.
Alonzo Mourning
I divide criticism into two categories – one coming from those who understand music, who are worthy of being critical because they are knowledgeable about what they are saying; and then there is another category of people who would criticise you anyway, whether your work is good or bad.
A. R. Rahman
My mother was religious; she was knowledgeable about mythology and scriptures; she could tell the metaphysical nuances and make the story come to life with their deeper significance. The current generation is missing out on this.
Vilayanur S. Ramachandran
I like Velvet Underground, but I was never really hardcore into them. I like them, and I like Nico, but I won’t front like I’m super knowledgeable. I just never got around to it.
Eric Andre
David Mamet was great to work with. He was everything that I thought he would be as a director. He’s incredibly articulate, an easy collaborator. Extraordinarily knowledgeable about film and writing.
Chiwetel Ejiofor
Siemens’ health care IT assets provide additional scale, R&D, an impressive client base, and knowledgeable and experienced associates who will help Cerner achieve our plans for the next decade.
Neal Patterson
Thanks to secondary education and the Internet, we’re all knowledgeable now – if knowledge means the accumulation of facts. Curators are those who know how to maneuver around that knowledge.
Peter Greenaway
A challenge always is good. Normal design does not come under the constraints of a small budget and time frame. But it has helped me to make quick and knowledgeable decisions.
Douglas Wilson
I think it’s an unbelievable responsibility to our sport, coaching in New York, because the fans are probably the most knowledgeable, or as knowledgeable as any team in the League.
Larry Brown
I made an enjoyable living as a very young man, but I think as I became more comfortable and knowledgeable about myself and what I wanted, I moved into acting.
Miguel Ferrer
I think Bob Costas is terrific. He’s so knowledgeable. He can talk about any subject, not just sports.
Jim McKay
I am not as knowledgeable about the struggle for gay rights, for our history, the way some of my castmates or other gay men I know are.
Antoni Porowski
As a general rule, when you comment on a blog, make it knowledgeable or witty and, most of all, relevant to that post – then, simply sign it with your name and your book title. Resist the urge to brag or sell your book.
M. J. Rose
Not only am I knowledgeable and have a good friend base who can pitch in when I need them, and daughters, but I can afford to pay the people.
Michelle Lujan Grisham
I love running in Europe, man, running at places like Zurich and Crystal Palace where the crowd is so knowledgeable and appreciative.
Maurice Greene
There is a huge fan base; they’re very knowledgeable and very loyal. I was astonished – before I started working on the series, I didn’t know anything about ‘Game of Thrones.’ I hadn’t heard of the books.
Charles Dance
Any committee is only as good as the most knowledgeable

Any committee is only as good as the most knowledgeable, determined and vigorous person on it. There must be somebody who provides the flame.
Lady Bird Johnson
Andy Stasiuk was a newsman of the old school of front-page journalism – tough, knowledgeable, cynical, single-minded and fun. He covered the news as a happy warrior in an era of cutthroat editorial competition.
Donald Newhouse
What we’re looking for at my school is intellectuals. People who want to talk about the art and be knowledgeable about it. People who want to know the history. Not everybody needs to be performing.
Savion Glover
Millennials are much more informed than they get credit for, and many are more politically knowledgeable than older generations.
Cenk Uygur
Hillary Clinton is a centrist Democrat who is more hawkish than President Obama and far more principled and knowledgeable about foreign affairs than Trump, who is too unstable and erratic to be entrusted with the nuclear triad he has never heard of.
Max Boot
I’m not that knowledgeable with the guitar – I just find ways that are pretty creative, but it’s all within the framework and the limitations of what I can do.
Lindsey Buckingham